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Fandom Avatar: The Resurgance


Takes a licken and keeps on... ew, you licked me
Avatar: @Tguitar

Firebending Masters: @Anno Bane

Airbending Master: @Lasrever

Waterbending Master: @rooke

Earthbending Master: @Kirko

Non-master Firebender: @Fus ro dah

Non-master Waterbenders: @Mystical Dreamer @Alnasl

Non-benders: @SilverFlight

Character Quote: (Optional, but I like them :P )

[Appearance Picture]



Age: (13-19)


Appearance: (Brief description of what the picture doesn't show. Or if you don't have a picture, go into as much detail as you like. Please include height and weight.)


Background: (doesn't have to super long but I'd like to get the jist of where your character's coming from. Thing to remember: they do not know they can bend yet.)

Type of Bender: (be specific, if you are a waterbender that can also bloodbend, put something along the lines of "waterbender/bloodbender". If you're a nonbender just put nonbender.")

Other Skills:

Fighting Style:

Strengths: (at most 4)

Weaknesses: (at least 3. We are not having any Mary Sues here.)

Other: (any thing else? Dark secrets you want me to know? Theme song? idk whatever you want.)

YOU MUST WAIT FOR ME TO ACCEPT YOU. BBCodes aren't necessary and totally up to you.[/uSER]
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Basic Info





Appearance: Myra is about 5'7", weighing 135lbs. She's slim, but fairly muscular compared to a the vast majority of girls her age. She has fairly short black hair and pale grey eyes, and a very light skin-tone. Myra tends to wear sleeveless, or at the very least short-sleeved tops all the time, even when it's cold or raining outside. She has a small wooden pendant that she wears all the time, in the shape of a hawk mid-flight.
Personality: Myra could be described as a free spirit she doesn't much care for having others tell her what to do, and chooses her own path in most things. She's not bothered by most things, and takes insults, bad situations and danger with a smile on her face. If someone hurts one of her friends she'll likely step in to help, and it'll be one of the few times that she's visibly angry, although her anger is more cold than hot. Although she tries to pretend it doesn't happen, Myra gets incredibly flustered when people compliment her.

She can be a little too harsh or condescending with people even if she's genuinely trying to help, or treat them like they're incapable in an effort to look after them. She doesn't seem to grasp the concept that some things are better left unsaid, which can upset others if she hits a nerve.

Strengths:Selfless, clear-headed, protective and a quick thinker.

Weaknesses: Condescending, stubborn, inconsiderate and tries to take on too much by herself.
Background:Born in one of the worse parts of Neo Republic City, Myra was an only child, and grew up with very little to spare. Her parents cared deeply for her, but her father's shop was in debt to the local gang so they couldn't provide her a particularly stable or sheltered childhood. It became almost routine for the gang to send one of their thugs round to smash things up.

She joined up at a local kickboxing club at a young age, and she turned out to have a natural talent for it, ending up as outclassing the others by a long shot. In competitions, she won a series of medals and trophies, which got more and more prestigious. In the national tournament, she surpassed all expectations and came through to become Neo Republic Champion for her age. Sadly, this skill didn't mesh well with the situation at home.

While Myra could deal with them smashing up the shop, one of the thugs eventually went to actually hurt her dad, and she naturally responded. As it turns out, beating up a member of the local gang lands you in deep water, and she was kicked out by her parents for her own safety. After a few weeks on the street, the dreams started, and she decided to listen to them. She wasn't convinced that she wasn't just going mad, but she was just wandering around the city, so why not listen?
Type of Bender:Airbender

Other Skills: She's a surprisingly good singer, fairly acrobatic, and knows how to drive a car - not legally, but she can go pretty fast if she has to.

Fighting Style:Airbending - Although if that isn't working out, she's an incredibly skilled kickboxer, which can catch people off guard.​


"Is it hot in here? Or is that just me?"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/commission__cane_by_charlie_bowater-d7608nw.jpg.240f3e04e3beca7440bee96e11fb005b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/commission__cane_by_charlie_bowater-d7608nw.jpg.240f3e04e3beca7440bee96e11fb005b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jamieson (Goes by J and refuses to give a last name.)

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual in denial.

Appearance: Tall and lean, J stands just over six feet in height, his form toned and muscular. His knuckles are scarred from years of street fighting and

he has a curved scar on his upper right pec that seems to be several years old. His eyes are a dark blue in tone and don't seem to miss much, always on the look out for trouble, or an opportunity.

Personality: Stubborn, arrogant, private and strangely enough, friendly, J tends to blend into the crowd quite easily. He wears a mask of friendship, all

while plotting behind his marks back. Although to those that gain his trust and friendship, he will be fiercely loyal to them. Even if he's an asshole about it. Around strangers, he remains a bit quiet and reserved, sussing out those around him before speaking.

Background: A runaway who claims he left an abusive family, Jamieson has more then enough self confidence for a room full of people. He's stuborn and can be arrogant quite easily. He grew up on the streets, a drug mule from eleven years of age and progressing into a pick pocket and petty thief. He's quite well practiced in parkour and tends to flee if a fight starts taking a turn for the worst, he learned after ending up in hospital for a week in his early

teens. J does not speak of his family and he will make efforts to avoid any he sees on the city streets.

Type of Bender: Firebender

Other Skills: Parkour, thievery (that's a skill right?), eavesdropping, smuggling.

Fighting Style: He's not a fan of firearms, J prefers to use a switchblade or his fists.

Strengths: Streetwise, Light fingers, agile and independent.

Weaknesses: Overconfident, can lose his temper easily, commitment, teamwork.

Other: He has an albino fire ferret he stole as a pup from a dealer a few years ago.



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"Whoawhoa! Don't make loud noises around the Koala otter please, he's very sensitive."

