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Fandom Avatar; the last hope (always open)

The destruction that the fire benders left behind in their wake was catastrophic for the people of the Southern Water tribe. There was barely any food left to sustain the now smaller population and their housing was scorched to the ground. The fire benders had taken some of the warriors prisoner, leaving the group with little to no protection against anything. The group was comprised of the elderly, children, and the sickly. The chieftain was killed in the battle sadly, leaving no leader for the group. Well, except for the teenager Masami if you would count her experience chaperoning a few kids to be a leader. Most of the group wouldn’t want Masami in charge but they had no choice but to accept her as one. Was she foolish enough to believe that there was an avatar? Probably.

“The Avatar will save us, I know they will,” Masami said with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. She still believed in the legends of old and that the Avatar would bring peace to the world and the four nations. She had to believe it to still have hope and continue on. Most of the group didn’t really have hope that the avatar would save them.

an elder shook his head, “The Avatar is nothing but a hoax sweetie…they haven’t shown up for years and I doubt they will show up now.” The man had quite a pessimistic view on the world, he didn’t believe in that Avatar shit for all it’s worth.

“Why don’t you go with Koda and try to get aid from the next village,” an elderly woman said to her, smiling and trying to not let the negativity and hopelessness of the situation get to her.

Masami nodded, getting up off the ground and waiting for Koda to be ready. She was a little nervous about traveling without an adult guardian but Koda was enough she supposed. Masami barely knew about water bending and how to do it but could manage. Masami was hoping that the next tribe would help them get back on their feet.​
The many heinous acts done by the Fire nation was a symptom of their war. Everyone was subject to the torture of Fire Lord Zhang. Koda hated the Fire Nation and wished that they would just stop picking fights and doing horrible things. However, there was nothing he could do about it since he wasn’t a warrior or trained bender. All he knew was a move that would stagger his enemy with water but that’s about it.

He watched as an old man said something bad about the Avatar, not like he cared. The Avatar never did anything for them so why should he care about them? All the Avatar did was make peace a hundred something years ago which was not helpful now. Koda didn’t hate the Avatar but he did resent them for not showing up and helping. He sighed as he started to try to get fish from the river.

They had nothing left. No food, no shelter, no more chief Vang. The Fire nation destroyed everything that they had. Koda knew that they would soon be dead.

He overheard one of the old ladies mentioning his name and that he should go with Masami. Koda stopped trying to get fish and walked over to Masami, his friend that he could count on. Koda and Masami were pretty good friends and could easily get on each other’s nerves and make up again. The boy just nodded at the request and started walking out of the burnt village with hopefully Masami with him.

“Let’s try not to get killed,” Koda said to her, “polar bears are pretty damn scary.” That was a joke but a part of him was serious about it.
Masami quickly followed after him since she didn’t want to be left behind. She was hoping that strangers would take pity on them and help their group out. Masami didn’t know about the creatures that lurked in the wilderness but she certainly didn’t want to find out. Masami stuck close to Koda as they walked away from the burnt village and into the snowy landscape. Maybe they would find allies and aid from another village.

“Yeah, sounds like a good plan,” Masami said to him, “although, I don’t think that we will run into any creatures if we stay on the path.” There was a path in the snow that was barely visible but it clearly was some sort of road.

Masami had a good feeling about this, even though she was alone with Koda and had little to no water bending experience. But, she could feel it in her bones that this time was going to be different and that they would get lucky somehow.

“What if we find the avatar?” Masami asked Koda, “wouldn’t that be great? I mean to finally end the war and take the fight to fire lord Zhang and save the nations.” This was a little too much of a good dream for Masami, but she was always the optimist of the group. Perhaps even annoyingly so much an optimist.
“Don’t be ridiculous Masami,” Koda said, “the Avatar is probably dead or in hiding someplace.” He sighed as he trudged through the snow, with only one thing on his mind and that was making it to the village. He couldn’t bring himself to think about false hope like that, especially now. A lot of people were depending on him back home and he didn’t want to disappoint them.

Koda wasn’t as hopeful as Masami was and maybe that was bad. But, he was more realistic and rational about his thinking compared to Masami. He was sure that was why the group seemed to like her more than him. Koda sighed, were they the only ones that could get help?

“Masami, we should practice water bending,” Koda said, “make sure we know how to defend ourselves against Fire Nation soldiers if we run into them.” There was a chance that they would run into Fire Nation soldiers, considering the Fire Nation was hunting down resistance within the South Pole.

Koda glanced around for any sign of the Fire Nation being here. He had to make sure that they weren’t being followed either. They couldn’t hold their own in a fight against any Fire Nation soldiers right now.

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