Attractive Potato


n a m e


Kim Rena


a g e


g e n d e r


s e x u a l i t y


a p p e a r a n c e


Like many other Asian women, Rena has a very slender and bijou frame along with a set of slight shoulders and a minute waist to match. Because of her light weight, the young woman does not have much of a curved figure, and it makes her extremely hesitant at times, being not particularly endowed up top or down below, on top of barely having any curves highlighting her waist and hips. However, she does have some muscle tone especially on her right arm and legs from various sports that she is involved in despite her pristine and seemingly delicate composition. Long, thick black hair cascades down her back, framing her very much in style heart shaped face. Paired with her other facial features, it gives Rena a sort of exotic, almost half Caucasian look while her eyes give a detached sort of look, especially when she isn't smiling. 

e t h n i c i t y

Asian (South Korean)

o c c u p a t i o n

Student and waitress

h e i g h t

Five foot, three inches

w e i g h t

One hundred and two pounds

h a i r  c o l o r

Raven black

e y e  c o l o r

As dark as your soul.


p e r s o n a l i t y

Quite the introvert, Rosie isn't much of a talker when you first get to know her, but after a while, she will start to open up more and more to you. Once you actually get to know her, she can be quite outgoing and quick to laugh. Not one to really trust, she has a tendency to skip over her true feelings about the situation or her personal life, though nothing major has really happened in either. It's more of her personality, but it does maintain a slight air of mystery though completely unintentional. 

Always the book worm child, Rosalyn excelled in school, though she was never that great at math. Even now, the young woman still prefers to have her head buried in the books, brain amongst the clouds. It's not particularly hard to find her spaced out thinking about some far fetched idea, however, she knows how to get things done. With a strong work ethic and a persistent sense of perfectionism, anything she sets her heart and mind to, she will do to the best of her ability, even if that might not be much. To that strong willed side of her, there are moments when it can be extremely infuriating, since she can have an extremely inflexible attitude and will not compromise many of her ideas unless she truly believes yours is better. 

Relatively open minded, she can be easily swayed with the right evidence, but she will also look down at you if you blindly try to convince her with no backing. It's easy to lose Rena's respect, especially if she sees you as an ignorant and blundering fool. However, with that in mind, if you do earn her respect, she can be a loyal friend and in a world of white lies, the young woman can be brutally honest. Extremely decisive and independent, Rena doesn't like to depend on others if she can do it by herself, partly because that was just how she was taught, and because she doesn't want to become a burden to others. Pretty outgoing underneath her cooler exterior, the female can be fun loving and talkative, however, if she doesn't like you, you will definitely know and feel it. If you do become friends with her, Rena is a little bit like the Mom of the group, since by nature, she's thoughtful and can think of every imaginable scenario which can make traveling with her a nightmare. 

You must be aware that Rena isn't the most emotionally sensitive person, and for the majority of her life, she remains slightly detached and not exactly intune with her feelings, making it difficult to express them as well. In arguments, it can be extremely irate, because she can maintain her cool and calm.

l i k e s







quiet, tasteful company

logical people,






fresh linen,

old book stores,


rainy days,



d i s l i k e s

loud, obnoxious people,

victim mentality,





the heat

h o b b i e s


Playing the Piano

Making music in general



f e a r s


Dead Bodies


Earth Worms

The Dark

The Unknown/What she can't see in the dark


Loud Noises


b i o g r a p h y

Rena had a very average childhood. The youngest of two other children, Rena was pretty close to her older sisters despite the age gap, and her parents treated her just like they treated the previous two. There's really nothing else to it. She grew up in a happy home surrounded by family, had decent grades, went to High school, graduated, got accepted in a College here in Korea. Since then, she has moved from America to Korea where she is still working on trying to pick up the language. Her native languages are English and Chinese, though she is illiterate. Her parents are Chinese immigrants, which means they spoke mostly Mandarin at home, and as a result, Rena has picked up the language. 

o t h e r s

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