Astrella's Boarding School for the Powered ~ Class T-222

The last week since the bombing happened went by like a blur With classes having been cancelled Her and most other teachers had focused on helping with the clean up. Though now that classes where actually starting Ariana was glad to get to work. She moved through the empty halls in the early morning. Going to the tech area to make sure everything was set for the day. As she got to the massive metal doors that locked off the tech lab she reached for the key pad and typed in the keys to open it. Looking down at a futuristic like Ipad she was looking over some lesson plans as the doors opened. Looking up Ariana immediately let out a loud yelp. Dropping the pad as her eyes laid onto a frightening sight. Not to far off in the robotics area an android stood facing the door and Ariana. In its hands was a fully loaded military grade vector and it was currently shouldered and pointed at the main doors, and now Ariana. It was needless to say she was about to have a heart attack till she noticed it was frozen in place. Immediately she took a deep breath and brought a hand to her chest. "Jeezus Christ Yumi point that thing somewhere else!" She said loudly as she started into the labs once more.

Not to far off from the frozen android a small girl sat at a work station littered with parts and computer screens overflowing with data. On a work station next to her sat a partially disassembled android exactly the same as the first one. Wires flowed out of its head and to the massive computer Yumiko was using. "I would miss Ariana but he glitched last night and hasn't moved since. Don't worry i took the magazine out of the gun and put it on safety. Hes offline." Yumiko said softly as she rapidly typed on the key board. Ariana looked over the area and sighed as she saw the disassembled android on the workstation she was gonna assign Guyle. "Yumi sweetie think you can move the android on the table before class starts. As well as get the other one out of its stance at least?" Ariana asked Yumi softly which got a nod fro the girl as she stuck a lolipop in her mouth. Yumi wasn't much for tidiness and it showed, Her hair was a mess and her clothes hung off her loosely. Her outfit was clean but it wasn't on her how it should. It was unbuttoned a little and hung off her shoulders. Letting out a soft yawn she opened up another tab. "Fixed the glitch." She said as she typed in commands then looked to the bot as it efficiently lowered its weapon. Turning around it marched its way to yumi and took a spot inside of a frame ith chains hanging off it meant to hold robots in the air, Then it shut down. Looking to it she hopped off her chair and grabbed a futuristic looking drill and walked up to the glitched bot. Grabbing a step stool she pulled it up to the bot. Stepping up it so she was at the robots chest she started unbolting the chest plate.

"Sooo that or should I say they, your latest work?" Ariana asked as she went to her desk and set her things on it before looking to Yumi who nodded. "mmmhm. I figured the best way to protect first res-ponders was to remove them entirely from the situation. So I built these two. Meant for police work though there are a lot of bugs in the program base I used which I should have noticed before using it." Yumi responded as she removed the chest plate to reveal the mass of wires, processor chips, Servo drives, and many other things.
OnyxReaper OnyxReaper
Deathkitten Deathkitten
Last edited:

Guyle Heston
A.K.A BullWhip
The week had went by remarkably fast, partially because Guyle wasn't on campus for a few days after the incident. After asking around and trying his best to get permission to leave, he was finally allowed to get into proper contact with Bullethound, a shuttle was sent and he headed off. The first day was maintenance, the second he got to the facility he was knocked out and operated on. His body was both too high-tech, and too low-tech to operate on easily; parts were replaced, with those parts went bones. Replaced with metallic, sturdier counterparts. The young boy spent his next two waking days recovering in a hospital bed; albeit his recovery was fast, partly to Guyle's physical condition, though it was primarily because of the excellent medical care and doctors that Bullethound had at their disposal. His fourth and final day away from the school could be rather simply summed up with the phrase "Live-fire excercise"

The recent attack had made the boy all too aware that he showed far too much fear and hesitation in the face of real threats and danger. It was something he would have to fix, and although it likely wasn't the optimal method to develop his courage and get used to combat situations, it would likely do for now. Like before, he would operate under a scenario, for this excercise, it was a rather simple 'search & destroy' deal, a building full of unpowered combatants with firearms for Guyle to eliminate.

