Avengers: The New Generation

[Appearance goes here]


Super Hero Identity:




Child of:



Appearance Extra:




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Name: David James Rogers

Super Hero Identity: American Avenger

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Child of: Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter

Birthday: 4th of July

Appearance Extra:
David usually wears it without the mask.

Personality: Steadfast and strong willed, David tries to emulate his father in every way, but has an internal fear of not living up to his father's image. Though David takes himself seriously, he isn't mad when you make a joke on his account. He often tries to take the safest, smartest approach to his tasks, but he also isn't afraid to risk his own life to help others.

Bio: Born to Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter, young David had a happy childhood, at least for the first few years. When David was five, his mother and father died while battling a clone of the Red Skull. David, now an orphan, was taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D and put in the custody of James "Bucky" Barnes who mentored him, trained him and taught him everything he knows. David, now as "American Avenger: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D", works hard to live up to the memory of his late father.

Weapons/Powers: David, carries his late father's shield and his mother's gun. As a side effect of his father's unique genetic code, David is also faster, stronger and more agile than the average person. Though he isn't quite as capable as his father, he more than makes up for it with his strategic mind and espionage skills.

Other: While his main mentor and guide was Bucky Barnes, David also trained with Hawkeye and Black Widow, making him one S.H.I.E.L.D.s best and most valuable agents.

Does not drink.
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Fiona Stark


Fiona Stark

~Super Hero Identity~








~Child of~

Tony Stark and Pepper Stark


November 4th



~Appearance Extra~

She has a panel that is concealed in her forearm that she uses to check her vitals.

She can also plug herself into mainframes to absorb infomation

Tattoo on back(Flashes teal when her powers are in use)



Fiona is a cold girl that does like partying except she doesn't show it. She is strong, tempered, and cold sometimes.

She is considered to have a personality like her father, but a lot colder.

She inherited her mothers sense of time keeping and punctuality, but she has a certain

edge to her that makes her frightening. But deep inside her she is really soft hearted and resents the shot that she got.


Fiona was born as a regular child with no powers. She was to inherit her own suit when she turned 14. But as soon as she turned 10,

her father decided to up the date when she would inherit it. But it turned out that it was not a suit, it was a shot.

The shot gave her sound powers. Unfortunately, her human body could not handle the shot on it's own.

To fix this, her father frantically preformed an operation on her, giving her partly

bionic parts.

Furious at herself for accepting the shot, she was grieve stricken, but she pushed herself to move on. Ever since then she has been devoted to

training and becoming a better soldier then her father. She trained harshly for years, but in that time, she also went to collage.

Despite her dad making her this way, she was never mad at him. She got his love of extravagance and his love

of having a good party, though she denies it all the way.


Sonic Blasts~ Using the power that the shot gave her, she can absorb and project sound pulses. When this happens, her tattoo gains glowing

teal lines in the form of hexagons in the black sections.

Sonic Vocals~ She uses her vocal chords, which have also been affected. Her screams create a frequency that can cause craters and

shatter glass.

Punch Power~ She has fists like fury and she can punch like a brick of steel.


She may or may not be CRAZY when she is drunk

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Name: Shawn Masters.

Supervillian identity: Taskmaster's son.

Age: 26.

Gender: Male.

Child of: Tony Masters and unknown shapeshifter mother.

Birthday: November 15th.

Appearance Other: He has two other forms since his mother was a shape shifter, beast form and his father's form.



Personality: Shawn is cold hearted to everyone, except other evil people. He likes to hurt superheroes, but won't hurt innocent people on purpose. He could get turned into a hero, but it would take a long time. Even though he is cold hearted, he loves animals.

Bio: Shawn had a good life, up until his parents went off on some mission and never came back. He was sent to live with Dr. Doom. He took him under his wing and taught him how to fight and how to hack. Then it's when that happened. The avengers raided the base when Shawn was 18. They killed doctor doom, but Shawn managed to give some injuries to them. He believes that is what killed Iron Man. So then, he created an underground base and realized he had powers from his mother. He could shapeshift into a beast and into his father.


Excellent swordsman and marksman.

Photographic reflexes: This means he can detect enemy attacks right before they attack him.

Superb hand to hand combatant.


He may or may not like dogs.

