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Fantasy Atlas CS


watery grave
*Side note: all rulers are able to take away another bender's ability, However, it can only be on someone who has their same element and is below them in power. It's something that is very serious and has only had to be done a few times.
*The War of Nations was a 20 year battle caused by an army of the water nation resisting orders and attacking a small fire nation town. It had been very tense already and soon everything escalated and spread to all the nations. A treaty was signed to end the war, but the water and fire nations have been rather rocky ever since.
-All of the nations are on one land mass called Atlas.


-The air nation is the most technologically advanced nation and they are probably the friendliest with the earth nation. They have the largest population of non-benders, but they make up for it with their immense knowledge of tech that can be used to defend and further their research. They value intelligence above all, and they have the biggest library in the land in the capital, called Ji'en. The heir to the throne is always a female, and if no female heir is reproduced, the smartest female scholar in the air nation is selected to rule. The ruler's family is never allowed to live in the castle, but they are allowed a luxurious home tucked away in the mountains and allowed one visit a month.
-The air nation isn't very strict because they believe intelligence leads to honesty. They are very organized, however.
-Most of their cities are actually floating. Their technology was so advanced 200 years ago that during the War of Nations they made their most valuable cities detach from the ground and stay in the air so their irreplaceable knowledge couldn't be destroyed. They remain floating to this day and are accessible to non-airbenders by small flying taxi's.

-The Grove- One of the floating islands is very small in comparison to the others and hard to find since it floats a little higher than the others and is surrounded by constant storms so that only air benders will be able to access it. It's a place for meditation and is where the ruler goes to make decisions alone and ponder. Only a few know it's location.
-The air nation's exports are technology (cars, planes, etc), music instruments, books from philosophers that are great in number in the air nation, and gemstones like diamonds and precious metals. When they created the floating cities, they dug around the cities before adding the necessary tech and using their abilities to raise it. The holes in the earth from the now floating cities were full of gemstones to be mined that were collected.




-The earth nation is the most solitary nations because they distanced themselves after the War of Nations and shut themselves in the mountains.
-Their entire nation resides in and around the Gorgen Mountains that stretches for thousands of miles. The inside has been hollowed out and now is a whole kingdom. You'd think they'd be like vampires but they made sure sunlight finds a way into a lot of the areas by working with the air nation to create devices that can create artificial sunlight that keeps them healthy and even lets them grow crops right in the mountains. The area around the mountains is lush valleys that are used for celebrations, etc.
-They have the most highly trained warriors out of all the nations, but they only train the warriors for defensive measures. Non-benders and benders alike can be a warrior.
-Just like the air nation, they have acquired many precious metals and gemstones due to their surroundings, and they are very greedy when it comes to things such as that. They could slip into a dragon's clutch and be mistaken for a dragon with their greed for gold.
-Main exports are weapons and armor, livestock, sculptures, and crops.
-They are ruled by two individuals who are not married. The rulers are descended from the first two rulers, Makkel and Dana. The families of the two rulers are heavily guarded since if they die, the entire hierarchy will fall since their bloodline is said to be shared with their god, Gobi, who gave them their powers thousands of years ago. It is said if their bloodline is eradicated, their bending will vanish.



-The fire nation is in the hotter parts of the continent, and they mostly are in the desert area. Small islands are around the coast near the east, and most elite resides there where the volcanoes are since living next to their symbol of power is respected and shows their status. The capital, Scintillam, is one of the most sought out cities due to its amazing beauty. It sits on a hill in the desert as is entirely made out of glass. It was constructed after the War of Nations 200 years ago and was seen as a sign that the violence was over. The glass is very thick and the places where people reside is made out of colored glass or is made opaque so there is privacy. When the sun shines behind it, it truly is glamorous.
-Most of the citizens are very good with crafting, so the streets are full of stations for glassblowers, blacksmiths, and other trades. They supply to all nations, and each nation's royal palace has at least one famed piece of work from the fire nation. They also export a lot of spices and medicine.
-There is a monarch, and they typically have three advisors that they discuss matters with.
-The fire nation has never been one to believe in the spirit realm and whatnot, so they don't have the spiritual connection that the other nations have.
-Desert of Hunok: this is the place all benders must go when they turn 16. They have to spend a week in the desert if they wish to train at the Bender Academy in the capital. If you give up before the week has passed or can't continue, your bending gets taken away from you.




-The water nation is in the North, where the temperatures start falling and all things green start diminishing. The southern parts are warmer and where most of the nation's crops are grown and either sent up north or sold to other nations.
-The water nation is probably one of the most religious nations, and they are very into supernatural occurrences and probably the only one who worship gods anymore. Religion isn't very important to most.
-Militarist society, strong focus on order and the 'circle of life' as cloud > rain > ocean and back again.
- The government has a monarch at the head and a council of generals to convene during times of unrest or war.
- A specific landmark/temple in the wilderness built by ancient water benders as a means to obtain greater understanding and control over their bending. This landmark is behind a waterfall and in a small cave. In the middle is a statue of Kiolo, or one of the main dieties they worship. They believe meditating in this cave will give access to the spirit realm where they will be guided to the answers they seek.
- The Forest of Taire: the location the temple/landmark could be (hidden) in
- Matin: A small city on the outskirts of the water nation known for allegedly criminal activity
- Trade partners with the Earth nation, primary exports being fish, various dyes, and sugar.
Alexander Time Alexander Time has made most of this lore~

code by pasta

Roles Open

Spots in the Nations


-Water Nation: Alexander Time Alexander Time
-Fire Nation: Black Jade Black Jade
-Earth Nation: ruler one of Dana bloodline: Blemmigan Blemmigan
Ruler two of Makkel bloodline: noticemeknot noticemeknot
-Air Nation: typhoon typhoon

Advisors for Fire and Water nation

Water: @Blue Jay
Fire: open


*I don't have a limit or set number

If your character is something else like a baker, assassin, just include that in your CS.

Nation CS
Appearance (no anime please, realistic drawing or photo)
Age: Minimum 18, maximum 30
Sexuality: all welcome

Personality: At least five sentences.

Power: (unless they're royals they can't be too powerful) Their powers can branch out as long as they fall under their certain element. Example: manipulation of liquids---> Water Nation. Describe how their power works.


Likes & Dislikes

Occupation: Ruler, baker, warrior, etc


Spots outside of the Nations aka "The New Elements"

*People who have different powers

Ruler of the "New Elements"
peachuu peachuu

Advisor to the Ruler


The rest of the spots are simply the members of the group.

Nation CS
Appearance (no anime please, realistic drawing or photo)
Age: Minimum 18, maximum 30
Sexuality: all welcome

Personality: At least five sentences.

Power: (their power wont be fire, water, etc. It can be flying ro whatever) Describe how their power works and include weaknesses.


Likes & Dislikes

Occupation: Ruler, baker, warrior, etc
Bio: Include how they were treated due to them being abnormalities.
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code by pasta

"The cost of libraries is a small price to pay to avoid ignorance."

Name: Nia Dolton Ballister
Age: 22
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Female
Personality: Nia is always the last to anger and keeps a level-head through thick and thin. She analyzes every situation before deciding to act, and she does the same thing to people as well. She comes off as distant when you first meet her because she is trying to understand you before even introducing herself. She is extremely intelligent, which is to be expected of course, and she contributes to many duties outside of the one she has as queen. Even if she is surrounded by servents and fineries in a giant castle, she is very down to earth. If she's not being paraded in public she is covered in grease and working mechanics. She doesn't need to hide her identity to sneak out since all the citizens are aware of her tom-boy tendencies. Once you break past the icy mantle she wears for strangers, she is quite kind and caring as she is to all of her people. She can be very strict if you break her trust or endanger those she cares for, and that's when her calm demeanor slips.
Powers: Nia mostly used air manipulation to increase her hand to hand skills instead of attacking with her powers.
-She can lower air pressure around objects and crush them.
-She uses it to increase her speed by lowering the air resistance, etc.
-She can remove oxygen in a certain area to knock out living creatures or kill if she holds the oxygen away for a longer period, but it tires her immensely.
-Air attacks are something she saves if she is in danger. She can make the wind able to cut like a sword if she focuses it correctly, but usually it just ends up turning into a blast of air.