Name: Daxmen Drake

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: hetero

Appearance: Dax isn't that tall, 5'7" and weighs about 160 lbs. His slight frame is evenly toned, the build of someone who works out occasionally but not all that much. His bright ginger hair is thick and usually sticks up at the back of his head. He generally looks of fire nation descent. Normally his visor is down but when he does take it off his eyes are startlingly blue. Dax usually wears lose, baggy clothing over an elegant, collared shirt. His favorite sweater is white with blue lines tracing the sleeves. Dax has a pet, a koala otter he rescued from a fishing net when he was 12. The animal has been a steadfast companion since. Dax calls the little guy Pudge, he is about the size of a house cat.


Personality: Dax is spirited, cocky and a little full of himself. His posturing is mainly used to cover his insecurities when dealing with other people. Dax will come off as confident and flirtatious to almost anyone up front, its only when you really get to know him that he opens up as unsure, yet good-hearted and eager to please. Dax tries to cover up his discomfort with humour which can be well-needed or a bit inappropriate. He is generally a joker and will always try to lighten a sour mood, even if danger is imminent.

Despite being a 'class clown' Dax will always strive to keep up a good spirit, serious or not and he'd probably die before he left anyone hanging.

Background: Dax was destined to be a pilot. His parents were poor but did everything they could to fuel Dax's ambition of getting into the most prestigious aviation school. Dax surpassed their expectations, he was a genius at aeronautical physics and had an innate ability to maneuver even the most complex craft. His ultimate goal was space travel and at the age of 16 he was the youngest student to be accepted into the space program. Dax took no time for socializing, he poured himself into learning to pilot space craft. One day something happened: A horrible accident took the life of his only friend at the school. Dax blamed the administrators and quit both the school and his dream. He took a job piloting small ships in a smuggling operation around Neo Republic city and to this day is famous (or infamous) as one of the best pilots in the underworld.
Type of Bender: Nonbender

Other Skills: Dax can drive/pilot almost any vehicle ever invented. His martial art combat is a little rusty, but he can hold his own for a short while anyway. Dax would say his overwhelming charm is also a skill...most people would call it a form of torture. The one thing he can fight with is a single-bladed short sword, like a scimitar, a gift from his grandfather before he passed away. Its the one things Dax practices with diligently.

Fighting Style: Weaponless, Dax is more of a backstreet brawler, preferring deflective tactics and cheap shots. Give him a sword however and he becomes much more deadly, suddenly he has a form, his footwork is impeccable. The style is an ancient form passed down from fire nation sword masters of which his grandfather was one.

Strengths: Charming, intelligent, brave and good-hearted

Weaknesses: Cocky, overly-flirtatious, secretly unsure of himself, passive

Character Quote: Sometimes fire is good... Especially when I want to burn your face off!


Name: Yeh-Lu

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Yeh-Lu stands at an impressive 6'5 (2 m) and weighs 190 lbs (86 kg), he has yet brown hair and always looks like he just rolled out of bed. He is a really handsome guy, he has very strong features and has an amazing body(it's part of his job so...). But he will usually be seen with a cigarette in his mouth and a coffee in his hand.

Personality: Yeh-Lu is a sarcastic jerk sometimes, he has no patience, but he is never agressive when it comes to himself, you can call him every name in the book, but he will just have a crooked smile on his face and seem kind of bored. But if people disturb the people he cares about he will beat them up in a heartbeat. He is not good at talking about feelings, and he is unable to say thanks to people. But maybe if he got a family he would change.

Background: Yeh-Lu is an orphan, but he never really cared. He grew up with a family that took him in and cared for him. His "father" died when he turned 13 so he quit school and started working, first he started at a chef in a restaurant, but as he grew in size he soon became a boxer. He worked a lot of different jobs, and has a huge network in the lower districts in result of his career. When he turned 18 a gentlemensclub scouted him and he started working "pleasuring" women, and during the day he is a skilled automechanic. And this is the place he still works at today.

Type of Bender: Firebender/Lightning

Other Skills: Yeh-Lu is an expert at talking and making friends with people, a result of his year in the gentlemensclub.

He can also fight pretty well because of his time as a junior boxer.

He can also cook really really well.

He can both drive and fix cars and other motors.

Fighting Style: Mostly hand to hand, even with his firebending he wants to be close, so he can use his fists.

Strengths: His skills are his strength.


He is kinda dumb, he dropped out of school

He has a hard time trusting people, and letting them see the real him, he only shows two faces to the public, overly bored or overly charming

He can only fight with his fists, he feet are very rooted

He likes women ALOT
"Nakoa means brave, but there's a thin line between bravery and stupidity. My dad always told me that."


Name: Kyto Nakoa

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Kyto stands at a slightly above average 5'10" but is prone to stretching it to 5'11" when introducing himself. Due to his toned athletic build from sailing and fishing he weighs in at around 170 pounds. Both of his arms are covered in sleeve tatoos depicting the power and beauty of the ocean and various monsters of the deep. He also usually has slight stubble of a beard from his days spent at sea or pure laziness.

His typical outfit consists of a simple white linen shirt, a blue heavy coat, black linen pants, a white and blue pareo tied around his waist, and black shoes. Around his neck he wears a heirloom necklace of the southern water tribe, passed down his family for generations.

Personality: A seemingly distant loner initally, Kyto grows more friendly and humorous after you talk more than once. He tries to use good manners when not on the docks and is always extra polite around women. He is rather impulsive though with anything besides fishing.

Background: Born into a family of merchants, traders, whalers, and naval officers young Kyto was given these options growing up. And of course being young lad he clung to his fathers line of work of whaling. The man taught his son everything he would need to know on a boat, from mechanics to climbing to fishing and even cooking. But after his father had deemed him skilled enough to go on a hunt, Kyto was scarred by the killing of such a magnificent creature. His father for a time was upset and sent the boy off into other trades, but they all bored him. Nothing was as intense as the fights against creatures much larger than himself and so he his hand again when he turned fifteen. This time he saw the creature and was able to finish it. He became very popular amongst the sailors as he was willing to do anything on a boat without hesitation.

