Axel Durant


Supa hot fire. I spit that.
(FC = Jeremy Shada)

Name : Axel Durant

Age : 15

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Godly Parent : Hypnos, Claimed

Personality : The first thing that anyone would notice about Axel is how drowsy he always is. It takes concentration to keep himself up, not to mention how hard it is for others to keep him awake. The teen gives off an aura of sleepiness. They say yawns are contagious, well Axel is like a constant yawn to those around him. Due to him sleeping so much he is naturally lazy. He doesn't have much energy when he's awake and he doesn't like to spend it on unnecessary things. One of the few things that can actually make Axel excited to get out of bed is his favorite food, mozzarella sticks.

Those who can keep Axel awake will find he is actually an incredibly nice person. The teen loves to make others smile and will go out of his way to make someone else happy. He tries to see the best in everyone even if no one else can. Because of this, he doesn't like to fight. Even if it's just sparring, for one it wastes his energy and for two sparring still hurts.

History: W.I.P/ To be revealed

Weapon: Ten bronze rings on each of his fingers. Weighted pendulums morph from them. Can also be used to aid his Hypnokinesis.



Godly Powers (Note: Only power I really want him to have is Hypnokinesis. Don't mind if restrictions are put on it. Not gonna be super upset if the others are cut.)

Hypnokinesis : Able to manipulate all aspects of someone's sleep. Can put them to sleep or make them unbearably tired but unable to sleep. Restrictions: Maximum of three humans, monsters depend on size. If he himself is knocked out or falls asleep it wears off unless the person chose to be put to sleep. In the case of said person wanting him in their dreams. If he strays farther than a mile it wears off.  The effects are reduced considerably when the target has a strong mental guard.

Dream Travel : Able to move into other people's dreams. He can simply observe or insert himself into the dream.

Lucid Dreamer : Can manipulate his own dreams freely.

Memory Retrieval : Able to call people's memories into a dream for them to interact with. IE: Talking to a dead loved one once again. On the other side of the same coin, he can manipulate these memories if you piss him off enough. The person will know it was a dream when they wake up. (Cant alter memories permanently, but can alter them while the person is sleeping.)

Extra: Bedhead Extraordinaire, lover of fried foods.
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Hypnokinesis is going to have to be less powerful than that. For one, what are the restrictions? Does it make him tired? Does it work on everyone? How many people can he do it to?
Let's say can only work on a maximum of three humans, monsters depend on size. If he himself is knocked out or falls asleep it wears off unless the person chose to be put to sleep. In the case of said person wanting him in their dreams. If he strays farther than a mile it wears off? 

I would say doesn't work on people that are expecting it but then anyone that knew him would never fall for it and that'd suck.
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Let's say can only work on a maximum of three humans, monsters depend on size. If he himself is knocked out or falls asleep it wears off unless the person chose to be put to sleep. In the case of said person wanting him in their dreams. If he strays farther than a mile it wears off? 

Okay. Let's say that if a person has a strong mental guard, they can shrug off the effects, or at least weaken them heavily. That way you can't just send anyone to sleep, just weaker people. If you do that, then it's fine, you can keep all of the powers.
Okay. Let's say that if a person has a strong mental guard, they can shrug off the effects, or at least weaken them heavily. That way you can't just send anyone to sleep, just weaker people. If you do that, then it's fine, you can keep all of the powers.

Gotcha. I'll change it now. Thanks!

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