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Ran turned his head as he heard a abbrasive man and a gang apart from the crowd harrasing a young lady. A man quickly went to confront them.. Ran turned around and stared " Hey!!" Ran turned and ran at to the abbrasive man beside a authoratative looking man. Ran looked up at the older man who looked much stronger and less fragile than he. Ran stared at the older man " Do you need help sir?"

Ran raised his fists " Because I'm eager and ready if it means preserving piece." Remember the dance of the dragons.... High punch, High punch, low sweep, high punch.... Ran remembered his style with haste he knew not what was to come... And he loved going over his technique it reminded him of home.

Ran sighed in the blink of the eye all the perpatrators were paralyzed the deed done. No adventure for him. The eager young mans eyes darkened... Ran sighed " I'm too late.."
Tahimik blinked at the sudden violence. A shaking set in as she attempted looking a bit tougher than she actually ways before she found herself getting pulled away from the whole scene and into an ally.As they were running, she quickly tucked her little finch against herself and the bandage shirt she wore so it wouldn't fall and get hurt. Still shaking slightly, she looked back behind her, at the sight that was quickly disappearing, before looking back up at the man from earlier.

Giving him a weak smile, Tahimik nodded her head again, for no real reason other than some form of communication. After a while, she found it hard to run holding her glider and tucked it back in its holder so it was laying diagonally across her back. This place is too much. I really just want to go back to the monks.
Gokudo was not quite as stunned as the boy had first hoped. When you master the physical aspects of your body, you tend to be able to do amazing things.

He used his staff as a pole vault, and from there grabbed the ledge of a window, scaling the wall like nothing.

He followed the two from overhead, remaining completly silent as he stalked the boy and girl.

Oh, he was very interested now. Very intereted.

But what next?
Placing his hands on the wall, Riyoshi looked at the boy who just came around the boy.

"Can you please take these two men to the holding cell. Use any force necessary if they try to escape." Riyoshi said to Ran.

As Riyoshi ran down the alley after the group took off, Riyoshi jumped, clapped his hands once, and as he landed an earth pillar came out of the ground, launching him up to the rooftops.

"Hey you! stop running!" Riyoshi yelled out towards Gokudo.

Reaching his hand down, he grabbed one of the earth shingles. Throwing it in front of hi, he punched the shingle with his right hand and sent a bunch of small rock chunks flying at gokudo.

{That should at least slow him down.} Riyoshi thought as he continued to run after the man.

When Alex looked back he saw the angry little man from earlier and apparently Riyoshi was chasing after that man. This was ridiculous. What did this man want with them. He quickly turned a corner, then another, then another turning back on itself. While out of view of everyone, he pulled the girl up close to him. He wrapped both his arms around her, but careful not to crush or even hurt her little friend, he slammed his back against the wall.

As he did this, the wall instantly cut out a rectangle form, just the size of both of them, and it spun around, butting them inside an empty warehouse type of building without people and nearly without windows. No would would of been able to tell what just happened. He then tapped his foot, he could "see" where their foot prints were and with a swift movement of his arm they disappeared, leaving no evidence of where they had gone.

He didn't realize it, but as he focused on watching the people outside, with his eyes closed, he had been holding the young woman against him in a protecting manner.
Standing there, face a dark red, Tahimik had no idea how to respond to what had just happened. Being grabbed and held in the position she was in, was just...a little to awkward. Very lightly, She started pushing against the man's chest in protest to being in this close to a person she barely knew. Silent words asked him to let her go.
Alex quickly let go. He didn't mean to frighten her. It was just that man, he was annoyed at his persistence. He only wanted to show her his "Special place" in order to calm her down. He was absolutely positive she would like it. He crouched down and whispered softly to her.

"That man shouldn't notice us now but we need to keep moving."

He diverted his eyes away from hers when he saw she was slightly pink. He knew it was his fault.

"I'm, uhm... Sorry. I don't mean to scare you."

He shuffled carefully and quietly over to a culvert. He pulled the lid up with some effort and offered her a hand to help her down first. The area was very clean, it wasn't a sewer or anything, it was simply the underground aqueduct. From there he figured he would show her another special place beneath the city that very few knew about.
Taking a deep breath and a step back Tahimik felt a little better. She nodded her head as he spoke, and gave a small smile at his apology, nodding her head. As he opened something, a little bit of interest started forming, as he offered her a hand. She looked at it warily for a moment before biting her lip. What is he expecting me to do?

Tahimik pointed at Him, the culvert and traced a question mark in the air. She really hoped he understood what she was asking, other wise she would just look stupid.
"Not a lady of many words" He laughed lightly. Alex meant no harm in what he said, simply an observation. Though he understood what she meant.

"I was going to help you down, out of courtesy. I'll go first if you want me too." He waited to see how she responded. His hand pointed towards the aqueduct.
Oh, she mouthed, a tiny bit upset at what he had said before but didn't show it. It really didn't matter as it is. She went closer to the aqueduct and looked down it before giving him a small smile and looking down it again. She took a breath before sliding into the thing, a bit afraid of what she was going to find down there.
He carefully made it down the aqueduct after her. Before he looked around and got started, he put the lid back on so no one would follow them.

