AVATAR: Descendants of the Red Lotus

Kenzo Raxon

One of a kind
This RP started here:

All are free to join though, simply post a Character Sheet in the appropriate forum and/or shoot me a message!

Once I have 'liked' your Character Sheet, you are free to dive on in!

No post length requirements, however a one post a day minimum is to be respected. 

Have fun!! 



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Zhen sprinted into the shadowy park near the harbor where his ship was safely docked. He dove behind some bulky bushes just as an airships spotlight glare crawled over his location. It slowly continued its random, sweeping path and he exhaled in relief. He was not about to let these Gestapo bastards take him in now, they'd pin the entire debacle on him and as much as he'd love the credit he had work to do. 

He sat in the cool grass, cross cross and closed his eyes as he reenvisioned the events that had transpired. The determination he saw in the Fire Benders face as he dueled the daughter of the elitist tool he'd just assassinated flashed through Zhen's mind. It was rather disappointing that he'd passed out like that,  but he appeared to be what Zhen was looking for. He needed extremely adept Benders,  who were trailblazers within their respective Bending styles. Loyal, determined, fearless individuals that would genuinely join him in bringing TRUE balance back to the world. 

He then reflected on the others that suddenly intervened as well. The AirBender..  Very intriguing. Zhen had only seen a few in his two decades,  and had never fought one before. He felt robbed of the opportunity with their duel being cut short by the explosion.

The Fire Bender daughter that attacked his potential prospect. Now there was a flame worth dousing he thought as he smirked, then opened his eyes and rose to his feet. The wailing sirens of the airships had passed and with no one in sight,  Zhen made his way to his ship to plan his next move. 
The old wooden door to the one bedroom apartment swings open with a hefty shove from Dimek. He slings the satchel bag from his back as he idly pushes the door back shut with his foot. With a wave of his hand, the metal lock within the door bolts shut. That has always been one of many benefits to his relatively unique talent. Made breaking and entering that much harder. Not that it would be wise to break into the apartment of a trained detective anyways. The apartment itself is rather cramped, though if one was being generous they might call it cozy. The size, even the spirit vines that grow through part of the wall; don't bother him though. Dimek has never been one to care too much about extravagance, it's been his place for a good few years and has done all he needs it too. Plus he was told if he ever sold the place the vines would add a sizable sum to the price he'd get for it with some clients.

Dimek sets down the satchel bag on the small tea table in the corner and sits down cross legged on the little roll mat laid out beside it. The leftovers of his last meal remain by its side, and he hungrily tucks into it after removing the strange chest that he'd taken from the murder scene. As he devours the cold food he adjusts the dials on the radio box next to him until he finds the Republic City news broadcasts and listens carefully to the unveiling story. It is no surprise that Mr Hase's assassination is the top story. And it'd seem that Mrs Hase suffered a heart attack from the strain the events caused. The force will have their hands full with this one, shame they can't turn to Dimek for help. He wipes the his mouth with the back of his hand as the broadcast continues, but he theory crafts whilst more news comes in from the developing story.

Their daughter'll end up as the head of the company now, what was her name... Elisa? Alisa? He'd heard the name once in discussions at the precinct. Detective trying to make a case about her involvement in underground fighting rings. The Captain had told him to back off her in the investigation, something about donations to the city's development program by the company. Poor girl, she'll be over her head now- but wait, was that her on the rooftop? Dimek scratching the nape of his neck as he glances down to the copied note he'd taken from the assassin.

She might be a target again in this grand scheme unfolding. And hey, he'd been meaning to head to the air temple anyways to try and get some eye witness reports. Naturally the force itself'll already be heading there, but with a bit of wordplay he might get an audience. Dimek pushes himself upward and it is only then he finally notices the fatigue wracking his muscles. When was the last time he slept? The fact that he can't remember is what makes Dimek see sense. It can wait until he's rested.
Jianguo "Jian" Qingsheng


Jianguo Qingsheng, otherwise known simply as 'Jian', was out on a stroll that day, something she often busied her time with. She didn't intend to waste time simply to waste time, but lately she found herself not having much drive for much of anything. Inevitably, that meant the woman simply wasted time, just to get through the dull, droning days. She had come to Republic City years ago, and had quite enjoyed her initial time spent here. Which, meant, that she had dug her heels down into the criminal underbelly of the city. Naturally, she was like a pro at it, using her wit, and her skill to get what she wanted. Even going so far as, spurning established criminal organizations, and specific lawbreakers.

