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Realistic or Modern Assimilation of Rings


Nhatalia blinked when the orphaned had spoken to her, not expecting him to be so formal to her seeing as how she wasn't one of the nicest people here that was to teach them.

"Yea? Well you can't eat anything right now, not until breakfast is cooked," Nhat snatched the apple from him and placed the groceries on the table, taking out a plate and putting it down with a knife.

"Get to cutting up the meat," Nhatalia ordered before turning around just in time to hear a girl speak and her words most certainly irritated Nhatalia even if they had been talking about Rollo's loud attitude earlier.

"I'd like for you to remember your place here, princess. While this is our own heaven, we certainly don't mind making this your personal hell. It would be wise to remind yourself this. Now go cut up the fruits because if none of you pitch in then you'll all starve this morning," She spoke and narrowed her cold eyes at the ex-princess; purposely naming the position everyone seemed to hold so dearly.

Her blue eyes cut over to the man who had taken the apple from her hands, took a bite of the apple he had previously bitten into before slamming it onto the table and preparing to to cut the loafs of bread.

@Nateorious @Alisonxo @Semblance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/coollogo_com-201031770.png.a7fe0bfedf2e99d02130e79245c2bfad.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/coollogo_com-201031770.png.a7fe0bfedf2e99d02130e79245c2bfad.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images.jpg.ccf1a639ebe3f84fb61e556d15c70eff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67368" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images.jpg.ccf1a639ebe3f84fb61e556d15c70eff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rollo was deep in conversation with Sebastian, laughing and chewing bread every once in a while as they spoke. He stopped his sentence though as he had seen Nhatalia walk by saying "Morning... I'll come back with breakfast," without a glance to either of them. He blinked scratching the back of his head as he looked up and over at Sebastian, a confused look on his face. Bash knew all about him and Nhatalia. Bash knew about any girl Rollo had ever been with and vice versa. Though he knew Nhatalia wasn't just another girl to Rollo, even if Rollo tried to make it seem like she was. Rollo shook his head with a snort "This is going to be a very interesting stay.." his thoughts flashed to Nhat and the memories they had. The long nights they had spent, clutched to each other as if when they let go they would never see each other again. But they would just end up doing the same thing the next day. They were the only source of comfort both of them had in this harsh outer ring. Both of them had just faced yet another loss, and it felt almost as if they needed each other. As if they.. He shook his head as he heard feet coming down the steps. He folded his arms waiting to see who the next person was. Hoping it was one of the orphaned so he could insult them once more.

The pretty boy that stepped down though had already beaten Rollo to it as he turned to Rollo and spat out
"Do you even know how to be quiet, you loud pig?" walking past him to grab some bread from the cabinet like he hadn't just insulted him. Rollo felt his body shake with rage as his eyes widened in anger, his nostrils flaring, his mouth dropping so he could yell once more. This I'm uncultured has done it. He was just about to unload on him when he heard Nhat step through the door. His angry face shifted towards her as she was carrying multiple things in her hands. August had proceeded to slap Rollo once more after he bowed to Nhat and said "You, my lady, are the most beautiful woman in this house," Rollo's eyes popped even wider, if that was even humanly possible. He was going to hurt this kid, he was going to kill this kid. He clenched his fist and shouted "GRAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

As he punched the weak cabinet with all of his might, needing to hit something to release some of his anger, though it had failed to alleviate any of his rage and only caused a hole through the cabinet door. He stepped over to August another loud rant coming as he clenched his fist.


Rollo shouted, spittle flying from his mouth at August as he ranted, he could not believe this kid. He insulted him like he was something big and then he even complimented Nhatalia after? No, no, NO! He had to get something clear now.


He said pointing to Sebastian and him.


He grunted, ignoring the two girls that walked in, though one of them also had a rude comment for Rollo as she proceeded to name him an ape. He quickly snapped his head towards her, his fiery eyes locked with hers as some more of his rage blasted on her.


He stomped his foot, he still had some more to say, hell, he would never run out of things to say. He raised his fists into the air and pleaded with the maker to let some calm enter his body, before he ripped the tongues from each of their snobby little mouths. He took a couple of deep breathes before he turned back to them, his eyes shifting between August and Mary as he gulped before saying. "You I'm uncultured think it's going to be easy surviving out here? Fine then.. I dare you all to go out into the forest, with no supplies or anything, and see if you could survive for at most 3 days before you come crying back to us for help.. And if you can do that little bit? If you even make it past 3 days, with a little bit of food still left in your stomach? Then try doing it alone. Then I might search for some shred of respect in my body to give to you, though for now? All of you inner ring kids, lad or lass are shit to me.. Pure shit.."

He then made his way over to Nhat, wrapping an arm around her waist, maybe a bit rougher then he expected, though that was still due to his anger. He pointed his finger at the pretty boy with his free hand

"And I make it clear one more time.. You do not speak to Nhat.. She is mine!"

He said firmly pulling her tight to his side. They were actually not in a committed relationship. Though the thought of the fucker speaking, flirting, or even touching Nhatalia made him want to cringe. And he honestly didn't know how she would react to his words. The fiery girl could even shove him off of her in that moment, without a second look back to him. Like she had done plenty of times before, he just hoped this wasn't the time for that. This is the second time he had to raise his voice today, and it was only the morning. This was going to be a great stay.

@Fivn @Nateorious @Alisonxo @Anyone who heard his rants.



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Sebastian and Rollo were deep in conversation as people began making their appearance. There were some assigned whose names he knew, but there were some he didn't. That was mostly because he was so deep in thought the day before about how he was going to make everyone's life a living hell. Was Sebastian the Devil? For the most part, yes.

Rollo's outburst made Sebastian smirk and proud to be his friend. He was glad someone as loud as his brother was there to help keep the orphans under control. If Rollo wasn't there with with him, he probably
would have killed someone. Listening to Nhatalia made his sinister smirk widen. He knew she and Rollo were an on and off couple. While she appeared quiet, Sebastian was aware that the girl was as fiery and fierce as his best friend. Getting into an argument with her was something he avoided and Sebastian rarely avoided a good debate.

