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Fantasy Back in Time | IC [CLOSED]



Writer Extraordinaire



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I glanced upwards, towards where I knew my friends were screaming, crying for me. Towards where I knew they were crying and screaming the loudest of them all. They didn't want to believe this was happening. That I was falling with a sad smile on my face as I held the ticking thing in my hands. Bomb. My mind provided me. I was holding a bomb. I didn't want to leave. Not like this. Not again. Again? Wasn't this the first time? I fell farther and farther away from the dragon that was carrying my friends away then pain exploded all around me. And suddenly I felt cold, wet... Wet?

"Ah! That's fucking cold!" an Egyptian male with blood-red hair and bright green eyes shouted as he shot up from his bed only to hit his head against the bottom of the top bunk.

"Should've woken up," an African Amerian person said. They had bright pink eyes and short poofy brown hair. They wore a female school uniform which consisted of a navy blue skirt, white knee-high socks, black flats, and a white button-up dress shirt with a plaid red and black tie.

"Not cool Soren," The redhead huffed at them.

"You need to get dressed, you'll be late. I'm your best friend so it's my duty to wake you up idiot," Soren said with a roll of their eyes.

"What are you leaning today Soren? Gender wise and animal wise," Ryu said as he started to get dressed in the male uniform which the same as the female one just with black slacks instead of a skirt. "Ferret and non-binary," Soren replied. "But I'm feeling... feeling... feeling... word... I need the word...." What was the word? They could feel their instincts starting to take over. Starting to make them forget how to speak. It was a struggle for them.

"Feminine, that's the word," Ryu told him gently.

"Yes, that," Soren nodded. Soren glitched out his appearance changed. They looked haggard. Older. Worn. But there was a kindness in their eyes as they looked at Ryu. A happy smile on their face. "Thank you Ryu I appreciate it. I know I don't say that often enough but you mean a lot to me, you truly are my best friend."

"What... why are you...?" Ryu looked so confused as Soren returned to normal.

"Why am I what? You okay?" Soren asked.

"Yeah, sorry Soren," Ryu told them. "I think I'm just tired."

"I wish I... I...." Soren searched for the word they were thinking of. It was one of those days. Some days were worse than others in terms of if they could overcome their instincts or not. If they could remember how to talk. It was easier with animals like dogs or cats who were really smart. But harder with animals like mice who had weren't overly smart. Soren glitched out again. Holding his stomach. There was so much blood. "I wish I could see you beat that smug asshole to a bloody pulp."

Ryu screamed, backing into the wall. His pupils were dilated. His breathing picked up as he stared at Soren. The blood was gone but... he couldn't get the image out of his head. There was so much fucking blood. He's had a fear of blood for as long- no that's not right is it? He didn't think it was right... When did the fear of blood start? Did it start when he was little? No... he didn't think that was it... Then how did it...?

"Ryu, Ryu look at me, breathe," Soren said as they took his hands. Calming him down. Ryu frequently had anxiety attacks so Soren was al- No, that wasn't right. He never had an anxiety attack before today. What the hell was he thinking. "Everything is okay. You are okay. I am okay. I'm not bleeding. I'm fine, see?" Did he say that out loud? Did he mention the blood out loud?

"Did I mention the blood thing?" Ryu asked Soren as he calmed down.

"Yeah, you just kept repeating it. You must really need sleep if you're seeing things like that," Soren frowned in worry. "Not to mention the anxiety attack. You've never had one of those before. I know you don't suffer from them. You would have told me. Let's get you to the school doctor."

"Alright," Ryu nodded as Soren lead him to the office of their onsite doctor.

Ianthe scowled when they walked into the hallway "What the hell Ushima? It's too early for this shit"

"Ryu just had a... a.... it was a.... word... a word... where he hyperventilated. His pupils dilated," Soren told her. "I'm taking him to the doctor."

"Panic attack" She frowns "Want me to tag along?"

