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One x One β π›πšπœπ€ 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 ❞ [cs]



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
[div class=bg] [div class=hands][/div] [div class=title]back from the edge.[/div] [div class=title1]weldherwings x i.evie[/div] [/div] [class=bg]width:100%; height:350px; background-color:#ffd8d8; position:relative; margin:auto[/class] [class=hands] height:300px; width:491px; background:url(https://i.imgur.com/pAhCq6y.png); background-size:cover; margin:auto;[/class] [class=title]height:50px; width:355px; color:white; margin:auto; margin-top:-170px; font-size:40px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #9e9c9c;[/class] [class=title1]height:20px; width:140px; color:white; margin:auto; margin-top:130px; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:1px; font-family:Karla;[/class]
[div class=bg] [div class=name]rohan.[/div] [div class=name2]rohan liu[/div] [div class=main] [div class="tabContents tabContents01 show"][div class=tab1pic][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents02"][div class=tab2pic][/div]
[div class=info]Rohan Liu
[div class=info]Liu Renshu (刘仁术)
[div class=info]twenty one years old
[div class=info]twenty sixth of december
[div class=info]chinese/taiwanese
[div class=info]english, mandarin, thai + korean
[div class=info]born in xi’an, china
[div class=info]fc: lucas wong
[/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents03"][div class=tab3pic][/div]
[div class=info2]caramel hair
[div class=info2]black eyes
[div class=info2]183 cm
[div class=info2]65 kg
[div class=info2]mesomorph
[div class=info2]olive skin
[div class=info2]ears pierced
[/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents04"][div class="scroll"][div class=h1]traits.[/div] [div class=h2]pros + cons.[/div]
[div class=h1]+.
[div class=h2]pros.[/div][/div]
Hardworking, respectful, honest, friendly, gentle. Rohan was always taught by his mother to treat others the way you wish to be treated. That everyone has their own battles and we should respect that. Because of that, he seeks to be a gentle, hardworking and respectful friend and worker to all. He strives to befriend others, with the hope that he could somehow make their days better. And if someone was to ask for his honest opinion, he'll sure as hell give it to them.
[div class=h1]-.
[div class=h2]cons.[/div][/div]
Anxious, impulsive, faithless, cowardly, fearful.. A lot of Rohan's negative traits come are sourced from his father's behaviour. He's anxious, cowardly and fearful around his father or even just thinking about the man. After many years of being with him, there are times where Rohan struggles to find a reason to keep going. He doesn't see a light at the end of the tunnel, and that one day his father will eventually end up killing him through his actions. Due to this 'i'm probably going to die' attitude, he tends to make rather impulsive decisions in life. .
[div class=h1]spare time.[/div] [div class=h2]likes + hobbies.[/div] Playing basketball, boxing, playing the piano (his mother taught him as a child), singing, reading comic books, playing video games, cooking, laying in bed until the afternoon (which rarely ever happens due to his busy university schedule), attending university (currently studying his Bachelor in Education to be a school teacher), exploring. [div class=h1]background.[/div] [div class=h2]three main events.[/div]
[div class=h1]1.
[div class=h2]#one.[/div][/div]At the age of six, Rohan and his family moved from Xi’an, China, to Seoul, South Korea due to his father’s job opportunity. Upon arriving in Korea, he was often questioned about his ethnicity by the other children and adults. Random strangers on the street would comment how β€˜adorable’ he looked while the children around his neighbourhood would make fun of him for being Asian but going to an international school. He was too Asian to be in an international school, but apparently too white to go to a Korean school. Even though came from a Chinese/Thai background, he was often mistaken for a Korean American.

[div class=h1]2.
[div class=h2]#two.[/div][/div]At the age of twelve, his mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. She spent up to two years attending chemotherapy and radiation treatment, along with numerous surgeries. All the while, she still cared for her children and husband as if nothing happened. But a few days shy of Chuseok, her battle came to an end and she passed away with her family by her side. Rohan had been fourteen years old as he watched his mother die right before him. The person that laid in the bed before him, attached to all those tubes and machines, wasn’t the same person that he remembered her. She was motionless and had a dry death rattle. For Rohan, his mother had always been the happy, extroverted woman who made the world shine with her smile. And that’s how he wanted to remember her.

[div class=h1]3.
[div class=h2]#three.[/div][/div]After the death of his mother, Rohan began to notice a change in his father. He began to drink more and he quit his job. They ended up moving to a much cheaper neighbourhood in which they had to move schools for. It wasn’t until after Rohan’s fifteenth birthday that he came to the realisation that his father had slowly turned into an alcoholic. He was using the little money they had to buy drinks rather than pay for food or the bills. Rohan saw it as his responsibility to get a part time job to help with the bills for the house, and so he and his little brother could eat on the daily basis.