A year of so later he was scouted by deckhand to try his hand in the ring. "Win or lose you'll make two days salary." That was all Kyto had to hear. And so he was promptly beat to the ground by his opponent, a much larger and stronger individual. But he continued to fight and even started winning matches once he had watched and learned from other sailors by practicing in his downtime on the water.

In the present he his currently working on a fishing barge that provides food to Neo Republic City.

Type of Bender: Waterbender/Icebender

Other Skills: Kyto is a skilled fisherman, whaler, and sailor, learning to climb and gain strong hands. He is also an adept street brawler from participating in cage matches for money at the docks. He can take care himself with a knife or dagger, but isn't good with anything longer.

Fighting Style: A self disciplined fighter, his style incorporates moves from many styles; the common theme being counterattacking and quick attacks. He tries to be very agile, but is easily beaten by anyone with real discipline.

Strengths: If you need to get anywhere by boat, he is your guy. He isn't the best fighter but can care for himself with his fists and a weapon. He is also a half And when it comes to preparing fish, he is one of the best chefs around.

Weaknesses: Kyto is a terrible shot with firearms of any sort and poor at talking his way out of hairy situations. Instead he is a bit of a hothead and decides to use his fists to talk. Also a horrendous strategist.

Other: He enjoys playing with his family pet polar dog, Tyr and will occasionally stow him away onboard ships.
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Lasrever said:




Basic Info





Appearance: Myra is about 5'7", weighing 135lbs. She's slim, but fairly muscular compared to a the vast majority of girls her age. She has fairly short black hair and pale grey eyes, and a very light skin-tone. Myra tends to wear sleeveless, or at the very least short-sleeved tops all the time, even when it's cold or raining outside. She has a small wooden pendant that she wears all the time, in the shape of a hawk mid-flight.
Personality: Myra could be described as a free spirit she doesn't much care for having others tell her what to do, and chooses her own path in most things. She's not bothered by most things, and takes insults, bad situations and danger with a smile on her face. If someone hurts one of her friends she'll likely step in to help, and it'll be one of the few times that she's visibly angry, although her anger is more cold than hot. Although she tries to pretend it doesn't happen, Myra gets incredibly flustered when people compliment her.

She can be a little too harsh or condescending with people even if she's genuinely trying to help, or treat them like they're incapable in an effort to look after them. She doesn't seem to grasp the concept that some things are better left unsaid, which can upset others if she hits a nerve.

Strengths:Selfless, clear-headed, protective and a quick thinker.

Weaknesses: Condescending, stubborn, inconsiderate and tries to take on too much by herself.
Background:Born in one of the worse parts of Neo Republic City, Myra was an only child, and grew up with very little to spare. Her parents cared deeply for her, but her father's shop was in debt to the local gang so they couldn't provide her a particularly stable or sheltered childhood. It became almost routine for the gang to send one of their thugs round to smash things up.

She joined up at a local kickboxing club at a young age, and she turned out to have a natural talent for it, ending up as outclassing the others by a long shot. In competitions, she won a series of medals and trophies, which got more and more prestigious. In the national tournament, she surpassed all expectations and came through to become Neo Republic Champion for her age. Sadly, this skill didn't mesh well with the situation at home.

While Myra could deal with them smashing up the shop, one of the thugs eventually went to actually hurt her dad, and she naturally responded. As it turns out, beating up a member of the local gang lands you in deep water, and she was kicked out by her parents for her own safety. After a few weeks on the street, the dreams started, and she decided to listen to them. She wasn't convinced that she wasn't just going mad, but she was just wandering around the city, so why not listen?
Type of Bender:Airbender

Other Skills: She's a surprisingly good singer, fairly acrobatic, and knows how to drive a car - not legally, but she can go pretty fast if she has to.

Fighting Style:Airbending - Although if that isn't working out, she's an incredibly skilled kickboxer, which can catch people off guard.​


@rooke[/URL], you pretty much got the spot, but I'm just waiting for you to finish up. @Bloop, I don't think that disorder would work well in this world. It just seems like it forces people to constantly interact with you, and it honestly doesn't make sense.

Everyone else make sure you get your CS's in asap, cause it's gonna start soon.

"I know i'm always covered in dirt, that's cos I like dirt!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Earth.jpg.c1bc25a578f4a81309a6cef3e1143e64.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Earth.jpg.c1bc25a578f4a81309a6cef3e1143e64.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ai Bao

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Questioning

Appearance: 5'2'' and 121 lbs, Ai lost her left arm, it's one of the first things people notice about her, and even though prosthetic replacements are quite common, she never had enough money to buy one, and of course she doesn't have the knowledge to make one. She's quite small, petite some may even say, and her deep black eyes those are quite different, at least that's what some say.​

Personality: Ai is a happy girl, she's sincere in every single way, and she won't let anything get to her, even though in the end it always does get to her, she will never let others worry about it. Determination, passion, calm mind, can also describe Ai, she will never bow to anyone that doesn't deserve it, so much time spent in the hospital left her with a strong stomach, she adapted as to not go insane, psychological damage, or physical damage just don't get to her, sadly because of this, pleasure is hard for Ai to get, that's why she's quite cynical and logical when a problem arises.