"I do... I don't know what is wrong with me but I would love to have both my best friends with me," Ryu told them both. The three of them were like the three musketeers. They were inseparable. Even if Ianthe could be a bit standoffish at times. She was his best friend along with Soren. They treated him like a glass doll sometimes because of his powerless status though. It annoyed him sometimes. It was worse when the teachers did it. After all, this was a school for warriors. All of them would go into some fighting job or having to deal with weapons. Most of them would also go into a college that only furthered this too.

She nods to the redhead “let’s get going then”

Soren lead them to the doctor, knocking on the door and getting a come in from the man. "Hey doc," Ryu said with a wave.

"Ignore Ryu's attitude. Ry just had a panic attack," Soren told him.

“What happened?”

"I don't know," Ryu admitted. "I just was seeing things because I was so tired and I freaked out because of it... I saw Soren bleeding and..." Ryu ran a hand through his hair, a nervous tick of his. Trying to calm himself down. He wouldn't think about it. He couldn't. "I freaked out."

He frowns and nods a little “has this happened before?”

"No, I don't... maybe? I don't really know," Ryu admitted. He couldn't remember. It felt like it had but... It hadn't, why did he feel like it had? Ryu didn't really understand.

"It hasn't," Soren said. "We've known each other since we were babies. The three of us had. Ryuto has never... never... never um... had.... a... a... Ianthe, what was the word again?"

“Panic attack” The doctor nods and starts preparing a drink “any idea what triggered the image itself?”

"No, I have no idea," Ryu told him.

He nods "Drink this. It should help”

"What does it do?" Ryu asked as he took the drink and drank it.

“Calms the nerves”

"Does it do anything else?" Ryu asked, curious.

“Not really. I don’t want you to be drowsy during the day”

"I guess we should head to class now then?" Ryu asked his friends.

"Are you going to be okay?" Soren asked.

"I am," Ryu nodded. "It was probably just a one-time thing."

Ianthe nods doubtfully

"I'll be fine Ianthe. It was probably nothing," Ryu said as they walked.

She nods but keeps an eye on him

"You're being overprotective again," Ryu sighed.

"We're just worried about you Ryu," Soren told him with a sigh. Ianthe nods in agreement

"I'm fine. You don't have to be worried," Ryu says to them as he opens the door to the classroom. They weren't that far from it after all.

“Too late” she mutters to Soren softly

"We'll keep an eye on him," Soren whispered to her. She nods

"Let's get to our seats," Ryu said.

She does and sits, rocking back in her chair slightly. Soren and Ryu sit on either side of her. Ianthe sighs as they wait for the teacher.

"So now we wait for the teacher then," Ryu commented. Ianthe nods

Des walks in, brushing hair out of his face and sits down in his usual spot near the window

Ryu's eyes follow him. Unable to keep his eyes off him. He was so cute. Too cute honestly. But Ryu was never able to work up the courage to even talk to him. Life just wasn't fair. Ryu sighed. "Why does he have to be so cute," Ryu whispered miserably to his best friends.

“Not my personal taste” Ianthe doesn’t whisper, her eyes flicking to him

"Ianthe!" Ryu hissed. "Don't speak so loud!"
"You should talk to him," Soren commented.
"No, I shouldn't. Why would he want to talk to the powerless kid?" Ryu asked.

“You’re the one drawing attention not me” she smirks “and he’s never seemed to mind before”

"Everyone minds it," Ryu sighed. "I'm better off just not talking to him. What's on today's agenda anyway?"

“The history of the Friedrich empire” Des drawls, not looking up from his book

Ryu turned as red as his hair as he realised Des could hear him. Fuck. No, this was how his life ended. Just like this. Soren was laughing their ass off. Ryu glared at them. Why didn't they warn him?!

Ianthe snickers Des continues “I feel insulted that you think I would judge someone on their power or lack thereof” most people didn’t like his and gave him a wide berth.

"I didn't mean to insult you..." Ryu says softly. "I just... I'm used to everyone treating me differently because of it. I'm sorry Des."

“It’s alright” he also speaks softly. “And there’s nothing wrong with not having one”

"Sometimes I feel like people think it's the end of the world because I don't have powers," Ryu said softly.