I am a dolphin.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/guys-in-sunglasses-2.jpg.6c46cf16ef1cf7064424fedfe4bda55f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/guys-in-sunglasses-2.jpg.6c46cf16ef1cf7064424fedfe4bda55f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kallius Summers

Super Hero Identity: Blast

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Child of: Scott Summers and Jean Grey

Birthday: October 27th

Appearance Extra: COSTUME:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Scott_Summers_by_dronio.jpg.21e3378b824121a1007ade445ff3f49e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29823" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Scott_Summers_by_dronio.jpg.21e3378b824121a1007ade445ff3f49e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Like his father before him, Kal is known to be serious when the situation demands it. He smiles on occasion and is still fun-loving,but only to an extent.

Bio: Son of the leader of the X-men, and son of the most powerful telepath, people have big expectations from Kallius. He is currently a part tim Avenger and current Leader of the X-Men.


Optic Blasts: emits beams of energy from his eyes, described as "optic blasts", which have the appearance of red light and deliver massive concussive force. The beams cause no recoil or heat, but are tremendously powerful, and can be used to rupture steel plates and pulverize rock. The beams constantly emanate from his eyes involuntarily, and can generally only be stopped by his own eyelids, or by shielding his eyes with "ruby-quartz", a translucent mineral; Kal wears ruby-quartz as lenses in glasses or in his visor, which is generally the only way for him to safely see without inadvertently damaging his surroundings.

Spatial Awareness: possess an uncanny sense of geometry, in this sense used to describe his observation of objects around himself and the angles found between surfaces of these objects.

Master Tactician and Uncanny Leadership Skills: has developed exceptional leadership skills. Kal's abilities are at their best in tense situations.

Expert Combatant: has extensive training in martial arts and unarmed combat, holding black belts in judo and aikido.

It is unknown whether he has gained any of his mother's abilities.

Other: Has a tendency to drink...a LOT. Is also a Heterosexual



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/1280x843_6347_Blood_wings_2d_horror_girl_blood_dark_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.d6afcb423f53ffc38286ef98039cf61e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29814" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/1280x843_6347_Blood_wings_2d_horror_girl_blood_dark_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.d6afcb423f53ffc38286ef98039cf61e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/jjjj.jpg.d03eab36a7d14b7f385dfc1d900eed93.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29816" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/jjjj.jpg.d03eab36a7d14b7f385dfc1d900eed93.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kamala "Rosa" Bassi

Super Hero Identity: BloodRegin

Age: 19 almost 20

Gender: Female

Child of: Lilith Drake

Birthday: 13 of November

Appearance Extra: She is cloaked in red blood most of the time although it can be a red dress or a sari or anything else.

Personality: Reliable, resilient, sassy, sarcastic and Self-confident. Rosa wouldn't be consider the most trustworthy of girls, but if you get her to get a job done she will get it done. She loves to play tricks and poke holes in peoples plans. She tries not to piss people off, but she is by far no angel, she has her fun. She is a adrenaline junky and loves the most dangerous option. She could care less about someone's background and doesn't really believe in the whole hero factor. However, she is done playing the bad guy and is interested in how the other 1/2 lives.

Bio:Living in a remote location in Asia Kamala was born to Lilith drake before her death and was given to a rich family who loved her deeply. She repeated the past of her mother and was cursed by a gypsy to be weaker than her mother and control only her blood. She was moved to america , after her family was murdered by a mob boss and there her powers manifested. She spent her free time stealing and learning about her powers. She was picked up by the Brotherhood of Mutants but got sick of it and now is trying out the hero scene.

Weapons/Powers: Her power is blood manipulation on herself only.

  • Blood Mimicry: To mimic the properties of blood. She can also manipulate her body to look like this
  • 2d14a3e95a175c3ee49c939baf9b7041.jpg
    the blood monster not the girl

Other: She is a mad thief, literally, she only steals if you piss her off.



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Name: Jack Banner

Super Hero Identity: Ravager

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Child of: Bruce Banner and Betty Ross

Birthday: 19th of May



Appearance Extra:


Personality: Not Having been around many people he's quiet keeping to himself most of the time but willing to open up when he feels comfortable around you. He's humble no matter what he achieves and always trying to help others

Bio:His father knowing he would be like him when he gets angry he and his parents moved to the Caribbean on a small island where he learnt to harness his powers and control his anger. whenever he could he trained with his father. when he was gone his mother would teach him extremely advanced math and science.