Once he was down next to her he crouched by the water. Cupping his hands, he grabbed some water and splashed his face, rinsing it clean of any dirt and sweat. The water was crystal clean, and a random illumination came from the bottom, lighting it up enough to see where one was going, or what they were doing.

"Oh boy what a day." He rinsed his face off again before looking over at the girl. "This water flows out to the fields. Not many know about these areas. We should be safe here, and i can take you to see the fireworks..."

And before he knew it, he slipped and told her what he was planning to do. He contorted his face, but stopped, trying not to show it. Now the surprise was ruined, but either way they would still go. Now he could show her the crystal caverns on the way. Quickly he tired to change the subject.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"

He thought maybe it would be easier for her to write it. He took his hand right above the stone ground and made a fist then opened his hand 5 or 6 times. Then a smile broke across his face and he wiggled his finder in an area that was now sand, indicating she could scribble her name now. He looked at her to see what she thought of this.
Fire...works? Tahimik shuddered inwardly, the thought of the small objects that shot into the sky and exploded with loud bangs make her uneasy. Though, she did rather like them, when she couldn't hear them, that is. Shaking her head a little then watching him after he had asked for her name. Seeing the sand and him indicating for her to use that, she blinked a little bit. He..was an earth bender then? That made things a little more interesting, didn't it?

Kneeling down next to him and the sand patch she carefully wrote 'Tahimik Vlar' in the sand, followed by 'Yours?'. The question mark coming out a bit deformed though. She set her hands in her lap, watching him for how he would respond.
"So... this is what's going down..." Rarnon muttered to himself as he watched the flaming bodies battling in the sky.

"Benders can be pretty horrifying sometimes..."

Catching only a glimpse of the chase, Rarnon decided not to get involved, instead planning his escape route if things went to hell.

"Aqueducts eh? Might come in handy..." he mumbled, following one casually.
Gokudo had dropped from view. This had pretty much went to shit. His whole plan had fallen apart because of a few meddling kids. Benders or not, they had neither the experience or power to match him anyways, and he was normal.

He sighed. This festival was ruined, for him at least.

I'll find them eventually, he thought. Then it can begin.

The world rested upon his shoulders right now.

He really needed a massage....
*Ookami looked up along the walls of the enormous city. He walked toward where he could enter thinking of the festival. He ran his hand along it thinking. "Its been 100 years..Man that's a long time." As he continued to walk he readjusted his robe. As he grew closer he wanted to see the festival more and more. You could hear it miles away. He came up to the guards.*

Guard 1."You are here for the festival?"


Guard 1."Then go right along in."

Ookami."Thank you."

*Ookami walked while he looked upon all the displays. As he grew closer to the center of it, he got more excited to see the various waterbending techniques. The various styles and movement struck him easily. He wanted to learn badly but he knew he couldn't just yet if there ever was a time. He sat there watching the performance.."
((Coro, and Heartsteal. Please remember to read the posts carefully. HS would of never seen us go into the aqueduct. We were not in view for everyone. Coro, im sorry for evading you, i was trying to do something with esme that progresses the story line in the long run. As for being a merc at 21 and stronger then a bender. Your wrong. To overpower a bender you need to be sly and cunning, brute frontal force will not work, especially not against my guy. I'm sorry there isnt a lot to do right now. We are going to get things started soon, i promise.))

Hmm. He pondered how to reply. He could say his name but it would surely ruin some of the fun. Using his finger, in the sand he wrote, "Your name is beautiful." After that he smoothed the sand out, then put, "My name is Alexis Katchora." His eyes came up and met with hers. She really seemed like a truly trusting person. Someone he wanted to know, befriend, and have as a companion in his troubles. Then he snapped back into reality and that they needed to get moving.

He would of took her hand but from how she acted he figured it was best not to. He motioned for her to follow and Alex took off, walking down the passage way. They would of continued for a good five minutes before coming to the area he was looking for.

After walking the needed distance, Alex closed his eyes, breathed calmly a few times. He then tapped his feet, listening to the earth, though it was hard with so many people above. It was almost overwhelming. He broke out in a light sweat but thankfully he had found the entrance.

He smiled back at Tahimik. Alex spread his legs a little, taking up a solid stance. He placed his palms up and thrust them forward about a foot. Then quickly he pushed his hands straight up and in front of him, a decent sized door appeared, opening exactly how he had moved. But he was kind of sad. He didn't like using his bending, even though it was required for this adventure.

"And now to the Crystal Caverns." As he entered the room it was illuminated with a slowly swirling green hue, as if alive, and hundreds upon thousands of crystals where there in the view of both of them. The only thing remotely as beautiful as this was the nights sky on a full moon. Alex walked over and touched on of the crystals. He always loved how they were warm to the touch. He turned around to watch Tahimik hoping she would enjoy their side excursion.
(No need to apologize, it's better this way, I think. Not everything should happen at once all the time. But I didn't necessarily say stronger, mabye it's just Gokudo's inflated ego? But he has done some brutal training, and IS a merc, after all. Sly comes with the job.)