Background: Ai was born sick, she had a disease that inherited by her father, her father was the first person to ever survive this disease, thanks to a genius doctor (at least for their family it was a genius) whom with a new procedure treated him right, now they knew how to "cure" Ai, but the path to doing so was hard, years of her life were taken from her, she didn't leave the hospital until she was 10, of course she went to school, but at the end of the day, she knew she had to go back to that place. At the age of 12, they performed the last surgery on Ai, this left her with a scar not only on her body, but also on her mind. Since Ai spent most of her time in a secluded hospital when she got out she wanted to do everything, try everything, train as much as possible to compensate for those inactive years, as a child she had the energy of a tiger, which she showed when she started Kung Fú, she knew when to strike, she had the patience, and the burst power, her sifú called her "One strike Ai", although what Ai liked the most was the acrobatics, she did the most beautiful cartwheel with no hands, because of this, Ai started doing parkour with a Kung Fú partner, Ai was really weird since she was always barefoot naked, "toes" was her parkour nickname, they raced across the buildings, it was perfect, she forgot the pain of those years spent in the hospital, as she felt almost as she could fly, but what Ai really liked was the landing, whenever she fell, she did it with a style nobody ever understood, the ground seemed to shake every time, until recently, Ai had a mistake, a slight miscalculation, that changed her life, her body, she landed on a glass shard, making her trip from the building they where on, she limply hit three walls and landed on a car, her whole body was damaged, mostly her left side, since for whatever reason she landed on her left arm, it was destroyed, bones shattered, blood loss, a concussion, and her leg too, when the medics arrived it was too late to save her arm, too much blood had been lost, the medics had to amputate from the forearm, they could've attached immediately a replacement, a cybernetic one, yet Ai's family had lost too much money on the tons of surgery performed before, they were in such a debt that the most they could do was get Ai a plastic prosthetic, the thing is, Ai didn't want it, she thought it was useless, with a bright yet sad smile, she told her parents, "Thanks mom, thanks dad, I love you but I feel no need for it", she didn't stoped running over buildings, but she did start wearing shoes.
Type of Bender: Avatar

Other Skills: Parkour, Basic medical knowledge (years trapped in a hospital give you that)

Fighting Style: Kung Fú, calm and analytic, waiting for the right moment to strike like a tiger hidden in the grass.

Strengths: She can take almost any damage to her body, Incredible instincts, strong legs and right arm.

Weaknesses: Can't drive at all, left arm, scar in the navel, this scar blocked her chakra (The second one, Svadhisthana) and thus if touched (the scar) will give tremendous pain to Ai.

"Won't give up without a fight" Ai Bao


  • Earth.jpg
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Tguitar said:

"I know i'm always covered in dirt, that's cos I like dirt!"

View attachment 323279

Name: Ai Bao

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Questioning

Appearance: 5'2'' and 121 lbs, Ai lost her left arm, it's one of the first things people notice about her, and even though prosthetic replacements are quite common, she never had enough money to buy one, and of course she doesn't have the knowledge to make one. She's quite small, petite some may even say, and her deep black eyes those are quite different, at least that's what some say.​

Personality: Ai is a happy girl, she's sincere in every single way, and she won't let anything get to her, even though in the end it always does get to her, she will never let others worry about it. Determination, passion, calm mind, can also describe Ai, she will never bow to anyone that doesn't deserve it, so much time spent in the hospital left her with a strong stomach, she adapted as to not go insane, psychological damage, or physical damage just don't get to her, sadly because of this, pleasure is hard for Ai to get, that's why she's quite cynical and logical when a problem arises.

Background: Ai was born sick, she had a disease that inherited by her father, her father was the first person to ever survive this disease, thanks to a genius doctor (at least for their family it was a genius) whom with a new procedure treated him right, now they knew how to "cure" Ai, but the path to doing so was hard, years of her life were taken from her, she didn't leave the hospital until she was 10, of course she went to school, but at the end of the day, she knew she had to go back to that place. At the age of 12, they performed the last surgery on Ai, this left her with a scar not only on her body, but also on her mind. Since Ai spent most of her time in a secluded hospital when she got out she wanted to do everything, try everything, train as much as possible to compensate for those inactive years, as a child she had the energy of a tiger, which she showed when she started Kung Fú, she knew when to strike, she had the patience, and the burst power, her sifú called her "One strike Ai", although what Ai liked the most was the acrobatics, she did the most beautiful cartwheel with no hands, because of this, Ai started doing parkour with a Kung Fú partner, Ai was really weird since she was always barefoot naked, "toes" was her parkour nickname, they raced across the buildings, it was perfect, she forgot the pain of those years spent in the hospital, as she felt almost as she could fly, but what Ai really liked was the landing, whenever she fell, she did it with a style nobody ever understood, the ground seemed to shake every time, until recently, Ai had a mistake, a slight miscalculation, that changed her life, her body, she landed on a glass shard, making her trip from the building they where on, she limply hit three walls and landed on a car, her whole body was damaged, mostly her left side, since for whatever reason she landed on her left arm, it was destroyed, bones shattered, blood loss, a concussion, and her leg too, when the medics arrived it was too late to save her arm, too much blood had been lost, the medics had to amputate from the forearm, they could've attached immediately a replacement, a cybernetic one, yet Ai's family had lost too much money on the tons of surgery performed before, they were in such a debt that the most they could do was get Ai a plastic prosthetic, the thing is, Ai didn't want it, she thought it was useless, with a bright yet sad smile, she told her parents, "Thanks mom, thanks dad, I love you but I feel no need for it", she didn't stoped running over buildings, but she did start wearing shoes.

Type of Bender: Avatar

Other Skills: Parkour, Basic medical knowledge (years trapped in a hospital give you that)

Fighting Style: Kung Fú, calm and analytic, waiting for the right moment to strike like a tiger hidden in the grass.

Strengths: She can take almost any damage to her body, Incredible instincts, strong legs and right arm.

Weaknesses: Can't drive at all, left arm, scar in the navel, this scar blocked her chakra (The second one, Svadhisthana) and thus if touched (the scar) will give tremendous pain to Ai.


@Tguitar I really like the character. I am waiting for another person to post their character to submit and avatar as well though. I'll pick based off of which one I think would make the best avatar. I do really like your character though.
"If you can't hear me, try taking your head out of your ass. Might help."


Name: Li Jun, #516

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bisexual, female lean

Appearance: About 6 ft and 170 lbs. Has a few grey strands in his hair. His build is narrow and incredibly toned while not incredibly muscular. He has too many scars to count (on his back mostly), but an especially noticeable paper thin one stretches across his right cheek. Usually has a bit of a stubble.