Weapons/Powers: Super strength speed and agility able to jump and hit twice as hard and high as his father

Name: Oma elsa

Superhero identity: Venom


Child of: adopted child of hawk eye and black widow

Birthday: September, 6 2014

Appearance 4'11 with creamy pale skin and ruby red ankle length hair with emerald tips. Oma has unfocused liquid lavender eyes that see's everything and emerald green scales covering his body along claws and teeth. He's covered in many scars.


Costume: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTBfcPqtGT81xK4MYgOiVCgFoeXiRNUDNC5GBF_BfGmhUq9vmhu

Personality: Oma enjoys the company of very few, he is used to having others afraid of him so is uncomfortable around large crowds. His eyes are very sensitive to sunlight so he usually wears sun glasses even inside making him stand out. Oma loves bathing in the sun while listening to music so you could find him out on the balcony napping or drawing something.

Oma is protective of those he claims and vicious to those who hurt them using his cunningness and sly nature to get revenge. Because of his past Oma takes friendship seriously so even if he's hurt because he's your friend he'll pull through and stand by your side. Be warned though his friendship and trust is hard to gain so if you lose it you won't get it back. Oma gets drowsy in hot places and enchanted by music or shiny things easily. Oma tends to quietly stay in the shadows though if you give him sweets you'll see his cheerful energetic side.

Power: Oma has venomous claws and teeth not to mention very good eye sight and healing abilities. He was also trained by black widow and hawk eye themselves so if he's around be ready for an ass kicking you won't forget or an arrow in the eye.

History: Oma's mother who was a genetic scientist trying to blend animal and human DNA experimented on herself not knowing that she was pregnant and six months later Oma was born scales and all. His mother unfortunately died in child birth and so he was taken in by her mentor genetic scientist Dr.Gordy who was anything but kind. Tested on and cut open for as long as he could remember he just wanted the pain to end so he ran but was soon caught yet not before the avengers caught wind of it. They rescued Oma and took him in black widow and hawk eye adopting him and taught him all they knew.

Other: is gay
Face credit to Amanda Seyfried


Lilian Henrietta Cloveland

Super Hero Identity:








Child of:

Henry L. Cloveland,

Narcissa Cloveland nee Barton


Janauary 21



She wears the mask along with a loose and flexilbe blouse, a long skirt brushing the top of her feet, and hair either braided or up in a bun.

Appearance Extra:

She wears hairclips and accessories with

flowers engraved on them, usually silver

or gold in color.


She is a warm and friendly person, easy to get along with,

and generally helpful. She believes that there still

is a shred of light in anyone, no matter what

their profession or beliefs. She is cruel and merciless

when the situation arises, like she is two sides of a

coin. She is sometimes called a hypocrite, but she

believes herself to hide her good side away to preserve it.


Interested in biology and chemistry since a young age,

she studied the subjects vigorously, which eventually

led her to study medicine. Eventually majoring in medicine,

she studied to effects of different substances on the

human body. She's been hired to develop poisons and

antidotes, mostly relating to preventing harmful

pesticides and similar to be allowed on the market,

she was eventually dug up by a government agency.


Immunity to a large amount of poisons and toxins,

she specializes in poisoning targets without

leaving a trace. She can slip by the tightest

of security, poisoning food sources and water supplies.

Flexible and agile, she can disappear from a

tight spot faster than the opponent can notice.

When she is forced to fight, she uses

a variety of poisoned weapons she keeps on

her person, such as needles, knives, daggers,

and other almost unnoticeable and easily

concealed weapons.


A distant cousin of Clint Barton from her

mother's side, she is related to him by a few

drops of blood. Her family specializes in

science and medicine, and she is among the

first to be dug up by the government.

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Name: Reynardine Barton

Super Hero Identity: White Fox

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Child of: Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff (A.K.A. Hawkeye and Black Widow)

Birthday: 18th of April




Personality: Reynardine is a charming and entertaining fellow, a trait he still possesses as White Fox. He is absolutely cunning and wily, often outwitting his opponents. Unlike his parents who are cold and calculating, he is often friendly and open, the only secret he hides is his identity as White Fox. He is blunt and straight forward, not hesitating to speak his mind. He also has a problem following orders, if he sees a reason to break an order, he will do it. Although he is quite friendly, his trust is hard to earn. But once you've earned it, he will be loyal and honest to you. Although patience is not his strongest suit, he is slow to anger, but don't test his patience. Once his anger gets the better of him, he can be a sadistic and cruel person.