In all honesty, the wannabe hero had assumed that they had been joking about using real bullets and weaponry, his assumption was quickly crushed when the first 9mm round broke through his barrier of air and dug into his flesh. Then the next, and the next... and the next. Burst-fire was a real bitch. Nevertheless, the adrenaline was already running, and so was Guyle. He quickly covered the rather meager forty foot distance between him and a group of gunmen. For the unpowered, being within arm's reach of Guyle meant a swift loss, being within a hundred meters of the boy often meant the loss would take a few seconds longer. After the first few shots, he wasn't hit again, not because he was dodging or deflecting bullets; but he merely never gave his foes a clean shot, if a foot or fist couldn't connect with a face or body, it knocked a gun barrel aside or took someone's footing from beneath them. The fight was a swift one, Guyle took the building floor-by-floor, each short skirmish was as swift as the last, and with all combatants subdued (a clean strike from Guyle was considered a K.O for the context of the excercise) the medical staff swarmed in, bullets were picked from his flesh, bandages applied and the like. After a few hours for his wounds to stop bleeding, the boy was on his way again, a farewell and a thanks to the staff that had taken care of him was of course given, but other than that, very little else was said. Guyle returned on the fifth day at around 2am; bandages still wrapping around the majority of his left arm; though onlt the frayed area around his wrist was visible underneath a long-sleeved jacket.

The next two days were relatively simple, he still felt a coldness from his roomates, but there didn't seem to be any particular aggression or ill-will towards him. He still found Rakshi and Serena to be irritating, but they could be ignored when he tried hard enough. As most men do, Guyle slept shirtless, so it's possible his dorm-mates caught sight of his bandaged arm over those couple of days. Guyle's attitude in the dorms was as friendly as he could manage, though he admitted his actions could have been seen as sloppy. His bed was littered with clothing, he often changed in the open, rather than sneaking off into the bathroom to get changed in private. Of course, he went into the bathroom to change underwear, but that was about it. A raggedy set of cloths were stuck by one side of his bed, smeared with various oils and littered with a number of basic tools.

----The Present----
The first day of classes. Guyle gave a curt wave goodbye to his roomates that were still yet to leave and set off. He had a rough idea of where he was supposed to go; he'd been familiarising himself with the school in the past two days, and made a point of remembering the tech classroom and lab he was toured around on the first day.

With some time relatively alone (not counting the hustle and bustle of students walking and chattering about the many corridors of the school) Guyle had a chance to muse and think to himself about Ariana. He found it odd that such a person was teaching a class that consisted of people that relied on tech. So far, the only thing he'd seen Miss Zella actually do was be a spider, that was pretty much it... If anything, he figured she'd be teaching a class of students with odd bodies or non-human species. Well, perhaps she would demonstrate her connection to technology in this first proper class. Perhaps she wouldn't.

Guyle's MUCH heavier sounding fists rapped roughly against the thick steel door to the tech lab. In case the door had an intercom, he spoke aloud "Yo, I'm here for class, Guyle Heston, am I in the right place?"
This week sure was a weird one. There were explosions... that news story... everything necessary to cause so much more stress than would be normal. She still didn't have roommates yet, those at the school wary, though she wasn't sure if that trepidation was because of her or for her. Regardless. Now that the strange explosions and all the tense things were done with for the moment, she could stress out about school. Wonderful.

She still looked casual, relatively normal as she walked into the labs. Mia had a baggy black jacket on, long black skirt, and a white button up underneath the jacket. Everything looked a little big on her, but it was more comfortable that way. She had a tiny pop of color with a bright blue tie that matched her eyes, and a small, grey, pearl-like pendant on her necklace. She was still fiddling with her old looking PDA as well. It didn't want to turn on. Pain in the butt thing.

Mia muttered at the darn thing under her breath, walking up to the teacher. Her eyes flicked up to Ms. Zella, the tiny, extremely complex circuitry that laid within her eyes only visible up close. It almost looked like her iris's natural patterns. The only other outwardly apparent detail that could peg her as non-human or at least cyborg was her hair. It was more shiny than it should have been, like tiny black metal strings.

The teachers and staff knew what she was. "Hello Miss Zella," she said, not yet paying attention to the classroom or anything of the sort, "Do you have a place you'd like me to sit... or should I sit wherever?"