Personality: He is very paranoid. He doesn't trust the kindness of strangers. He believes everyone is after something and the only reason they'd help is to ask for something in return. You'd need to be as close as family for him to trust you. Though he hasn't had a whole lot of family to trust in the first place.

He's a sarcastic prick. He tends to poke fun at just about everyone, even if it's not the brightest thing to do. Though he'll shut his mouth when he's after something.

He despises violence even though he resorts to it almost constantly, mostly for self defense or a few quick bucks. He would also be making the first move if you happened to rub one of his friends the wrong way.

He tends to butt heads with most authority figures. He doesn't mind being told what to do as long as he is planning to do it in the first place, or just makes sense. If it's a cop chewing his ass or an asshole with a big head there's no way in hell he's complying.

Background: He was abandoned the first chance his parents got. He became ward of the state and spent a few years in the hands of the orphanage holding about 200 other kids. He was just another unwanted infant among the masses at the time. On his fifth birthday men with medals and uniforms came to the orphanage looking for something to mold and use as a tool for control. Li happened to be at the right place at the right time. The men saw potential, and Li met the highest standards for health. High metabolism, good eyesight, and most of all, an adaptable mind.

He was taken in and trained as a soldier in a military youth academy. He remained at the top of his class for his entire stay there. It didn't matter to him, he hated this place just like most of the trainee's. It was a concentration camp designed to breed warriors. They did unspeakable things to mold them into the soldiers they wanted. Li was one of the lucky ones.

He was able to escape at the age of 13 with a little some powerful antihistamine slipped into a guards drink and coin to unscrew the vent covering, and since then he's been on the run, roaming the streets and fighting for a meal when he can. It wasn't long until he was picked up by some local thugs. They fed him, and took him out for some fun. He didn't usually trust people this easily, but a hot meal and a joy ride can make you soft after a few weeks starving half to death on the cold streets. They quickly turned into a pretend "family," emphasis on pretend. They had no interest in him, they just helped hide him so he would help them and their "boss" do the dirty work. The illusion completely fell when his buddies left him stranded in an alleyway with a bullet hole in his stomach left by a rival gang packing heat. He was about 16 when it they betrayed him. He was able to narrowly escape and pay off a veterinarian to patch him up with no complaints. He hasn't touched the mob since.

To make due he's been working in a manufacturing plant for building material. He's been able to avoid revealing his past with fake names and a bribery, but it can only hold so long. The Neo Republic doesn't let trained soldiers slip through unscathed, and they won't be making the same mistake twice. He'd be doing better if that dream wasn't bothering him so much. He's been trying to ignore it, but it won't stop running through his head every night. He can't stop thinking about it. "I'll deal with it on my day off," he whispers to himself, "I've got nothing better to do anyway."

Type of Bender: Earthbender/Metalbender (more metalbender)

Other Skills: Skilled in the use a large variety of firearms

Fighting Style: Skilled in the use of gin, which is a mentality in fighting. It's knowing what to do in battle in exact moments. Usually dodging and blocking until you see an opening or vulnerability and then attacking at a weak point at the most opportune time. It has a lot more complex branches, but you get the general idea.

His fighting style a military variation of Sanshou called Jūnshì Sǎndǎ. A very general description would be calling a mix of kickboxing and Judo (wiki page if you want to learn more about it: Sanshou - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


  • Able to read people fairly easily
  • Very strategic in his actions in general
  • Highly adaptable
  • Good at using the environment to his advantage


  • Tends to get hot headed, irrational, and even cruel when insults hit a little too close to home
  • Doesn't let people get too close
  • Has a soft spot for the poor/homeless of the city
  • Doesn't know how to drive or operate vehicles in general
  • Doesn't know how to operate most tech
  • His jokes tend to get him into trouble
  • Butts heads with authority figures
  • Can get cocky at times and get sloppy
  • Can be extremely stubborn

Other: Single and ready to mingle, and here's a theme song [media]
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Sorry for not posting my character sooner. In all honesty I simply forgot.
[QUOTE="Mystical Dreamer]

"Stop getting so worked up over nothing. Just stay calm and go with the flow."


Name: Nagasi Fujoika

Gender: Cisgender female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Nagasi is a small, petite girl as is 5'3 when standing up and weighs only 120 pounds. Her skin is light tan and her eyes are hazel with thick lashes and bushy eyebrows. Her hair is dark brown and cut short in a choppy manner. Despite being small, she is fairly muscular and has a flat but untoned stomach. She sometimes wears glasses to help her see a bit better, although her eyesight isn't too bad (she has 20/25 vision). She often wears androgynous clothing, causing people to think she's an androgynous female or transgender although she is cisgender and usually wears those clothes because they are more comfortable to her. She is always seen in a wheelchair, sometimes with a cigarette dangling in her mouth, which is not always lit.

Personality: While Nagasi does have strong opinions, she is quiet. She usually speaks when she feels she needs to contribute to the situation or when someone says something to her first. Once approached and spoken too, she can be very talkative. She isn't very quiet around close friends. She is rather easygoing and doesn't like to yell or raise her voice at anyone. She is kind-hearted and smiles a lot, and despite her partially cold appearance, she is very warm and welcoming with people. She is trustworthy and doesn't trust people easily, which can be either good or bad. This can lead to naivety and immature behavior. Still, she can be mature and even though she is laid-back, she can be stern when she wants.