Bio: Once he was able to walk as a toddler, his parents wasted no time in training him. Hand to hand, espionage, guns and blades, hacking, he was taught all of it. At the age of 13, he was already an official S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. He was one of the best agents, thanks to his training as well as the skills he inherited from his parents. At the age of 18, he volunteered as a test subject for a prototype Super Soldier serum. The experiment was a success. Although he was not as enhanced as Steve Rogers after the experiment, it made him stronger, faster, and his reflexes and senses were enhanced. He had a promising future in S.H.I.E.L.D., but something happened. After he returned from one of his mission, he went to Fury and he defected from S.H.I.E.L.D., much to the surprise of everyone. After this, he chose to be a vigilante and assumed the identity White Fox.

Weapons/Powers: Thanks to his training, Reynardine can handle most, if not all, kinds of weaponry. Ranging from hand guns to rifles, knives to axes, bows to grenade launchers, he can handle it all. He is also an expert in espionage and stealth, as well as in hacking encrypted files. He also knows 25 different types of martial arts and he can understand 30 different languages and he can speak 20 of those languages fluently. Because of the prototype super soldier serum, he became stronger and more tolerant to pain. His speed and reflexes, as well as his other senses, became enhanced. He also has a natural talent of mimicking other people's voice with little to no flaw, as well as copying other noises such as a dog barking, honking of a car, tweeting of birds, which can be useful for distraction. His weapon is a white gloves with retractable 6 inch claws.


Other: He is ambidextrous and has a photographic memory. He also drinks...a lot of coffee. He also adores cats and dogs, especially the kittens and puppies.



Drake Parker

Super Hero Identity:








Child of:

Spider-Man (Peter Parker) & Black Cat (Felicia Hardy)


December 26



Appearance Extra:


Vincent portrays himself as a kind, generous, and very polite young man. He tends to be very self-sacrificing, often willing to let his body and emotions take devastating blows for the sake of others; this trait is something that has angered several of his comrades and friends. Vincent also has unassuming and borderline naive traits.


Being child of New York's Greatest Hero and a great theft, Drake has to go against enemies on both sides of the law. Do to this you would think he would have trust issue but, that wouldn't be the case. He lived with his father most of his live learning the right and wrong through a man that always try to do what's right. Though he is knows what right and wrong, back in the day when hang around his mother, he did a few illegal activities but, these activities help him advance his skills. Having a taste of both sides,made it easy to choose what he wanted for the rest of his life. Be a hero. Or become a villain. Since he took up his father uniform, it is pretty easy to tell who he chose.


Spider Physiology

Radio Frequency Detection: Drake's spider-sense also enables him to track certain radio frequencies, which he has used to his advantage via his Spider-Tracers.




Venom Blast

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Equilibrium: Spidey possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.

Superhuman Reflexes

Regenerative Healing Factor: Spidey has a limited healing factor. While not on Wolverine's level, it is sufficiently powerful enough to recover from severe injuries from broken bones and large amounts of tissue damage in a matter of days.

Contaminant Immunity: Due to his accelerated metabolism, Spidey has a higher tolerance for drugs and diseases than normal humans, and he can recover from the effects of larger doses rapidly. However, Spidey has the normal human tolerance for alcoholic beverages.

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Strength:can lift 15 tons. He must also pull his punches and kicks unless fighting someone of similar or greater physical durability. Otherwise, his blows would prove fatal to a normal human being.

Probability Field Manipulation: Has a small chance of giving people bad luck.

Build into his suit


Utility Belt

Electromagnetic Contact Lenses: Drake wears contact lenses obtained by his Mother that allows him to see in various ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as infrared and ultraviolet light.


Skilled Inventor

Indomitable Will

Genius Intellect

Expert Thief

Expert Acrobat

Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant


He is in his last year of high school.

Name: Loyd Mercer

Super Hero Identity: Norman

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Sexuality: hetero

Child of:

Birthday: sep 9



Appearance Extra:

Personality: Norman is very calm under pressure, able to keep a clear mind and work through the problem systematically and with composure. His approach is often light-hearted, especially in situations that can lead to his own death or that of others. Although Norman is usually calm and restrained, he can have a bit of a temper and often lashes out at those who provoke him. Norman is a protective person, wanting to keep the people he cares about safe. Although he has compassion for the people he is close to, Norman doesn't hesitate in taking another life if he has to. Because of this, others often see him as cold hearted and without conscience, but he does what he does to stop the corruption plaguing his city.