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
(Psst. It's that one DM guy from the Discord. That's right, I'm a person that exists outside of said chat, not a hyper advanced AI. I helped come up with these two, so I'm good to write them and might from time to time whenever Admin-san is a busy bee.
Morgan Freeman.)

A week of nothing to do was honestly rather refreshing. He was concerned that a busy schedule here would make it hard to plot an escape, but this attack certainly gave him and Saruki time to think and brainstorm. Not to mention, she took the time he didn't to talk to people. He poured over maps and staff roster lists and researched the people on them very, very thoroughly. Not a detail was to escape him, from the information publicly available. He'd get the school's information in time, but he was too closely watched for now.

This was his week, study and planning, plotting and learning. But eventually this came to an end. He was somewhat grateful for it, to his surprise. He had learned all he could on the subjects of interest in two days. He knew varying amounts about them, but he didn't need much sleep. It was easy to learn what he wanted when he was up most of the time. His literal batteries made sure of this, being able to divert it to his mind just as easily as the rest of him. But eventually the well of information ran dry... As always. Such was the struggle of a genius.

He was reminded promptly why it was not to be looked forward to promptly after he had to part ways with his sister after checking in with their warden. This was going to be what it was like. All day. Because they were stuck with the same person. All. Damn. Day. This is what happened when he got optimistic; his enthusiasm created heights from which reality could drop him. How did he keep making that mistake? He scowled and pulled the hood of his jacket over his head, the simple dark blue garb matching his pants and blending pretty well with his black boots. A simple look, but paired with his posture and attitude, it made all the points he wanted it to: He was not here to make friends.

Making his way to class, T-222, he chose his seat quite easily. The one furthest away from people. He made sure this was the case by moving the seats nearest by away from him. Can't sit next to him with no seats there. Brilliant work, truly. Not that there was too much by way of options... Really, it was just more a way to reinforce the notion that he had no intention to talk to people unnecessarily. At the front of the class, the teacher sat. A Dryder. Interesting, that. He expected a more tech oriented species. Dryders were known far more for magic than technology. His mind wondered from there. At one point it began to settle on his curiosity about responses. With so many legs, how would she respond to losing one? He knew that spiders normally could adapt well enough with relatively minimal impact on daily locomotion. But her weight was distributed far differently. With a human torso on the front, it changed things drastically. And there was certainly enough "mass" on her front that while it wouldn't necessarily balance out both sides, she still needed a significant amount of biological work to keep balance right...

These thoughts were shaken from his head when he noticed a great deal of signals coming from someone. There didn't seem to be devices on her that he could see, and he was quite adept at noticing them by this point. So why? Where were they coming from and what were they going to? Something... Internal? Perhaps she had some form of cyborg enhancements like his own... He stopped staring in a moment, instead inspecting her with his other senses. What kind of signals were coming and going? There were clues to be gathered, and surely they would be more interesting than what this "teacher" had to say. He was his own teacher, after all, and he knew of no one better than him, or his equal.
Ariana couldn't help but smile as Guyle poked his head into through the lab doors to the tech wing. Though before she could respond Yumi replied to his saetment rather bluntly as her eyes sat glued on the inner's of the bot now harnessed up in the metal holding frames. "I don't know? Are you a tech student? Isnt this the tech wing? If the answer is yes then why ask." Yumi responded rather bluntly as she reached into the inner workings of the android and started fumbling with wires inside. Before Ariana could scold her the student named Mia came walking in. Asking where she should sit Ariana looked to her and gave her a happy answer. "Ah well I have work stations that will be assigned so right now just sit wherever in the lab until everyone gets here. Once they are here we will start. I do hope you enjoy the lesson I have for you all." Then he came. Another student dressed in a seemingly very gothic clothing. Not saying hi to a single person he went to the actual "class room" part of the labs and rudely rearranged so that he was away from everyone else. Taking a deep breath Ariana prepped her self for her delinquent. Heading away from her desk she gently moved till she stood in front of the desk he was at.

