Aurélie Lyra Mercier

A Mysterious Figure

French Horns Are Better Than Trombones

Image Claim: White/Mary Macbeth from Blood Blockade Battle Front


Full Name: Aurélie Lyra Mercier

Nickname: Aurel, Rel

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 16

Birth Date: 22nd November

Country of Origin: France


Socius Name: Chantant [Pronounced Sh-ahn-tahnt]

Socius Nicknames: Chant [Pronounced Shahnt]

Socius Type: Sound

Socius Personality:

Chantant is a caring, happy socius, and is always chirpy and optimistic, even in less than kind circumstances. He is always offering advice, and often tries to help out and do things for Aurélie, considering it his duty to assist her in any way possible. He can seem a bit stern at times, despite his cheery demeanour, as he can be overprotective and cautious, almost like an older brother figure to Aurélie, however he usually ends up relenting to whatever plans Aurélie has (but he'll most certainly be the first one to say 'I told you so' if it goes wrong).

Socius Appearance:

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Chantant looks much like a chibi version of a miniature stork, if that could be imagined. He has large eyes, a straight orange beak, fluffy black and white feathers, and a large oval gem in the centre of his forehead.

Mystic Power:

Harmonize: Aurélie can focus her power into her staff to create a focused blast of sound, able to destroy something, send someone/something flying, move something heavy/previously unmovable, et cetera. It also has the ability to temporarily deafen someone/a group, depending on what Aurélie's goal is.


Friends: None as of yet.

Enemies: None as of yet.

Crush: Who knows?

In A Relationship With: Nobody (as of yet...?)

Grade: 11th Grade

Dorm: Fortuna (Just a random choice)

Room Number: Unknown

Electives: Piano

Clubs: Unknown


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 126lb

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Green (usually)

Body Type: Slender and petite (similar to an ectomorph body type, however she is shorter).

Clothing Style:


Image Claims: Google Images (Unknown Original Owner)

Aurélie usually likes to wear autumn/fall clothing, even in the hotter months, and her wardrobe is filled with stockings of different patterns and colours, pastel coloured cardigans and sweaters, short, darker coloured flared skirts with petticoats and long sleeved blouses. She usually wears either black and white, pastel or autumn/fall colour themed outfits.

Magical Uniform:

Musical Magical Girl.png

Image Claim: Deviantart (Unknown Original Owner)

Her magical uniform is very bright and colourful, and is meant to represent the many genres and styles of music, and also her own carefree, excitable personality. The flared skirt of the dress and knee high stockings show an acknowledgement to Aurélie's personal style, and music notes and piano designs are evident across her outfit.

Magical Weapons:

Her staff, which is shaped in the form of a piano key, is used to expel sound waves towards targets, and she also uses it for support when leaping/jumping, and to give her a boost. A large music note, which she usually keeps in her hair, acts as a kind of boomerang, allowing her to throw it at targets to attack and having it return to her hand afterwards. She can also tie rope or string, or other objects to it when throwing it.

Extra: Aurélie normally has green eyes, however when in her magical form, her eye colour changes to pink. Her hair also becomes longer and lighter in colour.



- Music (of nearly every genre, but in particular classical piano music)

- Peace/serene moments

- Composing music of her own and performing/playing music herself

- Spreading inspiration and hope through music

- Desserts (chocolate, ice cream, cakes, etc.)


- Rock/Heavy metal/Overly loud music (She doesn't mind it, but it's certainly not on her top favourites list)

- Music without feeling/emotion behind it

- Feeling lonely/lost or disliked

- 'Ugly' noise (shouting, crashing/banging, negative sounds)

- Scones (Don't ask me, she just doesn't)



Aurélie is bubbly, excitable and mischievous as hell, and she works hard at being both the teachers pet and the class clown. While she doesn't put hair dye in the shampoo or sneak adult magazines into backpacks, she's known for her cheeky comments and sly remarks, and her trademark innocent expression that can get her out of almost anything (and pull others into her schemes). While this can make her seem like a troublemaker, she's a quick learner and is very intelligent, and her grades rarely drop below 75%. She's also kind and caring about others, and although she will get her friends to join her in less than recommendable escapades, she takes care of the people she loves and is fiercely loyal (occasionally to the point of clingy, but let's not get into that).


Aurélie has lived in Paris all her life, and had a very peaceful childhood. She grew up with the tranquil sounds of the piano as her mother played for her while she studied or daydreamed, and she felt that she lived quite the idyllic life. Her father worked as a business manager while her mother worked a part time job at a local music store, and they all lived quite comfortably on their salaries. The relationship between mother and daughter is the tightest, and the two spent most of their time together between work and school, talking about music, laughing together and even just sitting together in peace, listening to their favourite pieces.

She met Chantant at a lake, looking almost like a normal stork, except for the fact that he was much smaller and had a gem on his head. Aurélie believed him to have hurt his head in some way, and took him home, while Chantant was frozen with fear, unsure of what to do, as revealing himself would be dangerous. Chantant had been at the lake to find another girl, in fact, as he had been following her for a while and had decided to reveal himself and become her socius. However, upon being at the home for a while, Chantant noticed the girls love for music, and the feeling of passion around her whenever she interacted with music. He decided to choose her instead, and Aurélie, being who she was, accepted instantly.
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