"You better listen to her." Sebastian warned nonchalantly, still standing at the same spot. "You don't want to miss breakfast, lunch,
and supper."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.acb7660c29e80fe85f92be53789c468c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.acb7660c29e80fe85f92be53789c468c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Katrina raised a perfect eyebrow, as she got up from the seat. Nhat certainly was the nicest one here. The fruit looked amazing. The former princess went to the splintered shelves, reaching for the fruit, and bringing the blunt knife back to the table. She had never been allowed to do this back at the castle.

She didn't mind at all that the girl had just threatend to make her stay a living hell. Her family had been threatend many times, and she was practically unaware of the harsh comments made to her. Instead, her Blue eyes simply gave a look of boredom, as she shot a look towards Nhat. She then shot a look towards Mary, to which she bowed her head. Although her and Mary had their differences, she certainly was glad she was here with her, a girl that had been raised exactly the way that Katrina had been.

Katrina brought the knife to the large apple, pressing the blunt piece of metal down, and sliced it in half. A large smile played on her enthusiastic face, as she quartered the apple.
It was easier than she thought.

She looked around, as if looking for some sort of praise, but when she found none, she continued. She was shaken by Rollo's speech, however did what the frightening man said, and continued cutting the fruit, her nimble fingers taking the fruit and placing it in a bowl, and the cutting some more.

However, as she began to cut into a pear, the blunt knife made its way into her thumb, As she immediently dropped the knife and fruit bowl, the contents spilling onto the table and floor. She brought the bloody thumb to her mouth and sucked in a breath of air.


She muttered, the thumb still onto her mouth as she sat down, not bothering to pick the fruit up. Although she didn't mean any harm, Katrina didn't know any better. Her whole life, having people run to clean up her mess, she didn't have to worry about anything. She hadn't even realised she had ruined an entire bowl worth of fruit.



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August's mouth lifted into a smirk as he chuckled at Mary's ape joke. His hazel eyes glanced back at the new man and he nodded slowly, observing him. "Hey you're right, he is more of an ape.. although he does have some pig-like features," he commented to Mary, green eyes lighting up with amusement.

Just then, Nhat snatched the apple mid-bite out of his hands. "Hey!" August protested, trying to take the apple back but it was out of reach. "That was one of the most delicious apples I've ever eaten. Of course it doesn't beat the inner ring's, but it's much better than that moldy bread," he said, his eyes still focused on the half-eaten apple as Nhat began to chop it up.

Suddenly, the new man that he had called a loud pig practically exploded into a string of curses. August's amused hazel gaze glanced over at him, shaking his head slightly and closing his eyes. He used his fingers to rub his temples as the loud words just continued to flow out of the peasant's filthy mouth. "I'll take that as a no," he said with annoyance, referring to when he had asked the man if he knew how to be quiet. He looked over at Mary with an exasperated face. "I guess you were right about them being incapable of any form of civility."

August redirected his attention over to the shouting man. "Hey listen up, you loud pig ape. Why don't you shut your dirty filthy peasant mouth?" August spat, glowering at the guy with the long hair before him. "I will speak to whomever I choose, whether you like it or not," he added, his voice laced with hostility. As if to make a point, he slid across the kitchen next to Nhat and gave her a charming smile. "So I heard there's a lake nearby for bathing. You mind showing me how later?" he asked flirtatiously, winking at her and wrapping an arm around her waist.

August looked over at the loud man who was still shouting, his flirty look instantly replaced by an arrogant glare. "You know what, fine. You think we need you to survive? You couldn't be more wrong," he spat, his hazel glower practically burning a hole into the guy. "But if we survive all three days, then we get to run this place, and you have to listen to us. And if we come back before the three days are up, then we'll do whatever you guys say," he added with a haughty smirk. No fun in making a bet if there weren't any consequences.

The loud noise of contents spilling onto the floor broke his attention as August quickly glanced over at Katrina, who was holding her thumb to her mouth. The bowl of fruit was knocked upside down on the floor, the fresh food scattered everywhere on the dirty wood boards. "Katrina!" He instantly dashed over to her side to see what had happened. "Are you alright? Let me see your thumb," he said softly. He looked back over at the two assigned male in the room and glared at them. "This is your fault. Why would you make her cut fruit when she's never held a knife in her life?" he spat angrily.

@Kingly27 @Fivn @Nateorious
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Mary's left eyebrow rose with humorous stupor as she ignored what the ape-man had to say to her. Her forefinger as well rose to her face as she wiped off droplets of spit that made its way on her check. She disgruntledly flicked it away towards him and murmured a few words that ran along the lines of "Yes, well I stand by what I said earlier..." She walked past him to sit on the table curtsying on her way there towards Katrina as she bowed her head when the two laid eyes on one another. She further inspected the lot, grumbling at Sebastian, smirking at Nhatalia, laughing with August, and sticking her tongue out in mockery towards Rollo. She wondered when everyone else would come and join in the fray. Her reverie was interrupted when she head someone squeak in order towards her. Her head made its way to face the girl from earlier and although Mary would've complied and done it in silence because of the already chaotic scene at large, she had to quip back, hearing daggered words aimed at the princess. She got up to stand next to Katrina.

"And we can say the same for you." She paused to look at the women deathly. "Although we are in no position to do otherwise, the King is protecting us. You ought to know your place caretaker." Her smug look was evident as she scanned the Nhatalia up and down. "We are not your enemy but if you make us one, you will feel our wrath." She overheard the bet the Ape-man and August were forming. She immediately turned her head to face them. "... And I second the notion. By the time its all over you will all rue this day."

A loud thump produced beside her catching Marian's attention. She saw droplets of blood dripping from Kat's delicate finger and suddenly had a flashback of that night. She exhaled deeply and counted in her head. When she finished, she solemnly cleaned up Katrina's mess and readied herself for a volley of words that might usher forth from the peasants straight for the Princess. She looked venomously at them, challenging them to speak.

