Avanna (Done)

Raven Kade

Only a little dead
Character Sheet:

Appearance Image:

Human form:


Panther form:


Between form: Something like the following, but unscarred and more bipedal.


Quote: "I may be monstrous but I am not a monster."

Name: Avanna Vol'Verrak

Age: 32

Extra appearance: She is very skinny, and looks about sixteen due to it. If she was healthier she would likely look around twenty. She is about five foot six in human form. In panther form she is large, but still malnourished. She has no scars, or in fact any skin markings whatsoever. Her skin is oddly smooth.

Height/Weight: Human- 5'6, 80 pounds. Panther- Four and a half feet at shoulder, seven from rump to snout, 230 pounds. Were- Nine feet tall, 350 pounds.

Sexuality: Gay

Race: Ex-human, currently Shifter Progenitor.

Class: Ripper, Close ranged destructive melee fighter.

Personality: She is not an exceptionally happy person, due to her past. She is generally very serious and quite touchy about questions involving her species. She can be snappish, impatient, and arrogant. However she is also often heroic, helping anyone that needs help, personal consequences be damned. She has a certain messy code of honor that she strives to live by, although it is not always easy.


Her parents were simple sustenance farmers, although they lived on a small plot of land they owned. Her father received it from a noble because he saved the noble's life in a battle. Her father retired there bringing only his sword and a little money. He met her mother in a nearby town, and they eventually married. They lived a rough life but they were happy together. Then one cold night a strange man in a dark robe showed up at their cottage. He demanded that they leave, and identified himself as Garthrax, presuming that they were renters. They stood up to him, and told him that they owned the land and would not leave. He was furious and made threats, but her father still had his sword, and took it out. The odd man pointed his hand at her mother and barked out strange words, and then stood there, clearly expecting something to happen. Her father took the opportunity and moved in close, putting his sword to the mans throat. The strange man barked out otherworldly phrases at her mother, but she just stared blankly at him. Her father told him to leave or lose his head. He left in a rage swearing he would return. Her parents thought nothing of it and seven months later Adrianna was born. From birth she had a tail, and was stronger than normal babies. She grew up, and as she grew older she just kept getting stronger. Her father trained her in sword fighting, although she never truly took to it. She was always stronger and faster than most, although as she grew older she became more and more malnourished. Unbeknownst to her parents this was because she needed a heavy meat diet to be healthy, as the spirit within her had changed her physical makeup dramatically.

When she was ten the strange man returned, this time with a few henchmen. They and her father clashed, with her father managing to kill most of the henchmen, but he was old. He was killed and there were still two henchmen and the dark wizard. They came forward overconfidently, not knowing her mother. For you see her mother was a Dark sorceress who had renounced her power to be with her true love, without having to deal with people like the dark wizard now attacking them. With her husband dead she took back the mantle of darkness and ripped the men apart. Garthrax might have been able to defend himself but he was busy waking up the spirit he had accidentally implanted into Avanna. To a certain extent he succeeded, and for the first time she shifted, taking on the monstrous were form. Unfortunately that is the one form that is not in any way dependent on her size, so it was the fullsized were form. The pain of the first change drove her mad and her mother had to use Baneflower against her. Avanna lost consciousness, overwhelmed by incredible agony. When she woke up her mother was gone, leaving behind only the herb pouch.

Of what followed few know outside of a couple high ranking priests and one or two local survivors. Point of fact rather little is known except that some years later she surfaced again hunted by the church for the crime of inhumanity amongst others. She was a rather well known monster, and more than a few went out to hunt her. The lucky ones never got close, the unlucky ones returned with horror stories if they returned at all. She accumulated a certain renown until finally a high-ranking member of the church took it upon themselves to track her. They were a warrior priest, a legend in their own right, and they tracked her darkness over the land finding more and less than they expected. They did not find a purely evil creature, nor a particularly good one. They found a human who had become monstrous more in self defense than anything else. For a moment he wondered at what it was that allowed her to survive since she looked so human despite her dark aura. Then she detected him and he found out rather swiftly, as she assumed he was another hunter there for the bounty on her head. She shifted, taking on her monstrous were form and attacked. They fought, but while strong and fierce, the priest was more experienced and wielded light against her expertly. She was swiftly vanquished, but something stayed his blade from taking her life. The goddess spoke to him through the light telling him that there was another path she could take and she told him what was necessary. So he bound her, he wrapped a geas around her soul, and bound her to the Travelers cause. He bid her travel to the capital and join them or the geas would tighten, killing her and possibly extinguishing her soul. He gave her one kindness as binding her had given her a glimpse of her soul. He said that the geas would only release upon completion of the journey to the goddess's satisfaction, or if the entire party died, as he knew that she would likely survive almost anything. He did however bind her from harming anyone else on the travelers contract working with what the goddess had told him.

