

Bittersweet Psychopath
So here's a template to submit your character. Just copy and paste it.



Age (must be between 16 and 60):

Appearance (can be description or picture):


Why they're in the asylum:

Backstory (optional, you could make your character mysterious and shady):

Any extra information:
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Name: Crimson Willow

Gender: Hermaphrodite

Age (must be between 16 and 60): 16


Appearance (can be description or picture):

Personality: Crimson is very childish, mischievous, ad curious. He often pulls pranks and explores places he shouldn't getting into trouble. He likes making friends, is very affectionate and is very cheerful. However he isn't all sun shine and daisies. He has severe trust issues and really only trust his protector B. He also doesn't have a problem letting B hurt or even kill others often viewing it as a game. Te only ones spared from that game are the ones he trust and cares for.

Why they're in the asylum: Crimson created a protector named B when he was a child to cope. B is very demented, sadistic and loves to cause chaos and bloodshed. Though despite his faults he cares deeply for Crimson seeing him as a little brother. Because of this he only takes control when Crimson is very afraid, in pain, or in trouble.

Backstory (optional, you could make your character mysterious and shady): Born into a abusive alcoholic family Crimson grew up bitter and cruel caring for no one except his baby sister Rose. H always took her beatings and gave her his food trying to protect her. When he was 9 and she was 6 Rose was killed by their father. Crimsons mind broke reverting to a childish naive stage and B was born. His father and mother were found slaughtered the next morning and he was sent to the Asylum.

Any extra information: Crimson talks to B aloud most of the time. He is obsessed with sweets and loves going outside when he can.
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Name: Quentin Borne

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance :

Personality: Quentin is a very playful, twisted boy who is broken beyond repair and yet tries to be empathetic to those he really cares about. He can be serious or bubbly depending on the mood he is in, and is very easily-angered. When he gets angry, he becomes extremely violent and can lose control of himself. He has bipolar disorder, and can lose control of himself completely. When annoyed he is extremely dangerous.

Why they're in the asylum: Quentin does not know why he is in the asylum. He has been told that he went on a rampage and killed countless people, but he cannot remember anything. He has been there since he was 14 and has been trying to find out the truth, but to no avail.

Backstory (optional, you could make your character mysterious and shady): Quentin was born into a normal middle-class family, but because of his condition he was shamed by his mother. She would always bully him and call him a disgrace to the family. When he was 6, his father got fed up of watching Quentin being pushed around and killed his mother. His father was arrested and Quentin was put into a care home. Because of his disorder, nobody wanted to adopt him, and so he stayed in the home. But when he was 13, one of his mood swings went too far, and in a fight with the owner he accidentally started a fire. He managed to put it out, but not before the owner died. A year later was when he supposedly went on his rampage and was brought to the asylum. Since then he has matured greatly and is very saddened by the things he has seen, but he tries not to show it. He still has no control over his disorder, and it is as if there are multiple people living inside of him.



Phoebe Foxgerald



Age (must be between 16 and 60):



Phoebe is heavily sarcastic and reluctant to socialise. She prefers to be alone rather than the company of others. She is very creative when it comes to murder and considers it to be an art form. She is very observant of others' behaviour.

Why they're in the asylum:

Murder. To be specific, the murder of five individuals that were found with their insides splayed on the floor in a beautiful pattern. Phoebe was found there, smiling, with the bloodied knife in her hand. Also, several other incidents, some of which are listed below.


Phoebe's first victim was when she was ten years old. She'd been running with scissors and had ran directly into someone. Her friend was impaled on the scissors. Instead of calling 911, Phoebe simply watched as her friend bled on the floor. She had no regrets at the funeral a week later and everyone put the whole thing down to an accident; Phoebe said nothing. She didn't kill anyone for a while but her fascination with blood and death grew. She's done some bizarre things; she slashed at her own wrists and painted a mural in her own blood, she played the knife game repeatedly until her fingers bled, she once chased one of her friends with a knife. She was put down as mentally disturbed and a danger to society. She killed five people the night before she was taken to the asylum.​
Name: Mordred Taylor Evens

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance (can be description or picture): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/guywiththeeyes.jpg.aec72f13397451f6a6fb21901f58a7bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/guywiththeeyes.jpg.aec72f13397451f6a6fb21901f58a7bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Mordred is a charismatic patient who is only dangerous when he doesn't get his way. His whims are drastic and fleeting. They range from stealing extra pills from nurses to triggering episodes in the other patients. The simplest remarks can make him a friend or an enemy. Mordred is capable of nursing a grudge for a long time. He can be very kind or cruel depending on his mood. Mordred goes far for the people he likes but even farther to punish the ones he doesn't. Whether it's goading suicidal patients or biting off the tip of a security guard's finger. He's egotistical and vain and doesn't care about anything except what he's feeling.