Caspar was downstairs looking at all the commotion that was going on. He sighed as he watched the two most aggressive people he will be living with. He didn't know what to do so he began to walk around the kitchen seeing if there was any ingredients he could cook with. He saw the others come down and gave a polite bow to the princess with her warm approach "good morning Princess Katrina." He watched as she sat down and continued to cut pears, but hear her say ouch and Augustus shouted. He went over to the two of them, ignoring the shouts of the two brutes and tore a part of his shirt. "Here princess, let me see." He gently took the injured thumb and wrapped the cloth around it. Tying it tightly he smiled at her. "You'll be fine. You were doing quite well, this couldn't have been your first time." He looked in the basket and smiled as he picked up a pear inspecting it. "The pears will be fine as well, see?" he picked up the knife and quickly peeled and cored the pear. "It's perfectly edible."

@Kingly27 @Fivn @Everyone else downstairs

Caspar watched in a mixture of horror and shock as his sister attacked the two most dangerous men. What in the world is she thinking?! This is not a way to promote peace. Aspen, what on earth. He was worried something would happen that she'd regret and held the knife in his hand tightly. He wouldn't let them lay a hand on his sister. They seemed like men not afraid to hurt a woman to prove their point. Caspar slowly stood up ready for a fight.
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During Rollo's burst of anger and the speech he had thrown at the inner ring brats, Nhat knew that if she had thought of it from a girly point of view... well, she would be blushing at his words. But then Nhat realized that the two of them never made it official so she didn't belong to anyone. Since Rollo didn't confess his feelings for her and Nhatalia didn't do the same... no way was she going to just go along with being "his". Of course, this was a conversation saved for another moment... when there wasn't an audience among them.

Nhatalia laughed, what the girl named Mary had said didn't mean a thing to her. The natural icy look in Nhat's eyes were clear on how she felt towards her words.

"We just had a war, we were prepared for the consequences," Nhat gave an unladylike snort before grabbing a rag, dipping it in a bucket of clean water and moving to wrap it around Katarina's little wound.

"It wasn't their fault but mine, I did give the order did I not? Besides, how were we supposed to know you guys were more useless then you looked?" Her eyebrows furrowed before standing up and grabbing the knife that Katarina had previously had.

Nhatalia looked over at Katarina and raised an eyebrow at her before waving her over with a small gesture of her hand.

"Let's start with the basics, on how to cut fruit. You inner ring women find it important to learn how to sew, eat properly and yet you aren't taught how to cook? How are you going to please a husband if what you know cannot help feed your children?" Nhatalia shook her head.

Suddenly the thought of her ever thinking of being a wife almost made her freeze her actions. Her being a mother... the patience wasn't there and Nhat was sure that her temper wasn't one that should be spread within range of kids. Besides, husbands always wanted a wife that stayed in the kitchen but Nhatalia enjoyed a good fight, got high off the adrenaline rush and would sometimes go looking for more. Now? Well now she had responsibilities that she didn't want. Babysitting a bunch of grown men and women on knowing what living the life of an outer ring "peasant" was like.

@Semblance @Alisonxo
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.83077736e701c3ffd9e88b05a88c51ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67578" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.83077736e701c3ffd9e88b05a88c51ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Tis but not a scratch, I shall be fine." The former princess had said to August, showing him the gash between her thumb and finger. She gave an apologetic look towards Rollo and Bash, knowing that Augustus had already been singled out. Caspar had then appeared, greeting her good morning as she too gave him a warm smile. He then tore his shirt, wrapping the bloody finger in it, and then complimented her cutting. "'Twas my first time, Mayhap next time, I will do much better." She said softly, as he showed her how the pears would be fine. Katrina also witnessed Lady D'Feur picking up the fruit and she too got to her knees, picking up the last pieces and adding them to the bowl. She patted down her dress while thanking her. "Grammarcy, D'Feur. Thou art so kind. To all, so kind!" She bowed her head to the fellow orphans, the three that had helped her. She was grateful for such kind fellows.

She then turned and watched as Nhatalia cut the fruit. She thought about it, and yes, indeed, Katrina was taught to sew, but never to cook. She shook her head and scoffed.

"My darling Nhatalia, in the inner ring we did not have to cook. My future husband would be served, as I, by our workers. However, I must learn now, or I shall forever be a Spinster! O- heavens, must I learn."

Katrinas piercing eyes fell to the floor. Would she die a spinster now that she was no longer a princess? No longer forced into Marraige by her father?

She brought her thumb to her soft lips once again, watching carefully as the fruit was cut.



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Killian had woke, his eyes darting around the room a bit, trying to find the source of loud noise coming in. He had woken up some time sooner but decided to continue to lie in his bed, giving the inner circle inhabitants a few more hours of rest, it was hard to become accustomed to their life he was sure and with the hell that was about to be bestowed upon them by him and his peers, it was the least he could give, and would give... Then he heard the voice, instantly recognizing the loud man as Rollo. While never having much interaction with the male, Killian had surely heard of him or just plain out heard him. It was an insane idea to bring the man into this, unstable and explosive. It was just brining a whole new level of horrid to the situation.

As he stood from his place, Killian heard Katrina behind him, giving her a small head bow in response as she left the room. Then he gained a glare from Lady D'Feur and his eyes rolled back into his head as he turned. "Nothing you show is anything I'm interested in. But next time, feel free to simply use those manners you hold so dear to ask me to avert my eyes." As he was turned, Killian straightened his clothes and waited to be told it was fine to turn again. Though minutes later her finally realized he would be getting no answer.

His grey eyes looked to the corner and realized he was alone and with an irritated sigh he left the room and headed towards the ruckus downstairs.

Standing on the last step, he leaned against the bannister and raised a brow at the scene before him. Katrina was bleeding and of course her peers were fawning over her safety. The action caused Killian to look around at his own peers, nearly all of them had been covered in scars, most even had wounds that were still healing. He couldn't even imagine the use in scaring over a small cut. "Katrina is correct, it's no big deal and honestly I'm scared to let you know that every single one of you will probably end up with wounds similar or worse, today alone." Running a hand through his short brown hair, Killian finished his walk into the kitchen and yawned, "What's amazing to me is that Katrina is the only one of you that's really even trying here. I'm also amazed by the fact that the Suns been up for hours and we're still in the kitchen eating breakfast." Turning on his foot, Killian walked to the wall nearest the front door and grabbed a net and some fishing supplies that sat there. "So who's ready to actually do some work?"

