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Realistic or Modern Assimilation of Rings



Hearing the woman Marian speak was like listening to the drunk bard at the tavern near the rink. The old man was always there, sitting in the corner with his worn Lute, letting the worst sounds known to man exit his lips. Sebastian remembered telling the musician to quiet down but that only encouraged his singing.

Choosing to annoy the girl because he was already tired of being angry, Sebastian went to a room. Of course, with his luck Augustus was already there. They exchanged cold glares before the former aristocrat made his leave, much to Sebastian's liking.

The young fighter than made his way to a bed that was in the corner but nearest the door. He knew he'd be in and out quite a bit during the night and he wanted easy access. The ash brown haired male then threw his small bag to the side of his new sleeping place before heading down the stairs, to the back. He hadn't practiced that morning and Sebastian hating slacking the most. He felt it was easier to get things done then and there, rather than having to wait to do it later.

When he was outside, he was quite surprised with what he saw. The clearing was flat, which helped when it came to swift movements. Not that he had a problem with speed, however.



Aspen turned around to the soft voice next to her, hand over her heart. With a quick exhale she looked down at the unfamiliar boy next to her. It must be one of them, there was a near instant growth of disgust growing on her face. She pulled her shawl closer and took a step back. "Hello,"her voiced wavered with caution. He was one of the members who had held back, but she wasn't sure if that was out of politeness, or cunning. Not knowing what to expect about theses outer ring children she kept her guard up. "I didn't mean to intrude." Deciding caution was the best action, she took another step back, looking at his face for signs of aggression. She could see underneath the dirt and injuries, a handsome face. Pausing for a moment she tried her best to return to a stoic face, however, she seemed to look like a frightful deer.


Caspar looked between the young men and women, their aggression evident. Worried and curious he looked between the others and prayed that knitting worse would come. He walked closer to them and took a deep breath, listening to the conversation. He smiled as the young princess created a slight chance to broker peace amongst the others. He was certainly proud of her and it pained him that her succession had ended. She would have made a great ruler, compassionate and open minded. Caspar followed behind them, he crossed his arms behind his back and stood next to Katrina. He leaned a little closer to her and spoke softly, "pardon my intrusion princess, but I want to say the fair Lady D'feur points are not the sole option. Trying to use this situation as a advantage, vengeance only begets more vengeance. Understanding is what brings closure." He gave her a soft smile hoping his words would mean something to her. He felt the pain and hate just as the others, but knew that holding onto it would only ruin him.


Guinevere Knightly

Guinevere's hand automatically reached for a dagger that wasn't there as the boy sliced the skin on Augustus' cheek. She may be wary about dealing with others, but she wouldn't just stand back and watch as someone threatened her friend. Fighting was the only thing she was confident in and if push came to shove, she'd resort to fighting him with her bare hands. Seeing that the boy meant no further harm for the time being, she relaxed a bit only half paying attention to the bickering that took place. When Augustus stormed off, Guinevere wanted to go after him, but she knew she was in no mood to be of any help to anyone. She let out a relieved breath when she saw the former princess go to him.

When everyone moved to go into the house, Vera stood back so that she was one of the last ones to enter. She located the bedrooms and noticing that the third one was empty she walked in and dumped her belongings into one of the chests, before sitting on the bed furthest from the door. She took off her leather boots and pulled her knees up to her chest as she stared at the wall. Her father's last words rang through her mind once again, and she decided that she would try her hardest to get along with everyone.
Chance Calahaster

Chance felt bad as it seemed he had startled the girl. In fact, she seemed almost afraid of him. He stood up slowly, not wanting to seem threatening. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. And you aren't intruding." He said quietly. Despite his dislike for the inner ring people, he couldn't bring himself to be rude. He knew what it was like to loose his parents and she was a girl after all. No matter how few manners the outer ring people were taught, he had always been told to treat any female like a lady. He interlocked his fingers behind his back and leaned slightly on the hut. He felt he should say something, but nothing sounded appropriate given the recent circumstances. He looked down and bit his lip, trying to think of something other than how awkward he felt.

@The Suspicious Eye
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.b48002f88185bf77f83f8b7a911e90e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.b48002f88185bf77f83f8b7a911e90e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Katrina nodded as Caspar spoke, as he made a very good point. However, Lady D'Feur, although ruthless, would be a great leader. The balance between her and Kat would stabilise the kingdom perfectly, as Kat dealt with trust, and Mary dealt with not letting anyone get in their way. She was more 'out-there' and knew how to stand her ground, spitting relays back and fourth, where as katrina would be a deer in headlights.