However, that was her starting years, lately, she had sort of dropped off the map, and kept largely to herself. She focused entirely on herself, being the self-centered woman she was, working tirelessly on her bending abilities. She was no real 'prodigy', though if there were any who knew her, they'd probably call her such. No. She was merely a hard-worker, and kept at her bending remarkably disciplined. Habitually, she trained. Almost, addicted so.

Even now, standing out on the corner of some street in the city, staring at the windows of some business before her, she was bending. Every waking moment she was bending, training herself. It kept her heart rate up. It kept her on edge. Its effects... totally worth it. Quite the powerful bender, quite the dangerous one. With a dangerous mentality, to boot. So, not a prodigy, but a 'genius' in bending, one who somehow kept her training regimen at all times.

Standing there, she had her arm held out, bent at the elbow. It was encased in fine dust. Still visible, however, which meant her arm appeared quite dirty. She was focused on keeping the dust in place, not letting a speck drop off. It was harder than you'd think. Her eyes blinked, while her golden eyes took in the mover pictures on the movervision (lol, what are they called? tvs?) in front of her. It seemed, surprisingly, that some man of some corporation had been assassinated today. The news was busy covering it in-depth, and relentlessly. Almost as tirelessly as she was focused on bending. Nearby radios were abuzz with the news. His wife suffered a heart-attack as well. "Hm, how unfortunate," she murmured, listening intently to the reports.

Raising an eyebrow, she turned her head down the street. Down that way, was where it had happened, at some sort of event, announcing something about automobiles, or something. Jian hardly cared about that. It was the assassination that she cared about. Something about it... stirred something within the woman. "Perhaps.." she murmured. She gave her head a shake, swishing her golden ponytail, "No, no..."
(Time recap to present)

Six months have passed since Moana's arrival in Republic city; the young bender luckily having managed to eke out a living simply doing what she knew best: healing. In the first few weeks of her time at Republic City, Moana had gotten fortunate, helping to save a young boy's life who'd been struck by an automobile. The young boy's parents, clearly overjoyed at the complete stranger's help, implored Moana to tell them what they could do for her in return. While not asking for anything in return, the couple regardless sought to reward the young woman in some way even as she departed them after a kind farewell. It wasn't long till Moana had been discovered by the very same couple whom she'd helped, the bender having nothing save for the clothing on her back, and as such lived homelessly within the city wandering from place to place offering her services in exchange for simple goods. Seeing the woman who'd saved their son in such a situation didn't sit well with the couple, the two begging for Moana to let them repay her. Relenting, Moana inevitably accepted their offer if simply to give them the closure of repayment. As it turned out the couple was decently well off, the husband an owner of a modest apartment building, and saw fit to give Moana an apartment room completely free of rent. While Moana did accept the offer, she did not like receiving such completely free of charge. A week after her fortunate change of fate, Moana found work at a local medical clinic, her healing capabilities coming of great use to those whom worked there. The work she performed was demanding, many days leaving the bender exhausted, but the pay was respectable and Moana got to also help those in need. With a source of income, Moana eventually managed to convince the couple providing her free apartment to accept her paying rent, Moana not liking the fact of her receiving special treatment over other honest paying tenants. While she did manage to achieve paying rent, Moana frequently received various gifts from the couple in the form of nice foods and sweets which she largely gave away to those in need within the less fortunate sections of the city. During her days off, Moana frequently offered her services in the poorer districts of Republic City for free, many coming to her both old and young whom she happily assisted in any way she could. It wasn't long until Moana  earned a bit of a reputation for her deeds among the homeless and poor of Republic City. . Fast forward to the present day and Moana is rather content with her life, her job at the local medical clinic paying well, and her continued charity work for those in need never faltering. The young bender has even managed to attract a few benefactors who've provided donations to the clinic in which she works at for her kind work, much to the delight of her coworkers and herself.