Bio: Norman grew up learning about computers, when he became an adult he used the knowledge he had gathered growing up to commit clandestine scams. Norman has a background as a criminal which has given him links to the underground of New York knowing the wrong people for all the wrong reasons. Even with his criminal background he stayed close with the FBI who were oblivious to his criminal acts but they had all right to trust him he never failed to capture his corporate and worked overtime and really cared about his job until he retired after 8 years. Besides this nothing much else he will share Plus he has destroyed all records of his existence.


Norman is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat, lethal and non-lethal tactics, offensive and defensive driving, gunplay, hacking, and freerunning. He can chain together actions in rapid succession such as vaulting over a fence while hacking an electrical relay box to neutralize a criminal.

His hand-to-hand combat skills are shown to be a variety of both martial arts and street fighting techniques, probably learned through his career as a thief and former Fixer. He is also skilled in counter-surveillance.

Norman also has 'focus mode' which slows down time and allows Norman to get a better shot or see what to hack. This has been confirmed to be representative of his quick reflexes and strong senses.

Physical capabilities: Norman has enhanced human attributes and doesn't have to eat, drink, sleep,etc.

Energy absorption: He can absorb energy of any kind to heal himself.

Gun: He carries around a hand gun that shoot lethal bullets like standard bullet explosive bullets, etc. and non lethal bullets like rubber, tranquilizing bullets, etc.

ARI Equipment: The ARI equipment consists of a pair of glasses (eye's) and a singular, right-handed glove (right hand). His eye's, acting as an enhancement visor, are used to detect and record information from the environment whilst providing visual displays for the user. His hand allows the user to physically interact with ARI's interface and the environment; this allows Norman to stream information via sensors in the glove, allowing research on things such as blood type, shoe-size and identifying scents in the air. It also seems that all gathered information is installed directly into ARI's internal memory which can be reviewed at any place or time.

Whilst ARI's primary use is for crime scenes, it can also be used in other environments. For example, use indoors allows Norman to search through case files, examine evidence, and apply data to a geographic map. ARI can even be used recreational such as for virtual reality games (such as a holographic version of handball, among others), and generating simulations of environments.

Mobile phone: It allows him to blend in with normal people and hack into things and as well as communicate with people.

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Name: Hirohito Hiroshima

Super Hero Identity: Crimson Hero

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Child of: Daken and a Japanese prostitute.

Birthday: January 16th


Appearance Extra: His hair is naturally black, but he dyes it red constantly. Because his clothes would rip frequently from using his abilities, Hirohito cut holes where the bone-like appendages extend from.

Personality: Hirohito’s personality is at a direct contrast to loneliness and darkness. He’s loud, boisterous, optimistic, and he also enjoys the concept of justice and the ideals of heroism. He can also be very stubborn and reckless, and will keep getting up even if you push him off a cliff, run him over with a car (and back up on him with said car), stab him multiple times, or throw him in a flaming inferno. That being said, Hirohito tends to be awkward and strange in social situations, and he doesn’t know how to handle others well.

Bio: Born when the son of Wolverine decided to sleep around, Hirohito lived a somewhat happy life with his mother, who was a Japanese-immigrant-now-prostitute. It is presumed that his father, nor his grandfather, knows of his existence. Hirohito always loved reading superhero comic books and watching superhero animations, something that inspired him to become a hero of justice when he activated his powers. His powers activated when something burned his house down, and his unconscious mother was going to be crushed by falling, flaming debris. The claws stopped the rubble, and they managed to escape alive, though his mother died later of smoke asphyxiation. After that incident, he decided to take up arms and become the greatest hero, starting by helping everyone in need. He still doesn't know who his father is, due to his mother's death.


Regeneration: Your everyday healing factor that also allows immunity to many poisons, diseases, and drugs. Not all, but most.

Bone Manipulation: Like his father, Hirohito can extend bony appendages from his body. Unlike his father, his claws do not come out from his hands, but his back at the rib cage. They take the form of six strong yet flexible ferrous bone claws that can gouge and bend, despite being made of bone. The claws are strong enough to penetrate metal and break rock.

Enhanced Senses: Hirohito’s smell, taste, hearing, and sight are all enhance greatly. However, his sense of touch is degraded, and he can only feel small tingles when he is touched. Pain, on the other hand, is felt in all its glory.

Physical Attributes: Though he isn’t as physically capable as his father, Hirohito is still enhanced physically to a certain degree.

Master Martial Artist: Self-explanatory, but he trains hard in martial arts to compensate for some of what he considers his weaknesses in comparison to the superheroes that he always reads about.

