Other Background noise when you write or no?


New Member
Me personally? I find that background noise is great for my muse. I need either some type of music or at least the TV on low. However! That doesn't mean I like to be stuck in a room with people chattering around me, that's the one background noise I can't deal with.
YES. It's absolutely required for me. Even as I write this comment I'm sitting in a public place mostly cuz I love the background noise. Writing in a quiet room is honestly wierd for me, just can't do it.
YES. It's absolutely required for me. Even as I write this comment I'm sitting in a public place mostly cuz I love the background noise. Writing in a quiet room is honestly wierd for me, just can't do it.
Am the same way. I have to put the TV on or youtube SOMETHING in order to get some writing done for myself! Am slack am laying in bed with the TV on right now. So be proud your dressed and orderly for public display!
On the other boat here. I have no problems writing with music or some background noise but if its up to me I would rather do it in a quiet room alone. Helps me place the scene Im writing about in my head.
Depends on my mood really, I like having some form of sound, however it also easily distracts me.
I can never work in complete silence. It would drive me insane. I hate being in silence in general. I'll usually just listen to some music, and the tv is mostly always on, on a low volume. I like the background noise.
Listening to music, for me, is the best way for the mind to think of different things for an RP. Depending on the song, the sound and lyrics help motivate what I want to write/say.
Can't stand it. I usually need silence to be able to write. Sometimes I might listen to music, but even then it just distracts me
Depends on my mood, I believe. Often times I'll put on some music and try to write but just end up getting distracted and have to turn it off; other times I have to put on some quiet background music to set the mood for a scene.
I can't have the TV on when I'm trying to write, but I definitely put on music to help me write. Sometimes it just hypes me up too much and makes the actual act of writing difficult but that's how I know I'm having a real good time.
Absolutely. Usually music. I am very easily excited and a very hyper person much of the time, so I often need something to keep me in the seated, focused position. Once in that position, I'm very good at concentrating on multiple things and blitzing work.
I'm a huge fan of ambient noise and video game music. I have specific playlists for specific parts of specific projects. Appropriate noise and music just gets my heart pumping with inspiration and a love of writing.
I generally have music playing in the background that is inspiring to me. If it can't give me any inspiration it just gets distracting.
I hate having background music as the TV or the radio. But I can get on board with music, of course, usually with no vocals (which is great anyways!), but I can also do it without music or with vocals, it just depends on what I want at a specific time.
Absolutely not. I'm too easily distracted. I need it to be completely silent when I write. Doesn't matter if its for school, work, or pleasure. I need quiet.
Well, music helps me a lot when drawing or writing, but listening to music with singing can sometimes be distracting. Other sound like speaking or some small noises usually distaract me the most and at some point make me lose my mind... the only speaking that doesn't make me lose my mind is when somebody speaks in a video, and it usually is nice to listen to some video while draving on computer.
I definitely like for music to 'set the mood', but TV tends to distract me. My writing style actually moves around with what I'm listening to, so I'm not sure how I feel about that.
On most days, I mute all background sound with music, but there are occasions that I will play audios of crackling fire or sprinkling rain to release tension. Absolute silence somehow hypnotizes me into the belief that somebody knows my thoughts? Like, my storytelling will be robbed? It's weird.

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