Once his father discovered that Rohan had been working, he was furious. He felt as if his own son thought that he was incapable of caring for his children and it hurt his pride. That was the first night his father laid a hand on him. It wouldn’t be the last night either. Rohan spent most of his teenage years trying to protect his little brother from their father.

Eventually, someone noticed the cuts and bruises on the boys. Rohan was nineteen at the time while Jaime was thirteen. Due to his age, Jaime was taken by child protection and put into foster care, and then adopted. And as Rohan was technically seen as an adult, he was left to do what ever he pleased. And even though his father was alcoholic, he wanted to ensure that he was cared for. He was willing to go through the hitting, spitting and kicking just to make sure that his father was safe in bed at the end of the night. [div class=h1]relationships.[/div] [div class=h2]important people.[/div]
[div class=h1]father.
[div class=h2]tao liu.[/div][/div]Tao is a very proud man. When they moved to Korea, he had been working in Samsung as a manager in the sales department. But when his wife became sick, he sadly decided to bury himself in work rather than deal with the illness that was taking over her body. As she passed away, he realised what a horrible mistake he had made and slowly turned to alcohol to comfort him. Rohan tries his hardest to respect and care for his father, even though Tao will often lash out on him even when he’s only trying to do what’s right and good for Tao.

[div class=h1]mother.
[div class=h2]Sudarat liu.[/div][/div]To Rohan, Sudarat was perfect. She was the most amazing human being, mother and best friend he could ever ask for. From a young age, she taught him all the important things in life; how to cook, sew, play piano, look after your taxes. She was absolutely amazing. So, when she passed away, Rohan was an emotional wreck. If there was one thing he could wish for in life, would be the opportunity to say goodbye to her properly; to say goodbye to the mother he remembered, not the one connected to machines in the hospital.