Moana hummed softly to herself as she walked through the streets of Republic City, the young bender deciding to explore a bit in the large city she now called home. Stopping by a few quaint stalls situated around more populated areas of the city, Moana enjoyed some light food, a warm cup of tea her most recent purchase as she sipped upon the relaxing beverage contently. Presently Moana was making her way toward a rather widely talked about event: the unveiling of some new automobile by the Hase Corporation. While she didn't really have much financial options in the purchase of a vehicle, Moana regardless was rather interested to see what form of new technological innovations would be on display, the advancement of technology always something that fascinated the bender with how quickly it was capable of evolving. Managing to reach the location in question a little early, Moana largely relaxed as the crowd grew in size before the unveiling soon began. The gentleman standing upon the stage exuded an air of confidence about him as he spoke and touted the promising new form of vehicle that was to be soon sold to the public. A falter in the man's speech brought confusion to Moana before hearing a sharp crack fill the air, the man upon the stage crumbling backward in a cry of pain before someone suddenly began shouting from behind the crowd. The panic ensuing prevented Moana from getting a look at the individual that had just killed in cold blood, but as she herself moved to get free of the frantic fray of panicked people Moana began to see city police begin collapsing upon a single building, the familiar crack of lightning filling the air as uniformed bodies began to fall from the roof. Not thinking herself capable of facing an individual of such ability, Moana moved to the injured officers whom had fallen from atop the building in question. Much to her horror, many of the officers thrown from the roof were either dead already, or beyond realistic saving. Another almost deafening crack filled the air, sending Moana's ears ringing slightly as she looked back up to the roof of the building of interest, watching as two figures were thrown from the large cloud of smoke which swallowed a good portion of the roof. With one individual, a man at a glance, sailing away before managing to right himself and land safely before running away, and another, a young girl, roughly landing against the edge of the roof...she looked familiar. The sight of a-was that a flying bison? Well the day certainly wasn't an average one that Moana was quite certain of as she watched the air bison fly away. For reasons she couldn't explain, Moana felt like she had to follow the flying beast, something telling her against her better judgement. "I should be helping those hurt but....ah spirits curse me." Moana sharply spoke to herself as she began to try and follow where the air bison was heading toward. In an attempt to get a better vantage point, Moana caught sight of a small manual crane and, gripping the metallic hook, kicked the lock securing the chain in place away from its gears with a loud 'CLUNK'. With the weighted ballast swiftly descending, Moana quick ascended with a soft yelp, being yanked straight to the roof of the large building in question, her momentum carrying her up an extra foot or so as the crane's hook clanked against its upper gears. Stumbling slightly, the young bender strained her eyes to find the flying bison, swiftly catching sight of it once again, and managing to discern three individuals atop it. The fact that it was leaving the scene of a rather violent series of events, Moana refused to believe that a few of the people involved weren't upon the creature. Running along the series of buildings she stood atop, her container of water assisting in traversing the variable heights of the buildings in the form of a grappling whip anchored to Moana's left arm, she tried to keep pace with the flying animal, but swiftly fell behind as she was left panting slightly at the end of the row of buildings she'd been traversing over. It wasn't difficult to discover where the bison and its occupants were heading toward as Moana was able to see Air Temple Island. "Great, yeah they would head to a place completely easy to reach by foot..." Moana groaned to herself, looking down the side of the building she was standing atop and quickly feeling a shiver run up her back at the considerable height. "Well....UGH why am I doing this again?" The young bender huffed to herself, shaking her head as she tried to clear it of that nagging need of curiosity, but it only persisted the more she tried to push it away. "I swear I'm gonna regret this somehow." She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she took a breath and steeled her nerves. "Hooooookay, relax Moana, just relax and let your movements flow and don't falter." Moana said softly before she dropped from the roof, descending rapidly, quickly pulling forth her reserve of water from the container on her left hip and forming a smooth ramp of ice which she slipped down, but which lost its solidity toward the end sending Moana tumbling a few feet onto the sidewalk below. Picking herself up Moana hissed a bit as her left side gave a jolt of pain. "Yeah....cracked rib...nice Moana....nice." She groaned, returning her water from its frozen state into her container, but reserving a bit to her right hand before pressing it against her left side. Water glowing, the pain began to subside as she accelerated the healing process of her cracked rib just enough to remove the pain. "Ngh, well here's to hoping I don't end up killing myself." Moana said as she returned the last of her water to her container, stopping it, and heading toward the harbor. Much to her chagrin, all the commercial boats had been anchored as the search for the murderer continued. "Great, no boat to get across the water.........said the young waterbender to herself." She shook her head as she gauged the rather sizable distance between where she stood and the island, Moana's mind wary of her bending's capabilities. "Well no point in me standing doing nothing. Won't get any better at waterbending doubting myself." Moana quipped, taking a few steps back from the pier she'd come to stand upon before running forward and jumping off of the pier toward the water below. With a smooth circular sway upward of her arms, the water below swelled upward, catching the bender, and making her dive considerably more silent and less visible. Not wanting to draw attention by gliding over the water's surface, Moana quickly worked the water around her, propelling her moderately faster through the bay while she bent the water around her head to provide a bit of air. Pleasantly enough the act of swimming helped to calm Moana's nerves, something the youth always enjoyed.