@group a @Nateorious @everyone downstairs

Chance Calahaster

Chance eventually climbed down from the tree, assuming everyone else was awake by now. He went back inside and stood by the doorway, taking in the scene in front of him. After a moment he went into the kitchen and swiped a plum. "What happened here?" He asked, not sure if anyone was feeling friendly enough to answer. He frowned at the broken cabinet door then looked over at the girl with a bloodied hand. "Great first impression, everyone. You all deserve a medal." He quipped with a smile. He wasn't entirely sure if he should have said that....The big hairy guy looked ticked off and dangerous, but it was too late to take it back. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and took a bite of the plum. His eyes landed on the guy holding a fishing pole. Part of him wanted to grab one of the other poles and run to the fishing docks for dear life. Everyone seemed very on edge, even some of the people that had remained calm yesterday. Instead he leaned against the kitchen counter and looked around the room calmly.

August didn't even notice Mary and Katrina bending down to pick up the pears as he was still locked in a hostile glare with Rollo. He noticed that Aspen had entered the room and he couldn't contain his smirk as she heard her tell the assigned males off. As Nhatalia talked about the role of cooking in a wife's job, he was a little surprised and taken off guard. He had never expected Katrina, when she was once his fiance, to cook for him as he knew that their servants would have taken care of that chore.

His attention diverted to Killian and Chance who had entered the room, trying to initiate some work amongst them.
"Actually, I think we have a bet to complete," August said to Killian, giving Rollo an arrogant look. "This man has challenged us to survive in the wild for three days, and we accept," he explained, looking over at the other orphaned to see who would agree. He already knew that Mary had voiced her support and he had a feeling that Aspen would as well. However, he wasn't too sure about Katrina or Casper, as he knew that they were more peaceful and mellow.

@Fivn @Kingly27 @Nateorious



A smirk crept its way onto Sebastian's lips as he listened to the group converse. Rollo had basically challenged the orphans, saying they wouldn't be able to survive three days in the woods. Honestly, they probably wouldn't be able to survive one night. Beastly animals roamed those parts and hunters didn't hesitate to shoot anything that moved. It was going to be a hell of a challenge... and Sebastian loved it.

Yes, they had a high chance of dying but he didn't care. They young fighter was responsible for their safety, but he was not obligated to protect them when it was their choice to go off on their own. "Good luck," he simply commented, his smirk evidently showing his excitement towards their pending deaths. Did he feel bad? Not really, no.

He didn't pay much attention to the smaller squabbles, such as the fruit falling and Katrina cutting herself. They'd learn eventually to fend for themselves and getting scolding by Nhatalia was a good way to start.

"Since you're confident you'll survive three days in the woods, then I suppose there's no need to train you." Sebastian stated mockingly as he exited the cramped home, towards the clearing. He'd already practiced that morning but since the orphans were going to go off into the woods, he had no reason to stay in the dreary building.


Chance Calahaster

Chance's eyes widened at August's comment. "Um, what?" He looked at Rollo then back at August with a frown. "That's not how it works. We are here to teach you how to fish, cook, clean, barter, and defend yourselves. We can't just throw you into the woods with a 'Good luck, hope you learn something'. Besides, as tough as you would all like to think you are, you won't be able to fight off everything in those woods. Not to mention, we would probably get in trouble if someone in charge found out." He said, crossing his arms. He wasn't sure if they really would get in trouble or not, but it was worth a shot if it would make them call it off. He doubted some of the girls would even want to try it. He watched Sebastian leave and rolled his eyes. He wasn't a fan of the inner ring kids either, but killing them wouldn't fix anything.
Nhatalia stopped what she was doing and leaned against the table. Did she have faith in them? Katrina didn't even know how to cook let alone cut fruit. Nhat's blue eyes starred at the ex prince for a moment. He might be able to stay alive... with a big lose in friends. They could catch diseases, what about poisonous snakes? Did these brats even know what lay within the trees? Especially when the darkness rolls over. Its a reaction or death sort of situation. Then there didn't look to be much challenge for the forest to eat them up.

"I love it! Teach you what it means to live in the outer ring," Nhatalia laughed, biting into one of the extra apples she had bought specifically for herself.

"Well I'll hurry up and make breakfast so they can prepare themselves..." As in giving Nhat time to get ready herself; its not as if they could really let the stupid inner ring orphans die. The King would more then likely scream their heads off and Nhatalia was questioning how much of her freedom would be taken away if this had happened.

Nhat turned back around and nudged Katarina to make sure she payed attention to the way she was perfectly peeling her own apple. The morning was a slow one only because it was the first day and even Nhatalia was a bit irritated at how late it was for breakfast. Tomorrow would be completely different because if everyone was still sleep before the sunrise then she'd personally wake them up. Or even ask Rollo to do it. He would definitely enjoy that.
Sophronia sat back as she listened, her eyebrows raising at Augsustus' little quip before a thought slid through her head causing her to scoff before speaking up from her place near the front door. "Is anyone going to be with them to actually make sure they stay where they say they'll be?" While unsure of where the lot of them could actually find their way too, she still didn't want to chance it since admittedly some of those inner ring brats were slightly crafty. "Or who will watch to make sure their bodies are pulled to graves before the wolves and worms get to them?" Soph said morbidly, her hand reaching over to grab a small apple before taking a large and ungraceful bite.

Her emerald eyes went over to Chance as he spoke out, kind of surprised that the tree dweller was actually expressing his thoughts widely to the group, "And why shall we not? Any outcome of this trial will be good for us. They die, so we are done here. They are taught that they need to be taught, so they will fight less or they actually do well in our woods and we can be done here as well. I cannot see a bad outcome of them going into the woods."