However it was true. Vengeance does only lead to more Vengence, and the assigned teenagers were unpredictable. Some were polite, while others acted as if they were dragged up, because they practically were.

"Caspar, my love. Although I do Agree with Lady D'Feur, I am also in favour of your side. We must understand them. We must seek a balance."

Katrina mumbled, letting a soft hand rest on his shoulder. Her blue eyes scattered the room, as if looking for some sort of sign. It was true, for her to rise to power, she must learn about these people, who she did not know existed, and learn their way of living. She must dirty her hands in chores, and discipline herself in every way possible. Only then, once she has made a connection with the outer folk, would the Audric Princess present herself to rise again. Not only with the Orpahned teens by her side, but with the assigned ones too.



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James watched as everyone introduced themselves; smiling back at Katrina for a second, thinking that maybe they were all good people, when an arrogant guy stepped up and introduced himself; seemingly quite full of himself. He immediately tensed slightly, feeling that this wouldn't go very well. James had a knack of knowing the gist of what people were going to do and could tell that this was clearly going to lead to an argument or even a fight.

"My name is Lord Augustus Valan."

James was taken back a little, but not very surprised, as he noted Augustus was using his former title still. He tensed even further as a girl from their group stepped up to him, looking daggers at him. James supposed she was going to give him a piece of her mind.

"Do you have a reason to be glaring? Do you have an enemy here? You don't know any of us, so you cant be glaring at us! Or maybe you do have an enemy here? Who is it? If you are glaring you better fix yourself, pissing off strangers can get you in trouble here. Trust me."

Now Augustus looked even smugger as the girl stood close to him, James saw that Katrina was the only person in the orphan group that looked slightly annoyed at Augustus; the others just looked slightly amused, Augustus lost none of his arrogance through. James suddenly noticed movement from the wall of the house; it was a tall guy making his way through the rest of the Assigned, towards Augustus. He wasn't that surprised.

"Lord Augustus Valan, aye?"

"Well, Augustus,"

"I wasn't looking forward to having to care for you lazy,
former aristocrats, but I've suddenly become interested. It's going to be fun watching you try not to die."

"I suggest you fix your attitude because you want to know why the King chose me as one of the eight? Because I'm known for leaving people on the brink of death."

James watched the tall guy turn and slowly walk back to the wall, leaning against it with eyes that were seemingly baying for blood. He saw Augustus sneer in response and come towards the group of assigned, James carefully looked at him as he pushed past him and the other assigned. The other orphans eventually pushed past them as well, leading to the assigned going into the house too. James went in after the others; a second or so behind them. Trying to remember the room arrangements, James headed through the house and into the room he would be sharing with three other people.

James was in his room, sitting on one of the four beds there. He wondered who he was sharing a room with; he knew he was with two orphans and a assigned, James just didn't know


By the time August had realized that it was getting dark, he was sweaty and tired out from the game of dodgeball with the outer ring children. "Alright kids, I gotta get back now," he told them. The children started to whine with complaint since they wanted to keep playing, but after some useless insisting, they finally nodded and waved their goodbyes. The former inner ring resident realized that he had no idea how to get back as a result of the twisty roads, so he asked the boy who had hit him on the head with the ball to show him back. The boy delightfully agreed and the two of them began their trek back to the house with the other fifteen teenagers.

"What's your name?" he asked, looking down at him. The boy looked about eight years old, with brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was scrawny and covered in dirt, yet he still held a bright smile on his face.

"Arthur," the boy answered back in his high-pitched voice, his light eyes looking curiously at him.

"Nice to meet you, Arthur. My name is August," he smiled at the little boy. "You should be careful where you kick that ball. I could've been a grouchy old man," he added with amusement in his hazel green eyes, listening to the child's laughter fill the air.

Soon, after a series of complicated turns, the familiar shape of the old shabby house came into view. He could see a few teenagers outside, but most of them seemed to have gone into the house. Once they reached the doors of the house, August turned back to Arthur and gave him a small smile.

"Thanks for showing me back. Will it be safe for you to walk back alone this late?" he asked with a concerned face. He hadn't considered the dangers of the outer ring streets once darkness had fallen, especially for vulnerable children. He mentally slapped himself for asking the little boy to walk him back at such a dangerous hour. Even though Arthur nodded and tried to convince him that he would be okay, August wanted him to be safe.

"Come with me. Let's see if someone can walk you back," he told him, leading him into the shabby house to look for someone from the assigned group.

