

Reach Heaven By Violence
Augur - The Laughing Storm

Warframe: Volt, augmented for maximum power, energy reserves, and speed.

Focus: Augur wields a corruption of Naramon Focus. Naramon is normally wielded by those with insight and presence of mind - something Augur obviously lacks - but instead, he inflicts his madness on others.



Personality: Augur is clearly insane. Barely lucid at the best of times, he exists in stark contrast to the usual wisdom and discipline of most Tenno. He openly craves violence, both toward himself and others, and he speaks with a blatant disregard for manners or even basic sense. His ramblings often take on an aggressive, almost religious context. If there is anything he worships, it is Speed itself, ever in pursuit of greater and greater velocity, and he shows contempt for those unable to move swiftly. He lacks the cold, remorseless killing intent of Stalker or the Red Veil, yet his capacity for compassion is nonetheless twisted into something calamitous and dreadful. In his eyes, violence is the truest path to happiness. He is also exceptionally greedy, and on several occasions has beat down a dozen grineer platoons to get to an orokin cell in the ship's hold, or similar treasure.

Background: Whether the ravages of the Orokin War, or the chaos of the Void, or simply a malfunctioning cryopod that caused brain damage, Augur emerged... broken. He is less a tool of the Lotus and more a wandering tornado of destruction that she gently ushers in the direction of those she wishes wiped out (assuming of course the enemy is far away from any innocents - Augur's record of collateral damage is horrendous). He is not a member of any Syndicate, though the Red Veil appreciate his...thoroughness.


Primary - Amprex  with 'ENLIGHTNINGMENT' written along the side.

Secondary - Twin Grakatas with 'Insult' on one and 'Injury' on the other.

Melee - Sarpa gunblade. Augur's maddened bloodlust mounts to seemingly limitless levels with this weapon, each strike making him both deadlier and faster as time goes on (Blood Rush + Berserker mods), eventually becoming a blur of bullets and blades even before using his warframe's Speed power.

Age: 70s or 80s (remember that Darvo is over 100)

Other: His Liset is in a state of horrible disrepair, as is his Archwing. His carrier sentinel was salvaged and turned into a makeshift coffee machine. Augur still has yet to properly drink any of it.
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