Arriving a few minutes later, Moana surfaced before the island temple, pushing herself onto the island's dock with a small wave before pulling the water from her clothing, rendering her comfortably dry yet again. With a breath to recollect herself, the bender looked up from her position on the docks at the temple path above, slightly shaking her head as she made her way forward. "Thisiscrazythisiscrazythisiscrazyyyy. I'mgonnagetarrestedfortrespassingwhyamIdoingthis?" Moana murmured quickly and hushed under her breath as she ascended the zigzagging path toward the temple's entrance, still conflicting with why she felt so compelled to do what she was doing. Rather than simply walk up to the main entrance though, the young bender instead slipped off the path. Climbing up a few trees toward the temple's entrance, Moana couldn't help but pause and admire the amazing architecture of the island, marveling at the buildings' construction before shortly pulling herself back to the present. "Well at least I can say I've been to Air Temple Island now." Moana remarked under her breath, the thought of minor consolation should she get caught. Noticing a few temple guards, Moana took a moment to scan the area in search of any additional sentries before moving in from her vantage point. Somehow managing to avoid detection by the temple's guards, Moana spied a small group of flying bison gathered near one of the island's buildings. Assuming the particular building likely may have been where the group she'd been following would be, Moana slipped inside tentatively trying to remain undetected as she snooped around in search for the three strangers from earlier. 
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Zhen rifled through stacks of papers and loose scrolls in the cabin of his sleek, Water Tribe ship that was docked in the harbor of Republic City still. The windows were tinted a dark shade of almost pure black, the paint a lackluster shade of grey-blue. It was a newer model he'd modified himself,  and it served him well. 

The interior was just as monotone, reflecting no decorative flair with it's ubiquitously clean chrome and wooden surfaces and a few animal skins scattered about from all over the world. Zhen paced slowly within the cabin, pouring through the antiquated scroll he'd attained from the crime boss. He was beginning to understand that to bring about a truly new era between man and spirits as the founder of the Red Lotus had intended, he had no shortage of work before him. 

He was going to need some very special people to join him. He had learned that the Red Lotus actually still had active members all across the nations, but deduced the odds of finding them would be slim to none.. He decided more realistically to instead recruit promising individuals as he went. 

Prioritizing the steps that were going to need to be taken to achieve total success, he decided he would start with settling the ultimate unfinished business of overthrowing the order of the White Lotus. Formerly a member of the White Lotus and the founder of the Red Lotus, Xai Bau had left the order after the Hundred Year War ended. He realized that the White Lotus' decision to come out of hiding and openly serve the Avatar had turned them into nothing more than glorified body guards. The White Lotus had lost its true purpose, which was to restore true freedom to the world. 

Once the White Lotus are exterminated,  the nations' leaders would follow, then the Avatar.

With the intense storm of unadulterated determination raging within him, Zhen rolled up the scroll and stowed it away safely again and exited the ships' cabin. He gazed up at the full moon, breathing in the crisp, cool night air with a grin. Change was coming. 
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Pema heard the conversation behind her and sighed. True Mu was a little insensitive but it was just a poor choice of words there wasn't any thing malicious meant. "My sympathies, miss, I do know how it is like to lose a father." She called genuinely behind her. "I am sure he would glad to you are ok.I am Pema by the way,  I am taking to the air temple, the monks there will help you out for sure. I apologise in advance for any platitudes they might say about loss, they mean well."

 @CoolGuy @Mossino
For some reason or another, Mu felt that Alisa wasn't going to say anything further.  She needed space, he figured, so he moved forward to sit just behind Pema.  He'd never met an airbender before.  He'd always imagined them to be more distant, or mysterious, or something.  "So what's your story?" he asked.  He doubted it'd be very interesting, but he felt it'd be polite to ask, since she did save his life, even if he wasn't sure he was risking it in the first place.