@Fivn @Assinged Group



It was relatively late by the time Sebastian finished training. The sun was peaking just behind the trees and long shadows stretched across the land for miles. A thin layer of sweat had formed on Sebastian's tan skin as he stood in a spot where light still shined. Sighing, he finally decided to head back in and was greeted by the unpleasant sight of inner circle dwellers. He snickered at their high postures and heads which still rose proudly.

The wooden door then creaked open and Sebastian turned to find Augustus with a familiar looking boy. His brown hair was tasseled as he stood there with an old ball in his hands. "Arthur?" Sebastian questioned as he made his way towards the two, eyeing Augustus carefully. He was protective over kids whether he knew them or not. With Augustus' personality, he was extremely protective. "What are you doing here?" The ash brown haired male bent down and ruffled the boys hair, whose blue eyes seemed to brighten at the physical contact.

"Bash!" The boy giggled, wrapping his arms around Sebastian's neck. "This man played with us until it got dark and he said he'd ask one of the assigned to take me home. What does 'assigned' mean?" Arthur gave Sebastian a confused look but his eyes were still bright with a playful glow. Clearly, the Storming had benefited the children.

Standing up slowly, Sebastian eyed Augustus once more. "I see..." he muttered. "Don't worry about what that means. Come on, I'll take you home." Although Arthur would have been safe, he decided to walk the little boy anyway. Crime had gone down after Rylan came to rule but there were still those few people who simply enjoyed the thrill.

Sebastian then put his gloves on which had been in his back pocket. His hands were worn and bruised from all the training and the fighter knew monks would not appreciate him parading around, promoting violence. After his gloves were in place, he opened the door and let Arthur walk under his arm before heading out. Before he was completely out of the house, he turned to Augustus. "I know you're an idiot, but you were smart to bring Arthur over here and not take him by yourself."


August's hazel eyes narrowed into a glare as the first person he saw was Sebastian. However, his hostile look was replaced by surprise when Arthur ran up to him and wrapped his tiny arms around his neck. "How do you know him?" he asked suspiciously before realizing that the outer ring residents must have a tight community.

"He visits me all the time!" Arthur peeped up from behind Sebastian's large shoulders after he was done hugging the tall tan man. "What happened to your face?" the little boy asked him with curious eyes as he observed the cut on August's cheek.

"Yeah, what happened to my face?" he asked pointedly to Sebastian, his voice soaked with sarcasm and his glare burning a hole into the guy.

He watched the tall fighter open the door for the little boy as Sebastian turned back to talk to August. The former inner ring resident grunted and crossed his arms, eyeing the man arrogantly in front of him. "As far as I know, you're the only idiot here," he retorted, his tone filled with hostility but with a tiny hint of amusement. He shifted his gaze back onto the little brunette boy and gave him a goodbye smile. "Hey do me a favor and kick your ball into his head next time, okay?" August asked him, his gaze focused on the scrawny child as he made a motion with his head towards Sebastian. Arthur giggled and nodded fervently in agreement before bouncing out of the house.

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Aspen looked at the boy still cautious a he stood up, she sensed no malice in him, however, to her that meant nothing. His people were responsible for the death of her parents who were nothing more than innocent in this battle. They should have lived. This is their fault. She could see the uneasiness on his face, he looked slightly winsome. Shaking the idea out of her head, she focused on her own anger. She didn't know what his game was, but it was evident that he wanted to say something. She crossed her arm and stood up strait. "Is there something you want to say to me? I know this situation isn't advantageous or worthwhile to anyone. However, I should tell you that while I am here, I'd prefer to have anything said, said directly to me." She gestured for him to speak, "so please tell me, what is on your mind. I'd love to hear it." She had a ulterior motive for listening to him, she wanted to know his true colors. Verbal expression one just the third form of understanding.


Caspar smiled, he was glad they had such a woman with them. He held back a blush as she spoke. He held himself with pride and respect, "consideration is all I can ask. You are wise as ever, princess." He smiled at her kindly she was a friend of his sister and the leader of his kingdom, rebellion or not. He appreciated, Katrina's kindness to his sister and to him. He also had admired her for years now. He looked down at Katrina and his voice grew quite serious, "Princess I want you to know, that I am here for you for anything that is needed."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.ae52c6821d8eb31a9953e5e68a25d325.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67118" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.ae52c6821d8eb31a9953e5e68a25d325.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Princess, I want you to know that I Am here for you for anything that is needed."