Other: His favorite color is red, the color of a hero. Also very conscious of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and education.

(Is there too much testosterone in this roleplay already? Sorry.)

Name: Thomas Calvert

Super Hero Identity: Cell

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Child of: No one important

Birthday: Dec 4

Appearance Extra:Just add a blank mask that has a bunch of gadgets in it.

Personality:Scheming, he likes to plan things out. He likes sweets and hates it when people disturb his nap. He is more inclined to do good unless he gains more from doing bad. Has a surprisingly high sense of loyalty for an assassin. He holds a general dislike for criminals in general and will shoot to kill whenever he encounters one with no hesitation. He works better alone, sometimes working with a partner but will be willing to compromise in case he needs a team.

Bio:He is an assassin for hire with a first come first serve policy and a surprisingly high sense of loyalty. This probably springs from his old dream to become a lawyer. He was once a college student until his girlfriend was killed in her apartment. He abandoned his dream for vengeance. Up til now he's still looking for the killer.


Tinker: Specialization: Miniaturization: He can make machines, unique small ones and/or miniaturized versions of already existing ones.

Other:He is very skilled in playing instruments, cooking and throwing cards.
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Name: Celine LeBeau

Superhero Alias: Tombola.

Age: 19

Gender: Female.

Child of: Remy LeBeau and Emma Frost.

Appearance extra: Her costume.


Personality: Celine is a lover of animals. She is a sweet and loving person, especially to men her age. She is a helpful person to others, but sometimes sarcastic. If you see her at a party, she would be the center of everything. Every guy she ever met loved her, and she just laughed.

Bio: Celine was living the good life. Perfect family, perfect everything. Until something happened. Her parents got killed by Magneto on accident. She was then taken in the heli-carrier, and trained for eight years. When she was ten, she realized how to use her powers, and got her costume. She then started using a staff.



Control of kinetic energy and potential energy.

Enhanced physical abilities.

Hypnotic charm.


Memory alteration.

Other: The control of energy makes her able to throw cards.

I am a dolphin.
Appearance goes here]


Kristoph Thor son

(I believe they did with Thor, not quite sure

Super Hero Identity:








Child of:

Thor and Sif


September 20th


Appearance Extra:

Hundreds of scars from previous of battles


Smarter then he seems (didn't want to be just muscle and no brain), impatient at times, believes he's the perfect warrior, a true flirty gentleman (Sif taught him to be a gentlemen, and treat women with respect.)


It was a long day from a successful battle. The Asgardians were celebrating. The famous demigod Thor was one of those celebrators. He wanted to finally show his feelings to his life long friend and ally Sif.

That night they spent alone. A few months later they learned that she was pregnant. They didn't want to get rid of the child, so they kept this news a secret.

And one stormy night Sif have birth to their son. They could tell he was destined for greatness. But they knew that path to his destiny will be tough, so they started training him when he started to walk.

In twenty years they taught him battle tactics, hand to hand (twenty styles), how to use a greatsword and warhammer, and how to control his power. They can tell he could be a threat to Asgard. Maybe bigger then Loki. So they hope that he won't join the darkside.


A great sword, a warhammer

God strength (just as strong as his father

Life absorbtion

Super speed

Near invunerablitly

Control lighting

Odins eye (a artifact that his father gave him, so he find his way through the galaxy)


(More on the way)


(That's it.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/ebaf65d6e735b4138a3fc98f3e347342.jpg.d8f6161ecfedf80d8fad864526d757e1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/ebaf65d6e735b4138a3fc98f3e347342.jpg.d8f6161ecfedf80d8fad864526d757e1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/622573-thor.jpg.09a84430845e0ab6bc8b16c03279ce71.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/622573-thor.jpg.09a84430845e0ab6bc8b16c03279ce71.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kyle Quartz Shane

Super Hero Identity:








Child of:

Unknown Magic Users


July 2nd



Appearance Extra:



Kyle has lost a lot of trust in people.His sister betrayed him and his family,so he dislikes trusting people at all.He is actually nice,but he doesn't trust people. Kyle isn't ant-social,but he isn't social either. Kyle does not hold his tongue when talking to people,mostly because his brother's hot-headness has gotten to him.