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Jianguo "Jian" Qingsheng


Jianguo remained outside the shop, listening to the last words of the report. Apparently, police had sorta attempted to follow the perpetrator of the crime, but for the most part, there had been some sort of altercation -in other words a fight- between the murderer and the daughter of that family. Some other benders appeared to be involved, but the information was flaky, circumstantial, and speculatory at best. Or at least the news she was currently watching and listening into.

Regardless, after that particular broadcast, Jian decided to get something to drink, to satisfy some unusual craving she was currently having. With a steady thought process, she looked down at her lifted hand, the dust atop it. Bending it had taken a lot of concentration, and she had found herself distracted by the report. A frown wormed its way onto her face, while she attempted to wiggle her fingers. With the dust bent there, she found her hand was completely encased, and could not move. Sure, she had managed to get a brownish, thin layer over her hand, far less intrusive and unwieldy than any Earth Armor most Earthbenders could do, but she couldn't move her hand at all when it was encased.

Growling in frustration, the young woman swiped her hand to the side, the dust disconnecting, no longer hardened, and falling off in light brown powder. Aggravated, grunting out some words of displeasure. "Frikkin' great. Just frikkin' great. Dammit," cursing, she spun on her heel, and walked down the street. This technique was proving to be unusable!
For some reason or another, Mu felt that Alisa wasn't going to say anything further.  She needed space, he figured, so he moved forward to sit just behind Pema.  He'd never met an airbender before.  He'd always imagined them to be more distant, or mysterious, or something.  "So what's your story?" he asked.  He doubted it'd be very interesting, but he felt it'd be polite to ask, since she did save his life, even if he wasn't sure he was risking it in the first place.


Pema couldn't help but chuckle a bit and looked at him as if knowing his doubt. "Yeah. You really seem interested in my life story. "She began in a joking sarcastic tone." However since you asked, there is not much to say. Born and raised at the air temple, one of the youngeSt to earn my tattoos. Studied in  the university and just came back from exploring the world. Learning a bit about the the other cultures."She said casually chosing to leave out her heritage.
Exploring the world?  What a coincidence.  Mu wanted to keep talking, but he was sure that at any moment, they'd arrive at the temple, and he ran out of conversation topics right after asking her her story.  Mu swung his legs around Aang and took a look at Republic City.  The view from above was truly glorious.  The sun shined brightly on the towers of commerce and government and reflected off the water to create an image that stunned him.  It inspired hope in him, for some reason, and he smiled.  The temple looked awful close, and Mu would be happy to see the inside.

Pema saw Mu look out at the wide city under the light of the sun. "Looking out there it is hard to believe this sad business earlier had happened..."She began saying wanting their conversation to continue. "It had its problem but there is nothing like this city. I always loved it here and is good to be back." She added before tapping on Aang who began to decent down towards the temple. Already she could see some monks gather in the landing area, so she junked of the bison and rushed to hug two of them before and landed. "Yeah missed both of you."My would gear her say to the monks." But first there is a girl who need some medical aid."
This next post is supposed to take place the next day ICly. I don't mind waiting until the rest have caught up to that time before continuing. Patience is a virtue!

Dimek continues to rub the sleep out of his eyes as the smell of seawater and the brisk chill of the wind assaults his senses. He imparts a nod to the driver of the small motorboat docked aboard the public peer. His old armour, with the grapples now attached to its back; is once again a complement of his attire underneath a jacket. He drops the satchel bag down into the boat before hopping down after himself. Taking a seat, the boat twists and sails back out into the Republic City bay. A brief glimpse is saved over the city's skyline before Dimek's gaze switches to the air temple island just ahead. The new light of dawn still creeps over the hills of the island before him. He lets out a long sigh, hoping that his arrival won't clash with any of the police.
Zhen Hua moved seamlessly through the night life of inner Republic City. Every so often he took note that his Water Tribe get up drew a bit of attention, there didn't seem to be very many of his people in the city. He was glad for it, the less of the chance of being recognized the better. He made his way past a whole block of food carts that emanated a multitude of strong, temptingly delicious aromas but he remained focused. He'd worked hard on getting his informant to give up the location of his target and wouldn't deviate now. Shame he had had to put down such a talented Bender he thought to himself, but grinned with a slight shrug with knowing the world was one more White Lotus member short. 