Katrina batted her lashes, stringing her long blonde locks between her nimble fingers. She had always had a thing for the Newmoumt twins, both of them. Both respectful, understanding and caring, although Aspen had become distant since the storming occurred.

Katrina, hearing these words brought Caspar into a friendly hug, her thin curves pressing against him as she brought her chin to his shoulder.
"I can almost promise I shall take that offer up, longer down the line.." Katrina whispered, and a hollow, tear-filled laugh escaped her bitten lips. Although another had showed her some care, a fellow friend, Caspar, was who had triggered the memories of the inner walls back.

Her soft hands clenched as she fought back the tears, letting go of the hug, a small, strong smile still on her face.
"We're going to get through this, right?"' She whispered, her teeth going to her lips as she furrowed her brows. A. Single tear drop stained her cheek as she quickly wiped it away, another hollow laugh following it. She had to be strong. She was the former princess. And princesses, not following the usual clichés, didn't need to be rescued. She was going to be fine.

@The Suspicious Eye



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Chance Calahaster

Chance looked at her but didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say, despite the fact that she thought he had something to tell her. "Um...." He wasn't really thinking of anything he wanted her to hear. She certainly didn't need to know that he had lost his parents too. He didn't really remember her joining in the argument earlier, but she was probably on edge like all the others. He glanced up at the sky and saw that it was getting darker. "Well, I should probably leave you to have some alone time, since I assume that is why you came out here." He said, turning to go around the house.
"Oh by the maker..." Marian exclaimed as the princess agreed to Lord Newmont's pacifistic views. The two then conjoined in a loving embrace forcing an exasperated breath from the young lass. "... Just propose to her already." She murmured under her breath. She then scanned for other set, growing bored with the star crossed lovers before her. "Where's your darling sister Newmont? I have grown curios to see what she has to say about our unusual predicament." She didn't let him answer as she stepped out to go looking for her. "I'll leave you tree huggers to your tête–à–tête. Don't let it transform into something lascivious now! You are a princess after all Kat." Marian quipped with a wink as she exited their one-way conversation. She stepped outside as the sun blared down on her using her hand to shield her eyes. "Well doesn't this place get any better... It wreaks of manure and filth- does no one bathe here?" She looked around looking for the other Newmont twin but grew bored and ventured forth to explore her new surroundings. She at first tentatively walked towards the market but as stares began to collect, she hurried her pace, wearing an unwelcoming mask.

"Ah the market-" She looked around to witness the depravity of it all. "...the social strata quickly makes itself evident no matter where one goes." She pitted, knowing her family was a factor in many of their misfortunes.



The sun shined brightly through the transparent windows of the shabby house as it rose over the mountains. A rooster could be heard in the background, signaling the break of dawn. The first movements could be seen in the outer ring as peasants began to exit their homes to tend to their crops, travel to the marketplace, or collect their dry laundry.

August groaned as he was woken up by the bright sunlight and the calling of the rooster. Back in the inner ring, he was able to sleep in until late morning, but something told him that he wasn't going to be able to have the luxury here. He turned onto the other side of the creaky bed, attempting to fall back to sleep, but he heard shuffling and voices outside his room, telling him that the other teenagers had risen. He sighed as he slowly sat up in his bed, trying to blink the sleep out of his eyes. August stretched, making loud noises, as he yawned loudly and let his feet touch the dusty wooden ground. His blurry hazel green eyes scanned the room, barely making out the shapes of his roommates, including Aspen, Sebastian, and Sophronia.

He finally mustered the energy to move his muscles and rise from the bed, only to fall back down halfway up. August sighed as he decided to curl back in bed, covering his head with the warm blanket. Perhaps no one would notice that he was still sleeping. He knew that today was the first day of work, and that they had been split up into their task groups. However, the last thing he wanted to do was learn from some filthy peasants who thought they knew more than him.

(Please refer to my first post in this IC RP tab to see which task group you are in!)

@Nateorious @Fivn @Kingly27 @KAYDEN @The Suspicious Eye @ZombieBaee @Siren001 @Colt Voltage @Karma200 @Shadow @JustSmile @CaraTheMeow



Sebastian had gotten home relatively late that night. After he had arrived at the orphanage, many of the children bombarded him questions about why he hasn't visited them or when he'll come again. Of course, since he was surrounded by children who absolutely adored his presence, he couldn't help but want to stay and keep them company. Although Sebastian was only an orphan for about a week, he still understood what it felt like to have no one to look up to and play with. Being alone was one of the worst feelings in the world, especially at a young age. While he was lucky to have Marcus, these kids only had the monk and anyone else who might have cared even a little.