Why they're in the asylum: On his sixteenth birthday, Mordred caused a fire. It devastated his home and the smoke inhalation smothered his dogs. A bunch of his small cousins were also inside. While the fire was spreading, Mordred laid down in the floor and waited. His parents tried to drag him out but he wouldn't leave. Eventually a firefighter had to carry him outside. He was transferred from a hospital into an asylum soon afterword.

Backstory (optional, you could make your character mysterious and shady): Mordred was raised by a distant mother and a father with an identical mental condition as his son. His older sister visits him occasionally. She's one of the few people he tries to communicate positively toward,

Any extra information: Mordred is a diagnosed sociopath.



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Name: Alexander Williamson

Gender: Male

Age (must be between 16 and 60):18

Appearance (can be description or picture):


Alexander is very quiet and to himself. When someone tries to communicate with him he panics and stutters often, acting very skittish. However, he has DID (Dissociative personality disorder) in which two personalities live in one body. The other personality is named Lucas, the more psychotic of the two even though they both are on the higher scales of insane. He trusts no one and hardly lets people into his life because of his disorder. He also suffers from Schizophrenia on both sides of his personality, which also is the cause of him being very skittish and nervous around others. Alexander can be friendly depending on what the person says to him and how they act. If they are hostile towards him, he can become so panicked that Lucas can show himself and kill the person on the spot without any remorse or Alexander can handle it himself by going completely psychotic and over killing them in his nervousness.

Why they're in the asylum:

Alexander is mainly in the asylum because of his DID and Schizophrenia which have become out of control. People that come around Alexander seem to 'disappear' around him and end up being discovered dead, the bodies found only when he has moved away from the area. His name had been changed 5 times in order for him to have a clean slate. However, each time he moved to a different place, the same thing kept happening.

Backstory (optional, you could make your character mysterious and shady):

His past isn't really known by many because of his parents changing his name constantly. Whether legal or not.

Any extra information: He loves pocky​

Poppy Fox



Age (must be between 16 and 60):


Appearance (can be description or picture):



Poppy is sarcastic she doesn't like anyone and she lets everyone know it she picks at small errors in people's speech and mocks them. She has bipolar so when she is in a low she stays by herself and beats herself up sometimes trying to kill herself. When she is in a high she laughs and toys around becoming a slut and she drinks a lot more than usual.

Why they're in the asylum:

Her mother once found her in the bathtub blood filling it up and she was cutting names into her flesh she also has been reported to scratch at walls and she is forced by invisible friends to hurt herself and others

Backstory (optional, you could make your character mysterious and shady):Poppy lived in a normal house with her mother and younger brother but she had bipolar disorder causing her to have big highs and then crash when she was high she became reckless and she became severely depressed when she crashed. One night she brought home five boys and when her younger brother saw what she was doing he yelled at her, her voices told her to kill him so she tried to kill him but the men held her back. her mother heard shouts and the next day she was put in the Asylum

Any extra information: She has a secret knife which she cuts herself with 
Is it ok @king5ter
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Name: Zoey White

Gender: Female

Age (must be between 16 and 60): 16


Zoey is a cheerful and outgoing girl. She don't judge people first before she gets to know them. When there are people that needs help, she'll help them as much as she could. Zoey doesn't like people who thinks that they know everything, and she also dislike selfish people. Becuase she's always cheerful and energetic, it's quiet hard to get her angry. Zoey thinks of everyone as her friends, she won't hate a person, not without any reason for her to, but she's smart enough to work out who're the bad guys and who're the good guys.

Why they're in the asylum:

A girl at her school hurt her best friend and she got angry, she kill the girl and some people that were close by.

Backstory (optional, you could make your character mysterious and shady):

She was an orphan but got adopted when she was 10 years old, then the 'incident' at school happened. Other things about her past is unknown to others, she hate thinking about it.

Any extra information:

Zoey has been in the asylum for almost 6 years.​
Name: "Angel" (Actually Angeline Priest, not that she remembers)

Gender: Female

Age: 16



Personality: Emotionless, cold, passive and very submissive. She'd do anything you'd ask her, especially if you are considered to her as 'superior'. Though deep inside, she longs to be free and have a normal life...

Why they're in the asylum: Serial murder.

