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At one with the Dead

Bree looked at James. She hadn't been touched in so long. Most of the time people were repulsed by the energy she gave off. She started shaking.' James.. What... Do... I ... Do...." She let the sentence drop off there. She watched as the dead man approached them. HEr thoughts going to Mori, her eyes shifting to look at her companion. The only one who knew her secret for so long. She then looked at James and raised her hand to touch his. The flesh of flesh sent a ripple of magic and power through the graveyard and slowly more risen join them.
James looks at her and calmly tells her- Just relax and calm down, I will not let anything happen to you Bree, i promise. -James holds her hand as he touches his and lets his powerful and ancient magic flow through her and help her control the dead, he walks closer to her and puts both arms on her wantingly and just helps calm her down and waits to see what she does and whispers- You got this, you are doing this perfectly first time. just stay calm -says james looking over all the dead risen bodies-
Bree grabbed his hand and closed her eyes. Her skin began to tingle and her knees buckled as the power took over. Her breath started becoming ragged and her chest was rising and falling faster. She looked at James as the dead started walking towards them. Her magic started to waver. Her magic started pouring against his. Fighting his magic to over take it She turned and looked to Mori. She knew she was going to lost control.
james feels her fighting the help he is giving her and shakes his head and says- You dont need to fight the magic bree, let it help you, this is your lesson. Dont fight the strength im giving you. i wouldnt let anything i know would hurt u go through you. -James holds her hand and kisses her cheek softly and looks at her helping her, guiding the dead and forcing them to obey her, the power fluctuated and became stronger for her as the dead obeyed-
Bree stood slowly. The kiss sending a trail of chills down her. She licked her lips, as she turned to the dead and let her hands drop. A shakey calm came over her and she moved her hands. Many of them fell going back to the grave. Only one staying up. She touched James again, tilting her head. " Why isn't he going into the grave?" Her voice was shaky. She had left one out before and she remembered what happened. Blood...So much blood. It started flashing through her mind. Her magic was suddenly gone and she was on her knees the grave began to come around the. Earth moving to pull her under instead of the risen standing in front of her.

Being buried was one of her fears"Mori." She said in choked whisper. She started shaking as the dead started walking towards her. Flashes of her old mentor letting the dead decay on her. The flesh and goop that came off of the dead. The smell of the risens breath on her skin. She wasn't seeing what was infront of her she was seeing the past.
James looks at her falling to her knees and he falls too, catching her, trying to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it, he looked at all the dead coming for her and he screamed- BE GONE!! - the sound wave came out like a chant of a spell and all the dead slithered back into the graves which when they came out of, james holding her in his arms and tries to wake her up from the appearent nightmare/daydream she was in he softly and kindly speaks to her- Bree.. Bree come back to me.. please nothing is coming to hurt you, your not being buried alive, your perfectly safe.. -james kisses her again but a bit longer hoping that would work-
As her panic rose so did the magic within her. His arms felt like the ground holding her to pull her under, his kiss felt like the dead trying to steal the breath from her lung. "Mori, run. Mori!." she tried to back away clawing at the dirt underneath her. Crawling backwards out of the circle of protection as her power again poured out. the blood from the cuts on her hand summoning the dead from the graves she touched as she tried to out run the demons that have haunted her for so long.
James s helpless to what he does, nothing works, he is confused of what is happening, but he sees blood slowly dripping from her hand as he quickly realizes what he has to do. he lifts her back up to his lap with her and he cuts his hand open and lets some of the blood flow first to loosen up the vessels and then slowly presses his blood to hers and watches her reactions and body language, hoping they change and he softly keeps saying to her- Come on bree come back to me.. come back.. please.. -over and over softly-
A shudder ran through her. She relaxed all the sudden and turned and looked at him. Blinking confused at first then embarrassment came a crossed her face, as she looked down at their hands. She slowly looked around them and took a deep breath. "James?" She asked as a question. Her eyes still trying to adjust.