"There is not much hope either way as I see it. We teach them and they fail or they teach themselves and fail." Cynical as ever, Soph turned and made her way out the door after one last quip, "Either way there is actual work to be done." With that Soph made her way out to the farm plots and began to yank weeds from the soft dirt.

@everyone downstairs @Kingly27

Chance Calahaster

Chance turned around and banged his head on the cabinet several times. "We can't simply do that. We will get in trouble. We can teach them, no matter how spoiled they were. I don't want to do this, but the faster I get back to my life the better. The king will make them stay until they can live out here on their own and I'm pretty sure they can't suddenly know how to hunt, fish, and fend for themselves." He sighed, realizing he was basically giving a speech. "You know what? Screw it. You guys can do whatever you want, just don't get the rest of us in trouble." He said, dropping the plum on the counter and going back outside. He went back towards the woods after grabbing an axe and just kept walking. He had figured from the fight on the first day that this wouldn't be easy, but this was crazy. If the king found out, heaven only knows what he would do to them. He found an old tree that was leaning over and began chopping its trunk. He didn't know if the hut had firewood or not, but at the moment he needed to hit something. He wasn't usually violent, but it was only late morning and the outer ring teens were practically plotting to kill the others already.

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Rollo's eyes locked with August's, heat burning from each of their eyes. Did he really think that he would last a second in these harsh forests? Even with the rest of his useless little inner ring buddies running around with him? HA! He laughed to himself, as the angry look faded from his face. He folded his arms a look of amusement playing back at August as he shook his head about to open his mouth to say something, as the annoying one Mary interrupted.

"Although we are in no position to do otherwise, the King is protecting us. You ought to know your place caretaker."

Mary had spat at Nhatalia as Rollo felt the anger returning to his body already. Did this whore of a woman dare talk to Nhat like that? He wanted to take his ax from the wall and cut every strand of her hair, and then proceed to choke her with the long strands. He was against harming women but honestly, with the way this inner ring lass was speaking, it was bound to happen at some point. She was not done though, she had more to say.

. "We are not your enemy but if you make us one, you will feel our wrath."

He laughed at those words, Their wrath? Their wrath!?!? He made sure to give a loud obnoxious laugh, exaggerating it slightly as he looked at Mary. "Your wrath?" he laughed again, those words had really got him.
"Sure.. We are forced to babysit you useless fucks.. But we are being forced by our own king." he said tapping his chest with his index finger as he spoke "You have no more power.. Not one of you I'm uncultured have any power anymore.. In case you forgot.. Your parents were slaughtered by the number by our own parents..." he smiled at that, he was holding back on none of them. He looked to each one of their eyes allowing that to sink in before he also added "Without your little guards to protect you.. I don't think there's anything a little pretty faced boy.." he spat at August, looking him up and down with a snarl "Or spoiled whores.." he looked to Mary and Katrina "Could ever do to u-" he was stopped by the dropping of a bowl, and an "Ouch!" as blood dripped to the floor. He looked upon the scene, his loud laugh returned as he gripped his sides, making sure to turn his gaze back to August and laugh in his face, his eyes tearing up from laughter. He pointed to Katrina "This is what you plan to survive in the woods with!" He laughed again slapping his knees as he did so "You might as well start calling us master then.. Never seen a grown woman so useless.." he said shaking his head, under different circumstances, he probably would have flipped on Katrina directly. Though all of his attention was focused back on August who couldn't be angering him more. He watched as he hurried over to her and his laugh continued. "3 Days... Make sure if you get attacked by a wolf to die silently, I don't want to be awoken by your screams." he then tapped his chin "Actually I wouldn't mind the sound of that.."

He was about to open his mouth to say some more rude comments before another one came down, hollering some words he really didn't understand
"You all sound like fighting dogs. You outer ring people just want to try to scare us into some sort of submission to try to boost your pathetic moral. I'm here to tell you to find a new hobby." he rubbed his head and sighed, another one that thought that she had power. "You don't like this arrangement? Well tough your new king put you in this situation. I expect you to learn how to stop barking and nashing your teeth like the wild dogs you are and start wagging your tail and try to be friendly. You don't scare me, you don't scare the others, you don't scare anyone. You're pathetic attempt of dominance is nothing more than proving that you are and will always be uncontrollable dogs." He sighed as everyone was still tending to Katrina. He stepped over to Sebastian and put an arm around his brother. "We aren't dogs lass.. We are wolves.. And it's a fact that we are the alpha males here girly.." His eyes dropped on her as she came into view. Someone that looked just like her had came in not too long ago, but he wasn't nearly as annoying as she already was. "I don't like this arrangement at all... I don't like it.. Bash doesn't like it.. Nhat doesn't like it.. None of us like it.." he clenched his jaw "Though no words you say will make me ever want to stop making this even more of a hell for you twats then it already is.." he motioned to August "Follow your little pretty boy leader's suicide quest into the forest and come back alive if you want some of my respect.." he moved his arm from around Sebastian as he took one step closer to her folding his own arms "Until then.. Burn in the hatred I have for you.."

He turned back to the Katrina scene as Nhatalia walked over to her, telling them off for their uselessness. He smiled a bit as he watched her quick tongue assault them verbally. He loved her attitude. She took nothing from no one, not even him. She would be the quickest to tell him off if he stepped out of line, hell, she's even slapped him before if he got to rude with her. Their fiery beings always clashed with each other whenever they fought, though right after he couldn't help but
feel.. Something for her.. He shook his head, pushing those thoughts from his mind. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about women. Not with August ready to say some other bull shit at a moments notice. He was only slightly confused at Katrina's reaction. He had expected her to go after Nhatalia, calling her a peasant or saying she didn't need to know any of this stuff. Though she actually admitted to her own inability to do the task.. And watched Nhat do it? He scratched his head again, maybe she wasn't the worst.. He shivered as he actually thought for a split second that an inner ring girl wasn't terrible. She's probably just scared of Nhat, he thought. Most women do get intimidated by the fiery girl.. Even men do.