Backstory : The Priest family was once happy. It was average, with average members, but it was a content life. Then Angel's father went bankrupt. He became a drunk and abusive to his wife and daughter. He would get angry at the smallest of things and hit the two of them. Everytime she tried to argue, he would beat her. Everytime she tried to stand up for herself, she would get beaten even worse. This taught her to be silent no matter what and do what she is told at all costs. She became submissive to the point that when her father asked her to kill her mother, she did not even flinch...Her father realised that she was the perfect killing machine, and made her into a freelance assassin. It worked for quite some time, until the police managed to arrest her.

Any extra information: She doesn't realize it herself, but she's actually bisexual.

(If people can still join)


  • Name:

    Samson Dale






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Name: Lucas Yang

Gender: Male

Age (must be between 16 and 60): 17

Appearance (can be description or picture): Oval shaped face, with dimples. Long dark brown hair, styled in a whiplash. Short, thin, but contains some speed and muscle.

Personality: Meek, easily scared. Brave at points of danger, but is very daring. He can manipulate others with words as well.

Why they're in the asylum: Years of bullying and depression, the guidance counselor and his family sent him to depression hospitals. They couldn't fix him, with his cutting and all, so they sent him here. to die. he is insane.

Backstory (optional, you could make your character mysterious and shady): Not much to say.

Any extra information: Nah bruh


  • Name:

    Mina West






It't not too late to join is it?

Name: Matthew Sweeney Jacrezz

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: Longer light brown hair that is just to his shoulders, his bangs hang in front of his eyes a little and are dyed purple. His eyes are a blue grey colour, and his skin is very pale from being inside all the time, but somehow he still has some freckles on his nose and cheeks. About 5'8" tall and with a thin build, he has a more feminine look but isn't girly. Wears mostly jeans and long sleeve tee shirts to hide scars on his arms and legs from the abuse he received as a kid, even if it's 100 degrees outside.

Personality: Surprisingly he's calm for the most part. Highly intelligent, sociable, and friendly when lucid and himself, though often pulls pranks and tries to get people to play silly, childish games with him. He doesn't like seeing other people being picked on or bullied and will jump a the chance to help them. If someone does something that either frightens him or offends him though, he slips into fits of rage or psychotic episodes.

Why they're in the asylum: He was in a sanitarium, but they couldn't handle him.

Backstory: Sweeney was found abandoned at a children's hospital when he was about 8 or so with no ID and clear signs of abuse. The only thingbhe really remembered was his name. He was diagnosed with dissocitive identity disorder (aka multiple personality disorder), the other personality coming out anytime he felt threatened. After recovering he was placed in the foster care system and bounced around, no one wanting to deal with a crazy kid that refused medication. At 16 he had a psychotic break for reasons unknown to the hospital he was admitted to and he never said why. It took a week in the hospital to diagnose him with juvenile paranoid schizophrenia, and he was admitted as a live in patient until the nurses finally gave up and sent him to Westridge

Any extra information: Plays the guitar very well, smokes regularly but doesn't take any other drugs (including his anti-psychotics he's supposed to take), and goes by Sweeney. Matthew is what the other personality calls itself, and that's why Sweeney dropped the first name.
Thanks! And would you mind giving me a quick rundown of what's happened so far? You guys posted a lot...
@yistae okay so here's some basic plot points so far:

-My character Quentin gives Phoebe a knife, which she really wants. She is really sadistic and starts painting with her own blood.

-Poppy keeps having nervous breakdowns and trying to kill herself. Phoebe is about to kill her but Quentin stops her.

-A bunch of new inmates are bought to the asylum, including Sam and Lucas.

-Mordred becomes fascinated with Sam, who seems normal. Too normal for a mental asylum.

-Quentin plans to kill the psychiatrist of the asylum, but stops when he finds his best friend and fellow inmate Aaron murdered in the warden's office.

-Angel, a girl who always does what she is told, gets scared because she refuses to come out of her room, but instead of getting angry, fellow inmate Zoe tries to keep her calm. The two of them decide to find Sam.

-Crimson finds entertainment in watching Mordred annoy Poppy.

-New inmates Alexander and Lucas are scared of the asylum and what lies inside it.

-Quentin begins to form a plan in his head to escape the asylum, and is about to tell Phoebe his plan.(btw this plan is complicated and won't be happening for ages so don't really worry about it for now)

So yeah, it's quite a lot to take in and it's not exactly in the right order, but that's a basic rundown.
Name: James Grace

Gender: Male

Age: 18



Personality: James was always a loud and bubbly kid. He has a large circle of friends and was very outgoing. James always had dreams of becoming an actor and moving to L.A. He was always one of those easy to like people and had a great sense of humor. However since the 'incident' James barely speaks and is a completely different person.

Why they're in the asylum: James killed his father in their family home.

Any extra information: Bisexual

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