-Logical thinker
-Quick wit
-Graceful with the blade and without
-Positive outlook on matters
-A great tinkerer and mechanic
-Unwilling to see matters from others points of view
-Views everyone like machines that she can "fix"
-Isolates herself a lot out of habit

-Tactical planning
-Mechanical work

-Fire nation dishes
-Visiting the Grove and meditating

-People quick to anger

Alignment: True Neutral

Weapon: A simple saber


The capital of the air nation~

Nia was born a long ways from the gleaming castle she now called home. She was the only child of Martin and Helen Cadwell who were both simple shopkeepers in a small town that stayed put on the ground unlike its neighboring cities that could sometimes be seen in the distance. They were nothing more than little specks in the distance, but the little girl pointed at them and garbled in the language only known to babies and her parents scooped her up and put her on their knee and pointed to them and said,
"Someday you'll go there, little Nia. You'll make us proud!"
Life was far from pleasant due to not enough business at the shop. Nia was six and trying to sell flowers she ripped up from past the city limits in the woods to the richer parts of town just to get a few coppers into her parent's wallets. Her powers started showing a year later, and Nia was confused on why her parents weren't sharing the same exhileration as she was after she showed them.
Apparently, Nia's father had been one of the subjects tested on by the doctor so many years ago. He had been 46 at that time and hadn't met Nia's mother yet and thought he'd never marry, so the threat of making an abnormal child had been nonexistent. He had forgotten all about it until he saw his daughter levitating herself around the kitchen. Her powers seemed to still be normal for an air nation citizen, but it was rather sporadic and came with the girl's temper. Tantrums resulted in a small tornado, while sadness resulted in lowered air pressure that caused ears to pop with each wail and sob. Even though her outburst caused damage, her parents never let her weasel out of reprimands and such. She was sent to the small, run-down schoolhouse every day and made to study as much as she could. It was clear she was a genius as she started whizzing through the lessons and books she got her hands on at the small library in town. She got the interest of a local tinkerer in town when he noticed the small girl in the corner watching him as he worked every Wednesday when she got out of school. He had a shop with some devices on a counter so people could see and she had decided to see them a little closer.
He worked like she wasn't there, but sometimes he would "accidentaly" drop screws and other small items on the floor that she would rush out and shove into her coat pockets before returning to her corner. She would run home and put them in a pile until she got enough pieces to toy with and build small stuff. Pretty soon, the tinkerer let her work by his side on things with her parent's approval.

Nia was 15 when a woman from the capital came to the town and stated that she was hosting a test that would allow two children to live at the city and attend the pristigious academy. Nia's parents encouraged her to try, and she found herself three days later in the small classroom with ten other students crouched over parchment and writing furiously. She wrote until her hand cramped and ink was smeared on her fingertips and then some. It was no surprise that she continued on, as well as a boy her age.
She hugged her parents goodbye before running to the tinkerer's shop and placing the first creation she ever made so many years ago on his work table since he had been away for a week getting parts and had wished her luck before she had left. It was nothing but a small clock that ran five minutes late, but it had a lot of sentiment.

The academy was amazing but it was hard to keep up with everything going on. She had classes such as Languages, Reading. The Arts, Politics, and much more each day that she had to dash to reach in time. The boy she had come here with roomed across from her and the two shared a lot of classes. Relationships were something you didn't exactly have time for, but the two became close friends as the years passed.

News rolled in that the royal family had been killed in their sleep. The queen had been killed in the castle while the family killed while visiting. The search for the new ruler was underweight.
Nia was in a close tie with another girl from a wealthy family named Eve, but she lost when the grades were put next to each other and carefully accounted for. Eve had everything packed and was ready to go until it was announced she had cheated on one of the tests. The zero from that dropped her total average and Nia was the next heir as quickly as that.

The palace was comfortable and lovely but so very lonely. She missed her friend's jokes and teasing, so she buried her nose in informational texts and political affairs. She checked up on her friend a while after and found out he didn't attend the academy anymore.

Nia was 21 when her old friend was brought to her in chains and seething like a wild animal. She was in shock at the change. Her friend had been one of the experimental children just like her, but his wasnt so easily disguised. he had joined the New Elements and had been caught trying to kill a duke who was notorious for spreading his slander of the abominations. Nia didn't want to kill him, so she decided to take away his abilities. It wasn't known that she couldn't even if he was born in the air nation, and she ended up looking like a fool. Nobody knew his powers, but they unchained him and led him towards the throne room door thinking he wasn't a threat anymore. Nia's old friend grabbed each guard's neck in his hands and Nia screamed in horror when she saw two dagger-like spines go through their necks. He turned to her and Nia bottled her horror and through a blast of wind at him. He pierced the floor with the spine-like appendages and wasn't pushed back by the wind. He then got up and dashed towards her. She managed to decrease the air pressure enough to crush his head but he managed to cut her down her spine.

It took months for her to fully heal, but she did. She was like a ghost as she wandered down the halls at a constant war with herself. Would she become like him since they were the same abominations?
Would she able to be a queen that could unite them or would she be seen as a monster even if she did some good?


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Tyrus Bane
FULL NAME: Tyrus Bane
AGE: 23
FACTION: Aqua; Water Nation
ROLE: Ruler
WEIGHT: 173 lbs.
NOTABLE MARKINGS: A small burn scar located on the top of his hand, just below the thumb
PERSONALITY: Tyrus grew up in the militarist society of the water nation and values discipline as a result. Despite this, he has been known to act rashly when someone pushes the limits of his patience. He is a devout follower of Kiolo, and attends a gathering of the faithful weekly. Though he is committed to peace, he takes disrespect towards the hierarchy as a personal offense, and has been known to imprison people based on this alone.
LIKES: Respect, faith, honesty, learning, alcohol (in moderation)
DISLIKES: Cruelty, disorder, fear, laziness
STRENGTHS: Brave, Intelligent, Loyal
WEAKNESSES: Prideful of himself, can become angered beyond reason, glory hound
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral
Born the oldest and only son of Mira and Alistair Bane, Tyrus was virtually raised by the council of generals as his mother and father went about their duties. It was not an easy life. The generals saw to it that Tyrus went through rigorous physical training, and his education was much more comprehensive than that of his peers. At an early age Tyrus found solace in devotion to the gods, specifically Kiolo, and though he didn't realize it, they helped to fill the hole left by his parents' absence in his life. By the age of fifteen, he was well versed in history, math, and the sciences, and thus began his education in military matters and combat. The art of war.

That was the same year his water bending skills became realized. He could manipulate the turn and flow of water with ease, willing it to take the shapes he desired and using it as a tool and weapon. The generals did not believe he had reached his full potential however, and demanded he hone them further, to find the secret depths of his abilities. This, coupled with his education in war, resulted in a powerful warrior and a brilliant strategist. He slowly learned how to control ice, create snow and blizzards, thunderstorms and hail, or make them dissipate completely. It was not enough for the generals. They demanded more, and finally Tyrus snapped. After years of being pushed and shoved he was tired, he wanted a rest but they would not give it to him.

He vanished, taking a small rucksack with him, Tyrus turned to the wilderness as a means of escape. Unknowingly finding himself in the forest of Taire days later, he was tired and worn, he knew that soldiers were likely searching for him as best they could, but he didn't expect to be found. After setting up camp, Tyrus set off deeper into the woods in search of a means to wash, and was not disappointed. A perfectly clear river ran through the forest, with a magnificent waterfall pouring down into it. Stripping down, he quickly jumped underneath the fall, but was caught off guard by a sharp rock on the bottom, and stumbled into a cavern entrance. Unsure of what to do, but curious as to what lay deeper inside, Tyrus ventured in.

Tyrus was not disappointed. Entering in, the cavern widened into a large open space, a heavy stone bridge was laid out before him, and at the end stood a temple. He stared in awe at the building before him, it was architecture unlike anything he'd seen before, it was shaped like a pyramid, with a second pyramid balanced atop it. The edges were sharp and jutted, in clear contrast to the smooth, rounded architecture he was so used to, and it was inlaid heavily with some kind of metal, with intricate designs carved into it. He slowly ventured into the temple and was startled to discover a statue, standing erect in the center, of Kiolo, his god. Deciding that this was no coincidence, Tyrus stepped lightly before the statue, and then got to his knees and began meditating.

Six hours passed before Tyrus finally opened his eyes again, acutely aware of his surroundings. There was something more though, he could feel it. An energy in the air. Suddenly he jumped to his feet, ignoring the ache in his knees he rushed for the exit of the cavern, terror ripping at his throat. Something was wrong. He could hear it before he could see it, like a deep rumble, the side of the earth was being pounded by water so ferociously it was being torn apart. He jumped through the waterfall, and that's when he saw it. An enormous maelstrom of water whipping and whirling around him threatening to toss him violently against the side of the cliff. Summoning what energy he had left, Tyrus forced the water to fly around him, and he ran.

Finding the nearest town, Tyrus commandeered a vehicle from a local (as well as some clothes) and sped as quickly as he could to the capital.. Arriving in the capital, he turned himself in to the council of generals immediately, willing to face the punishment for his actions, he knew now that Kiolo demanded it of him, and so he would. Before judgement could be passed however, the capital was hit by a monumental storm that threatened to tear the city up by its foundations.

It was 32 hours later before the hurricane finally subsided, and the sun shone vibrantly upon a shaken and flooded city. Tyrus immediately got to work in the streets, bending the water out of homes and into drainage systems, helping those who could not help themselves. It was that afternoon when he got the news. His parents had been caught in the storm, it's abruptness had allowed no time for escape, and they were found, drowned. The generals were suspicious of Tyrus, and of the sudden onset of a storm so massive, but Tyrus was careful to deny any knowledge of what could have caused it. Ultimately, it did not matter. Tyrus was the heir to the throne, and with his parents gone, he was crowned king of the water nation at twenty-one years of age.

ABILITIES: Manipulation of liquid, storm manipulation, specifically the ability to create (and dissipate) storms, hail, or hurricanes. Regular storms and hail take minutes to create, whereas hurricanes take a minimum of two hours to create. The longer the build-up, the more powerful the storm. Ice bending, including the ability to create blizzards or a simple snow fall. Same rules as above.
SKILLS: Excellent military strategist, survival skills, multilingual, adept at first aid
WEAPON(S): Typically doesn't carry one, relies on his bending, though he does carry a flask of water in case of an emergency.
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Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: (left) Dark Violet (right) Piercing Gold
Modifications: Ear piercings

Personality: Unity is an independent, strange, and silent woman with a strong will. She is cold and honest, not holding anything back, and never letting anyone tell her what to do. She isn't easily moved, or whooshed, so most men have stopped trying to get to her.