He slipped in through an open back door to keep a low profile then snuck his way through the kitchens of the Dragon Flats Bistro. The place was a bustling beacon of energy at this time of night and everyone was so preoccupied hustling to and fro that no one stopped him. Leaving the kitchens Zhen entered the dining area, the air filled with soft chatter, clattering silverware, and a thin veil of smoke. 

Almost immediately he spotted his mark,  a tall, thin man with a gaunt face and a long, greying mustache. He was wearing the official garb of the Order of the White Lotus,  it was almost too easy. He approached the man's table and flashed a white lotus Pai Sho tile with a wicked grin to go with it. 

"Care for a friendly game sir?"

The man squinted at the tile in Zhens hand before cracking a grin of his own. "Of course! I always have time for a game of Pai Sho with fellow members." He motioned for Zhen to sit across from him. "WAITOR!! Another round here for me and my friend!" Zhen sat and began arranging his tiles for the game. 

Yep, too easy. 
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Jianguo "Jian" Qingsheng


Jianguo after leaving the glassed-over store, where she had witnessed the news report, earlier that day, made her way downtown, seeking out a restaurant to lay low, and relax. The entire way, she was forming the ball of earth in her hand into various shapes. Shapes that grew gradually more elaborate. Starting from a simple compacted orb, to a star, to a multi-directional spiked thing of indiscriminate shape. To various things doll-like, like sculptures of people she passed by on the street.

Eventually, she found herself at the Dragons Flat Bistro. A nice, quaint place. The sky above was drawing streaks of orange and reds across it, like a painting, the sun setting. Slipping inside, she continued to bend the earth. This time, it was far harder for anyone to notice, with the earth ball now in fine grains spread across her arm.

The host(ess) found her a table, and Jian sat down, skimming the menu. She had come here fairly often, and knew more or less what she wanted. The Earthbender ordered, and relaxed. 'Relaxed' was relative. She remained in her seat, waiting on her order to arrive, still attempting to bend the sheet of dust over her arm, while being able to move that very arm. It was virtually unnoticeable, but if one paid attention, they would be able to see her arm locked in a unmoving position the entire time.

Her drink came, a nice little minty thing, that she sipped gratefully. Her eyes scanned the room of noisy consumers before her. No one was really paying her any attention. Jian tilted her head, observing something unusual. With a curious eye, she watched a man pop free from the kitchen area. He was not dressed like the wait staff. "Hm, how intriguing..." Jian noted to herself. It was by chance her seat was within view of the kitchens. No one else seemed to have noticed, going on about their conversations of nothing. Flexing a hand, she continued to discreetly watch on. This man, he immediately walked over to a table. Narrowing her eyes, she just managed to spot him flash a Pai Sho tile. What was that about? Almost, as if on cue, the other man invited him to sit, and play their game. The man who was there from the beginning, hailed a waiter, and called for a round of drinks, his mood quite jovial.

This was just a peculiar situation. Was it not? Jian sipped her drink, still waiting on her food, continuing to observe.
The two played silently for a short while before anyone spoke, both equally vested in their individual strategies. You could tell a lot about a person simply from the way they played Pai Sho. After the White Lotus member tapped his most recent move out onto the board, he broke the silence. 

"So young man, how long have you been with the Order? It's always nice to see today's youth taking an interest in philosophical and spiritual matters." He added with a soft smile. 

"Actually, I'm rather new. I just joined about a week back under the Southern Yuu province of the Earth Kingdom."  Zhen tapped out his move with a tile, taking several of his opponents in one fell swoop. The man smiled wryly and took a swig from his drink before responding. "The Yuu province? Those out of touch bumble-flies can't teach you anything useful!  You should think about transferring into Republic City,  there is so much more to do and see!" He chuckled and swigged his drink again.

"So what brings you TO the city then?  Anything I can help with?"

Zhen feigned a convincing expression of concern. "Why,  yes sir that would be a terrific opportunity! But, I would have to speak with Republic City's Grand Lotus to get the transfer approved.."   He sighed and looked down at his drink which he hadn't touched. "Like he would have the time to speak with a rookie member like me though.."  The man slid his White Lotus tile across the board then stroked his small, white beard thoughtfully. "Well you seem like a smart young man with your head on straight. I'm sure I could work something out, how long are you in the city for?"