When the sky was black and the children were beginning to feel sleep creep up on them, Julius, the monk, kicked Sebastian out. Usually Julius would lecture the fighter about finding a better job because punching someone was not a good way to please the upper beings but he didn't that night. All he said, however, was to take care of the assigned. "That's the most hilarious thing you've said yet," Sebastian told Julius before returning home.

By the time he arrived, everyone was fast asleep. He trod quietly and carefully to his room with only a small candle light to mark his way. Sebastian usually bathed every night but he, for some reason, extremely exhausted. Most likely from the change of events.

That morning, Sebastian woke early, more like his body knew what time to wake. The sun was barely peeking behind the mountains and faint chirping could be heard outside. By then, he'd already trained a bit and bathed. The young male would have hunted as well, but he figured he'd wait for everyone else to wake before deciding anything.

A groan brought Sebastian's attention away from the knife he was polishing to the slumped over body that laid across from him. Augustus had gotten up but quickly laid back down, covering himself with his blanket in the process. Sebastian looked out the window and snickered because it was time for everyone to get up. He swiftly got to his fit and strolled to the other side of the room. Once he arrived he grabbed the blanket and pulled it down, looking at the body before him. "Wake up." He ordered. "Get dressed and come downstairs to eat. We have a lot of work to do. If you aren't ready in 30 minutes, you won't get lunch
or dinner." And that was him being nice

Sebastian then turned and headed downstairs.

Sophronia Delacourt


Sophronia woke up in her new bed, rubbing away the sleep from her eyes and cracking her neck, her eyes instantly falling on Bash as he moved across the room to the orphaned male in the room, Augustus or whatever. Her mouth spread into a smirk, standing up and chuckling a bit as she yanked her hair up into a bun once again, not bothering with the raggedy brush that laid in the knapsack besides her pillow, it would just break in her curls anyways... "I'm impressed that you're giving him thirty minutes..." She murmured at Bash as he left the room, leaving her with the two orphaned children. Augustus she had gotten plenty of an impression of from the day before but the other girl, honestly Soph couldn't recall her name, though she was sure they didn't know hers either, considering she never uttered it.

"I'm Sophronia by the way." She spoke to the two in the room carelessly before turning to head from the room. "Take Bash's threat seriously, none of us have ever known the man to be merciful." Turning and making her way downstairs, Soph sighed and stopped outside the room her oldest friend, Killian, was staying in and banging her hand on the wall. "Time to wake up! New world for you inner circle patrons and as far as it goes for you Killian, being a new prince doesn't mean you get to turn soft and sleep in on us." Banging one last time, she finished her descent downstairs and looked around her eyes landing on Bash.

"Bash, how do you want to handle today? I'll be honest, I'm not very excited about having to watch those brats do either of the assigned tasks..." Her mouth turned into a cringe at the thought of it, watching them try to throw a punch was going to be awful enough and trying to teach them how to clean a dish would probably be just as horrid. She couldn't even fathom the idea of never having cleaned or fought, it was just simple facts around here that those were things that had to be done and these kids had never learned that. "

@Fivn @KAYDEN @The Suspicious Eye
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Aspen was taken aback by this persons response. For a small moment there was a flash of shock on her face which was then transitioned with a stern mask. He's smart, feigning innocence. She nodded to him, "I see." She turned away and looked at the sky around her. Taking in the dimming world she felt uncomfortable and unsafe. She shook her head and sighed turing around back into the filthy place she would have to call home for now. Behind her there was a small street of white behind her. She made her way into the shabby building. Seeking into her room she silently closed her eyes, falling asleep having a faint whimper "I miss Winter." She pretended to sleep as the night grew on.

Aspen stayed awake until the next day, slowly waking up to the sound of a filthy man and his demands. She bit her lip in anger, she hated him already.
Who does this mutt think he is to give me demands. She turned her head to the girl Sophronia, she looked at her for a moment and turned her head away. She didn't care about sleeping or eating, she wouldn't take their filthy food. Giving a sigh of relief as the girl left she turned to Augustus, "this is foolish, what do they hope to accomplish here?"