The blood mixed with his magic is what was making her come out of the flash back. The ones she normally had anymore while trying to raise the dead. She swallowed and bit her lip. " I.... I am sorry... Sometimes." Tears started to run down her face as her magic tried to flare.
james just holds her closer and tighter, and comforts her and saying softly looking into her eyes- It's alright bree, everything is ok. The lesson was a little too advanced for us at the moment, but like i told you.. i would never let anything happen to you.. -james smiles softly while holding her close to him, the sounds of the sweet night coming back, and all the dead bodies back in the ground as if nothing has happened there- We all have bad pasts, and i have one too so that is why i dont think badly of you for what happened. -james softly kisses her cheek and still pressing his hand against hers, but softly holding her hand instead.-
Bree turned in his lap looking for Mori. Not daring to let his hand go. She was shaking still. " Where is Mori?" Her voice was tight. Her eyes flying to is face." Did they tell you I would be a difficult case? One hard to train?" She swallowed her eyes on his as the moonlight changed them from blue to a silver. ' Did they tell you who I had before this? The one who broke me... Almost took my magic completely from me?" Her eyes went to the ground around them and she sat up a little more. Her hand still in his even though he was a stranger, he was ground right now. The only thing to keep her from falling back into void.
James looks at her, and listens to her talk and his eyes narrow a bit when she asks if "they" tell him anything and james just shook his head and said calmly with her hand still tightly against hers- No one told me anything about cases or who the person was, i picked you because i felt the potential that you have, and the powers you already have mastered and such a young age, -james smiles a bit and tries to calm her down with another soft kiss to the cheek and says- mori is in the same place he was when we started, over on that tomb stone, -james points to the cat and it jumps over to us, and smiles more- I didnt know anything about your past when i picked you bree.. i didnt mind what your past was, and the mentor you had before you sounds like a real asshole to me, but i can assure you of one thing that i would never do that to you. i just want to see you grow and improve -james said softly and with a kind smile-
Bree looked at James. " You aren't going to take my.... my magic? Feed off of it?" She was nervous still. She moved off of his lap. She didn't release his hand though. " That's what he wanted. That's all he wanted.That's all everyone always wants." she touched her forehead as she raised her knees to her chest. To afraid to let go of his hand even though the blood was beginning to dry.
Of course im not gonna take your magic, i dont need it, i dont want it, i want you to know what your true potential is and anyone that feeds off of someone else's magic and powers is a damn leech. I will not and would not do that to you bree, -James looks at her softly and looks at the hand and says softly- calm down bree.. im going to let go of your hand now.. your going to be ok. your not gonna be hurt. -James looks at her again softly before slowly letting go of her hand and puts it at his side-