Zhen tapped out his move quickly, taking his opponents White Lotus tile out of play which drew a slight frown from the man. "Well, I'll be most likely departing the city in just a few days time to head back. I don't suppose you would be so kind as to just let me know where to find him so I can speak with him before I go?  I'd truly hate to miss out on such an opportunity!"

The older White Lotus member suddenly seemed perturbed, his seasoned instincts screaming at him all the sudden. He perked an eyebrow.  "What did you say your name was again?"

The Water Bender slowly looked up at him, locking an intense gaze on the man. He then responded in a proud, unabashed tone; 

"I am Zhen Hua."

The man's eyes quickly grew, almost popping out in sheer shock,  the terrifying revelation of whom he'd been playing a game of Pai Sho with setting in. "No.. NO!  You're all supposed to be DEAD!" He stumbled backwards from his chair in a panic, toppling it over loudly which caused a passing waiter to trip over it and spill the steaming hot tea he was transporting all over the man's White Lotus outfit. 
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The monks guided Mu, Alisa, and Pema to the center of the island.  There was a large building at the center connected to various other buildings, one of which, Mu presumed, was something close to a hospital.  Though Mu guessed it was probably only a collection of beds with spiritual healers, rather than a cutting edge hospital.  The buildings didn't look homogeneous, exactly, but there was certainly an overarching similarity between them.  The monks directed them to one, similar to the others, only with a few bison surrounding it.  The two monks that brought them this far brought Alisa in, but held them back while they talked to someone inside the building.  Mu and Pema waited a few seconds, and were invited inside.  Mu closed the door behind him, but he swore that he saw someone in the trees as he entered.
Pema was made to sit down by one of the monks who seemed to fuss over the large cut in her abdomen. "Tala.. Don't worry it is fine, i barely noticed it was there after it happened." She went to say to the monk but the monk pressed on, making her sit on a bed near alisa and helped her bandage the wound up. "See there Mu. The overbearing kindness of the air normads, annoying but where would you be without it."
The monk's "overbearing kindness" hurt.  They searched Mu for some injury, ignoring his repeated claims that he was fine, and they searched roughly.  A dozen jokes said by a thousand people before him crossed his mind, but he held his tongue.  They were being very nice checking, and he didn't want to be rude.  They stopped just in time.  If they continued for another ten seconds, he was sure they'd do him more harm than could have been done to him by some firebender.  "So, do I have to leave immediately, or can I take a few sick days?" he asked Pemu.  The other monks kind of scared him, to be honest.  Staying on the island wasn't a part of his plan, but it seemed like a darn good addition.  Plus... he was awful curious about the person he saw in the trees.  If he really did see someone.

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Jianguo "Jian" Qingsheng


Jian had been quite curious about the unusual man that had came from the kitchens. To her, he made most sense to be a Waterbender. Which, was even more intriguing. Those from the Water Tribes were definitely more prominent even these years, around the city, but they still were outnumbered by Earth citizens. Then the curious, suspicious way he moved through the place... It was all too familiar with one such as herself; one who was quite savvy in the arts of criminals.

To her, this man seemed like a criminal. That's what she was getting at. That made his actions even more compelling. Why would a criminal just waltz into this place, speak to some old geezer, codger-type, then start playing a game of Pai Sho?

Jian's answer would not come for quite awhile. Her food came, and she sat there alone, sipping her drink some, and taking a few bites of a fairly delicious sandwich, while cautiously keeping eye on the two men, that had piqued her interest.

[SIZE= 13px]After, a time, when she was nearing the end of her sandwich, only a few bites left, something occurred. Jian had begun to lose interest, thinking maybe she had been wrong, and had only scrutinized the scene with an outlook that was a tad too paranoid. Turns out she was right about some things. The plump man who had been there before began to freak out. He fell backwards, clearly stricken with shock and fear, knocking over some poor waiter that had gotten in the way of their interaction, as well as, shouting something odd about someone being dead? Was the Waterbender supposed to be dead, but was actually, miraculously alive?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]"Hmmm... Nifty," [/SIZE][SIZE= 13px]Jian murmured, raising her eyebrow and looking at the long-haired man with her light-brown eyes, taking another bite of her diminishing sandwich. Chewing, she'd observe some more, acting quite calm, even while other customers began to scream, getting out of their seats. The commotion compelling them to also act in a panicked way.[/SIZE]
Zhen was up and on his feet in a flash. Before the White Lotus member could finish his pained yelp from the boiling tea spilled all over him, Zhen had the cap off one of his water pouches. With a few quick, graceful yet aggressive swipes of his hands he streamed two blobs of water up into the air, then pulled his hands in and down forcefully. This caused the water to wrap around the man's hands, then they were slammed down into the table where they were immediately frozen in place. 