@Fivn @ZombieBaee


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/coollogo_com-201031770.png.b66a297da4b910d96031257e778fc90d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67272" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/coollogo_com-201031770.png.b66a297da4b910d96031257e778fc90d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Rollo embraced his brother into a tight hug. His last remaining brother, Merek. He gripped him tight. They were both still little bit drunk from the night they had, and though their home wasn't too far from where Rollo would be staying, Rollo's father insisted that he had stayed at the home with the orphans. Only to honor King Rylan's request to instruct the orphaned. He was supposed to start the night before, but he and his brother decided to have one more celebratory night before he left. They refused to sleep, as they both drank as much ale their little coin could buy and shared tales. His father even joining in on the drinking. They were of course the last ones left in the house. He looked up into the sky, it will still dark though the sun had to be coming up soon. He moved on to his father as he wrapped him in another tight hug. He knew he wasn't going to be moving that far, though it felt like he was leaving the kingdom. "My boy.." his father said as he pulled back from the hug. "You have learned many things in these forests.. Things they have yet to learn.. Do not hold this knowledge back from them.. Though I hate them just as much as you do.. It is time to forget the past and move on to the future.. And create a unified kingdom.. And it starts with the young." His father finished as he patted the back of Rollo's head. Rollo had wanted to say a million words just then. He wanted to verbally piss on all of the orphaned, though him and his father had gotten into this argument already many times. And he decided to keep his anger at having to instruct them within himself.. Only in front of his father of course. "Aye.. Try not killing them either.. Maybe plough one instead?" His brother added jokingly as they both laughed. Merek was too old to join Rolo in the instruction, though he had said the night before if he had this opportunity he would have ploughed one of the noble women on his first night. "I'll try father... Brother.." He said as he nodded to them both his voice a bit shaky. He had given them one last hug before he turned around to the tree stump in front of their home, stepping over to retrieve the smaller axe lodged into the tree and dropping it into the sheath attached to the belt on Rollo's waist. He then grabbed the larger ax and swung it up, leaning the backside on his shoulder. He wasn't going anywhere without these two axes. He then gave them both one more glance, a small smile on his face before he faced the forests again and ventured off to the middle of the outer ring, where he would soon be faced with the most difficult task of his life.

Teaching spoiled brats how to survive in hell.

He had a good amount of time to think on his walk there on how he would handle the situation. His father was the voice of reason on his right shoulder, telling him to treat the orphaned with respect and kindness. Though they were raised differently, they were human just like him. Though on his other shoulder, was a bouncing drunken version of himself, telling him to slice all of the orphaned necks at night, with the help of his closest friend, Sebastian. He smirked, he was happy he was going to see his friend again. It had been a while since they last spoke and they were practically brothers. He chuckled to himself thinking on how Sebastian had probably already fought one of them. That would leave one of the fuckers dead already. As he looked up he could see the house in the distance. He shook his head, his grip on the axe tightening as he saw it. This was going to be hell, the brats better be on their best behavior around him or he would split them with this ax without hesitation. His body shook with rage as he thought of all of the spoiled kids sitting in there, not a clue on their mind on how to wipe their own ass without a servant. He would teach them, every last one of them. He had told himself on this walk that he would try and be respectful to them. But as he neared the house, he wanted to inflict every bit of pain he could on them. He thought about Bjorn starving to death on one side of his head and on the other side a pampered noble throwing full legs of meat to a dog like the food wasn't worth gold. His grip tightened even more as he clenched his free fist. He was nearing the door and the sun was starting to come up. They were probably still asleep, he thought. It was time to wake them all up.

Rollo busted through the door, not paying mind to anyone he saw, he wanted to make sure every one of these orphans were awake and knew exactly who he was. He wasn't even concerned by the fact that they actually
could be awake, and he was just about to do a bunch of useless yelling. He gripped the larger Ax with both hands and began shouting at the top of his lungs.


He slammed the back of his ax on the wall, making a loud bang every time his ax collided. All of his anger going into each violent swing as he bashed the wall, he continued up the steps, not a look back still banging the wall with his ax as he went whilst yelling a scowl on his face and his eyes wide. It almost looked as if he was in an actual battle.


He shouted again as he reached the top of the steps, now bashing through every room door as he yelled, checking to see if this is the room he had been assigned too. He knew he had been assigned with the new prince, who he liked as well as two noble girls who he promised to torture for the rest of their days.


He shouted finishing the last word with a hard slam to the side of the wall as he reached the final room, they had to be in this one. As he busted through the door he scanned the room, finding both of the two noble girls still in bed. He grunted shaking his head in utter disgust as he drew his smaller axe and launched it at the wall in between their beds making a loud 'Clink' as it lodged into the wood. "Up whores! WAKE UUUUP!" he yelled finishing his loud entrance as he stood in the middle of the room Glaring at them, shifting his head between the two, his eyes were filled with rage and his teeth were gritted as he was breathing heavily. He didn't even bother to retrieve his ax before he turned to the new prince Killian nodding to him. "Morning." he said simply, his feud was not at all with any of the outer ring kids but with the ones of the inner ring, and he made that clear. He exited the room, dropping his large ax on the floor, he would retrieve that later. For now he wanted to find Bash and greet him. Bash had probably done much worse then what he had done just now, and he was eager to find out the details.