Background: Nagasi was born to a couple who wasn't rich or poor, but they were content. Her mother was a magistrate and her father was a marketing manager. Nagasi and her father, Satoshi, was very different. He was rather adventurous and outgoing while she was always quiet and peaceful. Nagasi didn't like parties unless she was invited by a family member or incredibly close friend. Satoshi, as a marketing manager, loved to socialize with people and was able to talk about almost anything. Despite being very different, Nagasi and her father were incredibly close. They did have some similarities, though. They both enjoyed traveling and they were both interested in self-defense. As a small girl in a city that's crime rate was increasing, she probably should have taken some sort of self-defense class sooner or later and she wanted to protect herself. Her father was skilled at using knives and also taught her to use throwing knives. Her mother became envious of their closeness over time, causing silent tension between the two. Nagasi's parents divorced after a series of events including Nagasi's mother being uncommitted to her relationship and dating other men while she was still married. During the custody battle, Nagasi's mother won and she rarely got to see her father. She was 12 at the time. When she got to see him, they spent most of their time bending for fun and for practice and he helped her with her knife throwing skills. This went on for 2 years until she was 14 when she was denied any contact with her father. She was devastated but her mother tried to make it seem not so bad. She reluctantly allowed Nagasi to practice with her throwing knives, but soon she thought Nagasi spent too much time practicing with her throwing knives. She became more focused on her practice and rarely spent quality time with her mother. Nagasi felt very awkward and changed during the time of solitude. She had little interest in things that "normal" teenage girls liked. She hated parties and only went to one if someone she knew was coming. She was thought of as "boring" because she didn't enjoy the kind of fun most people do - going out to parties and hanging out with friends. Her definition of fun was staying in her room, watching TV, looking at drawing tutorials and improving on her digital art skills. Her mother was worried and thought she had some sort of disorder, if not depression, that caused her to act this way. Nagasi took a depression test and she scored slightly-moderate for atypical depression, so Nagasi's mother pressured her daughter to go to events and do normal teen stuff to fit in and "combat the depression". Nagasi knew it was utterly stupid, but she didn't dare disobey her mother. She wasn't diagnosed with depression. It just said she has some symptoms of one of the mildest forms of depression. She forced herself to be upbeat and outgoing. She gave into peer pressure and tried smoking, becoming hooked in a matter of days. When she was 16, her friends were driving and she was a passenger. They were being loud and reckless while Nagasi was being really quiet and bashful. They got into a car accident that caused Nagasi to be paralyzed from the waist down. She was put in a wheelchair and learned to adapt somewhat, though she sometimes still has trouble managing her wheelchair.

Type of Bender: Waterbender (beginnner bloodbender later in the rp)

Other Skills: Nagasi is an experienced knife thrower and can hit most targets with high accuracy.

Fighting Style: Nagasi loves to test her accuracy so she prefers long-range fighting. She usually hits targets with great precision, but sometimes she likes close range so she can be more physical and hit the target more forcefully.

Strengths: Good at throwing knives, physically fit, isn't bad at waterbending

Weaknesses: Too meticulous and into the details, sensitive and sometimes acts on emotion, her body is quite small and fragile and she is easily injured, she is too cautious and suspicious of everyone around her, though she doesn't show it, her paralysis causes her to be dependent in some ways


Looks good. accepted
rooke said:
"Nakoa means brave, but there's a thin line between bravery and stupidity. My dad always told me that."

Name: Kyto Nakoa

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Kyto stands at a slightly above average 5'10" but is prone to stretching it to 5'11" when introducing himself. Due to his toned athletic build from sailing and fishing he weighs in at around 170 pounds. Both of his arms are covered in sleeve tatoos depicting the power and beauty of the ocean and various monsters of the deep. He also usually has slight stubble of a beard from his days spent at sea or pure laziness.

Personality: A seemingly distant loner initally, Kyto grows more friendly and humorous after you talk more than once. He tries to use good manners when not on the docks and is always extra polite around women. He is rather impulsive though with anything besides fishing.

Background: Born into a family of merchants, traders, whalers, and naval officers young Kyto was given these options growing up. And of course being young lad he clung to his fathers line of work of whaling. The man taught his son everything he would need to know on a boat, from mechanics to climbing to fishing and even cooking. But after his father had deemed him skilled enough to go on a hunt, Kyto was scarred by the killing of such a magnificent creature. His father for a time was upset and sent the boy off into other trades, but they all bored him. Nothing was as intense as the fights against creatures much larger than himself and so he his hand again when he turned fifteen. This time he saw the creature and was able to finish it. He became very popular amongst the sailors as he was willing to do anything on a boat without hesitation.

A year of so later he was scouted by deckhand to try his hand in the ring. "Win or lose you'll make two days salary." That was all Kyto had to hear. And so he was promptly beat to the ground by his opponent, a much larger and stronger individual. But he continued to fight and even started winning matches once he had watched and learned from other sailors by practicing in his downtime on the water.

In the present he his currently working on a fishing barge that provides food to Neo Republic City.

Type of Bender: Waterbender/Icebender

Other Skills: Kyto is a skilled fisherman, whaler, and sailor, learning to climb and gain strong hands. He is also an adept street brawler from participating in cage matches for money at the docks. He can take care himself with a knife or dagger, but isn't good with anything longer.

Fighting Style: A self disciplined fighter, his style incorporates moves from many styles; the common theme being counterattacking and quick attacks. He tries to be very agile, but is easily beaten by anyone with real discipline.

Strengths: If you need to get anywhere by boat, he is your guy. He isn't the best fighter but can care for himself with his fists and a weapon. He is also a half And when it comes to preparing fish, he is one of the best chefs around.

Weaknesses: Kyto is a terrible shot with firearms of any sort and poor at talking his way out of hairy situations. Instead he is a bit of a hothead and decides to use his fists to talk. Also a horrendous strategist.

Other: He enjoys playing with his family pet polar dog, Tyr and will occasionally stow him away onboard ships.
Accepted, and I'm also happy to see there's a even mix of both genders.

(Bottom two)

Name: Kalista

Gender: F

Age: 17

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Kalista's most noticeable feature would probably be her height. The girl is a petite 5'0, weighing in at just over 90 lbs. She has virtually no muscular definition, and is a bit too skinny to be honest. She looks very delicate and frail.