With incredible flexibility and accuracy Zhen then shot his foot out, hooked the man's neck in the crook of his foot, then smashed his face down onto the table as well, effectively pinning him in place. The impact was enough to send Pai Sho tiles flying from the table and the man gasped for air as his breath had been knocked out, his eyes darting wildly. His face was slightly smooshed against the wooden table where Zhens foot held him firmly in place. 

Zhen began to speak in a cold, flat tone as people all around were screaming and running out of the restaurant.

"Now. We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. I know, that you know where the Grand Lotus is located. It is completely up to you how many bones I break before you tell me."

The man frowned defiantly, sputtering as he spoke. "I'll never tell you! You're scum just like your entire lineage! You'll get what's comi- AAAHHHHHHIIIIEE!!" He screamed in pain as Zhen clenched his hand into a fist, resulting in the ice around his hands to suddenly crunch loudly as it compacted. His hands were subsequently crushed. Sirens could be faintly heard slowly growing nearer. 

"I've no time for your games. Now, I'll ask only one. More. Time. Where, is the Grand Lotus located at?"
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The monk's "overbearing kindness" hurt.  They searched Mu for some injury, ignoring his repeated claims that he was fine, and they searched roughly.  A dozen jokes said by a thousand people before him crossed his mind, but he held his tongue.  They were being very nice checking, and he didn't want to be rude.  They stopped just in time.  If they continued for another ten seconds, he was sure they'd do him more harm than could have been done to him by some firebender.  "So, do I have to leave immediately, or can I take a few sick days?" he asked Pemu.  The other monks kind of scared him, to be honest.  Staying on the island wasn't a part of his plan, but it seemed like a darn good addition.  Plus... he was awful curious about the person he saw in the trees.  If he really did see someone.


Pemu shrugged. "What ever you like, I don't think they monks will mind if you stayed. Gives them something different instead of just airbending." She said after the monk was done wrapping her with bandages and walked away to other patients. Pema stood and stretched a bit before noticing and older monk enter the room and approached Mu and her. She turned to him and power respectfully. "Mentor Giatso."

The older monk smiled at her softly and took her hand affectionately. 'It is good to have you home, child. You have scared us with the business in the earth republic and the assassination business now."He signed. "The news I hear is troubling, are you two sure you guys heard the red lotus was responsible."

"Yes sir..."

The monk looked down sadly. ' I had hoped it was only rumor... this is troubling."
"Wait a minute, the Red Lotus?" Mu said.  Had he missed something?  "It was my understanding that the Red Lotus died out decades ago."  Granted, he never really studied them, but he felt like they couldn't have existed for so long.  "Did.. did they not?"  Mu crossed his arms.  It wasn't like they affected him much, but the idea that they existed was disconcerting.  Especially with a still missing avatar.

The monk looked at Mu and nodded. "They were thanks to Avatar Korra and our ancestors, this must be a new group." The mentor said indicating both himself and Pema at "our ancestors. This seemed to embarrass Pema who seemed to shift uncomfortably at the mention of her family.  

"They may not be as bed as the previous group... Just copy cats that got lucky..."She said though she seemed to feel like that it was wishful thinking. She remembered her fight with tpine of them and he was really good. 

"I hope so child but we can't be complacent, if we want to nib this issue in the bud we need to act quickly and effectively. You two and your friend remember see anything that might help?"The monk asked.

"Both the girl and I fought a member each..They gave us a ran for our money that is for sure."
Mu said nothing.  He was hardly even a part of the battle, after all.  Just an onlooker.  Still, he felt like there must be something that he could say.  Some important piece of information that no one else had.  Wait a minute... running through it in his head, he realized he recognized the waterbender.  He bumped into him in the crowd and said he looked familiar.  "The waterbender," Mu said.  "He was in the crowd.  I don't think he was a part of anything until after Mr. Hase's death."  Mu badly wanted to know why the waterbender thought he looked familiar, but he couldn't.  A clue wasted because of who it was given to.


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