You can't spend money on her, instead she'll do it herself. She's stubborn as hell, and never likes to give up. She thinks of it as a curse.

Clothes Style: Shorts, Booty Shorts, sports bra, tank top, jeans, boxing gear, jacket, sweater, tshirt, NEVER A DRESS

Element Ability:

Aegios: Aegios is the name of the warrior of which Unity's ancestor once met. He was a strong, powerful man, who had no fears. In every battle he had been in, he never attacked, instead, used only a shield. It seemed right to name the ability after the Warrior. Her forever symbol of peace and power.

  • Aegios Gen 0: Stated to be the ultimate defense, it reflects and mirrors any attack used offensively on her.
  • Aegios Gen 1: She nullifies or dulls the abilities of others around her.
  • Aegios Gen 2: The one she knows how to use, or even can use. It is the shield of her ability, letting her create orbs of defense, or, "Force Fields", in a sense.
  • Aegios Gen 3: A technical reproduction of Gen 2, where she makes the force fields into shards. These shards can be sharpened, and used to attack. (Is yet to learn she can do this, so it doesn't exist until further in rp)
  • Aegios Gen 4: Here she "Affects" the forcefields. (Will be spanned out later in rp)
Weaknesses: Her Element is uncontrollable by her. Aegios Gen 2, sure no biggie. But Aegios Gen 0 and 1, she can't control. They pop up at random times, mostly when she doesn't need them to, and it's hard to train them. And then Gen 3 and 4, she can't even use yet, she doesn't even know they can be used yet.

Strengths: She is an insanely good fighter, like, an insanely good one. Been having to train and fight her entire life, ever since she was little, she's learned to fight big and small people, and is a force to be reckoned with. No one can beat her combat wise. She's mastered many different fighting styles, including the Ryu Bong Needle technique, Muay Thai, Renewal Taekwondo, and Karate.

Nation: Originally from air

: Underground Fighter, Author

Skills: Fighting, Combat, Writing, reading, drinking.

Social Class: Middle


Unity Rae Star
Alias: Aegios's Will
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: TBD
Birth Place: Air Nation

Affiliations: Memphis Underground Fight Club, The Underground

Sexual Preference: Bi-Sexual

Gender: Female

History: She was the child of two simple people, a book store owner, and a baker. Her life till she was 4, was always pretty normal. But her parents? Not so much. Her parents were hard gamblers, and it reached to the point where they had to run off. But they left their daughter behind, as bad as they were, to deal with what her parents had done.

Unity was stolen, and sold into the human trafficking buisness. She was sold from owner to owner, until landing in the Underground fight club. There, she worked for a nice man named Tuma, who said he'd let her go if she could win a few matches. Unlike the others, he was nice, and only seemed to want her to fight.

So she did.

Our story ends here, she has long been set free, and lives with Tuma, who is an old man, but yet still goes into the underground fight club when she wants to.

◾Hand to Hand combat
◾Pretty as hell
◾Smart as hell
◾Pleasant Dreams
◾Warm places

◾Being Hungry
◾Exerting too much energy to exhaustion
◾Not really much else

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Name: Tyrus Bane
Nation: Water Nation
Age: 23
Sexuality: Hetero
Gender: Male

Personality: Tyrus grew up in the militarist society of the water nation and values discipline as a result. Despite this, he has been known to act rashly when someone pushes the limits of his patience. He is a devout follower of Kiolo, and attends a gathering of the faithful weekly. Though he is committed to peace, he takes disrespect towards the hierarchy as a personal offense, and has been known to imprison people based on this alone.

Power: manipulation of liquid, storm manipulation, specifically the ability to create (and dissipate) storms, hail, or hurricanes. Regular storms and hail take minutes to create, whereas hurricanes take a minimum of two hours to create. The longer the build-up, the more powerful the storm. Ice bending, including the ability to create blizzards or a simple snow fall. Same rules as above.

Strengths: Brave, Intelligent, Loyal
Weaknesses: Prideful of himself, can become angered beyond reason, glory hound

Likes & Dislikes: Likes respect, faith, honesty. Dislikes cruelty, disorder, fear.

Occupation: Ruler
Weapon(s): Typically doesn't carry one, relies on his bending
Skills: Excellent military strategist, survival skills, multilingual

Bio: Born the oldest and only son of Mira and Alistair Bane, Tyrus was virtually raised by the council of generals as his mother and father went about their duties. It was not an easy life. The generals saw to it that Tyrus went through rigorous physical training, and his education was much more comprehensive than that of his peers. At an early age Tyrus found solace in devotion to the gods, specifically Kiolo, and though he didn't realize it, they helped to fill the hole left by his parents' absence in his life. By the age of fifteen, he was well versed in history, math, and the sciences, and thus began his education in military matters and combat. The art of war.

That was the same year his water bending skills became realized. He could manipulate the turn and flow of water with ease, willing it to take the shapes he desired and using it as a tool and weapon. The generals did not believe he had reached his full potential however, and demanded he hone them further, to find the secret depths of his abilities. This, coupled with his education in war, resulted in a powerful warrior and a brilliant strategist. He slowly learned how to control ice, create snow and blizzards, thunderstorms and hail, or make them dissipate completely. It was not enough for the generals. They demanded more, and finally Tyrus snapped. After years of being pushed and shoved he was tired, he wanted a rest but they would not give it to him.

He vanished, taking a small rucksack with him, Tyrus turned to the wilderness as a means of escape. Unknowingly finding himself in the forest of Taire days later, he was tired and worn, he knew that soldiers were likely searching for him as best they could, but he didn't expect to be found. After setting up camp, Tyrus set off deeper into the woods in search of a means to wash, and was not disappointed. A perfectly clear river ran through the forest, with a magnificent waterfall pouring down into it. Stripping down, he quickly jumped underneath the fall, but was caught off guard by a sharp rock on the bottom, and stumbled into a cavern entrance. Unsure of what to do, but curious as to what lay deeper inside, Tyrus ventured in.

Tyrus was not disappointed. Entering in, the cavern widened into a large open space, a heavy stone bridge was laid out before him, and at the end stood a temple. He stared in awe at the building before him, it was architecture unlike anything he'd seen before, it was shaped like a pyramid, with a second pyramid balanced atop it. The edges were sharp and jutted, in clear contrast to the smooth, rounded architecture he was so used to, and it was inlaid heavily with some kind of metal, with intricate designs carved into it. He slowly ventured into the temple and was startled to discover a statue, standing erect in the center, of Kiolo, his god. Deciding that this was no coincidence, Tyrus stepped lightly before the statue, and then got to his knees and began meditating.

Six hours passed before Tyrus finally opened his eyes again, acutely aware of his surroundings. There was something more though, he could feel it. An energy in the air. Suddenly he jumped to his feet, ignoring the ache in his knees he rushed for the exit of the cavern, terror ripping at his throat. Something was wrong. He could hear it before he could see it, like a deep rumble, the side of the earth was being pounded by water so ferociously it was being torn apart. He jumped through the waterfall, and that's when he saw it. An enormous maelstrom of water whipping and whirling around him threatening to toss him violently against the side of the cliff. Summoning what energy he had left, Tyrus forced the water to fly around him, and he ran.

Finding the nearest town, Tyrus commandeered a vehicle from a local (as well as some clothes) and sped as quickly as he could to the capital. He did not realize a hurricane was following in his wake. Arriving in the capital, he turned himself in to the council of generals immediately, willing to face the punishment for his actions, he knew now that Kiolo demanded it of him, and so he would. Before judgement could be passed however, the capital was hit by a monumental storm that threatened to tear the city up by its foundations.

It was 32 hours later before the hurricane finally subsided, and the sun shone vibrantly upon a shaken and flooded city. Tyrus immediately got to work in the streets, bending the water out of homes and into drainage systems, helping those who could not help themselves. It was that afternoon when he got the news. His parents had been caught in the storm, it's abruptness had allowed no time for escape, and they were found, drowned. The generals were suspicious of Tyrus, and of the sudden onset of a storm so massive, but Tyrus was careful to deny any knowledge of what could have caused it. Ultimately, it did not matter. Tyrus was the heir to the throne, and with his parents gone, he was crowned king of the water nation at twenty-one years of age.

Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: (left) Dark Violet (right) Piercing Gold
Modifications: Ear piercings

Personality: Unity is an independent, strange, and silent woman with a strong will. She is cold and honest, not holding anything back, and never letting anyone tell her what to do. She isn't easily moved, or whooshed, so most men have stopped trying to get to her.

You can't spend money on her, instead she'll do it herself. She's stubborn as hell, and never likes to give up. She thinks of it as a curse.

Clothes Style: Shorts, Booty Shorts, sports bra, tank top, jeans, boxing gear, jacket, sweater, tshirt, NEVER A DRESS

Element Ability:

Aegios: Aegios is the name of the warrior of which Unity's ancestor once met. He was a strong, powerful man, who had no fears. In every battle he had been in, he never attacked, instead, used only a shield. It seemed right to name the ability after the Warrior. Her forever symbol of peace and power.