Personality: Kalista is a very patient person, and quite easy to get along with. She enjoys adventure and trying new things to a reasonable limit, but not so much as to be deemed "reckless" (that being said, she does like to make things go boom). However, people who hold grudges or are unable to see the big picture or admit when they are wrong get on her nerves. She is very passive when it comes to standing up for herself, but she will fight tooth and nail for people she cares about. She is also very determined, almost to the point of insanity. This, however, helps her with her creative side, as she works on making little gadgets in her spare time (when she has any).

Background: Kalista was born in Neo Republic City as one of a set of fraternal twins. Her mother left the family soon after, leaving her and her brother to be taken care of by her father, a furniture maker. She was working with her brother almost from the moment they could walk, helping to maintain her father's shop by manning the counter, doing inventory, and repairing/creating furniture. When she was fifteen, her father died of an illness they couldn't afford treatment for, and two months ago her brother vanished without a trace. She now works as a barista, mechanic, and home repairman, working several jobs to support herself.

Type of Bender: Waterbender/healer. She can bloodbend, but only at the full moon, and it is not "psychic bending" like Amon's.

Other Skills:

- able to repair and pilot cars, trains, and aircraft

- fairly experienced with guns

- inventor

Fighting Style: 100% waterbending, she has no experience with martial arts. Kalista tends to fight from a distance, as opposed to up close; however, as she improves, her range will get closer and closer until she is able to handle fighting in confined spaces. She also is in possession of a handgun, which she can and will use, and may create bombs or other such things. However, her true talent lies in healing.


- hard worker

- team player, easy to get along with

- eager and willing to learn, intelligent


- no martial arts/fighting experience

- trouble fighting at close quarters

- unwilling to get in an argument or fight, passive

- she is almost too determined, the phrase "I'll do it or I'll die trying" describes this brilliantly

- currently fairly physically weak
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Alnasl said:

(Top two)

Name: Kalista

Gender: F

Age: 16

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Kalista's most noticeable feature would probably be her height. The girl is a petite 5'2, weighing in at just over 90 lbs. She has virtually no muscular definition, and is a bit too skinny to be honest. She looks very delicate and frail.

Personality: Kalista is a very patient person, and quite easy to get along with. She enjoys adventure and trying new things to a reasonable limit, but not so much as to be deemed "reckless". However, people who hold grudges or are unable to see the big picture or admit when they are wrong get on her nerves. She is very passive when it comes to standing up for herself, but she will fight tooth and nail for people she cares about. She is also very determined, almost to the point of insanity.

Background: Kalista was born in Neo Republic City as one of a set of fraternal twins. Her mother left the family soon after, leaving her and her brother to be taken care of by her father, a furniture maker. She was working with her brother almost from the moment they could walk, helping to maintain her father's shop by manning the counter, doing inventory, and repairing/creating furniture. When she was fifteen, her father died of an illness they couldn't afford treatment for, and two months ago her brother vanished without a trace. She now works as a barista, mechanic, and home repairman, working several jobs to support herself.

Type of Bender: Waterbender/healer. She can bloodbend, but only at the full moon, and it is not "psychic bending" like Amon's.

Other Skills:

- able to repair and pilot cars, trains, and aircraft

- fairly experienced with guns

- good climber, can operate well at heights if she is strong enough to climb up to them

Fighting Style: 100% waterbending, she has no experience with martial arts. Kalista tends to fight from a distance, as opposed to up close; however, as she improves, her range will get closer and closer until she is able to handle fighting in confined spaces. She also is in possession of a handgun, which she can and will use.


- hard worker

- team player, easy to get along with

- eager and willing to learn, intelligent


- no martial arts/fighting experience

- trouble fighting at close quarters

- unwilling to get in an argument or fight for herself, passive

- she is almost too determined, the phrase "I'll do it or I'll die trying" describes this brilliantly

- currently fairly physically weak
Accepted, do you have any qualms about being master or not. Cause you were master in the other RP, so you kinda have dibs.
Kirko said:
Accepted, do you have any qualms about being master or not. Cause you were master in the other RP, so you kinda have dibs.
Nah man, @rooke 's character looks awesome plus I don't have a lot of time over the next few weeks so I'm totally fine with not being the master
Tguitar said:

"I know i'm always covered in dirt, that's cos I like dirt!"

View attachment 323279

Name: Ai Bao

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Questioning

Appearance: 5'2'' and 121 lbs, Ai lost her left arm, it's one of the first things people notice about her, and even though prosthetic replacements are quite common, she never had enough money to buy one, and of course she doesn't have the knowledge to make one. She's quite small, petite some may even say, and her deep black eyes those are quite different, at least that's what some say.​

Personality: Ai is a happy girl, she's sincere in every single way, and she won't let anything get to her, even though in the end it always does get to her, she will never let others worry about it. Determination, passion, calm mind, can also describe Ai, she will never bow to anyone that doesn't deserve it, so much time spent in the hospital left her with a strong stomach, she adapted as to not go insane, psychological damage, or physical damage just don't get to her, sadly because of this, pleasure is hard for Ai to get, that's why she's quite cynical and logical when a problem arises.