"Good morning. I do hate to bother but we will not be using the actual class room that much if at all. The plans will call for the actual labs more than anything." She said as she sent him a small smile. With that done she turned to go into the lab areas but her attention was taken as a small yip and following groan of pain came from Yumiko. Across the lab Yumi had cut her finger open on a very hot exposed piece of copper wire. Quickly pulling her hand out from the robot she looked at her ring finger which had been cut on the finger tip. Seeing blood quickly start to flow out she popped the finger into her mouth to suck the blood away till it would stop bleeding. In the meantime she took her uncut hand and delved back in. Grunting quietly as some clicking sounds came from inside as she detached and reattached wires. Once that was done she got down. Grabbing another cord from her computer she plugged it into the androids head before going to the disassembled one on the work station next to her which was supposed to be Guyles. Looking over the android she took the bolt screwer and undid a few bolts on the left arm before she tugged it off with a big clunk.
OnyxReaper OnyxReaper Deathkitten Deathkitten Djinni Djinni

Guyle Heston
A.K.A BullWhip
Guyle nodded along to himself as Yumi quipped at him, a slight "Yeah yeah" hissed gently from his mouth as the boy made his way into the laboratory. That very same whirring and the click resonated through his body as he took a step. His body physically shook as arcs of pain ran through his body, other than a grimace and a clenched first inside his jean pocket, the boy didn't show it. Bullethound assured him the pain would stop soon, it was merely his body adjusting to it's rather sudden change in weight and density. Guyle wasn't too sure, at the very least, he understood his growth was probably gonna be stunted to hell.

The boy pulled up a chair and took a seat within the lab, ring finger tapping against his thigh. His head had shot up when Yumi yipped in pain, but seeing it wasn't a big deal, the boy quickly lost attention. Instead, his eyes dragged their gaze across the room in slow, steady and methodical sweeps. Bits of robots, machines and electronics.

It was cool and all, and would probably be even more interesting if Guyle had any intricate understanding of technology. At all.
Kasia arrived at the labroom, staring at the large steel doors marked T-222. She knew this was her place- at least, that's what the slip of paper she'd gotten from the administration said- but she wouldn't know anyone, and she'd be a couple weeks behind on top of that. Then again, it didn't seem like she'd missed much of class- the bombing in the newspaper seemed like it had taken precedence. But she'd heard rumors about what she'd missed- battles, training, orientation, and to top it all off, some kind of an entrance exam on orientation day? Involving supervillains? Back when she wasn't homeschooled, Kasia had been used to making up tests and whatever else she'd missed due to CP stuff. But this didn't seem like the kind of thing she could just reschedule to a Tuesday. Honestly, that surgery couldn't have come at a worse time.

To be honest, she wasn't totally sure why she was here. Everything seemed much bigger than she was- large, arcing rooms, over-the-top decor, magic and cyborgs and end-of-the-world stakes. Kasia was one girl with a pair of homemade wings. A distraction, at best. She had no real way of fighting- the emei piercers her donor had taught her to use were tucked in the bottom of her bag, but she'd brought that as more of a future project, not a weapon. And anyway, those were meant to be used, if they were meant to be used in combat at all, against human people. Not villains twice her size. Even the entrance to this labroom had to be at least three feet taller than she was, and Kasia felt tiny in comparison.

Kasia swallowed. She was here, and there had to be a reason for that. She had her jade pendant around her neck for luck, and her green ribbon sticker on the back of her wheelchair. She was smart enough to figure this out . . . whatever this might be. With a deep breath, she leaned forward and pushed the door open.

The lab was- huge, and populated with a cast of characters: a girl with incredibly long bright pink hair, who was up to her elbows in wiring; a boy tapping his finger like he was impatient, but what he was waiting on Kasia couldn't tell; a boy sitting off from everyone, hands steepled, looking absolutely certain of his superiority; and another girl, who looked normal except for unusually shiny hair- maybe just product, but Kasia doubted it. And then, at the front of the classroom, a literal spider woman, with white hair and the body of a spider. Given that she was at the front of the room, that had to be- Kasia consulted her paper- Ms. Ariana Zella. She made her way around the labroom, awkwardly avoiding tables. She might need to get this place a little less cluttered if she was going to be here a lot, but anyway she was here and she had the teacher's attention.