  • Aegios Gen 0: Stated to be the ultimate defense, it reflects and mirrors any attack used offensively on her.
  • Aegios Gen 1: She nullifies or dulls the abilities of others around her.
  • Aegios Gen 2: The one she knows how to use, or even can use. It is the shield of her ability, letting her create orbs of defense, or, "Force Fields", in a sense.
  • Aegios Gen 3: A technical reproduction of Gen 2, where she makes the force fields into shards. These shards can be sharpened, and used to attack. (Is yet to learn she can do this, so it doesn't exist until further in rp)
  • Aegios Gen 4: Here she "Affects" the forcefields. (Will be spanned out later in rp)
Weaknesses: Her Element is uncontrollable by her. Aegios Gen 2, sure no biggie. But Aegios Gen 0 and 1, she can't control. They pop up at random times, mostly when she doesn't need them to, and it's hard to train them. And then Gen 3 and 4, she can't even use yet, she doesn't even know they can be used yet.

Strengths: She is an insanely good fighter, like, an insanely good one. Been having to train and fight her entire life, ever since she was little, she's learned to fight big and small people, and is a force to be reckoned with. No one can beat her combat wise. She's mastered many different fighting styles, including the Ryu Bong Needle technique, Muay Thai, Renewal Taekwondo, and Karate.

Nation: Originally from air

: Underground Fighter, Author

Skills: Fighting, Combat, Writing, reading, drinking.

Social Class: Middle


Unity Rae Star
Alias: Aegios's Will
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: TBD
Birth Place: Air Nation

Affiliations: Memphis Underground Fight Club, The Underground

Sexual Preference: Bi-Sexual

Gender: Female

History: She was the child of two simple people, a book store owner, and a baker. Her life till she was 4, was always pretty normal. But her parents? Not so much. Her parents were hard gamblers, and it reached to the point where they had to run off. But they left their daughter behind, as bad as they were, to deal with what her parents had done.

Unity was stolen, and sold into the human trafficking buisness. She was sold from owner to owner, until landing in the Underground fight club. There, she worked for a nice man named Tuma, who said he'd let her go if she could win a few matches. Unlike the others, he was nice, and only seemed to want her to fight.

So she did.

Our story ends here, she has long been set free, and lives with Tuma, who is an old man, but yet still goes into the underground fight club when she wants to.

◾Hand to Hand combat
◾Pretty as hell
◾Smart as hell
◾Pleasant Dreams
◾Warm places

◾Being Hungry
◾Exerting too much energy to exhaustion
◾Not really much else


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nation: Terra
Age: 21
Height/Weight: 6'0" / 180 lb
Sexuality: Homosexual
Gender: Male
Status: Heir of the family A' Dana
("descended from Dana")

axel serine-c.PNG

Personality: At first sight Benjamin looks confident, even imposing, as he walks with the same importance as the rest of his family. However, he is more reserved than he thinks he ought to be, perhaps even passive.

He dislikes arguing, and in the face of confrontation is likely to remain silent and still. This is an improvement to his previous response, which was to agree and go along with whoever was arguing, just to put an end to it, and completely undermined any authority he might have had.
Benjamin discovering the power of a good, disapproving stare might be the best thing that ever happened to him. It (usually) puts an end to confrontation, and he doesn't look like a doormat. If he thinks somebody is in the wrong, or being particularly stupid, they will know they are being judged.

Despite how he agreed to use his powers of metal manipulation, he does enjoy designing small, mechanical devices out of pieces of scrap iron and the like, just to see if they work, before destroying the evidence. They serve their own little functions, but they are not beautiful or valuable, and so he doubts his family will approve of how he spends his time.
However, his mathematics- and mechanics-orientated brain has sometimes helped him in other respects with solving problems. As his confidence increases and he learns more about ruling, he will offer solutions to problems as he sees fit, even if they sometimes are more logical than practical. He disapproves of brute force as a method, and does not hide this.

He is the kind of person to miss the bigger picture by focusing on the details. He can get so wrapped up in what he is doing that he fails to consider that other things may be just as valuable, or even more so. Being brought up by a family who constantly told him how important they all were likely hasn't helped matters.

Strengths: Clever, patient, focused.
Weaknesses: Shy, haughty, sometimes lacking common sense.

Likes Puzzles. Completing a project. Order. Pleasing his family.
Dislikes: Arguments. Making mistakes. Being shown up.

Power: Metal manipulation.

Weapon(s): As with most in his nation, he is more defensive than offensive. Around his wrists, hidden under his clothes, he wears what look like protective steel cuffs, which serve as raw materials for him when using his power.

Strengths: Can manipulate metals from sources such as instruments, weapons, so long as he is touching them. It can also be drawn out of ores in rock, but they are scarcely near the surface. He tends to let the metal flow over his skin: when in a thin layer, he can still move with little restriction, but it will not help against more than a glancing blow. As he is usually quick enough to get away, it often serves as enough for him to escape. If he can get a hand on an enemy's weapon without injury, he can easily destroy it, turning into a cold liquid.
If he has no option but to fight, he can reinforce his hands with metal when striking out, or even create weapons.

Weaknesses: Not all metals he finds will be strong ones, or strong alloys, and if the layer of metal he builds is too thin (as it is likely to be just from using the metal in his wristbands) then it will not make effective armour. Too thick, however, and it quickly becomes a heavy burden. He tends to only cover his arms, secretly under his clothing, to protect against cuts.
Although he can attack with a punch, his fighting skills do not extend past the basic training he received, and he is not particularly strong. After all, he has never had to fight for real, so his abilities are mostly theoretical.

Skills: Ideally he would be able to avoid dangerous situations in the first place, even in the unlikely event that he is not surrounded by his family's guards. He may not be battle-minded, but he is capable of treating a situation like a puzzle and finding a way to solve it.
Alternatively, he may be able to bluff his way out of it by intimidation: having his power (not to mention the guards) can sometimes make him feel invincible, and oddly less scared than he would be facing someone in a political setting.

He is the eldest child of Emile A' Dana and her consort.

Of the two ruling families, his are the least strong. They do have powers, granted to them by Gobi, but they are not used for war. Instead, his family have the power to manipulate gemstones.

Specifically, it is a power over silica: sand, gemstones and glass, but their talent is most often used to shape, embed and polish gems without cutting them. This is combined with a talent for shaping gold and silver, which are purified and smelted in forges operated by apprentices whose families wish them to have good social standing.

Their supernatural skills may not be powerful, but they are beautiful.

From this, they came to be associated with money, as they run the mint and control the wealth of the nation. They built and maintained the temples to Gobi, and the beauty and value of their creations meant godliness. They speak of education, devoutness, and wisdom, and are associated with priests and scholars: mental power and enlightenment.

This is in comparison to the ruling family descended from Makkel, who are more closely associated with fighting, farming and building. It is no secret that the two houses, although equal and content to work alongside each other, see the other's work as less meaningful than their own.

It was clear early on that Benjamin did not have the skill to bend silica. Although the crafting of gemstones is a minor, almost non-existent, part of the ruler's duties, the concept of them not having the power granted by Gobi is unheard of. The information was suppressed, and although he was still educated in financial and advisory matters, talk was made of his younger brother taking up the role instead.

Like all other young citizens of Terra, Benjamin was trained in the basics of fighting and self-defence. This was as much as his family allowed: weapons and fighting are entirely at odds with their more ethereal reputation. This tradition however helped reveal his power, as shortly after beginning his training, the knife he was holding too-tightly in his grip suddenly melted like quicksilver.

This was at odds with what was expected of him, but after much discussion, and with the ease demonstrated of manipulating gold and silver without a forge, it was considered by his parents to be acceptable. Some were not happy, believing that metalwork was something done by apprentices, or worse, blacksmiths. There was however an unspoken agreement that Benjamin would never disgrace himself or the family in such a way by manipulating iron, or creating weapons. It was probably his diligence in studies and his obedience to his family that saved him: compared to his more unruly brother, he was clearly the best option for a ruler.

His power, although unusual and seemingly out of nowhere, was not strange enough for him to be considered an abnormality. Or perhaps nobody dared to say such a thing in his family's presence.

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nation: Terra
Age: 21
Height/Weight: 6'0" / 180 lb
Sexuality: Homosexual
Gender: Male
Status: Heir of the family A' Dana
("descended from Dana")


Personality: At first sight Benjamin looks confident, even imposing, as he walks with the same importance as the rest of his family. However, he is more reserved than he thinks he ought to be, perhaps even passive.

He dislikes arguing, and in the face of confrontation was likely to remain silent and still. This is an improvement to his previous response, which was to agree and go along with whoever was arguing, just to put an end to it, and completely undermined any authority he might have had.
Benjamin discovering the power of a good, disapproving stare might be the best thing that ever happened to him. It (usually) puts an end to confrontation, and he doesn't look like a doormat. If he thinks somebody is in the wrong, or being particularly stupid, they will know they are being judged.

Despite how he agreed to use his powers of metal manipulation, he does enjoy designing small, mechanical devices out of pieces of scrap iron and the like, just to see if they work, before destroying the evidence. They serve their own little functions, but they are not beautiful or valuable, and so he doubts his family will approve of how he spends his time.
However, his mathematics- and mechanics-orientated brain has sometimes helped him in other respects with solving problems. As his confidence increases and he learns more about ruling, he will offer solutions to problems as he sees fit, even if they sometimes are more logical than practical.