Background: Ai was born sick, she had a disease that inherited by her father, her father was the first person to ever survive this disease, thanks to a genius doctor (at least for their family it was a genius) whom with a new procedure treated him right, now they knew how to "cure" Ai, but the path to doing so was hard, years of her life were taken from her, she didn't leave the hospital until she was 10, of course she went to school, but at the end of the day, she knew she had to go back to that place. At the age of 12, they performed the last surgery on Ai, this left her with a scar not only on her body, but also on her mind. Since Ai spent most of her time in a secluded hospital when she got out she wanted to do everything, try everything, train as much as possible to compensate for those inactive years, as a child she had the energy of a tiger, which she showed when she started Kung Fú, she knew when to strike, she had the patience, and the burst power, her sifú called her "One strike Ai", although what Ai liked the most was the acrobatics, she did the most beautiful cartwheel with no hands, because of this, Ai started doing parkour with a Kung Fú partner, Ai was really weird since she was always barefoot naked, "toes" was her parkour nickname, they raced across the buildings, it was perfect, she forgot the pain of those years spent in the hospital, as she felt almost as she could fly, but what Ai really liked was the landing, whenever she fell, she did it with a style nobody ever understood, the ground seemed to shake every time, until recently, Ai had a mistake, a slight miscalculation, that changed her life, her body, she landed on a glass shard, making her trip from the building they where on, she limply hit three walls and landed on a car, her whole body was damaged, mostly her left side, since for whatever reason she landed on her left arm, it was destroyed, bones shattered, blood loss, a concussion, and her leg too, when the medics arrived it was too late to save her arm, too much blood had been lost, the medics had to amputate from the forearm, they could've attached immediately a replacement, a cybernetic one, yet Ai's family had lost too much money on the tons of surgery performed before, they were in such a debt that the most they could do was get Ai a plastic prosthetic, the thing is, Ai didn't want it, she thought it was useless, with a bright yet sad smile, she told her parents, "Thanks mom, thanks dad, I love you but I feel no need for it", she didn't stoped running over buildings, but she did start wearing shoes.

Type of Bender: Avatar

Other Skills: Parkour, Basic medical knowledge (years trapped in a hospital give you that)

Fighting Style: Kung Fú, calm and analytic, waiting for the right moment to strike like a tiger hidden in the grass.

Strengths: She can take almost any damage to her body, Incredible instincts, strong legs and right arm.

Weaknesses: Can't drive at all, left arm, scar in the navel, this scar blocked her chakra (The second one, Svadhisthana) and thus if touched (the scar) will give tremendous pain to Ai.



Would you like for me to make you a cupcake? I think you'd taste pretty good with the right amount of icing!



Name: Soma Agni Asman

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Sexuality: Homosexual



Hight: 149 cm. (a little less then 4'9")

Weight: 89 lbs

Soma is very short, and thin for a 13 year old, due to malnourishment stunting his growth. He often dresses in fine clothing, with golden accessories, in a distinctive style. Underneath his clothes, and jewelry he has a number of distinctive tattoos.







In Depth

Personality: Soma is a childish psychopath, with a blood lust the size of the entire Neo Republic, and an adoration for sweets. His cheery disposition, and complete lack of a moral compass tend to make Soma stand out, despite his small stature. He puts the fun in funeral, and the laughter in manslaughter. His mental state is questionable at the best of times, and often is unable to distinguish between right and wrong (not that he was ever taught right from wrong to begin with).

Soma suffers from mild schizophrenia, and is often tormented by auditory hallucinations. Being unable to afford medication for the torments of his mind, he gets cheep over the counter drugs, toxins, and illegal stimulating drugs. Soma adores all things sweet, and self medicates with 'special' cupcakes he bakes himself, that are laced with various drugs, and low doses of arsenic. The regular consumption of these drug laced sweets, though doing what Soma intended them for, contributes to his extreme bloodlust, and untreated kleptomania.

The majority of Soma's belongings, from his elaborate clothes, to his golden jewelry, were stolen from the upper class. Unsurprisingly, most people who dare put up a fight, or protest slightly, find themselves the victims of a gruesome attack. Knives, teeth, and nails tare at their flesh, and though they are always alive when Soma leaves, a number of them have succumb to their wounds, and died.

Background: Soma was born to a homeless woman, who passed away when he was only three years of age. Soma was raised on the streets, and learned quickly. He lived an incredibly nomadic lifestyle, never staying in the same place for very long. The closest he ever had to a home, was when he became a baker's messenger, and eventual assistant. That was where he learned to bake, and became the baker's main pastry chief.

This ended quickly though, as people were becoming incredibly ill after eating at the bakery, to the point of some people dying. The investigation that followed discovered that Soma had poisoned his goods, and fled before he could be apprehended. From that moment on, just for fun, Soma would seek poison into some people's drinks, or food, just to see if they'd live.

Shortly after he was convinced to come with a man in a (stereotypical) white van, due to the promise of candy. The obvious child molester had Soma in his control and *cough* care for a good year, before he too few victim to Soma's blood lust induced rage, after being denied sweets. The boy left and began his nomadic life once again, completely forgetting the details of the ordeal.

Soma continues to live a nomadic lifestyle, going from one shady safe house to another, stealing everything he needs, and a lot of things he just wants. Police are still after him for a number of gruesome, all out butcherings of some upper class people, that had fought back, as he tried to rob them.

Strengths: Baking; Balance, and Flexibility; Knows human anatomy better then most doctors; Obeying orders

Weaknesses: Can be a major cry baby (especially when being scolded for something); Is still learning right from wrong, and is very gullible on the subject, and therefore easily manipulated; Is attracted to shiny objects; Will take candy from a stranger, and will do anything for promise of more


Type of Bender: Waterbender/Bloodbender

Other Skills: Can easily identify poison, and is good at using it to his advantage; Is a master with knives

Fighting Style: Close range blood bath. Soma gets up close an personal, using knife, tooth, and claw to take down his opponent. He makes it a habit of never hitting a major vein, or artery until his opponent is already A) unconscious from blood loss, B) begging for death, or mercy, C) partially paralyzed, or D) slowly drowning in their own blood.


He is a very submissive little sadist. He follows other people with a child like innocence, and blind trust.

He hates to be scolded, even lightly, and even someone he trusts simply telling him 'no' will make him burst into tears.

He is surprisingly innocent to pretty much anything except thievery and murder. He is blissfully unaware of kidnappers, and child molesters, even though he's been the victim of one before.

Theme song:


Let me get this strait... These guys are going to fight those guys, those guys are going to fight these guys, all because this guy wants to kill that guy... I'm down! Let's fight!
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