Personal belongings and various items: She arrives in old plain leather armor, and a battered black cloak. She has a small pouch that holds three different rare herbs, her only inheritance from her mother. The first is a several dried petals of Wakerose, a flower that when crushed is said to emit a scent that can wake even those in the deepest magical sleeps. The second is a single Heartroot, chunks of which must be crushed and applied by breaking the skin. It frees the mind of any controls placed upon it, although it is said to be incredibly painful. The last is several petals of Baneflower, magically matched to work well on Avanna. They force her to her human form, and knock her unconscious for anywhere for 10 minutes to numerous hours. A single petal touching her skin is sufficient, although it will be consumed by it.

Weapons: She bears her father's blade, a plain but well made steel short-sword.

Abilities and Powers: She bears the changes of a powerful cat daemon. As such in human form she is a great deal stronger than most, as well as in possession of significantly enhanced senses. In panther form she is somewhat larger than a normal panther but is still built on proportionate lines to her human form besides that. The Were form is the closest to the demons form, and while lithe, it is built on lines of agility and power. Changing between these forms is a purely magical process and takes rather little time. Her body temporarily fades into shadows that then shift into the shape before becoming solid again. In all forms she also possesses incredible regeneration, although she has no enhanced durability. If killed she will recorporate within three days although it can be much faster or slower depending on circumstances of death and whether someone is helping.

Likes and Dislikes: She is at this point a creature of simple enjoyments. She likes warm places, plentiful food, and decent places to sleep. Oddly enough she also likes holy places, despite their danger to her, because they stir memories of her father. She loves to swim, and due to her nature can fairly safely swim in even ice cold water. Funnily enough she is in fact highly fond of dogs, although dogs tend to be scared of her initially. Again running slightly counter to her nature, she dislikes dark magic, although she tends to be more understanding towards demons. She cannot tolerate chocolate unfortunately along with a few other things not on the edible for cats list. She has a distaste for cowards.

Personal Strengths: In her human form she is a reasonably competent swordswoman, and significantly stronger and faster than a normal human. In her Were form she is a claw fighter at close range with a sizable physicality advantage against normal opponents. Panther form is better suited to hunting animals, although it is also useful for stealthy purposes. She will recover from anything that does not kill her, especially since whenever she shapeshifts all her wounds are healed. She is also very resistant to low temperatures, able to cope safely with temperature well below zero. Her heat tolerance however is the human norm.

Personal Weaknesses: Primary weaknesses are holy magic and silver. Silver causes her general discomfort when near her, varying depending on purity and origin. If it breaks the skin it will weaken her and poison her, along with binding her to her current form. Perhaps unfortunately it does not negate her healing. Holy magic of any offensive kind is about twice as effective when used against her, and sets her alight with a spectral flame. This flame does not consume, but it does glow and it is incredibly painful. Healing does not work and also triggers the flames on any portion they are attempting to heal. She can also be somewhat consumed by bloodlust in battle. Additionally Baneflower does effect her, although when not magically tailored to her its effects are less.

Reason for Joining the Travelers: Under a binding to see the quest through to its completion.

Dreams: To find a place to belong.

Fears: She fears more than anything else truly losing her grip on herself, and being unleashed on the innocent.

Extra: She is true immortal class immortal. That is to say different from ageless class immortals, who are mortal, but will never die of old age, and undermortals, or those who are long lived. It is literally impossible to fully kill her forever. At most you could destroy her body and bind her spirit away, but binding her is only ever going to last so long. This is still something she is learning. It is caused by her human soul merging with an endless class demon. This is not to say that she cannot die, she can, and has, but it does not stick well. When her body is physically killed it reverts to pure human and becomes a normal human corpse. This puts her in a spirit form that she can eventually recorporate from.