Kyle,born to Keith & Amethyst Shane,is the youngest of his parent's children,all of which know and can use magic easily.His older siblings,Kurt,Keen & Kin,and their older sister Karin.The family had regular sparring matches to test their skills in combat,just encase the time would ever come. Karin was always the strongest and the smartest,so she always took her four younger siblings on by herself.She knew her siblings perfectly,Keen & Kin were hyperactive and used magic to increase their speed,Kurt was hot-headed and a martial artist so he used his fist,and then there was Kyle.He was different from his siblings.Kyle used his brothers as a cover to attack when they did,and he usually made the plans for their attack,but Karin always beat them.She was the oldest,smartest,and strongest.Karin knew her brothers well,in fact she knew her family better than they did,but the Shane family really didn't know much about her ever since she became a teenager.Kyle was the only one who knew anything about her,and she taught him many things,like how each child was born in a different dimension so that their powers would come from that plane of existence. Kurt was born in the Brimstone dimension,Keen & Kin born in the Blackworld,Karin in Otherworld,and Kyle was the only one born on earth,but forever connect to the astral plane.All of the children were susceptible to corruption,but their parents had already put wards on them to protect them,the only way for them to be corrupted was for someone or something to break it or they willingly choose to corrupt themselves.

July 2nd on Kyle's 13th birthday he came home expecting a surprise party,but instead he got a different kind of surprise. Karin had opened a portal to Limbo,A.K.A Otherworld,to kill her family.She was planning to drain their essences and power to use as her own to gain control of Limbo.Her plan failed as soon her Kyle walked in his family's astral projected themselves directly to him,and have connected themselves to him.Kyle's body was over loaded and in a burst of light he was knocked out,and when he woke up his sister was gone. Ever since then he has been searching for.If he ever finds her he hopes he will figure out what he is going to do,but at the moment he couldn't tell you if he would kill her or attempt to save her.


Kyle has been raised to use magic,and is an expert in the subject.He knows how to use Dark Arts,but tries not to use them so that he doesn't become corrupt like his sister. His abilities so far include

  • Astral Manipulation & Projection

  • Healing: On himself it takes a few minutes for small wounds,but a major wound could take weeks to months.On other people the healing process is rather quick.If he has an energy source to help,the process could be quickened.

  • Flight

  • Teleportation

  • Spell Casting and Creation

Kyle only carries a spellbook,staff,a pair of daggers,and a short sword.Using magic he has stored them all,but his most useful items are his scarf,which has been enchanted and embodies a snake spirit,and his yo-yos, which he can use to make pentagrams.


His parents and brothers help him with magic through the astral plane.

(If he is over-powered,I will take down some of his abilities)

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Name: Joey

Super Hero Identity: Thin Ice

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Child of: Bobby Drake(iceman) & Kitty Pryde (girl that walks through walls)

Birthday: February 15

Costume: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.1f5c64c1d65c066fef7d034c77167e16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.1f5c64c1d65c066fef7d034c77167e16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Extra:

ice form


Personality: Joey is loud and seems to be irresponsible. He is quite average when it comes to trusting people but tends to trust women faster than men, due to a falling out he had with his dad. Joey can be responsible when he needs to be but prefers not to have to be. (I just know that there is something wrong with that sentence) He is constantly being told he looks just like his dad, which he can't stand.

Bio: Growing up in a split household, Joey eventually broke ties with his mother, preferring to be with his dad instead. With his dad constantly going on missions, Angel would come by and watch him as he was not always needed. Angel would take him on flights and when Joey got older, helped him develop his wings of ice. Two years ago, he had a falling out with his dad and headed out to join shield instead of the X-men, although he wears one of his dad's old x-men uniforms, the only connection he allows himself to have with his father.

Weapons/Powers: complete control over ice. Can create anything out of it, and can turn his body into ice. Anything that he makes out of ice can pass through solid objects. He can do the same when in Ice form. He is not affected by cold temperatures. And can create large wings that allow him to fly

Other: Joey's father viewed cyclops as a big brother, and as a cause, Joey knows kal



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Name: Elliot Fintry

Superhero Identity: Silver Wisp

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Child of: Black Cat & a mutant named Simon Fintry