"Hello, Ms. Zella. I'm Kasia Jiang-Serre, the new student, and I was told to come here?"
Yumi continued to fumble with the heavy arm before stopping. Glancing over to the boy she had commented to earlier she spoke to him. "Psst. Hey, Can you come help me with something real quick?" She asked him nicely. Once he got over she pulled the arm off with a big groan at the weight before handing it to him. "Just hold that real quick." She said as she turned back to the arm join. unbolting a few things she then tugged on it hard till it came out. Setting it to the side she looked into where the joint had been and sighed. "Damn servos." She mumbled cutely as she reached in to try and grab the Servo for the shoulder piece. Quickly she glanced back at the boy she had handed the arm. "Hey. Set the arm down and help me please? Just put it on the table behind you." She told Guyle before looking back into the robot.
OnyxReaper OnyxReaper

Ariana's attention was grabbed as another student came in. Smiling brightly Ariana made her way over to the student. bending down she smiled. "Hello Ms. Jiang-serre. Im glad to have you in this class. We haven't quite started yet but we are about to. For right now you can just explore the lab. Get to know the place and your classmates. Oh but don't touch anything yet alright. Some stuff is important to some of the upper class men projects and experiments. But dont worry I have some space set aside for you guys. Until then if you have any specific questions or want to talk to someone who knows more about what we will be doing here you can ask Yumiko over there." Ariana said with a smile as she pointed to the small girl delving into the robot.
S Stardreamer
She nodded at the teacher, smiling slightly while tucking her hair behind her ear. "Thank you," Mia said quietly, furrowing her brow a little nervously. She went off to the back of the lab and chose a station back there. She wasn't against being close to other people... but she didn't want to end up drawing attention to herself unnecessarily. She plopped her bag down on the table and went quiet, waiting for class to start.

These people were dramatic. Was that normal human behavior? Did she have some confusion on how things worked? Maybe she needed to be more like the messy, haphazard-looking girl. Then there was the odd, antisocial boy. If he was attempting to get less attention put onto him, he was doing a poor job of it... Whatever. She shouldn't be so negative. Regardless of how they all acted, she needed to learn about them and become their friends. For now, still, waiting was the thing to do.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
He was busy thinking and silently examining the strange girl with all the signals, and if he wasn't... well... him, he may not have noticed the teacher walking up to him. Vurudial closed his eyes for a moment in annoyance before glancing up at the spider woman. He said nothing, just watching and waiting until she went off. He only stood once the other girl had managed to hurt herself, and moved to sit near to the interesting signal girl.

At the same time, he watched what this other girl was working on, his attention drawn to it by the yelp of pain. Perhaps they'd get to work on something of the sort. He also wondered if the other members of the class would be competitive. Would any of them be able to offer him any challenge? Things to think on. For now he blankly stared at the teacher, watching her talk and move about as he waited impatiently for any sort of teaching to begin.

And then on top of that, a cripple came in. How interesting. They must have been extremely smart to get in with their disabilities. Perhaps someone worth talking to? Eh... He shouldn't get his hopes up on that.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving OnyxReaper OnyxReaper S Stardreamer
Kasia knew she should have nodded and left to join the other students. It was the polite thing to do, and she wanted to make a good first impression, didn’t she? So what if the teacher acted like she was talking to a child. Kasia had been through it before, hadn’t she? And yet, the words that came out of her mouth were different.

“Please don’t- You don’t have to talk down to me,” she said, polite but firm. “I’m a student like everyone else here.”

It wasn’t rude. It wasn’t meant to be. But Kasia couldn’t shake the sudden feeling that she’d messed up somehow, like she shouldn’t have questioned the teacher. That was something she really couldn’t afford, on top of her lackluster scores, and missing orientation, and her entrance exam- she got the feeling she might have to fight to keep her place at the school. Normally, she’d have been more willing to fight. Her wheelchair didn’t make her any less than everyone else. But Kasia was new, kilometers off the ground, and far, far away from anything that felt familiar. Embarrassed and feeling awkward, she ducked her head and hurried towards the other students.

Pink Hair- that must be Yumiko, then- had removed the entire arm from her robot, and was rummaging around in the android’s body cavity. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Kasia wondered how the android felt about that. One of the boys had moved from his seat to stand beside her. He looked a little confused, holding the disembodied arm, which . . huh. She moved for a closer look, and- yup, those were definitely servo screws on the base. But then, if it was a shoulder joint . . .