He thought he had seen his face down the steps but he wasn't sure, he was too angry to even check. As he walked down the steps, he spotted Sebastian waiting, he seemed already angrier then him. He couldn't help but laugh at the scowl on his face. It was strange, just a second ago Rollo seemed like he was about to kill everyone in this house, and now he was just laughing it off. He stepped over to Sebastian.
"Bash." he said happily a wide smile on his face "Still an ugly fucker I see?" he said jokingly as he ran a hand through his hair letting out a breath. He had not had any sleep since last night, since he had stayed up with his brother. And that little display had taken some of his energy. "How has your stay with the I'm uncultured been eh?" he laughed slightly, by the look on Sebastian's face it definitely wasn't good. "Kill any of them yet?" he asked as his stomach growled. He instantly began his search for any bread inside of the house. The nobles had to have brought some sort of food with them. And he was sure to find it and eat it right in front of their faces.

@Fivn @Everybody in the home

(Sorry if RolloS vulgarity might offend anyone D:)



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Chance Calahaster

Chance woke up with the sunrise, partially because it was shining right on his pillow. He glanced at the others in his room and noticed that none of them seemed to be awake. He got dressed quickly, pausing a moment as he heard a few others walking around downstairs, He crept quietly to the door and rested his hand on the handle. He didn't mind waking his roommates up, he just didn't want whoever was already awake to know that he was too. He winced as some maniac ran around the house screaming obscenities at everyone. He backed away from the door raised an eyebrow at the crazy dude when he slammed open the door. As soon as the man went away, he went into the hallway and closed the door quietly. It wasn't as if anyone was still sleeping, but he might as well act civilized. He snuck down the stairs and went outside. He went to the back of the house and towards a clearing he had discovered last night. He climbed a tree and leaned against the trunk with his eyes closed and began humming softly.



"Bash, how do you want to handle today? I'll be honest, I'm not very excited about having to watch those brats do either of the assigned tasks..." Sebastian listened to Sophronia carefully. The two weren't necessarily friends but he knew they had to work together if anything was to progress. Group work was something Sebastian was never skillful at, however. He was more of an independent worker and liked getting things done his way. Deciding he'd mostly stay back and enforce the work on the orphans, he replied, "Let the other's decide. I'm not excited either, that's why I'm going to stand back and simply enforce whatever they're doing. I don't have the patience to teach."

As soon as his words left his mouth, a large figure came bursting through the door. Sebastian wasn't able to get a good look at whoever it was. The only thing he could make out from the corner of his eye was an axe before the silhouette disappeared up the stairs. Yelling, or roaring, could be heard as Sebastian stood there g. He suspected it was Rollo, his childhood friend. Rollo was basically Sebastian's brother and didn't help that both of them had fiery attitudes.

"God damn it, I already have to deal with these annoying bastards and then you come in parading like a drunkard." Sebastian growled, rubbing his temples as his friend returned to the lower floor. "At least I don't look like I haven't bathed in a month." He frowned as he scrunched his nose. "Did you drink all night?" With a sigh, Sebastian leaned against the wall behind him. "I was out most of the night so I've barely spent an hour with people. Two of them have quite the attitude. A male and female. I think you'll enjoy working with them the most." He snickered.

The large male began looking around the small kitchen.
Looking for food probably. Sebastian thought as he watched his friend search aimlessly. Shaking his head, he said, "Check the cabinet in the corner by the window."


Mentioned: @Group B @Nateorious


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Rollo gave a loud laugh at Sebastian's comments of his bathing. As he dug through all the cabinets he said "One of these I'm uncultured step out of line and i'll be bathing in their blood." he said finishing it with a laugh as if it was a happy thought. He put his hands on his hips, frowning at the lack of food. He turned to his Sebastian as the old friend basically read his mind. "Check the cabinet in the corner by the window." he snapped his fingers "Aha!" he hurried over to the cabinet, going to raid what was in it. His eyes widened at the amount of food in the cabinet as he rubbed his hands together. "All of these might be finished before the fuckers even.." his eyes widened as he remembered. He began banging his fist on the cabinet, His smile turning into a snarl.