Birthday: September 9th


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Free-shipping-Gloss-elastic-latex-clothing-Women-rubber-font-b-skin-b-font-cd-font-b.jpg.b6fa6021fed95e590b42e9eddf5944e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Free-shipping-Gloss-elastic-latex-clothing-Women-rubber-font-b-skin-b-font-cd-font-b.jpg.b6fa6021fed95e590b42e9eddf5944e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Extra:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c063b1039_terminator-connor79(1).jpg.3c5bb26d3dd2e13e905deeb5c54f2206.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29978" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c063b1039_terminator-connor79(1).jpg.3c5bb26d3dd2e13e905deeb5c54f2206.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Terminator-TSCC-the-sarah-connor-chronicles-31131416-1600-12001.jpg.851706ef87d76891ce7c10e5a996d2ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29979" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Terminator-TSCC-the-sarah-connor-chronicles-31131416-1600-12001.jpg.851706ef87d76891ce7c10e5a996d2ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/76890-180249-mercury.jpg.67b8961266c5a3e543fd489dd7cd4bda.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29980" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/76890-180249-mercury.jpg.67b8961266c5a3e543fd489dd7cd4bda.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Elliot’s villain side never completely left her, when she turned over to the good guy side, she still has a fiery and quick-start temper, an itch/need to pick a fight, and a wanting to do something bad or snatch those nice diamond stud earrings. She’s a slightly sarcastic girl, and quite reserved due to her criminal life; letting even the slightest bit of information out about yourself could get you killed. Elliot’s never had any real friends besides allies/frenemies, who she knew would take her out or betray her when the chance came, so interacting with people who are willing to be her real friend or just be nice in general is foreign to her, and she tends to act quite hostile in response. Elliot finds it extremely embarrassing when she has to turn herself into a puddle, because then she cannot keep her clothes on, and she reforms naked.

Bio: Before Black Cat had settled down with Spiderman, she’d had a small relationship with a burglar mutant who called himself MercuryII. 9 months later Elliot was born. A few months after Elliot was born her mother and her father separated, and Elliot was left being raised by her father. Because of this she worked as a full blow villain with her father, with expertise in the arts of deception, burglary, persuasion, and murdering. Her relationship is rocky with her mother, and she can’t stand her half-brother Drake or his father. Recently she’s been working to switch her life around, and change her ways for the better, but it’s not very easy when everyone knows you as a psychotic murder, and many other names that are better to not be mentioned. Having S.H.I.E.L.D call her in for the 2nd Generation of the Avengers looked like the perfect opportunity to fix her life, so she was up for it immediately.



Ability to turn self into liquid or solid metal.

Malleable Bio-Mercury Form:composed of a non-toxic liquid mercury. Her form allows her to alter her shape by collapsing into a featureless mass, extending blades from her skin, or molding herself into different forms. Her ability to shape shift extends to the most basic of rudimentary weapons. Her Liquid Mercury form is non-Organic.

§ Self-Sustenance:She is no longer a fully carbon-based life form and does not need to eat or breathe the same way as normal humans. Still, she consumes food out of habit and has not realized the scope of her change.

§ Telepathic Resistance:She is very hard to telepathically detect or influence while in her mercury form.

§ Molecular Adhesion: gives her the ability to cling to solid surfaces and move her body at will even without overt locomotive features.

§ Enhanced Durability:skin, bone and muscle can also be transformed into liquid mercury to make it stronger and harder than human; impervious to injury to a certain extent.

§ Magical Resistance:Due to her transient body, it’s harder to magically detect, influence, or harm her them other humans and mutants while in her mercury state, but her resistence is far from infinite and can be overwelmed by magicians or heroes with skilled powers –or when attacked all at once.

(Weapons) Herself and a pistol

Other: Electricity injures and stuns her. It also causes her to lose her to lose her mercury form. She’s not very fast or strong, but is very endurable against multiple things, and is is light and quick on her feet. Has an acquaintance with Shawn from past crimes.



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Name: Christopher Wilson

Super Hero Identity: Lightnin'

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Child of: Wade Wilson(Deadpool), Oroeroe Monroe(Storm)

Birthday: June 15

(not an actual teleporter)

Appearance Extra:

Personality: Christopher is brash, doesn't really care for authority, but when he trusts you, he's got your back til the end. He thinks of sarcasm as an art and isn't afraid to be himself around others.

Bio: Deadpool and Storm were drunk, partying, and fade to black. When Christopher was born his mother taught him some basic fighting skills, but tried to keep his identify secret. When he developed powers, Storm knew she couldn't keep up the charade for long and Christopher got sent to the school for gifted youngsters where he developed his powers and learned about his heritage. He's considering going after his dad, but figures it's probably not worth it. A few days before the start of his senior year Christopher ran off and became a merc. Like father like son.

Weapons/Powers: Regeneration, Swords, lightning bolts


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