He is the kind of person to miss the bigger picture by focusing on the details. He can get so wrapped up in what he is doing that he fails to consider that other things may be just as valuable, or even more so, and disapproves of brute force. Being brought up by a family who constantly told him how important they all were likely hasn't helped matters.

Strengths: Clever, patient, focused.
Weaknesses: Shy, haughty, sometimes lacking common sense.

Likes Puzzles. Completing a project. Order. Pleasing his family.
Dislikes: Arguments. Making mistakes. Being shown up.


Power: Metal manipulation.

Weapon(s): As with most in his nation, he is more defensive than offensive. Around his wrists, hidden under his clothes, he wears what look like protective steel cuffs, which serve as raw materials for him when using his power.

Strengths: Can manipulate metals from sources such as instruments, weapons, so long as he is touching them. It can also be drawn out of ores in rock, but they are scarcely near the surface. He tends to let the metal flow over his skin: when in a thin layer, he can still move with little restriction, but it will not help against more than a glancing blow. As he is usually quick enough to get away, it often serves as enough for him to escape. If he can get a hand on an enemy's weapon without injury, he can easily destroy it, turning into a cold liquid.
If he has no option but to fight, he can reinforce his hands with metal when striking out, or even create weapons.

Weaknesses: Not all metals he finds will be strong ones, or strong alloys, or if the layer of metal he builds is too thin (as it is likely to be just from using the metal in his wristbands). Too thick, however, and it quickly becomes a heavy burden. He tends to only cover his arms, secretly under his clothing, to protect against cuts.
Although he can attack with a punch, his fighting skills do not extend past the basic training he received, and he is not particularly strong. After all, he has never had to fight for real, so his abilities are mostly theoretical.

Skills: Ideally he would be able to avoid dangerous situations in the first place, even in the unlikely event that he is not surrounded by his family's guards. He may not be battle-minded, but he is capable of treating a situation like a puzzle and finding a way to solve it.
Alternatively, he may be able to bluff his way out of it by intimidation: having his power (not to mention the guards) can sometimes make him feel invincible, and oddly less scared than he would be facing someone in a political setting.


He is the eldest child of Emile A' Dana.

Of the two ruling families, his are the less strong. They do have powers, granted to them by Gobi, but they are not used for war. Rather, his family have the power to manipulate gemstones.

Specifically, it is a power over silica: sand, gemstones and glass, but their talent is most often used to shape, embed and polish gems without cutting them. This is combined with a talent for shaping gold and silver, which are purified and smelted in forges operated by apprentices whose families wish them to have good social standing.

Their supernatural skills may not be powerful, but they are beautiful.

From this, they came to be associated with money, as they run the mint and control the wealth of the nation. From this they built and maintained the temples to Gobi, and the beauty and value of their creations meant godliness. They speak of education, devoutness, and wisdom, and are associated with priests and wisdom: mental power and enlightenment.

This is in comparison to the ruling family descended from Makkel, who are more closely associated with fighting, farming and building. It is no secret that the two houses, although equal and content to work alongside each other, see the other's work as less meaningful than their own.

It was clear early on that Benjamin did not have the skill to bend silica. Although the crafting of gemstones is a minor, almost non-existent, part of their duties, the concept of them not having the power granted by Gobi is unheard of. The information was suppressed, and although he was still educated in financial and advisory matters, talk was made of his younger brother taking up the role instead.

Like all other young citizens of Terra, Benjamin was trained in the basics of fighting and self-defence. This was as much as his family allowed: weapons and fighting are entirely at odds with their more ethereal reputation. Shortly after beginning this training, his power was discovered: the knife he was holding too-tightly in his grip suddenly melted like quicksilver.

This was at odds with what was expected of him, but after much discussion, and with the ease demonstrated of manipulating gold and silver without a forge, it was considered by his parents to be acceptable. Some were not happy, seeing that metalwork was something done by apprentices, or worse, blacksmiths. There was however an unspoken agreement that Benjamin would never disgrace himself or the family in such a way by manipulating iron, or creating weapons. It was probably his diligence in studies and his obedience to his family that saved him: compared to his younger brother, he was clearly the best option for a ruler.

His power, although unusual and seemingly out of nowhere, was not strange enough for him to be considered an abnormality. Or perhaps nobody dared to say such a thing in his family's presence.

I love him! Accepted~
*I know it may seem like I zoomed past all that info since I'm accepting him so fast but I swear I read it, lol. I read fast xD

Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: (left) Dark Violet (right) Piercing Gold
Modifications: Ear piercings

Personality: Unity is an independent, strange, and silent woman with a strong will. She is cold and honest, not holding anything back, and never letting anyone tell her what to do. She isn't easily moved, or whooshed, so most men have stopped trying to get to her.

You can't spend money on her, instead she'll do it herself. She's stubborn as hell, and never likes to give up. She thinks of it as a curse.

Clothes Style: Shorts, Booty Shorts, sports bra, tank top, jeans, boxing gear, jacket, sweater, tshirt, NEVER A DRESS

Element Ability:

Aegios: Aegios is the name of the warrior of which Unity's ancestor once met. He was a strong, powerful man, who had no fears. In every battle he had been in, he never attacked, instead, used only a shield. It seemed right to name the ability after the Warrior. Her forever symbol of peace and power.

  • Aegios Gen 0: Stated to be the ultimate defense, it reflects and mirrors any attack used offensively on her.
  • Aegios Gen 1: She nullifies or dulls the abilities of others around her.
  • Aegios Gen 2: The one she knows how to use, or even can use. It is the shield of her ability, letting her create orbs of defense, or, "Force Fields", in a sense.
  • Aegios Gen 3: A technical reproduction of Gen 2, where she makes the force fields into shards. These shards can be sharpened, and used to attack. (Is yet to learn she can do this, so it doesn't exist until further in rp)
  • Aegios Gen 4: Here she "Affects" the forcefields. (Will be spanned out later in rp)
Weaknesses: Her Element is uncontrollable by her. Aegios Gen 2, sure no biggie. But Aegios Gen 0 and 1, she can't control. They pop up at random times, mostly when she doesn't need them to, and it's hard to train them. And then Gen 3 and 4, she can't even use yet, she doesn't even know they can be used yet.

Strengths: She is an insanely good fighter, like, an insanely good one. Been having to train and fight her entire life, ever since she was little, she's learned to fight big and small people, and is a force to be reckoned with. No one can beat her combat wise. She's mastered many different fighting styles, including the Ryu Bong Needle technique, Muay Thai, Renewal Taekwondo, and Karate.

Nation: Originally from air

: Underground Fighter, Author

Skills: Fighting, Combat, Writing, reading, drinking.

Social Class: Middle


Unity Rae Star
Alias: Aegios's Will
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: TBD
Birth Place: Air Nation

Affiliations: Memphis Underground Fight Club, The Underground

Sexual Preference: Bi-Sexual

Gender: Female

History: She was the child of two simple people, a book store owner, and a baker. Her life till she was 4, was always pretty normal. But her parents? Not so much. Her parents were hard gamblers, and it reached to the point where they had to run off. But they left their daughter behind, as bad as they were, to deal with what her parents had done.

Unity was stolen, and sold into the human trafficking buisness. She was sold from owner to owner, until landing in the Underground fight club. There, she worked for a nice man named Tuma, who said he'd let her go if she could win a few matches. Unlike the others, he was nice, and only seemed to want her to fight.

So she did.

Our story ends here, she has long been set free, and lives with Tuma, who is an old man, but yet still goes into the underground fight club when she wants to.

◾Hand to Hand combat
◾Pretty as hell
◾Smart as hell
◾Pleasant Dreams
◾Warm places

◾Being Hungry
◾Exerting too much energy to exhaustion
◾Not really much else

Now that I think about it...would it be alright if she was a guard at the castle? It's fine if you don't want to, I was just asking.
Edit: I just realized she's not part of the Nations, lol. Ignore that
Now that I think about it...would it be alright if she was a guard at the castle? It's fine if you don't want to, I was just asking.
Edit: I just realized she's not part of the Nations, lol. Ignore that
Sure~That'd be fine :3

Hair Color: Black with light brown highlights
Eye Color: Brown, but turn red when he gets emotional
Modifications: Ear piercings, tattoos

Personality: Damien is a cool, calm, and collected guy who is easy to get along with. He, unlike other Fire Nation Citizens, who have ab obviously insane fiery soul, he has a cool, calm, and collected one. He's nice, funny, and is the perfect image of a leader. Strong, Independent, powerful, and trustable.

No one truly dislikes him, who could ever hate that face? He has an amazing grin, a fun, curious personality, and a young sort of persona. He's warm, fun, and happy. But also, hard, cold, and a good leader. But below that, is the blazing monster he is. A horrible monster with a fiery soul, and an insane personality. He hides that side of him on the bottom, so one one will ever see.

Clothes Style: A suit, tie, jacket, dress shirt, he likes to always look presentable.

Element Ability:

Flamboyant: A name he thought of when he was little, it was originally the name of his best friend, before his best friend was killed by a random Bender. He decided to name his ability after him.

  • WIP
Weaknesses: He is prideful, and jumps to conclusions. Many times before he has almost lost his cool due to a simple mis-understanding.

Strengths: He is an incredible speaker, negotiator, and contractor. Easily trusted and liked, and is usefull in times of war.

