August & September's Roleplays of the Month! (2013)


Robot Sheep
The prestigious award is back folks and hopefully un-cursed (we can all knock on wood about that). August and September have brought many great role plays as many people had the free time and the creativity to make them. The school year, for those who have it, has made a few busy beavers as well. Since this is a joint award ceremony I will begin with August’s Role play of the Month—

August’s Role play of the Month actually started way back in April 2012. Although it has had a very rough start, I’ve chosen the roleplay due to the effect it’s had on the roleplayers. Slowly through this rp they have gotten better at the trade. While many of the roleplayers had started off as only one-liners most of them have expanded to better role players and taken this Fandom rp by storm.

August’s Roleplay of the Month is…. Roleplay

Fun Facts:

· This roleplay is still going strong more than a year later with members that we know like backlash and pyro and unknown names like the author themselves; Kishi.

· Many of the first pages of the role play are quick responses back and forth, but with influential role players, many have expanded into paragraph format.

· While there are OC’s in the world, it is very much based on the same timeline as the original, and has canon characters playable.

Next in Line is…September’s Roleplay of the Month…

The roleplay of the Month for the fall session is in the favourable fantasy/supernatural category. It’s of monsters and men, the end of the world, and fighting to survive. This is practically a newborn in rp terms, as it was created mid-September by someone we’ve come to love.

September’s Roleplay of the Month is…

Where the world starts ending


Fun Facts:

· This Roleplay is a take on if the Mayans were right and the world did end in 2013

· Instead of taking on an apocalyptic approach to the end of the world, Kiro Akira has decided that the end of the world starts with the threat of monsters.

· Still accepting and only five pages in the making!

Congratz, @Kishi and @Kiro Akira
Congratulations @Kishi!I knew it would happen, Bleach is awesome. It's one of the few RPs I can count on! It's great fun! Glad I am a part of it!

Congrats to WTWSE, I'm sure your RP is great too! Sorry I don't know much about you...

Also Kagura I think the curse is broken, my RP got RPOTM and it is still open like two months later!
Congratulations Kiro Akira! I hope that your rp keeps going strong and that you get lots of action in it!

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