I Dunnae really have a favorite band, but my favorite song at the moment is 
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Character Sheet:

Appearance Image:

Human form:


Panther form:


Between form: Something like the following, but unscarred and more bipedal.


Quote: "I may be monstrous but I am not a monster."

Name: Avanna Vol'Verrak

Age: 21

Extra appearance: She is very skinny, and looks about sixteen due to it. If she was healthier she would likely look around twenty. She is about five foot six in human form. In panther form she is large, but still malnourished. She has no scars, or in fact any skin markings whatsoever. Her skin is oddly smooth.

Height/Weight: Human- 5'6, 80 pounds. Panther- Four and a half feet at shoulder, seven from rump to snout, 230 pounds. Were- Nine feet tall, 350 pounds.

Sexuality: Gay

Race: Ex-human, currently Shifter Progenitor.

Class: Ripper, Close ranged destructive melee fighter.

Personality: She is not an exceptionally happy person, due to her past. She is generally very serious and quite touchy about questions involving her species. She can be snappish, impatient, and arrogant. However she is also often heroic, helping anyone that needs help, personal consequences be damned. She has a certain messy code of honor that she strives to live by, although it is not always easy.


Her parents were simple sustenance farmers, although they lived on a small plot of land they owned. Her father received it from a noble because he saved the noble's life in a battle. Her father retired there bringing only his sword and a little money. He met her mother in a nearby town, and they eventually married. They lived a rough life but they were happy together. Then one cold night a strange man in a dark robe showed up at their cottage. He demanded that they leave, and identified himself as Garthrax, presuming that they were renters. They stood up to him, and told him that they owned the land and would not leave. He was furious and made threats, but her father still had his sword, and took it out. The odd man pointed his hand at her mother and barked out strange words, and then stood there, clearly expecting something to happen. Her father took the opportunity and moved in close, putting his sword to the mans throat. The strange man barked out otherworldly phrases at her mother, but she just stared blankly at him. Her father told him to leave or lose his head. He left in a rage swearing he would return. Her parents thought nothing of it and seven months later Adrianna was born. From birth she had a tail, and was stronger than normal babies. She grew up, and as she grew older she just kept getting stronger. Her father trained her in sword fighting, although she never truly took to it. She was always stronger and faster than most, although as she grew older she became more and more malnourished. Unbeknownst to her parents this was because she needed a heavy meat diet to be healthy, as the spirit within her had changed her physical makeup dramatically.

When she was five the strange man returned, this time with a few henchmen. They and her father clashed, with her father managing to kill most of the henchmen, but he was old. He was killed and there were still two henchmen and the dark wizard. They came forward overconfidently, not knowing her mother. For you see her mother was a Dark sorceress who had renounced her power to be with her true love, without having to deal with people like the dark wizard now attacking them. With her husband dead she took back the mantle of darkness and ripped the men apart. Garthrax might have been able to defend himself but he was busy waking up the spirit he had accidentally implanted into Avanna. To a certain extent he succeeded, and for the first time she shifted, taking on the monstrous were form. Unfortunately that is the one form that is not in any way dependent on her size, so it was the fullsized were form. The pain of the first change drove her mad and her mother had to use Baneflower against her. Avanna lost consciousness, overwhelmed by incredible agony. When she woke up her mother was gone, leaving behind only the herb pouch. (not done)

Personal belongings and various items: She arrives in old plain leather armor, and a battered black cloak. She has a small pouch that holds three different rare herbs, her only inheritance from her mother. The first is a several dried petals of Wakerose, a flower that when crushed is said to emit a scent that can wake even those in the deepest magical sleeps. The second is a single Heartroot, chunks of which must be crushed and applied by breaking the skin. It frees the mind of any controls placed upon it, although it is said to be incredibly painful. The last is several petals of Baneflower, magically matched to work well on Avanna. They force her to her human form, and knock her unconscious for anywhere for 10 minutes to numerous hours. A single petal touching her skin is sufficient, although it will be consumed by it.

Weapons: She bears her father's blade, a plain but well made steel short-sword.