His thoughts were interrupted as his head snapped to Killian, his voice coming out of nowhere in all of the commotion.
"Katrina is correct, it's no big deal and honestly I'm scared to let you know that every single one of you will probably end up with wounds similar or worse, today alone." Rollo had not spoken with Killian much before, but he did have respect for him. And what he was saying was true, the amount of cuts, scratches and bruises Rollo had gotten on a day to day basis was ridiculous. And this was a lifestyle he was used to living. Getting hurt was inevitable out here, and he had the scars to prove it. "What's amazing to me is that Katrina is the only one of you that's really even trying here. I'm also amazed by the fact that the Suns been up for hours and we're still in the kitchen eating breakfast." He was right. They had wasted too much time bickering.. But part of Rollo wanted to continue to fight with August more. And all 100% of Rollo didn't want to work with the orphans at all. He heard more footsteps coming down from the steps as his attention switched from Killian to Chance. "Great first impression, everyone. You all deserve a medal." Rollo blinked and snickered at the guys remark. He didn't know the guy but by the looks of him, he could tell he was from the outer ring. So he shrugged it off, his feud was not with him though he was very late to the show. He watched as he eyed the fishing poles and Rollo took a look around the room. This is the most quiet Rollo had been all day and he was looking for some reason to get loud again.

Just in time August had done his job, giving Rollo something to talk about once more as he said .
"Actually, I think we have a bet to complete," giving Rollo a face, before looking to the rest of his Inner ring friends for support. "This man has challenged us to survive in the wild for three days, and we accept," Rollo turned his head as Sebastian said "Good luck," he smirked at his friends words. He knew that they were thinking the exact same thing, hoping all of the orphans would fail miserably at this challenge.. And they both knew that they would. "Since you're confident you'll survive three days in the woods, then I suppose there's no need to train you." Sebastian said as he walked out without another word. He chuckled, he probably didn't even care what would happen next, as long as he didn't have to work with these brats.

Rollo turned back to all of the people in the kitchen as the one called Chance began to voice his worry.
"That's not how it works. We are here to teach you how to fish, cook, clean, barter, and defend yourselves. We can't just throw you into the woods with a 'Good luck, hope you learn something'. Besides, as tough as you would all like to think you are, you won't be able to fight off everything in those woods. Not to mention, we would probably get in trouble if someone in charge found out." though the guy was right, Rollo was only slightly irritated that he was trying to stop their imminent failure. "Oy.. Listen mate, pretty boy here was foolish enough to accept the challenge.. So let him learn what it's like to live in the outer ring.. They were warned, it's not our fault that they're going to go out and kill themselves, but I'll honor this one decision." He said with a shrug. There was no way he was going to put a stop to this. "I love it! Teach you what it means to live in the outer ring," Nhat said. Her agreeing with it only made him want it to happen more. He smirked and nodded his head, going to put the rules on the table once more. "3 days.. You can't bring any food, or water.. I'll even let you all carry one knife.. It'll be useless if you don't know how to use it."

He was
positive that this challenge was the best thing ever to be made, though Sophronia brought up a good point "Is anyone going to be with them to actually make sure they stay where they say they'll be?" The joy in his face quickly dropped a smile being replaced by a frown on his face. She was right. Though he hated the inner ring kids, he knew they weren't stupid and could just as easily go somewhere else other then the woods to make the three nights a breeze. He rubbed his chin in thought as he heard Sophronia continue to tell chance that sending them to the woods actually was a good idea. She had a way stronger argument then Rollo did. "She's right.." Rollo said simply after some thought. "Then I think I'm going to camp out in the forest for the duration of the three days with them.. Though I'll keep away from them, they will be completely on their own. I'll only come to check how many corpses there are each night." he shrugged, though the forests were harsh. Him and his brothers had spent days inside of it sometimes, usually for hunting. Bad things happened in the forests, though his ego stopped him from worrying. He had survived nights in the forest before, and this time would surely be no different from the others. Though he didn't want to spend the nights in the forest again alone.. Maybe if some of the other outer ring kids accompanied him.

Rollo quickly turned around as he saw Chance banging his head on the cabinet. He raised his brow
"Are you mad?" he asked confused at the sudden outburst. Though after his speech, he remembered how against this whole thing he was and he didn't blame him. They practically were planning the deaths of these kids.. And it's only been what, a day or two? Rollo didn't give a shred of a fuck though as he turned back to the rest of them. "We'll talk about the rest of this later.. I also have some preparations to do." he eyed all of the orphans before saying "You should probably try and learn any skill your thick skulls can soak in today from the people who will teach you.. Because tomorrow.. You are on your own." and with that Rollo was off, he shoved past August and anyone else in his path as he continued up the steps to go retrieve his two axes, not knowing Mary had thrown one of them out of the window.

((Hope this was okay, sorry for how long it took. I did my best to respond to every ones posts :D ))

@Fivn @Nateorious



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August scoffed as Soph, his orange-haired roommate, asked if anyone was going to stay with them. He didn't blame them though, as there wasn't even an ounce of trust between the two groups yet. He rolled his eyes when Chance came in and gave them a speech about their duties and how the King would be angry if they died. He couldn't care less about what the "King" thought, and it angered him a little how little confidence the other group had in their survival skills. This made him all the more determined to survive. His upbringing in the inner circle had taught him excellent sword-fighting skills, and he hoped that they would come in handy out in there in the wild.

His piercing glare switched over to Rollo as the loud man kept on barking and shouting. Hatred burned in August's gaze as he looked at him, wishing that he could just shove a knife in his mouth to get him to shut up.
"Trust me, your respect is the last thing we want. It's worthless, just like you," he spat, when the long-haired man challenged them to come back alive. As Rollo shoved past him, bumping into his shoulder, he let out a spit from his mouth that landed onto the man's shoes. With one last glower, August pushed past him as well towards the food that Nhat was preparing. If there was one thing that the man got right, it was that he needed to prepare for three days in the woods. And that meant starting with a full stomach.