Nation: Fire

: Nation Leader

Skills: WIP

Social Class: High

Miguel Iglesias.jpg

Damien Tobiah Nmore
Alias: A fiery Soul
Age: 25
Height: 6'1"
Weight: TBD
Birth Place: Fire Nation

Affiliations: WIP

Sexual Preference: Straight

Gender: Male

History: WIP



Nation CS
Name: Wilther Centurion
Nation: Fire Nation

Age: 23
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Male

Personality: Wilther was raised in a particularly undeveloped part of the Fire Nation, near the suburbs of the Nation's finest city, Scintillam. Having to live his first 16 years in an environment looked down on by the wealthier members of society, Wilther, the only child of the Centurion family, has grown quite used to being shunned. He has learned to hide his weakness by displaying his strength, being an absolute show-off in a competition, but is quite reserved in conversation. He is known for his quick-witted conversation, but, as his fiery origins, is particularly hotheaded whenever someone insults him. The same hotheadedness has got him into countless fights.

Power: Manipulation of heat signatures. Growing up in the slums, heat sources for bending practice are very limited, so Wilther has been rather masterful at absorbing energy from anything that transfers or derives from heat i.e. Smoke, absorbing heat from a hot knife, and the opposite can be done, i.e. heating up a kitchen, creating a smoke screen for running-away purposes, infusing a knife with fire. And of course, the good old throwing-fireballs technique.

Strengths: Conversations, thinking, improvising
Weaknesses: Doing anything involving discipline, staying still, hotheaded, aggressive

Likes & Dislikes: Likes intelligent people to talk to, an actual fire he could absorb energy from. Dislikes dull talkers, quiet moments, boring moments, seminars, group meetings, serious discussions.
Occupation: Warrior, Blacksmith
Weapon(s): Other than his bending skills, he also carries a decent amount of at least 6 or more makeshift "fire daggers" he could throw or use as a knife. He calls them "fire daggers" because of their ability to absorb small amounts of his fire energy into their blades, quickly setting them ablaze.
Skills: Throwing sharp objects, running away, misdirection

Bio: Wilther was born into a minor slum area, next to Scintillam, one of the greatest cities the Fire Nation has to offer. His mother died during childbirth, leaving his father, a mere factory worker, to take care of this fledgling Centurion boy, who was only 2 at the time.

Scintillam, despite being a very elegant and considered progressive by most inhabitants, the city management's attitude towards Wilther's slum area was... hostile. The locals in the actual houses despised the likes of Wilther and his 'friends'. They chase him, along with every other slum dweller away when they spot him near their households, for his kind has never done anything well for the city, only stealing and robbing the 'kind, lawful inhabitants of this venerable city', as said by the City Mayor in his frequent speeches.

And as such, the law enforcement's attitude towards him and his fellow inhabitants would then go to rival the brutality, or even surpass, what was seen during The War of Nations so long ago. But from this unfortunate oppression, Wilther learned valuable lessons in life; Never sit down and eat at the same time, standing is always the best option; Always have at least 10 different escape routes from where you're standing; Police can't run as well when there are knives flying at them. Well, that last one... Wilther figured it out by himself.

He was the first, and actually, only of his kind to recognize his powers at a young age. He first found out about it, when he latched onto a steam pipe during a run-away-from-the-police exercise, and when he turned to strike one of the officers, he saw sparks of fire come out of his hand, disabling that officer.

After a few more incidents like those, he became the de facto "Godfather" of the slums, making a profession out of his fire powers. Most, for good causes: Igniting the wood in a boiler for a shelter that is frequently subjected to cold winds during nights, when the inhabitants do not have any more materials to create a fire out of. But sometimes, his malevolent side also utilizes the same powers: Setting fire to certain households that have proven... "troublesome" for many, almost lethally injuring multiple law enforcement members to help his friends escape, and even, allegedly, an assassination attempt on the City Mayor himself.

This all changed, however, when a certain noble family moved into Scintillam, near the place Wilther lived. This was when he was 17. It was a family of four: A father, a mother, a son, and a daughter. Unlike every other inhabitant near the slum area, this family did not despise the unlucky inhabitants of this place. They treated the slum dwellers with kindness,providing free food, warm water, exotic medicines that must've costed a lot of money, and sometimes, only on particularly quiet nights, providing their own vast, 3-floor house as a shelter for tens, maybe hundreds of homeless people to sleep for the night.

On one such night, Wilther encountered the daughter in the family. Her name was Scintilla. A beautiful name, fitting for the city she was currently living in. At first, they did not exchange much. He would ask for a few material comforts, and she would quickly provide them. But over the course of months, their short exchanges turned into full conversations, with grammatical depth and deep understanding between them.

Soon enough, the entire family got to know Wilther personally, as he frequently visits them for dinner talks. Immediately, they recognized his potential, his intelligence. Soon enough, one day, the family invited both Wilther and his father over for a proper conversation.

They discussed the possibility of sending Wilther to a proper school, to get him an actual education, one that he never had as a child. Wilther's father was thrilled at the offer, and agreed wholeheartedly. But Wilther was reserved. For deep down, he knew, from the life lessons he had learned; there was always a catch to everything.

In return, the noble family's father discreetly asked Wilther to rat out his friends to the law enforcement, under the guise of "cleaning the neighborhood". Wilther was naïve, and so, he worked in secret, ratting out his friends from under the table, one by one, to a horrible fate in the prison facilities.

One day, the father was finally pleased. He forcefully sent Wilther away, against both his and Scintilla's wishes, to a very harsh boarding school in an area in Scintillam that was little better than his own slums. The father revealed himself to be a rather important figure in the law enforcement world of Scintillam, and quickly squeezed the slums, like a pimple, until it disappeared. All slum dwellers, regardless of age, gender, were detained.

Scintilla wrote to him during his time in that school, and she sent valuable supplies to him in his academic gauntlet. He was constantly reprimanded, for absolutely nonsensical reasons. The teachers hated him, the students, even more. Many times, he had to use his fire powers to keep his classmates at bay, while they came at him with handmade weapons.

But Wilther persevered, and he emerged victorious from his battle against the school. He was awarded with the highest of diplomas and certificates, and after some time, became a well-regarded figure in the intellectual world of The Fire Nation. Some still have suspicions about his true intelligence, regarding his true origins.

He was selected as an advisor for the Fire Nation one day, and caused a massive uproar, due to him not even taking the test that all Fire Benders have to take at the age of 16: The Hunok Desert Test. Many sought to overthrow him, and as a whole, the leader himself. But this talk of treason was silenced by the Nation Leader himself, proclaiming that "Intelligence has no boundaries, no borders, no race, no special title granted to it. It comes up in unlikely places." Essentially, he said 'He does not have to be a proper Fire Bender to be an advisor.'

Wilther now works full-time as an advisor to the Ruler, answering any question the great Leader has at a moment's notice. He secretly yearns for a good fight, however, and practices with great fighters all around the Fire Nation whenever he can, although he has lost every single match. Scintilla still keeps in touch with him, and the two still write to each other frequently. Wilther just hopes that one day, they could reunite, without anything in their way.

(Finally got this done typhoon typhoon )
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23//asexual//birom//cis-male//cafe owner/ruler of the new elements???//boi is lowkey a vampire

Power: can create, control and otherwise manipulate blood of oneself, others or from their surroundings, whether it be from blood-banks, hospitals, or battlefields. This can also allow him to use blood as an attack form as well as healing himself.

Weapons: Tbh his only weapon is his face and his blood. But he does carry two twin daggers when needed.

-Good observer
-Fast learner
-Amazing cook



Personality: All in all, Aadi is a straightforward person, though this often ends up as him being blunt as he says what he thinks regardless of who he's talking to. Aadi chafes somewhat against rules and authority, which appeals to his intense love of personal freedom. He is quite adventurous and can be prone to recklessness at times. He's also a pretty easy-going with a good sarcastic wit, and an irreverence about pretty much everything. That said, he is incredibly sensitive when it comes to his loved ones and will anger incredibly quickly should one insult, hurt, or otherwise cross them. When truly angered, Garrett will drop all semblance of emotion from his face in cold rage. In this state he will do whatever it takes to destroy whomever earned his wrath, or die trying. It is incredibly difficult to snap him out of it, the only person currently able to do it being the people themselves. As such, it is quite fortunate that this is a fairly rare event.

- Incredibly strong despite his lean appearance.
- Highly agile and very flexible.
- High endurance, pain tolerance, and durability meaning that he can take a lot and fight for a long time
- Talented at breaking things.
- Due to his fitness and naturally strong constitution Garrett is resistant against poisons and sedatives. This also applies to alcohol as he has a massive tolerance.

-Extremely Reckless
-Using his blood for so long can definitely deteriorate him
-Doesn't sleep a lot (not by will)
-Loved ones

bats//cookies//red//spiders//kisses//b l o o d//

tears//too much sun//oranges//rudeness//wind

Aadi was born in the unpromised lands of the world, a secret divinity of misfortune and hatred. When he was a toddler, his mother told him he should be careful in the world, for his legacy is a great one but a dishonor to others. Little three year old Aadi was trying to be a normal toddler, messing around with his friends and splashing countless amount of water all over the place with a garden hose from their homes nearby.

However, there was something odd going on around him; he felt.. Different. He hadn't notice that he was slowly going towards the butcher's home, craving something from inside, his eyes darkening from the urge. Of course the little kids were confused at why their friend randomly left at this and one approached him, but Aadi had no idea what was happening. Still he made a move and the boy that had approached him was lunged back with something red protruding his chest. The boys were standing still as Aadi turned around, realizing what he had come to. They somewhat knew what was happening, but parted at the loss of their friend.