Abilities and Powers: She bears the changes of a powerful cat daemon. As such in human form she is a great deal stronger than most, as well as in possession of significantly enhanced senses. In panther form she is somewhat larger than a normal panther but is still built on proportionate lines to her human form besides that. The Were form is the closest to the demons form, and while lithe, it is built on lines of agility and power. Changing between these forms is a purely magical process and takes rather little time. Her body temporarily fades into shadows that then shift into the shape before becoming solid again. In all forms she also possesses incredible regeneration, although she has no enhanced durability.

Likes and Dislikes: She is at this point a creature of simple enjoyments. She likes warm places, plentiful food, and decent places to sleep. Oddly enough she also likes holy places, despite their danger to her, because they stir memories of her father. She loves to swim, and due to her nature can fairly safely swim in even ice cold water. Funnily enough she is in fact highly fond of dogs, although dogs tend to be scared of her initially. Again running slightly counter to her nature, she dislikes dark magic, although she tends to be more understanding towards demons. She cannot tolerate chocolate unfortunately along with a few other things not on the edible for cats list. She has a distaste for cowards.

Personal Strengths: In her human form she is a reasonably competent swordswoman, and significantly stronger and faster than a normal human. In her Were form she is a claw fighter at close range with a sizable physicality advantage against normal opponents. Panther form is better suited to hunting animals, although it is also useful for stealthy purposes. She will recover from anything that does not kill her, especially since whenever she shapeshifts all her wounds are healed. She is also very resistant to low temperatures, able to cope safely with temperature well below zero. Her heat tolerance however is the human norm.

Personal Weaknesses: Primary weaknesses are holy magic and silver. Silver causes her general discomfort when near her, varying depending on purity and origin. If it breaks the skin it will weaken her and poison her, along with binding her to her current form. Perhaps unfortunately it does not negate her healing. Holy magic of any offensive kind is about twice as effective when used against her, and sets her alight with a spectral flame. This flame does not consume, but it does glow and it is incredibly painful. Healing does not work and also triggers the flames on any portion they are attempting to heal. She can also be somewhat consumed by bloodlust in battle. Additionally Baneflower does effect her, although when not magically tailored to her its effects are less.

Reason for Joining the Travelers: Under a binding to see the quest through to its completion.

Dreams: To find a place to belong.

Fears: She fears more than anything else truly losing her grip on herself, and being unleashed on the innocent.

Extra: She is true immortal class immortal. That is to say different from ageless class immortals, who are mortal, but will never die of old age, and undermortals, or those who are long lived. It is literally impossible to fully kill her forever. At most you could destroy her body and bind her spirit away, but binding her is only ever going to last so long. This is still something she is learning. It is caused by her human soul merging with an endless class demon. This is not to say that she cannot die, she can, and has, but it does not stick well.

Two things. First I need you to put the secret word (found in "Rules and Other BS") below your CS. Next I'd prefer if your character wasn't immortal. The spirit inside of her can be immortal, but her physical body should not be that way.
Two things. First I need you to put the secret word (found in "Rules and Other BS") below your CS. Next I'd prefer if your character wasn't immortal. The spirit inside of her can be immortal, but her physical body should not be that way.

I knew I was forgetting something xD  I got that in there. I also tried to make the immortality bit clearer. She isn't physically immortal. Her body can be killed but then her spirit leaves it and recorporates elsewhere at a later point.. At the moment while in spirit form she is essentially just a ghost, though her recorporation can be speeded up with magic. Later on I might give the spirit form a few useful minor abilities stemming from technically being a demonic spirit.
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For visualization purposes for me, would this picture also be an accurate representation of your character? Anime is a bit hard to imagine for me.

For visualization purposes for me, would this picture also be an accurate representation of your character? Anime is a bit hard to imagine for me.


Pretty good yeah :) Her clothes are more practical though, being just plain leather armor and a cloak, plus her eyes are purple. Otherwise though yeah I like that image, particularly for the blade.
Pretty good yeah :) Her clothes are more practical though, being just plain leather armor and a cloak, plus her eyes are purple. Otherwise though yeah I like that image, particularly for the blade.

Okie dokie :D  it helps me imagine what she looks like owo
@Throne Trinity Thought I should mention I made a minor change to my character, aged them up by a decade or so. I was working out the backstory a little more and wanted to change the age to do with that.

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