Avatar: The Last Airbender.


Senior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Character:

Name - Haku

Age - 13 (Technically 113)

Gender - Female

Looks - http://i1048.photobucket.com/albums/s368/princess-haku/Hakuairbender_zps30b72338.png

Character List:

MoMo - Princess-Haku

Katara -

Zuko -

Sokka -

Toph -

Azula -

Iroh -

Appa - princess-Haku

Ty Lee -

Fire Lord Ozai -

Suki -

Mai –

(These are just some of the main. If you would like to be any other just post their name and such and then you can be them)

(Concerning Appa and MoMo, the people who play them may change depending on who is flying Appa or with MoMo and such)

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