“It’s not. Most people rarely use their powers for anything meaningful” Ianthe bristles

"I don't think you should really say that," Ryu winced.

He shrugs “what use is mine but in battle? The dead don’t speak and I have no desire to fight. I will likely never use mine unless I have to”

"I want to be a retainer to Ianthe so I have to learn how to fight. Both me and Soren want to be her retainers so the three of us can be together forever," Ryu said.

“That’s honorable. But you don’t need a power for that. You just need to be able to negate the advantages a power gives”

"I know, I'm actually pretty strong. Regardless of how the teacher treats me. I've been learning about poisons and things and been making my own that can paralyze someone or something like that. I have my own greenhouse attached to my room. You know it's my special room," Ryu said. Every student had an extra room that was made for their powers or as a weapon room or something special like that. Ryu's was a greenhouse and Soren's was an illusion room that felt real. He could make it into a forest or an ocean or whatever he needed for the animal he was leaning that day.

“Your special room hmm?” His voice takes on an odd lilt, almost teasing.

"That's not what I meant!" Ryu said, turning beat red. Oh, gods. He really only just realised how that sounded. Fuck.


Ianthe is trying not to laugh

"What?" Why was it a pity? Did Des want to see a room with sex toys or something?


Ianthe sighs “I think it was more than that it was your room that had it than the contents” “Perhaps”

"Why would he be interested in my room though?" Ryu asked, confused.

Ianthe groans and Soren laughs softly

Des just gives him a look and shakes his head playfully.

"I don't understand..." Ryu said confused.

“Soren? Explain it to him” Ianthe sighs

"I don't know, might be fun to leave him in ignorance," Soren grinned.

"What are you talking about Soren?" Ryu asked, confused.

"Des likes you back and wants to have sex with you. Him asking was him suggesting that," Soren explained.

"He... Um... what?" Ryu was blushing like mad

Des smirks a little bit doesn’t say anything

"Do you... Do you really...?" Ryu questioned.

His image flickers and he’s smirking at Ryu, looking up at him while he’s on his knees, “so eager little fox. Next one is in my mouth though” Des just quirks a brow “a little thick aren’t you?” He glitches again and this time he’s on top of Ryu “so big. So thick in me. Split me open Ryu”

Ryu let out a squeak as he blushed. Fuck. What was that? What the fuck was that?! Why the fuck did it feel so real. Why the fuck did his dick still feel like it was inside of him?! Why did it still feel wet? Why was his whole body now fucking aching for Des to get inside him?! What the fuck was happening?!

“Ryu?” He frowns “are you alright?”

Ianthe is also watching him worriedly

"I'm fine!" Ryu squeaks, his voice extremely high pitched. Soren was barely holding in his laughter. He noticed Ryu's little problem and found it hilarious.

Ianthe notices not much later “maybe go take care of that?”

"Ianthe!" Ryu shouted, mortified. Then he froze even farther when he realised he just shouted. The whole class could hear him. Well, that's it. He was dead. He was so fu- Ryu screamed in pain as he grasped his abdomen. Ryu's hand glitched out slightly to his eyes, he saw it coated with blood as he lifted it from there. It was hard to breathe "Ryu!" Soren shouted, worried about their friend as he fell to the ground, looking at his hand in horror. What did Ryu see? Why was he freaking out?

Des is watching interestingly and Ianthe rushes to his side

"I can't... I can't," Ryu gasps for air, trying to stop the blood in his abdomen. What happened? Why was he bleeding? What was going on? Soren looked worried about their friend, unsure what to do as they rushed over. Soren's form glitched out. "At... At least we're dying together... huh?" Soren said, coughing up blood. They were coated in blood themselves, lying beside Ryu. "S-Soren?" Ryu asked, worried. Ryu reached out his hand to him. His hand wasn't coated in blood anymore. It was back to normal. Soren was back to normal. What the fuck was going on with him?!

“Ryu” Des crouches over him and takes his hand and puts it on his chest “breathe with me. Focus on that”

Ryu takes a deep breath, focusing on Des. He was fine. Everything was fine. There was no blood. There was nothing. He was fine.

