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Fandom Avatar: The Resurgence

If she doesn't respond soon I'll be making a copy of this RP. I'll get as close as I can because I'm not very good with coding.
Kirko said:
If she doesn't respond soon I'll be making a copy of this RP. I'll get as close as I can because I'm not very good with coding.
Well, shut off your rich editor and quote the post, remove the quote tags and you have the same :)
SilverFlight said:
Kirko, I would certainly be down for a restart. I really like my character, I want to give him a chance.
Yeah I'd say everyone who's started here is definitely accepted into the new RP. If they use the same character I mean. If they want to make a different character, props to them. I'll accept it if it meets all the requirements.

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