He quickly ran away from the frightening scene, escape now being his only friend in this town, worried as hell at what he had done. He bolted inside his house, his hands shaking, and locked herself away from the world. His mother came into his room, smiling as she always did. She hugged his frail body, "It's time for you to learn..." she said, picking up the toddler and taking him to see his father in the next room.
Skipping to his older aged self, he has coped with himself, trying to believe he can bring his kingdom from the ashes. With his mother and father leaving him only but a single drop of advice, he pursued to lead his newfound powered friends to a happier day. However, the slight haunting memory of his friend, lying in the road with a dagger made out of blood pierced through his skin, he hopes his fortune wouldn't end up like that nor for any of his companions....


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(I have to drop this sadly. I have to much as it is, i hop this goes far. I am sorry im really interested, im just in-cable of joining.
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Tahrin Mak'kel





Height: 5'3" | 160cm
Weight: 124 lbs | 56 kg
Build: Mesomorph

Despite her short stature, Tahrin is no fragile-seeming princess. Nearly two decades of rigorous training have yielded layers of thick muscle that sit beneath her alabaster skin. To match her fighting form, she wears a slight yet haughty smirk at all times beneath pale eyes narrowed with a considering glare. Out of training, she wears her hair loose and wild and doesn't even bother to brush it, much to her mother's dismay. In combat, she ties it back with a long piece of twine otherwise kept wrapped around her right wrist.


True to the Mak'kel line, Tahrin is arrogant, quick-tempered, violent when provoked, and far from graceful. Unlike the rest of her family, however, she never learned how to reign herself in. Particularly volatile and even a bit bestial at times, the princess can be most simply described as a wild child.

Quick to argue and slow to back down, Tahrin gets what she wants by any means necessary. She is a spoiled child who has yet to learn the true meanings of hard work and patience. This poses a particularly troublesome issue, to say the least, as the future co-ruler of an entire nation. Her parents have made efforts to keep her from council meetings, especially whenever the A'Dana are involved, but such moves have done more harm than good. It is best not to ever lie to Mak'kel heir, as she has her ways of wriggling out the truth, and such things never end happily for others.

Tahrin's wild nature, coupled with her unusual power, has made her the bane of Terra's existence and few exist who are at all pleased to see her ascend to the throne. The animosity is felt far more from the A'Dana line than her own, but it surrounds her wherever she goes. Such opinions are not unknown to the princess, but instead of encouraging her to restrain herself, they fuel her savagery. However, this is not to say that Tahrin hasn't made attempts to stay calm. Indeed, she quite admires the A'Dana boy for his complete tranquility and even his subservience. However, without the support of those near her, her attempts often end in utter failure.


♠ Fighting of any kind
♠ Cloudy Days
♠ The sounds of the mountains


♠ Being told to calm down
♠ Sunlight
♠ Large bodies of water


Organic Manipulation

Tahrin was spared the power over rock and stone for one that rules over living matter instead. With it, she can control the growth of organisms, incite mutations, steal life from others to heal herself, and ultimately bend living things to her will.

Unfortunately, it is a power far from refined. The gift is tethered to her emotions--should she lose control, as she so often does, living things around her will react in turn. It also consumes a great deal of energy, especially with larger and more complicated organisms. She can hardly control a swarm of small insects or a group of trees without coming close to fainting from exhaustion. Additionally, without a proper teacher to guide the usage of her power, it often runs away with her; worms have a habit of exploding with her rage, flower blooms may grow as large as a house, and blades of grass tend to ensnare the bodies of helpless passerby. Tahrin has a long way to go before she can even hope to master her unusual gift.


♠ Capable fighter, especially in hand-to-hand combat
♠ Incredible physical strength
♠ Flexible and agile


♠ Horrible liar, wears her emotions plainly
♠ Easily riled up
♠ Acts without thinking


Tahrin was born into her royal status and she made certain that all of the Gorgen Mountains knew she had arrived the moment her lungs caught the air. Her childhood passed in a similarly loud fashion, and grew only louder during the days she spent training. Her mother, the Mak'kel Queen of Terra, a formidable woman full of strength and enough grace to rival an A'Dana, sought to reign in her only child; Tahrin spent her days under the tutelage of the finest Terran scholars, and her nights under the commands of the greatest Terran generals. Her studies often took her across the path of Benjamin A'Dana, her future co-ruler, and despite even the uneasy truce between the two lines, the Mak'kel Queen often pointed out his superiority over Tahrin as an heir.

Her mother, though harsh and demanding, never left the princess wanting for love. She was a kind person, even gentle at times, and wanted only the best life for her daughter. When it became clear during her studies that Tahrin held no affinity for the shaping of earth and stone, the queen hid her child away to save her from the questioning, hostile stares of their people.

Tahrin had always been a rather savage girl, more beast than human at times, and she yearned to venture past the borders of her mountains. Hidden away, like a criminal instead of an heir to the throne, drove her mad. Her emotions grew out of hand and in one particularly awful fit of madness against the queen, every insect, worm, and spider in her earthen room exploded with her shriek of outrage. They both stood in stunned silence for several long minutes before Lupara took gentle hold of her daughter's hand and proceeded to the springs to wash the parts from their hair and clothes.

From then on, Tahrin was given free passage to explore Terra between her lessons, under the conditions that she never venture past their boundaries, nor ever show her power to anyone. She was all too happy to oblige, but all Terrans, regardless of family lines, were people of conversation, and rumors spread quickly. The Mak'kel girl is a terror, they said, forsaken by Gobi himself! Her own lack of control over her gift only added to the hearsay: flowers bloomed or withered as she passed, depending on her mood; the crops she touched grew thorns or leaked poison; and bugs scattered away from her steps.

Savage though the princess may be, Tahrin was no fool. The words of her subjects infuriated her, but a harsh word from Queen Mak'kel kept her from wrapping vines around their necks. It would not do to kill off her nation, after all. And surely they knew better than to make such claims to her face?

Heir to the Mak'kel Throne of Terra
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Tahrin Mak'kel





Height: 5'3" | 160cm
Weight: 124 lbs | 56 kg
Build: Mesomorph

Despite her short stature, Tahrin is no fragile-seeming princess. Nearly two decades of rigorous training have yielded layers of thick muscle that sit beneath her alabaster skin. To match her fighting form, she wears a slight yet haughty smirk at all times beneath pale eyes narrowed with a considering glare. Out of training, she wears her hair loose and wild and doesn't even bother to brush it, much to her mother's dismay. In combat, she ties it back with a long piece of twine otherwise kept wrapped around her right wrist.


True to the Mak'kel line, Tahrin is arrogant, quick-tempered, violent when provoked, and far from graceful. Unlike the rest of her family, however, she never learned how to reign herself in. Particularly volatile and even a bit bestial at times, the princess can be most simply described as a wild child.

Quick to argue and slow to back down, Tahrin gets what she wants by any means necessary. She is a spoiled child who has yet to learn the true meanings of hard work and patience. This poses a particularly troublesome issue, to say the least, as the future co-ruler of an entire nation. Her parents have made efforts to keep her from council meetings, especially whenever the A'Dana are involved, but such moves have done more harm than good. It is best not to ever lie to Mak'kel heir, as she has her ways of wriggling out the truth, and such things never end happily for others.

Tahrin's wild nature, coupled with her unusual power, has made her the bane of Terra's existence and few exist who are at all pleased to see her ascend to the throne. The animosity is felt far more from the A'Dana line than her own, but it surrounds her wherever she goes. Such opinions are not unknown to the princess, but instead of encouraging her to restrain herself, they fuel her savagery. However, this is not to say that Tahrin hasn't made attempts to stay calm. Indeed, she quite admires the A'Dana boy for his complete tranquility and even his subservience. However, without the support of those near her, her attempts often end in utter failure.


♠ Fighting of any kind
♠ Cloudy Days
♠ The sounds of the mountains


♠ Being told to calm down
♠ Sunlight
♠ Large bodies of water


Organic Manipulation

Tahrin was spared the power over rock and stone for one that rules over living matter instead. With it, she can control the growth of organisms, incite mutations, steal life from others to heal herself, and ultimately bend living things to her will.

Unfortunately, it is a power far from refined. The gift is tethered to her emotions--should she lose control, as she so often does, living things around her will react in turn. It also consumes a great deal of energy, especially with larger and more complicated organisms. She can hardly control a swarm of small insects or a group of trees without coming close to fainting from exhaustion. Additionally, without a proper teacher to guide the usage of her power, it often runs away with her; worms have a habit of exploding with her rage, flower blooms may grow as large as a house, and blades of grass tend to ensnare the bodies of helpless passerby. Tahrin has a long way to go before she can even hope to master her unusual gift.


♠ Capable fighter, especially in hand-to-hand combat
♠ Incredible physical strength
♠ Flexible and agile


♠ Horrible liar, wears her emotions plainly
♠ Easily riled up
♠ Acts without thinking


Tahrin was born into her royal status and she made certain that all of the Gorgen Mountains knew she had arrived the moment her lungs caught the air. Her childhood passed in a similarly loud fashion, and grew only louder during the days she spent training. Her mother, the Mak'kel Queen of Terra, a formidable woman full of strength and enough grace to rival an A'Dana, sought to reign in her only child; Tahrin spent her days under the tutelage of the finest Terran scholars, and her nights under the commands of the greatest Terran generals. Her studies often took her across the path of Benjamin A'Dana, her future co-ruler, and despite even the uneasy truce between the two lines, the Mak'kel Queen often pointed out his superiority over Tahrin as an heir.

