
Hey there, I was wondering a little more about the back story (if there is any outside of the show). What time period is it, after the first show? After Korra? Just want to know what I'm getting into.
Syfyre said:
Hey there, I was wondering a little more about the back story (if there is any outside of the show). What time period is it, after the first show? After Korra? Just want to know what I'm getting into.
Mlkshke said:
Same question as the above.
Um...honestly there's not much...I'm still figuring it all out...and I was thinking either way before The Last Airbender or way after Legend of Korra...whichever you guys feel you want...also sorry for the late reply! I had no idea anyone had posted here...my alerts are so derpy... =P
Either way I'm happy. If its before The Last Airbender, there wont be some techniques founded in TLA and TLOK (Metal-Bending, etc.)

I think if we go before TLA, we don't worry about conflicting with canon history. If we go after TLOK, we shouldn't talk about it much because there might be some people who haven't seen the ENTIRE LOK season.
Mlkshke said:
Either way I'm happy. If its before The Last Airbender, there wont be some techniques founded in TLA and TLOK (Metal-Bending, etc.)
I think if we go before TLA, we don't worry about conflicting with canon history. If we go after TLOK, we shouldn't talk about it much because there might be some people who haven't seen the ENTIRE LOK season.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing...I honestly haven't seen Season 3 yet so that's pry a good idea... xD
Hey I want to join but I just wanted to say that we should be careful about mentioning TLOK series in the rp because I literally saw only the 4th episode this morning xD
I say we dont go after TLOK. First of all, TLOK isnt done yet, so something big could happen. Secondly, people have not seen it all, and its hard to stop spoilers. So I recommend we go before The Last Avatar, but not worry about canon history.

Plus, its already in an update!
Mlkshke said:
I say we dont go after TLOK. First of all, TLOK isnt done yet, so something big could happen. Secondly, people have not seen it all, and its hard to stop spoilers. So I recommend we go before The Last Avatar, but not worry about canon history.
Plus, its already in an update!
My thoughts exactly! Thanks! =D
Quick! All non-water elements must team up to take down the massive water-bender hoard...

Oh no. Its too late. They are already here.


Inspired by the Dragon pets, I am submitting a pet application

Name: Rock Ashley

Gender: ...

Element: Rock

Age (preferably below 18, but whatever you want): 4.54 Billion (One of the first rocks on Earth)

Personality: A down to earth kind of guy, he has a solid personality with a rock hard will.

Backstory/History/Bio (optional, though I would love to hear it! =D): Around four and a half billion years, he on earth as part part of an Asteroid. After after spending a long time underground, he was mined out and given to me.

Appearance (picture preferred, though a description works too):


Mlkshke said:
Inspired by the Dragon pets, I am submitting a pet application
Name: Rock Ashley

Gender: ...

Element: Rock

Age (preferably below 18, but whatever you want): 4.54 Billion (One of the first rocks on Earth)

Personality: A down to earth kind of guy, he has a solid personality with a rock hard will.

Backstory/History/Bio (optional, though I would love to hear it! =D): Around four and a half billion years, he on earth as part part of an Asteroid. After after spending a long time underground, he was mined out and given to me.

Appearance (picture preferred, though a description works too):



OH MY GOODNESS I'm dying X'D Most definitely accepted!! =P
Alright, that works for me then. Hopefully they'll join up soon! And we have the same number of water and fire benders, don't we? That's a nice symmetry haha
Syfyre said:
Alright, that works for me then. Hopefully they'll join up soon! And we have the same number of water and fire benders, don't we? That's a nice symmetry haha
Lol I didn't even notice but you're right! We're gonna have a lot of Firebenders then... xD
Mlkshke said:
So... Do we have any idea on when we are going to start?
Uuuummm...I'm honestly hoping for a few more boys, but we can start now I guess. I'll have starter post up hopefully either later today or tomorrow. =D So excited and thank you everyone who's joined!
You should post an update so everyone knows that it has started...

Um what city is everyone going to meet up in? It will have a lot to do with where my character starts. AAAAND when will everyone meet? Like in real people time.
Oh I was hoping You would be for sure :C. Alright I'll just try my luck haha :D
Well I have to wake up early tomorrow so I'm going to nap for a few hours. :D Bai! Thanks for letting me join!
xXxKateKaysxXx said:
I already mentioned in my last post...and it depends on everyone else's posts...
Wait, where did you mention it? I don't see it. Maybe I'm just oblivious...

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