"Need any help?" he asked Nhat as he neared, making sure that he stood close to her so that Rollo would notice. August knew that even talking to this outer ring woman would piss the loud man off, so that's exactly what he did. Plus, he needed to gather as many skills as he could in order to survive in the wild.

@Kingly27 @Fivn
@Alisonxo @Shadow @The Suspicious Eye @ZombieBaee @Karma200
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"I'll be joining you, I'm sure this will get entertaining," Nhatalia was quick to interject before anyone could disagree with this. It had been a while something exciting like this had happened after the war. Watching how they managed to survive together would be entertaining. Besides, it would give her a chance to corner Rollo on what he had said earlier today. There was now way she was going to forget that he had called her his. When she wasn't. Teasing the man would bring her joy knowing that he would probably come up with an explanation on his outburst earlier.

Nhat narrowed her eyes when August got closer to her and she knew it was only to piss Rollo off; which was understandable since Rollo was the type of person that made you want to anger him.

"Yes, I need you to keep an eye on the meat while it heats up in the pan. Don't let it burn or I'll slap you upside the head," Nhat's words weren't small threats. If he messed up with the meat then he'd get a little punishment.

"Unlike the inner ring, we don't have unlimited supplies to food. You mess up the food, you eat it," Her icy blue eyes looked at each and every orphaned inner ring child that was within in kitchen.

"If you're all going into the woods, do you guys even know how to climb a tree? Make a bed out with leaves and vines?" Nhatalia asked with furrowed eyebrows but an amused look as she bullied the inner ringers a bit.

Did Adriana hear right? She had been leaning against the door frame when she heard what the needlessly loud and tall man named Rollo's plan. Where they crazy? Knowing what sort of life they lived in the inner world. they weren't taught much when it came to cooking and now they wanted them to try and survive in a place they knew nothing about? Adriana's tutors had told her the stories of the beasts and monsters that lived behind all those trees and shadows. Great. Now she had been caught up in their petty pride battles and was putting her life on the line knowing the peasants would be enjoying their struggle greatly.

Adri ran a hand through her straight blonde hair before nibbling her tongue and rubbing two fingers together as she worried about what would happen. It seemed that they might not let them go alone so there was a bit of relief for a moment. Only a sliver of it though. Who knew if they would let harm come to them during their little test.

Would the new royal family give them a punishment? Or would they give them leniency? Highly doubtful, especially since they all still saw each other as enemies. Adri could see that they were meant to learn something while here because if it had been slavery... Adriana knew it would've been far worse. They'd be the ones living in the outer ring, dying off because of their new environment while the peasants lived a luxurious life of golds and diamonds.

Oh god, she should be preparing for her death soon.
A small smile etched on the porcelain countenance of Lady D'Feur. To think that even after the profound explanation of lady Newmont, this Ape still found it difficult to grasp at something so thoroughly explained that a child could've acknowledged it with ease. She rose to her feet and sauntered her way to face the looming man that easily stood over her. Her expression turned stark and the smile that sat on her face a while ago, was no more. She stared at him like she had done long ago in the halls of the high court, eyeing her prey before she made preparations for their untimely demise.

"Darling, the most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." She paused then peered at him as she continued. "-and the most important thing about power is to make sure you don't have to use it." She smirked venomously. "The secret of my influence has always been that it remained secret; A lady mustn't tell." She whispered at the last tidbit. "I have all sorts of ways to deal with you at my arsenal that by simply using power against you..." She looked back at him again, laughing superfluously in arrogance "-will only serve as a mockery not just to me but for everyone else here." She took one of the fruits that fell on the floor and blew on it gently. She took a small bite murmuring how delicious it was to Kat. "I am a women to be reckoned with. Although it may not show, I can be as brutal as you are if not more." She sighed and sat back down, growing tired with the whole arrangement.

She continued to ravish on her fruit as she watched. Everyone still continued on with their conversation forcing and irritated eye roll from the bored lass. "By the maker, they make it seem like three days is three weeks."

"We aren't dogs lass.. We are wolves.. And it's a fact that we are the alpha males here girly.." A short laugh came out of Mary turning immediately towards August. "I thought we established you were an Ape; unknown to the words of decorum, propriety and/or anything related to them." She shot back mostly to herself.

She saw Killian walk down and a grunt came forth as he spoke, mostly out of acknowledgment, deep down knowing he was right. She turned back to the others overhearing their words."Three nights isn't that bad right? I heard a man doing it for 40 and he came out alright... well sort of." she whispered to herself full of doubt.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.93faaa7e590168e2c5697101a7aa416d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.93faaa7e590168e2c5697101a7aa416d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I don't- I don't think I can- uhm." Katrina stumbled over her words referring to the 3-day adventure, her eyes focusing on a Nhats as she continued to cut the fruit, but then she shook her blonde locks, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"But- but I have
never even been to the woods." She muttered, more so to herself, than the others. Her eyes shifted to the floor thoughtfully as she bit her lip. She was never given the opportunity as a child to explore, but that doesn't mean she wasn't open to it. She just wasn't sure if In fact, Rolo would be collecting her dead corpse.

She turned on her feet to go towards the rooms.
Maybe she was useless? She left the kitchen, not bothering to finish the fruit, as her mind was somewhere else. She sat down on her bed, bringing her fingers to the small detailed pouch that was left on the end of her bed. She picked out a pouch of lavender and brought it to her ski sloped nose.

The blonde girl was calmed as she sat on her knees against the window, gazing out the window, looking out towards the forest. The rest of the orphaned kids would at least have a hope of succeeding, but she would much prefer staying here and taking care of the house.



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Aspen turned away from the man and went to her brother. Placing a hand to his back she set him at ease. She trailed her hand across his back till she had moved past him and stood next to August. She crossed her arms and glared at Rollo and company. "A trek in the woods is noting, I certainly accept the sad challenge." She tossed her golden hair back and gave Rollo a icy glare. "If you think that would surfice to earn your weak, empty respect then so be it." She paused for a moment and spoks up once more. "Oh and also, wolf packs that have more than one alpha are destined to fail. So which one of you is the true alpha? A little food for thought while we're away." She gave a smart grin before turning away from the brutish man and looking at Natalia.

