
St. Boethius

The Pious Philosopher

Name: Au-Puch

Apparent age: 50

Gender: Male


Personality: Au-Puch is a rather sadistic Huntsman though he has an air of refinement that clashes with his monstrous appearance. Almost always calm and collected it takes quite a lot to make this Huntsman lose his cool.  Au-Puch enjoys using his power over Flesh to turn those who follow him nto grotesque abominations with a lot more power than one might think just by looking. He could be heard humming a tune to himself over the screams of agony as he molded the flesh of his enemies into  an amalgamation of limbs and suffering. 

History: Like most other humans Au-Puch started out as a mortal. More specifically he was an aged man afraid of death. As he body began to fail on him Au-Puch began killing other humans and devouring their souls in an attempt to live forever. When he didn't get the exact results he was looking for he began to unknowingly use his power of Flesh to replace the broken 'parts' of his body in order to survive. It would take several years of this before Au-Puch realized his ability and began using it to his advantage to cripple and maim his enemies before killing them. There were many tough opponents over his long life and when he finally managed to defeat them he would add a piece of their flesh to himself in order to strengthen himself.

Alignment:Neutral Evil

Energy type: Flesh

Forms acquired: Finale


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