“Wouldn’t it be better to use a ball-and-socket joint for the shoulder? Using a servo for the twist motion would work, but it would be easier to just use two motors and a ball-and-socket for the side-to-side and up-down movement. I have no idea how you’re working with three different servos for the three different degrees of motion. Isn’t that way more complicated?”
"Ball and sockets are crude and inefficient systems. They break easily and aren't good for anything but movement whereas the servos are complicated but durable, giving for quicker motions, more durability, and efficient working as well as giving strength to the machine as well." Yumi said almost instantly in response to the girl in the wheelchair. Sure she as right about the servos being complicated but she didn't know what these where for. after another second she took the arm back from the boy and reattached it. quickly bolting it back in before she went back to the second one hanging from the working frame. Lowering it to the ground she unchained it before going to the computer. Opening up a link things flashed onto the face of the android, running diagnostics with the computer before start up. Once done Yumi nodded an looked to the two. "You guys might want to stand back." Yumi said as she grabbed the same Vector assault rifle from the table. Pulling the clip out and pulling the hammer back to eject the loaded round before she placed it in the hands of the android. Quickly going to the computer she typed in a specific command. "<:}start up int=68902/guard spec213"}/ initiate patrol{:>" Then she pressed enter and the android shot into action. Quickly raising the gun to a holstered position before it started walking around in a tactical stance Weaving its way around the lab in a patrol pattern Yumi then looked to the boy and wheelchair girl with a blank stare. "Hello. im Yumi a junior here at at Asterella's and your student aid for your class." She informed the two happily
S Stardreamer OnyxReaper OnyxReaper
"Oh," Kasia said, only half-paying attention and instead focusing on the actual real-life android walking around. And also carrying a gun, which was just a little bit terrifying. She got it- supervillains and all, they probably needed protection- but did they have to be in the classroom?

Still, guns or no, this had to be the coolest thing she'd EVER done. And if she'd felt intimidated before . . . well, this took it to whole new levels. Yumi was claiming to have created something that worked better than the human body, when most prostheses were just trying to match that level of functionality. Not to mention the code- that definitely wasn't in any language Kasia knew, and Kasia thought she knew a lot of languages.

Then she remembered that oh, Yumi was still looking at her, and she should probably say something back. "Uh, well, hi, I'm Kasia, and I'm a little new, so . . . yeah. It's nice meeting you!"

It was a little awkward, but then again, she was awkward, so it was accurate if nothing else. Then again, it seemed like most other people were too. With two students sitting off from everyone else and the other boy holding a disembodied arm, it didn't seem like there was too much socializing.

"So . . . do you all know each other already, or. . ."

Guyle Heston
A.K.A BullWhip​
The boy followed Yumi's instruction, though he was a little sluggish and lazy in his actions, not properly having woken up, still a little groggy, with a shard of crusted sleep stuck into the corner of his right eye.

"Aah... yeah, gotcha" He gripped the arm that was handed to him, using a combination of his mechanical reinforcements and abilities to keep it in place with relative ease. He backed off and listened into the rest of his classmates, taking special note of Mia and her almost metallic looking hair, a gentle glint in the light, not much more.

He watched on as the robot picked itself up, admittedly somewhat unimpressed, he'd seen and handled weaker robotic models whilst training at Bullethound. He was the first to respnd as Kasia spoke. "Umm, 'know' probably isn't a great word, 'met' would be more correct" he pointed to the gloomy-looking guy that had been watching them all intently "no idea who that is though, anyways, the names Guyle, you can call me... well, you can call me Guyle; and you are?"

Sorta feel like a massive asshole for vanishing for a month
Vurudial sighed inwardly, watching the android waltz about. Clearly the teacher wasn't about to start the class anytime soon. As unfortunate as it was that he would have to waste his time talking to what were likely simpletons... this would be a good opportunity to get information.

He stood and walked up to the group of people, the same dull, bored expression on his face. He couldn't fake it like his sister could, though that was something he wasn't too jealous or concerned about. All the same... perhaps a bit of fake niceties would come in handy right about now, seeing as they were separated. "The weapon that android has," he started, looking to the three of them, "Is it loaded? It looks rather realistic, but I can't fathom the thought process behind letting students wield weapons here."