“I’m taking him to the nurse” Des hauls him up

"We'll go with you!" Soren said.

"I'm fine," Ryu said. "It was nothing." It was not anything but they didn't need to know that.

“Are you sure?”

"Yeah, I just thought I saw a spider, I'm terrified of spiders," Ryu lied. Gods he sounded pathetic. But the last thing he needed was for them to know he was hallucinating.

Ianthe gives him a look

"What? It's true! I just never told you before!" Ryu blushed.

She drops it but doesn’t believe him.

Ryu goes back to his desk. "So the teacher sure is taking a while to get here huh?"

Ianthe nods a little

A teacher comes in “class is cancelled. All of you need to go back to your rooms now”

"What? Why?" Ryu asked, surprised.

“Just go. The headmaster will explain later”

Ryu frowned as he heard that. Why would the headmaster cancel class? "Something's wrong," Ryu said. He had a bad feeling about this. Ianthe nods in agreement.

"We should find out what's wrong," Ryu said.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea” Des frowns

"Why not?" Ryu asked.

"I'm with... with um.... how...." Soren frowned, trying to figure out how to say Des's name again.

“Des” he says gently “and because if it is bad, the last thing the teachers should be distracted by are students”

"I still think we should," Ryu said. "I think we shouldn't," Soren said. "What do you think Ianthe?"

“Maybe we don’t go to our rooms to find out, and just get somewhere high and have a look around?”

"And if we don't see anything we go to our rooms, how does that sound?" Ryu said. Ianthe nods. Des still looks very worried

"We'll be fine, come on," Ryu said.

“Me?” Des asks

"Yeah, we're all going," Ryu told him.

He will follow them

"Let's see if we can figure out what's going on," Ryu said as he looked around. He was on the highest point in the school.

Ryu's eyes widened as he saw tons of soldiers roaming around the school, grabbing any staff member they could find. Rounding them up.

"This all of them?" The lead soldier asked and the others nodded. "Good. We're taking over this school. Teaching the kids here a new curriculum. They serve the Glacian empire now."

"And why exactly have you gathered us up?" Asked a nervous teacher.

"To let you know if you don't fall in line you'll end up like your dear old headmaster," The leader said as he threw the headless body of the headmaster forward. Ryu felt like he was going to be sick. The headmaster's body glitched out along with the teachers. He was in the group now and they were... they were being burnt alive. Their screams... Ryu covered his ears, falling to the ground with a whimper. What the fuck?! What was going on with him?!

Des tugs him away “don’t look”

"I have to look," Ryu argued, he had to make sure they weren't really... they weren't really... really burning alive. Ryu took a look over and sighed in relief. It was only the headmaster's headless body. They weren't burning alive. That still made him feel sick but... that was much worse.

“We need to get out of here” Ianthe glares at the men below

"Yeah," Ryu agreed. "Do you guys know any secret passages perhaps?"
"No, why would we?" Soren asked before they glitched out again. "Yeah, I do but... You can't tell anyone about it... I... I kind of decorated a little room in it... It's embarrassing... But it's also a dead-end, good for hiding away though..."

"So you know a dead end but nothing else, great," Ryu sighed.

"I didn't say that," Soren said, confused. "I never found any secret passages Ryu, are you okay? I could make you feel so much better Ryu~" Soren glitched out again, this time they were very naked. And also very horny. They were all over Ryu. Their hands down his pants, stroking his dick. Causing Ryu's breath to hitch. He didn't think Soren was in heat already. Soren knew very well he wasn't attracted to them like that.

"S-Soren, stop," Ryu said as he pushed at air...? What the fuck was going on with him?! Soren looked at Ianthe, looking very worried about Ryu.


"I'm sorry guys, I think I'm just really tired or something, I don't know what is going on with me," Ryu said softly

Ianthe nods worriedly “are you okay to run? We really need to get going, but I can carry you if you’re not doing okay”

"I'm fine, I just thought I saw something," Ryu said. "I'm good to run."
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