james also looks down softly and says quietly- It's not like anyone would want to have me around long anyways.. i teach you to do that one thing then you'll thank me and leave, then ill find someone else and do the same thing over and over.. always alone... -James' words cuts off there-
Bree stared at James as her hand dropped away from his. She was still shaking as she looked out over the cold wet earth." Potential. What if I never recover enough to be able to channel with out losing myself? What happens then?" She turned and looked at him. She could feel dawn was near, since she was young she could always feel the sun rising and draining her power a bit. She could also feel when the sun was setting. She licked her lips nervously. Her eyes searching for Mori and avoiding James. She didn't want to know what happens if she couldn't recover from her previous teachings.
Your being held back by What Ifs bree, you need to let all worries melt away if you want to get over any problems you may have. If you do that then you should be completely fine, and why are you avoiding looking at me? i saved your life and you still act like im gonna take your powers away.. you need to trust your mentor there bree im not going to do anything to hurt u, i swear on my life that i will protect you with my life and let nothing bad to you.. -james looks over at the sun and back at bree- Lets get you home.. youve been through alot.. -james gets up and reaches to help her up-
Bree took his hand and came up close to him. Her breath on his face as she looked over him. "Trust you? " she swallowed hard and nodded." I barely know you. Now we will be living together, training together... I will form trust. It will take time though." She looked into his eyes her eyes go back to the soft blue." I just need time. As anyone would." She leaned in and kissed his cheek softly. Their power tingly between them again. " Your magic calls mine.Why? I have never had that before."
That is all i ask, is that trust be built and kept, -james smiles softly as she kisses his cheek and he feels his power try to jump out of his skin to get to her and looks into her eyes and shrugs- I can't even say i know the answer to that honestly.. That has never happened to be either. It feels.. it feels like our powers connect to each other to form a bond-like structure.. -james says looking at the soon-to-be rising sun and says holding her hand still accidently- lets go to my place and get you settled in
Bree nodded and took his hand. She pulled herself up and touched his face. The magic flowing through them even in the early morning light. She watched his face very closely. " I shipped my things." She said in a hushed voice."We can't leave Mori."Her thoughts started spinning to the dead beneath their feet. The spirits were slowly disappearing for the day. " Can you raise them in the daylight?" Her voice was still hushed and she was still nervous of everything going on. But she had to know.
James smiles and feels the magic going through his veins and shakes a bit from the new feeling and nods- Ok, then all we have to do is get you unpacked and your all set. and you can raise them in the day, but they will be much much weaker then in the morning, and i know you cant leave mori wasnt planning on it. But lets get out of this grave yard before anything else happens- James says softly with a smile walking with bree out of the graveyard-
Bree walked with him slowly. Feeling the grass against her skin. She turned watching the sun rise. " James. How long have you been in control? Who taught you? Do I have my own room? " Her voice was soft and took a deep breath. Her skin began to get goosebumps. She felt a tainted magic, almost a tainted spell. She looked around and then to James." Do you feel that?"
James looks over at her and thought back to when he was just like bree, a student learning, then he turns to look towards the exit of the grave yard and says- For quite a while actually, about almost 17 years now, and as for my teacher, i have no clue who he was, i didnt ever learn his name, but he was a very powerful sorcerer. And yes, of course you have your own room, im not gonna make you live in a room with a "total stranger". -james turns to where she was looking and eyes got a bit narrow and turns back to the exit again but walking faster slightly- lets go, we have seen enough magic today
Bree was rooted there. Staring into the rising sun. Her heart pounding as she let James drag her along. " What is that James?" She asked grabbing his hand." Why does it taste foul?" Her eyes going to his. Searching to make sure that she wasn't the only one feeling it. " James Why does our magic mesh? I can feel yours pulling mine. Making me want to touch you. Making me want too.." She turned away from him and moved towards the exit. Not knowing where Mori was but hoping she would follow them.

The day light always brought her a since of calm. That's when her magic would let her finally rest. Let her finally breath.
James shakes his head not knowing an answer to most of her questions- I do not know what that feeling is bree, i have never felt something so cold and dark before in my life. It feels like something was made here with the darkest of dark magic... -James finally pulls her out of the graveyard and the dark feeling drifts away, and he looks at her as she talks- Every living thing has magic inside them that is the other half of their own beings, It just so happens that our magic is the other halves of each other's. -James says calmly and wisely- The feelings you are having are fluctuations in the balance of our hormones and magic levels, Some people call this feeling " Love " but it could also just be solely magical connection, it depends on the people with the magic -James says softly looking at the sunrise, Feeling his powers drain slightly, yet feel twice as strong yet the boot-
Bree walked silently to his car. Her shoes dirty as she looked back to the fading shadows. She felt like someone was watching them. Something dark. She watched closely. Unable to get into the car. She felt something pulling her to go back to the graveyard. Something screaming for her magic. "James?" She asked as she took a step towards the graveyard. Her feet walking on their own. "I can't stop." That's what she simply said as she took another step, then another. Her pace picking up. The figure throwing itself around. She was trembling as it pulled at her. She felt hopeless, she felt like she was being drained.

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