He looked Guyle's arm up and down with a quick glance, before looking at the girl in the wheelchair. "How did you get in?" he asked, rather bluntly to her, "You must be very smart to make up for your disability." As much as that sounded like an insult, he really didn't mean it that way. It was a positive, really. If she could make up for it, then she was ahead of most people at this school as far as he was concerned. Not really caring if she responded, he looked back to Guyle, "Did you make the arm yourself?"

(( OnyxReaper OnyxReaper S Stardreamer Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving ))

Yumi sighed a little as a boy rather rudely came up and started to question everything. Pulling her lolipop from her mouth she looked to him. "I do hate to be rude but if you were paying attention like you should be you would have noticed that the mag which if in that gun sticks out the bottom which it is not in there. as well as have noticed the rather distinct sounds of me pulling the hammer back to eject the loaded round." Yumi said bluntly before glancing at him. "Plus it is not here for you. I am an upper class men." Yumi said as she typed more onto her computer.


Ariana watched with a nervous look. taking a nervous breath she spoke to get her students attention before things got out of hand. She would have to chat with Yumi later about being nicer to the freshmen. For now she had to start her class. Clapping her hands twice to get there attention she smiled to them. "Good morning class! Im Ariana and ill be your teacher for this year! I do hope we can all have a great year!" She said before smiling more. "Now! I have a few options for us. We can either go into a small Q and A with introductions. Or we can jump straight into the lesson we have planed!" Ariana said happily to them all.

OnyxReaper OnyxReaper S Stardreamer Deathkitten Deathkitten

Guyle Heston
A.K.A BullWhip
Guyle smirked as Yumi quipped back at Vurudial, deciding to cut in of his own accord; the older girl, Yumi, hardly seemed like the polite type, which was something the wannabe hero found little appreciation for. "Considering you just said you had to eject the loaded round, it was literally loaded less than a minute ago... besides, considering people have laser cannons and alien tech, how on earth could someone tell if a weapon is loaded or not without knowing its functions or creator... Right?" The boy's voice trailed off with the latter half of his words slowly fading to a murmur.

His voice rose again as his brain finally clicked onto what Vurudial had asked him "Well..." his free hand traced along the heavy metal rivets that sprouted from his flesh "They were made by Bullethound, along with all my bones... well... most of them, my spine is still bone and all that, same with my skull, the rest is some weird ass metal I don't quite get... Oh, Bullethound is some company I'm sorta indebted to, they basically uncrippled me after the first use of my power shattered my entire body..." The boy giggled "Not bad guys though, I'm honestly only really here because that was part of my contract with the company..." His voice began to trail off again as his mind wandered, though his finger traced the skin of his arm down to his wrist "The rest is all... Me I guess? I'm not a robot... Don't think I'm even a cyborg, completely mechanical, no electronics."

Guyle's voice rose again in response to his anxious sounding teacher "Don't see why we can't just get rolling" the boy chuckled gently "Seems like we've all made introductions already" His left hand scratched gently at the back of his neck.

For someone who wasn't a massive fan of talking, the boy was irritatingly aware of his ramblings.
He practically looked through the standoffish, rude girl, not actually caring that she was so insecure about herself that she needed to project it onto others. Rather, he was irritated that he wasn't as effective as his sister at socializing. She'd likely be able to make even this... individual... a friend. His eyes flicked from her to the boy with the mechanical arm. He didn't make it himself. Mm. That was too bad. He didn't care if he was indebted to a company or not. Lots of pauses and guesses in his speech. Nervous? Incompetent? Either way less useful than he had hoped. All the same... perhaps he'd be able to get into the arm's workings? That'd be more fun.

Before he could query Guyle about whether he knew how to work on machines, or if he was just here because of the machines inside him, the teacher spoke up. Vurudial turned from his useless classmates and looked at his teacher once more. Finally they were to begin? Good. Took far too long. "I second his opinion," he stated matter-of-fact, heading back to his chair, "I for one am far more curious about whatever lesson you may have planned for the first day than the ramblings of others about themselves."

(( Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving OnyxReaper OnyxReaper S Stardreamer ))
"The gun is a standard issue Vector Sub machine gun developed by a company called KRISS. A simple gun used by certain militaries around the world as well as it is a gun widely known in FPS video games. judging by simple social constructs if any of you have played any semi realistic to realistic FPS video games you would know what the gun is and what it does. And yes it was loaded. It's my project, military and police issue AI androids so that humans are removed from the line of work, thus removing casualties on the good side and improving arrest records making the line of work safer." Yumi happily defended against the lower class men before hearing there teacher call out to stop any further conflicts. Mentally she thanked Ariana for taking the attention of the lower class men away from her so she could work in peace.

Ariana let out a embarrassed chuckle at there words as she nodded. "R-right. W-well before we start I'd like to formally introduce you to Yumi. An upper classmen here and the brightest mind here. She will be my teacher aid for your class. Do accept my apologies about her attitude. She's rather calculating and logical and doesn't understand many social aspects." Ariana informed the group which brought a rather adorable glare from yumi before she went back to work rapidly typing on her computer as the android continued to move about the room running its diagnostics and systems. Smiling more Ariana held up her left hand and pressed a button on a little remote she held. In responce a door not far off a door opened to another lab. "so as you may have guessed we are the most technologically advanced part of the school. Holding within our division 5 separate labs, 3 machine shops and baciacly everything else you could want when it comes to tech. Through your semester we will be working on a few things but the biggest part of our class will be based off the final. Your assignments will be to design something that is innovative and a betterment to all of society. As tech heros go the biggest betterment is using your abilities and knowledge to better society, weather that be byuolding tools to combat villains for use by other heros, using that tech your self, or much of what Yumi is doing, developing technologies to better society for those who do not Have powers or the knowledge to join our line of work." Ariana explained to the class.
OnyxReaper OnyxReaper S Stardreamer Deathkitten Deathkitten
The room suddenly fills with the sounds of phones going off all at the same time. Even if they had been put on silent, they still go off loudly, ringtones blaring. All the text messages are from one person named "Sudo" in your phones.

Welcome to the school. Just a friendly hello. :angel:
I'm messaging a whole bunch of new students to say hi while you guys are on your tour.
Tempest has escaped
Tempest has escaped
Welcome to the school.
Just a friendly hello. :angel3:
Umm... Hello?
Should I know you?
Not yet.
Just tell me who you are, I'm not a big fan of mysteries
Sorry bout that. I texted a buncha new students as soon as their scores got through. Getting a head start on meeting the newbies and all that. Teachers get kinda pissed when I do stuff like this, so don't tell on me? :P
I'm not gonna tell on you, unless of course you did do something, in that case I'll flip my shit lol.
Nah, lol. Happy to have more students. Glad ya got in.
2 months away and now you're doing the grand old tour. What do ya think so far? Havin' fun?
In all honesty, I was expecting something a bit more rigid... I literally just watched my assigned teach ditch on us after like five minutes, new one seems nice though, I still don't know who you are y'know, though by the way you act, you certainly know who I am. Is it a specific interest, or are you like this with everyone? ;D
Tempest has escaped
(( Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving OnyxReaper OnyxReaper . I think S Stardreamer dropped.))

Guyle Heston
A.K.A BullWhip
Guyle's quiet mumblings about Yumi being a know-it-all slowly faded as Ariana spoke up, though the boy shot a soft, although not friendly glance towards Yumi as he straightened his arms at his sides and gave his teacher his attention.

As she spoke, the boy only became more and more disheartened.

He was no inventor.

He was no engineer.

No mechanic.

No technician.

He hadn't fought so desperately to be in this school to sit in a workshop all day. He fought so he could fight again, and if he was lucky, if he fought hard enough, there might not be a reason for anyone else to ever have to fight again.

A childish ideal, a childish dream. For a childish, joyous, naive individual.

"I didn't sign up to be a mechanic, I signed up at this school to be a hero, isn't there anything else I can-"


The wannabe-hero let out a hushed, annoyed whisper. "Sudo again?..." his eyes darted down towards the light of his phone screen, quickly scannig over the text as he gently lifted the phone from his pocket. Tempest has escaped. Everyone else's phones had went off. He had to confirm.



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