Gokudo fell back to a less than reputable tavern, and got himself a meal and bed, while thinking of what to do once he found that boy.

The boy was just too perfect.

Perhaps he could use the girl? Or mabye the boy would listen to him?
Con Lel stopped and told Ker Tela to stay where she was and enjoy herself, when she nodded and continued playing with the crudely made fire mannequin he walked into a tavern and got a quick drink for himself and something for Ker Tela. He walked out just as quickly and the 2 of them continued enjoying the festival.
(Yeah, it's no problem. My character's just a little paranoid and is looking for his escape route. The aqueducts was the only thing I could think of that were generally visible and led from one end of a city to the other.)

After a few minutes spent planning, Rarnon stepped into a dodgy little tavern to get a room. He had a feeling that business was booming tonight.
After following Alexis and seeing him earth bend a door, Tahimik was more than a bit confused. She went through the door after him. Her breath caught in her throat at the beautiful sight of the glowing crystals. Oh my.... Her jaw dropped as she walked in further before turning around in a circle where she stood, not really sure how to react to this place. After forgetting to breath for almost a minute, she blinked then took in deep breath.

This place is amazing, Tahimik thought before looking at Alexis and smiling, while her little finch started chirping lazily from it's spot while seemingly looking around as well. She bowed a thank you to him before doing another full circle turn looking around. After she had done her circle again, Tahimik reached out to touch one of the crystals, but stopped mere inches away from it, afraid to touch it for fear of breaking it.
As soon as Riyoshi left the goons stopped playing possum " Heh, we were just waiting till the fragile guy was left... heh heh heh! 3 against one I like that." The obvious leader of the goons stood up " Taroo, Okuzo! Hold him down."

Before Ran could react four strong arms pulled his arms back. The Goon smiled " No bending for you!!" Ran wrenched and pulled but he had to face it he wasn't strong enough. He would have to resort to bending, a dragons way!! The Goon began to walk towards Ran his hands clenched into a fist . The goon cracked his knuckles as his goonlings Taroo and Okuzo held a young man down. The Goon punched ran in the stomach. Ran grinned up at him wincing in pain " Stop, or I will burn you to a crisp..."

The goon king laughed " Hah you can't you're restrained.." Ran winced he would have to open this goons mind to the world of bending and honor. Obviously he thought only arms were the king. Ran felt heat rising in the pit of the stomach. Ran persed his lips and blew blue flames shot out of his mouth as if he were a dragon. The goon king was burned in the face.

The goon king curled up in a fetal position holding his face " My beautiful face!! My handsome face!!" The goon king rolled around in pain. While Taroo and Okuzo let go of Ran " Boss Tenaka!!" They bent down to see if he was alright then Ran raised his fists " Do you really want to mess with a dancing dragon?" Ran was to tell the truth exhausted from blowing fire he had just learned it from the dragons before he left and his bending was by no means perfect. He was hoping the dumb goons would believe his bluff and go quietly.

Taroo and Okuzo looked frightened " O-o-okay.." Taroo and Okuzo raised their arms in surrender. Ran looked around and luckilly found some spare rope he tied the criminals together.

Ran sighed " Sorry about the face Tenaka."

The boss goon grumbled and Ran sighed running after Riyoshi. He was lucky they had no hardy earth bender or something.
After Gokudo out ran Riyoshi, he stopped running and took in a deep breath.

{I wonder if he was able to handle those two guys?} Riyoshi thought as he jumped down to the street.

Riyoshi started to walk back towards the center of town.

{I think it is about to start this party.} Riyoshi thought as he continued to walk.

As he turned the corner, he caught a glimpse of the kid from earlier.

"Were you able to handle those two?" Riyoshi asked as he waved towards the kid.
Ran stepped aside to allow Riyoshi to see for himself. The first thing he would see was Tenaka's badly burned face, every single boil every blackening skin. Ran sighed " Not the way I thought it would turn out but I'm alright.... You catch that guy?" Ran looked up wiping sweat from his brow.
"Nah, he was a little faster than myself." Riyoshi replied as he looked past Ran.

As he placed his hands in his pockets, he looked past Ran and upon the man laying on the ground.

"Ouch, went a little overboard on that one, didn't you?" Riyoshi asked as he turned Ran around and headed for the goons.
Ran sighed " They had both of my hands restrained I could scarcely move my legs and I asked nicely. I thought it was then standard after the first blow is issued that it is a free for all."

Tenaka stared at Ran in hate " He isn't human!! He is a dragon I tell you!!"

Ran smiled at Tenaka " Dragons are extinct..." Ran shot a threatening glance at the other goons. They could not go around spreading that someone close to the dragons was running around on main land. Even if it were true, even easy going Ran knew that. Ran sighed " I gues you'll catch that dude later.." Ran extended his hand to shake Riyoshi's after he was done " I'm Ran Lee.."

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