Her mother, though harsh and demanding, never left the princess wanting for love. She was a kind person, even gentle at times, and wanted only the best life for her daughter. When it became clear during her studies that Tahrin held no affinity for the shaping of earth and stone, the queen hid her child away to save her from the questioning, hostile stares of their people.

Tahrin had always been a rather savage girl, more beast than human at times, and she yearned to venture past the borders of her mountains. Hidden away, like a criminal instead of an heir to the throne, drove her mad. Her emotions grew out of hand and in one particularly awful fit of madness against the queen, every insect, worm, and spider in her earthen room exploded with her shriek of outrage. They both stood in stunned silence for several long minutes before Lupara took gentle hold of her daughter's hand and proceeded to the springs to wash the parts from their hair and clothes.

From then on, Tahrin was given free passage to explore Terra between her lessons, under the conditions that she never venture past their boundaries, nor ever show her power to anyone. She was all too happy to oblige, but all Terrans, regardless of family lines, were people of conversation, and rumors spread quickly. The Mak'kel girl is a terror, they said, forsaken by Gobi himself! Her own lack of control over her gift only added to the hearsay: flowers bloomed or withered as she passed, depending on her mood; the crops she touched grew thorns or leaked poison; and bugs scattered away from her steps.

Savage though the princess may be, Tahrin was no fool. The words of her subjects infuriated her, but a harsh word from Queen Mak'kel kept her from wrapping vines around their necks. It would not do to kill off her nation, after all. And surely they knew better than to make such claims to her face?

Heir to the Mak'kel Throne of Terra
I really like her and her powers are unexpected due to her nation which makes it very interesting. Accepted!



23//asexual//birom//cis-male//cafe owner/ruler of the new elements???//boi is lowkey a vampire

Power: can create, control and otherwise manipulate blood of oneself, others or from their surroundings, whether it be from blood-banks, hospitals, or battlefields. This can also allow him to use blood as an attack form as well as healing himself.

Weapons: Tbh his only weapon is his face and his blood. But he does carry two twin daggers when needed.

-Good observer
-Fast learner
-Amazing cook



Personality: All in all, Aadi is a straightforward person, though this often ends up as him being blunt as he says what he thinks regardless of who he's talking to. Aadi chafes somewhat against rules and authority, which appeals to his intense love of personal freedom. He is quite adventurous and can be prone to recklessness at times. He's also a pretty easy-going with a good sarcastic wit, and an irreverence about pretty much everything. That said, he is incredibly sensitive when it comes to his loved ones and will anger incredibly quickly should one insult, hurt, or otherwise cross them. When truly angered, Garrett will drop all semblance of emotion from his face in cold rage. In this state he will do whatever it takes to destroy whomever earned his wrath, or die trying. It is incredibly difficult to snap him out of it, the only person currently able to do it being the people themselves. As such, it is quite fortunate that this is a fairly rare event.

- Incredibly strong despite his lean appearance.
- Highly agile and very flexible.
- High endurance, pain tolerance, and durability meaning that he can take a lot and fight for a long time
- Talented at breaking things.
- Due to his fitness and naturally strong constitution Garrett is resistant against poisons and sedatives. This also applies to alcohol as he has a massive tolerance.

-Extremely Reckless
-Using his blood for so long can definitely deteriorate him
-Doesn't sleep a lot (not by will)
-Loved ones

bats//cookies//red//spiders//kisses//b l o o d//

tears//too much sun//oranges//rudeness//wind

Aadi was born in the unpromised lands of the world, a secret divinity of misfortune and hatred. When he was a toddler, his mother told him he should be careful in the world, for his legacy is a great one but a dishonor to others. Little three year old Aadi was trying to be a normal toddler, messing around with his friends and splashing countless amount of water all over the place with a garden hose from their homes nearby.

However, there was something odd going on around him; he felt.. Different. He hadn't notice that he was slowly going towards the butcher's home, craving something from inside, his eyes darkening from the urge. Of course the little kids were confused at why their friend randomly left at this and one approached him, but Aadi had no idea what was happening. Still he made a move and the boy that had approached him was lunged back with something red protruding his chest. The boys were standing still as Aadi turned around, realizing what he had come to. They somewhat knew what was happening, but parted at the loss of their friend.

He quickly ran away from the frightening scene, escape now being his only friend in this town, worried as hell at what he had done. He bolted inside his house, his hands shaking, and locked herself away from the world. His mother came into his room, smiling as she always did. She hugged his frail body, "It's time for you to learn..." she said, picking up the toddler and taking him to see his father in the next room.
Skipping to his older aged self, he has coped with himself, trying to believe he can bring his kingdom from the ashes. With his mother and father leaving him only but a single drop of advice, he pursued to lead his newfound powered friends to a happier day. However, the slight haunting memory of his friend, lying in the road with a dagger made out of blood pierced through his skin, he hopes his fortune wouldn't end up like that nor for any of his companions....


Nation CS
Name: Wilther Centurion
Nation: Fire Nation

Age: 23
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Male

Personality: Wilther was raised in a particularly undeveloped part of the Fire Nation, near the suburbs of the Nation's finest city, Scintillam. Having to live his first 16 years in an environment looked down on by the wealthier members of society, Wilther, the only child of the Centurion family, has grown quite used to being shunned. He has learned to hide his weakness by displaying his strength, being an absolute show-off in a competition, but is quite reserved in conversation. He is known for his quick-witted conversation, but, as his fiery origins, is particularly hotheaded whenever someone insults him. The same hotheadedness has got him into countless fights.

Power: Manipulation of heat signatures. Growing up in the slums, heat sources for bending practice are very limited, so Wilther has been rather masterful at absorbing energy from anything that transfers or derives from heat i.e. Smoke, absorbing heat from a hot knife, and the opposite can be done, i.e. heating up a kitchen, creating a smoke screen for running-away purposes, infusing a knife with fire. And of course, the good old throwing-fireballs technique.

Strengths: Conversations, thinking, improvising
Weaknesses: Doing anything involving discipline, staying still, hotheaded, aggressive

Likes & Dislikes: Likes intelligent people to talk to, an actual fire he could absorb energy from. Dislikes dull talkers, quiet moments, boring moments, seminars, group meetings, serious discussions.
Occupation: Warrior, Blacksmith
Weapon(s): Other than his bending skills, he also carries a decent amount of at least 6 or more makeshift "fire daggers" he could throw or use as a knife. He calls them "fire daggers" because of their ability to absorb small amounts of his fire energy into their blades, quickly setting them ablaze.
Skills: Throwing sharp objects, running away, misdirection

Bio: Wilther was born into a minor slum area, next to Scintillam, one of the greatest cities the Fire Nation has to offer. His mother died during childbirth, leaving his father, a mere factory worker, to take care of this fledgling Centurion boy, who was only 2 at the time.

Scintillam, despite being a very elegant and considered progressive by most inhabitants, the city management's attitude towards Wilther's slum area was... hostile.

(I feel bad for having such a basic and plain CS)
Probably advisor to the leader of new elements or warrior to the new elements.
"Let's set the world on fire"





•Aaron Marie Fields
•AKA: Ace or Mary
•20 Years Old
•Advisor To The Leader Of New Elements Or A possible Medic/Warrior








scroll down
(History will go here)



crafted by wheat.
I needed these done a while ago but I slipped away myself, so please tell me if you have dropped out or not.
I needed these done a while ago but I slipped away myself, so please tell me if you have dropped out or not.
Will work on my today. Should be done by tomorrow. sorry about that.

Hair Color: Black with light brown highlights
Eye Color: Brown, but turn red when he gets emotional
Modifications: Ear piercings, tattoos

Personality: Damien is a cool, calm, and collected guy who is easy to get along with. He, unlike other Fire Nation Citizens, who have ab obviously insane fiery soul, he has a cool, calm, and collected one. He's nice, funny, and is the perfect image of a leader. Strong, Independent, powerful, and trustable.

No one truly dislikes him, who could ever hate that face? He has an amazing grin, a fun, curious personality, and a young sort of persona. He's warm, fun, and happy. But also, hard, cold, and a good leader. But below that, is the blazing monster he is. A horrible monster with a fiery soul, and an insane personality. He hides that side of him on the bottom, so one one will ever see.

Clothes Style: A suit, tie, jacket, dress shirt, he likes to always look presentable.

Element Ability:

Flamboyant: A name he thought of when he was little, it was originally the name of his best friend, before his best friend was killed by a random Bender. He decided to name his ability after him.

  • WIP
Weaknesses: He is prideful, and jumps to conclusions. Many times before he has almost lost his cool due to a simple mis-understanding.

Strengths: He is an incredible speaker, negotiator, and contractor. Easily trusted and liked, and is usefull in times of war.

Nation: Fire

: Nation Leader

Skills: WIP

Social Class: High

Miguel Iglesias.jpg

Damien Tobiah Nmore
Alias: A fiery Soul
Age: 25
Height: 6'1"
Weight: TBD
Birth Place: Fire Nation

Affiliations: WIP

Sexual Preference: Straight

Gender: Male

History: WIP



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