[div class=h1]brother.
[div class=h2]Jaime liu.[/div][/div]It has been over two years since he had last seen his little brother. Jaime and Rohan were inseparable and did everything together. The five year age gap was perfect for them as Rohan would often spend time caring for his little brother. He loved playing with him and teaching him new things. When child protection services took him away, Rohan was heartbroken. He tried everything in his power to get his brother back, but he was quickly adopted by a couple in another town. The agency refuses to release any information to Rohan in regards to the whereabouts of his little brother. 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coded by weldherwings
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height: 100%; left: 72px; color: var(--text-color);"][/div] [div class=line style="width: 2px; height: 100%; left: 87px; color: var(--text-color);"][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle1 tab"][div class="linehover linehover1 hidden"]basics[/div][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle2 tab"][div class="linehover linehover2 hidden"]persona[/div][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle3 tab"][div class="linehover linehover3 hidden"]background[/div][/div] [div class="circlepic linecircle linecircle4 tab"][div class="linehover linehover4 hidden"]relationships[/div][/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent1"]basics.[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent2 hidden"]persona.[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent3 hidden"]background.[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent4 hidden"]relationships[/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent1"][div class=text][div class=tag]name:[/div] Mikeala Ryu Joo Yeon [div class=tag]age:[/div] 32 [div class=tag]gender:[/div] Female [div class=tag]sexuality:[/div] Mostly Heterosexual
[div class=tag]date of birth:[/div] 12 December 1988 [div class=tag]place of birth:[/div] Gangnam, Seoul, Korea [div class=tag]languages spoken:[/div] Korean, Mandarin, English, French (Conversational)
[div class=tag]eye color/hair color:[/div] Chocolate Brown | Black [div class=tag]height/weight:[/div] 170cm | 53kg [div class=tag]faceclaim:[/div] Song Hye Kyo
[/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent2 hidden"][div class=text] [div class=tag]virtues:[/div]
  • Charismatic
  • Passionate
  • Intelligent
  • Realistic
  • Determined
[div class=tag]vices:[/div]
  • Intimidating
  • Impulsive
  • Sarcastic
  • BlasΓ©
  • Obstinate (Extremely)
[div class=tag]likes:[/div]
  • Quiet Cafes
  • Fashion Design
  • Adventures
[div class=tag]dislikes:[/div]
  • Ignorance
  • Fake People
  • Horror Movies
[div class=tag]fears:[/div]
  • Losing Loved Ones
  • Growing Old Alone
  • Ghosts
[/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent3 hidden"][div class=text] [div class=tag]family:[/div] Joo Yeon is the youngest of three as well as the beloved only daughter of a business giant and pageant queen ⁠— though to her, they're simply parents whose doting knows no bounds. [div class=tag]education:[/div] Dae Han Private Academy (1996 - 2006) | Cambridge University - Double Degree in Marketing & Apparel Design (2006 - 2010) [div class=tag]career:[/div] Marketing Director of Burberry Asia | Freelance Editing Advisor for Vogue Korea [div class=tag]history highlights:[/div]
  • one: Joo Yeon was everybody's darling from the moment she was born. One could say she was born with a golden spoon firmly stuck in her mouth; pretty, smart, rich and, as a result, exceedingly confident, Joo Yeon was the queen of her social circles throughout her life. High School was no different. There was, however, one boy among others that stood out to her as different. A boy who challenged her, someone who was harder to grasp than all the others, an intriguing figure. That boy was called Han Ki Tae and, as much as he was a part of the popular crowd, he was also very much out of place; a hard worker, stoic and mysterious. Ryu Joo Yeon was not a person who did things in half. Not even falling in love. She chased after him with all the naivete and enthusiasm of a girl who's only ever known success. And when he suddenly started to return her affections in their final year, she was simply happy to have won her man.
  • two: After many years of being together and two years of marriage, Joo Yeon & Ki Tae had a child together. She would forever remember that moment of seeing her baby's face as the single happiest moment of her life. Never, ever would she say that she regretted having him. But it was undeniable that Hyun Tae's birth was when her life started to show its cracks. With her support, Ki Tae's career had began to take off. Hers, on the other hand, was only just start and she needed to get a momentum going. As a young woman, trying to be taken serious was difficult in Asia, even in the fashion world. With a child, it was made doubly hard. Even so, when Ki Tae abruptly brought up the topic of her quitting her job, she was taken aback. At that time, his ugly sides, the ones that she had stupidly ignored out of love, reared back to slap her in the face. It was clearer than day to see that he looked down on her. The fashion industry was a ridiculous one and her success in it, to him, pointless. The fortune of her family, in his eyes, negated every single achievement she made independently. Her competence, her intelligence, her resilience that was undeniable to anyone on the street, in front of Han Ki Tae and his poisonous words, were reduced to luck. His verbal abuse went on and on, getting worse and worse each day. With her baby so young and faced with the social pressure of her conservative society, there was nowhere Joo Yeon could run to. And when he bought her roses and begged for forgiveness, even when it was the upteenth time, she gave in.
  • three: A perfect family, a dazzling career, a beautiful house. There is nothing Ryu Joo Yeon, known to the world as Mikaela Ryu, lacked. After the particularly rough patch she underwent, Joo Yeon came out stronger but also much more restrained and detached. Even so, their marriage was restored and Ki Tae treated her with more tenderness than he ever had ⁠— though whether that was out of genuine guilt and love or the fear of her asking for a divorce again was arguable. She's tried her hardest to forgive and forget so they could raise Hyun Tae in a happy home. Outsiders would never see anything wrong. But the sexual harassment at work is still going strong. Reporters were vultures that want more and more to destroy her the higher up she goes in the industry. Her husband's loving actions only hide what she is 90% sure is an affair. And her heart is cold and empty, save her baby boy.
[/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent4 hidden"][div class=text] [div class=tag]Han Hyun Tae - son:[/div] The light of her life, her gorgeous little angel, her world's greatest treasure. Need more be said? [div class=tag]Han Ki Tae - husband:[/div] Ki Tae is a man who has risen from the depths of poverty to his current heights, something he is righteously proud of. What isn't right, though, is his blind sense of superiority over people who were born into the elite... including his own wife β€” the very person whose connections and unending support elevated him to his current status in the first place. While Joo Yeon loved him to the ends of the world in her youth, her feelings for him now are complicated and often bittersweet. Whether he ever loved her truly or only saw her as a means to an end is yet to be known. Currently, their relationship seems good on the outside but is burdened by past mistakes (and probably soon-to-be current ones, like his cheating ways). [div class=tag]Ryu Joo Seo | Ryu Joo Yung - brothers:[/div] The brothers don't get along with each other very well but Joo Yeon has always been and still is the apple of their eyes. After the death of their parents, the three siblings have slightly grown apart with the busy natures of their own lives, though they still make an effort to catch up with each other occasionally. [/div][/div] [div class=slidebkgd] [div class=texture][/div] [div class=line style="width: 94%;top: 58%;left: 3%;"][/div] [div class="name button"] Pretty
Caged Bird
[/div] [div class=role] Mikeala Ryu [/div] [div class="circlepic homecircle"][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=credit]code by [COLOR=#dedede]sox[/COLOR][/div]
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