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Fandom Avatar: The Resurgance

[QUOTE="Anno Bane]yeah!! When are we starting? :D

We'll probably start tomorrow. I know it's been a long wait, and I'm sorry for making it take forever. It's coming very soon though, pinkie promise.
I'm going to be leaving in a few hours for a weekend holiday, might just be overnight, may be two. I -may- have internet but only my phone/tablet.
[QUOTE="Fus ro dah]I'm going to be leaving in a few hours for a weekend holiday, might just be overnight, may be two. I -may- have internet but only my phone/tablet.

Alright thanks for letting everyone know. Do you want us to wait, or is it ok to start up tomorrow?
Kirko said:
Alright thanks for letting everyone know. Do you want us to wait, or is it ok to start up tomorrow?
Just start up, I can always have some excuse for running late. Especially as I don't know if we'll be there one or two nights.
Tguitar said:
I'm really dying, when am I going to know if Ai is accepted!? (x_x)
The waiting is the worst part!
The guy who said he was gonna make a character just messaged me he's given up on it, because he doesn't have the time. So the spots all yours.
It will start right now, and it'll start with a dream everybody mysteriously has. Ooooh, spooky.
My character is a bit different this time so I feel like I'll like her better lol
Drew what the wall art Ai complimented, it could be cannon only if Kirko allows it (It's in my first post with Ai if anyone wishes to see it), yet it's my vision of what Ai saw! (^.^)
Oopps.. going on a holiday right now, so don't have any WiFi

I'll keep watching the thread, and if I come back, I might join
Fus ro dah]D: Oh no RIP [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37590-alnasl/ said:
Thank you I expect all of you to turn up for my funeral by the way, someone just throw all of the Avatar comics onto my lifeless corpse

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