She gave the girls stern look and a curt nod. "I appreciate that at least one of you have some sense in their brain. So you shall pay witness to our sucess? Very well, I approve." She looked at August, "I have some things that I need to attend to before we depart. Please notify me when the event arises." She gave a polite curtsy and walked up stairs to her room. There she pulled out her only treasure, a large music box.

She smiled at the gold figurines and pearl encrusted exterior. She dared not to open the box drawing attention to herself. Not knowing where it came from, she thanked their God(s) everyday that she held it in her hands once again. She wrapped the box in a old sheet and strolled out of her room, back to the first floor. Hiding the box from the others she slipped out of the hut and towards the stack of firewood. She sat next to it and began to dig.

@Shadow (if Chance is near the pile of fire wood.)

Caspar looked at August as he spoke, about a bet. He didn't really know if it was necessary, but if it would set the others at ease and give them a chance at peace he would take it. He looked over at his sister as she walked by him, placing her hand on his back, telling him she was alright. He sat down with a sigh and nodded. "Very well, I will accept this task." He wasn't very excited about it, he wished they would all just be able to get along. Sadly, he was realizing that this is a show not tell group of people. Action meant more to them, they were going to have to prove their worth if they wanted respect. Caspar had worked to peaceful negotiations with people like that, he knew it would require a lot of work on both ends.

Being a traveler Caspar was used to different terrain and climates. Not every place he and his parents went to was a lush palace. He had to trek through jungles, swamps and across the desert to reach their destinations. Staying in the woods was merely a walk for him. Aspen knew all of the information, plantlife, wildlife, climate changes, she even has read quite a few books on survival. With her brains and his experience, they would be fine. He looked at the princess, as she softly spoke. Until she finally left. He noticed that she didn't look very confident about this.
It's understandable to be uncertain about this. He decided to see if she was alright, he noticed the unfinished fruit and peeled the rest of it, leaving the pear shiny and perfect.

He made his way up to her room and gently knocked on the door. "Princess Katrina? Pardon, my intrusion, but I must ask. Are you alright?" Caspar wouldn't dare barge into the woman's room, but he stood at the door and waited for her answer.

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August nodded in amusement at Nhat's request to watch the meat and the consequences should he fail. He laughed at Mary's and Aspen's insults to the assigned males and he couldn't help but shoot Rollo and Sebastian another dirty look. She watched Mary lean into Rollo's ear and whisper something with a manipulative look on her face, no doubt spewing a string of threats. "I look forward to winning this bet," he said arrogantly, giving the assigned a haughty look, as his hazel eyes occasionally glanced over at the meat that was cooking.

She noticed Katrina become upset and hastily head up the stairs to her room, her eyes clouded with thought. Although he often appeared full of himself, it hurt him to see people he care about upset, and he had known Katrina since they were both in diapers. Sighing, August looked over at Nhat and gave her an apologetic look. "I'll be right back," he told her before heading up the stairs towards the first room. The light brunette man saw that Casper was already there and he rolled his eyes a little. He had never seen a man try so hard to court a lady in one day. He slipped past the male Newmont twin by the door and sat down next to Katrina on the floor by the window.

"Hey you, don't let those pigs get to you like this, alright?" he told her softly, referring to Rollo and Sebastian. "Here, you said that my mother gave you something, right? Could I see it?" he asked with a smile, trying to get her mind off of whatever that was upsetting her.

@Alisonxo @Karma200 @The Suspicious Eye
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Katsina sighed softly, her sparkling eyes focusing on the horizon still, as she felt caspars shadow looming at the doorway. She was still in two minds about the whole forest activity. She was really good at first aid, but other than that, she didn't want to be a burden on anyone.

She smiled softly at Caspar, as she turned to him, twirling a blonde lock of hair. He was always looking out for her. The both of the newmount twins. She appreciated having such loyalty, as he still spoke to her, and referred to her as princess. She nodded her head softly, and motioned him to come in. She pulled a wrapped cloth from her pouch.

"Wherefore must I need such a weapon? Methinks if I give it away, my father will curse me from the grave!"

She scoffed. Katrina showed the dagger, that was wrapped tightly in plush velvet. The shining object was beautifully designed, the handle prankster with brass swirls and a single ruby jewel was planted at the base. At the bottom, an engraved Spanish sentence was carved beautifully. "Luchar por lo que es verdaderamente tuyo." She didn't know what it meant, but it had some sentimental value to her, although she currently despised the old fool.

Just then, her ex fiancé had graced his uptight presence, although he was let loose and soft at this particular moment. His usual blemish free face and freshly shaven face, now sunken, and just a soft hint of stubble.

She gave him a soft smile as he sat down beside her, and scoffed as he talked about Rollo and Bash.
"I won't. They're actually fine, we talked this morning. You should trust them more, August. Thy being awfully rude this morrow, especially to that maiden, Nhatalie and her, erm, fellow housemate, Rollo."

Katrina lied about her talking to Bash and Rollo, but decided maybe this would ease their conflict. However, Katrina did not want to see August with Nhatalie, some may say out of jealousy. However perfect Katrina never gets jealous. She just simply wishes there was no conflict between the two.

She nodded when he mentioned what she had of his mothers, and instantly reached for the pouch once again. With delicate fingers, she pulled out a ring, the one that had been forced into Katrinas finger as she was told that she would be marrying August. The jewelled ring was the Valans family, gold plated with a large rock. It was their family tradition to marry with it, and it didn't feel right at all keeping it.

"The Valan ring. Your mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and so on."

Her soft lips curled into a smile, as she took one last glance at the ring. She then handed it over to him, as she drew her eyes up to his, and then quickly shifted them to Caspar.

"Caspar, are you part-taking in this trek to the Forrest?"

She asked wearily, bringing the lavender back to her nose.

@Semblance @The Suspicious Eye

(Hope this is ok, I've been super busy. I'm so sorry)



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