He spat out as he slammed his fist one last time before grabbing a piece of bread and turning to Sebastian, taking a large bite out of it.
"I haven't got one second of sleep.. Me and Merrek celebrated the night before with all of the ale we could buy with the little coin we had." his eyes widened as he looked over at him "Wait.. Are we getting paid coin for this?" he took another hungry bite of the bread, as he leaned back on the wall. He shook his head almost as if he was in disbelief that Sebastian was here. "I doubted you would have lasted a day before they hauled you off for murder." he chuckled "Looks like I was proven wrong... Pretty sure one of the scrawny little nobles would have beaten you up anyway.. Proven who's the real champion." he joked with his friend, trying to get a reaction. He knew he was one of the best fighters in the outer ring. First him and Rollo would fight when they were younger, and then Sebastian took it to the ring, rising to be the best brawler in the outer ring.




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Nhatalia was awoke to a scream stuck in her throat, her body sat up as quick as lightning and the sweat didn't hesitate to roll down her skin. Blue eyes wide with fear, terror and hatred. It was the night that they had attacked those who lived in the outer walls. A night that she would remember for the rest of her life. While it wasn't her side that had been taken as what was practically prisoners, Nhat had gotten word that her father had fallen. Once those words had been spoken to her, Nhatalia remembered when she had picked up that sword and cut down as many enemies as she could. While neither of her parents had been very touchy feely with Nhatalia, the least she could do was get some sort of revenge for her father.

It wasn't like the death of all those people wasn't hovering over her mind but in order for those in the outer ring to be treated as equals, the only choice was by force. Even Nhat could see that.

When Nhatalia managed to tie on the dress that was dark blue and while it wasn't silk, it wasn't as itchy as other clothes. Her aunt had began making clothes for her since her father's death and while they were more comfortable... it wasn't the same.

Brushing her long brown wavy hair, she decided to get it braided later on after eating breakfast. It was early and she could already hear people awake in the house. Much to her irritation, she wouldn't be the only one awake. Goosebumps rolled up her arms and legs when her bare feet touched the cold wooden floor of her room. Nhat sleepily walked down the steps to see two familiar people. Sebastian and Rollo. Hm... Rollo... was talking to man even a wise thing?

"Morning... I'll come back with breakfast," Nhatalia spoke, not stopping to walk past both men and picking up a black cloak to protect her from the morning cold outside.

Once she was outside she noticed how her cheeks were pink and it was only because she had seen Rollo, remembering the past. Getting nervous around the easily angered prick? No way was it going to happen to Nhatalia. Especially not in front of those inner ring brats.

It took Nhatalia a bit of a walk to finally enter to bakery and ordered several rolls of fresh bread; then made her way to the butcher who already had several slices of cow. After 10 minutes of buying cheese, meat, bread and fruit; Nhat returned to the house with several bags in her arms.

August let out a loud groan as Sebastian ripped the warm blanket from his body, letting in a blast of cold air. "What's your problem, you filthy peasant?" he spat as he lay shivering on his bed, his voice covered by his pillow. He sighed, sitting back on his bed, with his brunette hair a ruffled mess. "Can anyone get any sleep around here?" he grumbled to himself. He would have disobeyed whatever orders that dirty fighter spat out, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to get an ounce of sleep with everyone up and about.

He looked over as the other assigned female who had just introduced herself as Sophronia babbled some words that he wasn't paying attention to. All he caught was her name. He was way too tired to focus and his hazel green eyes drifted in and out of consciousness. His face was expressionless, only filled with fatigue, as he glanced at her. However, even through his blurry vision, he could still notice the girl's slim figure and her soft fiery orange hair.

August redirected his attention over to Aspen when she asked him what they hoped to accomplish. His pink lips lifted into a smirk and he shrugged. "Trust me. They're not going to accomplish anything. No way am I gong to let some outer ring peasants order me around," he told the Newmont sister confidently. Although he didn't know her that well, he did know that they shared the same mentality and he was glad that there was someone on his side.

Suddenly, he heard the banging of an axe against the walls of the house, followed by a loud string of vulgar orders. "Do they have any decorum at all?" he asked Aspen, annoyed at how loud the newcomer was being. August finally mustered the energy to get dressed in his brown ragged clothes and brushed his brunette hair with the wooden comb. He strolled slowly out of his room and down the creaky steps of the old house. He was greeted by a loud banter between Sebastian and a new guy with long hair. The two seemed to be pretty close, like they had known each other for a while. "Do you even know how to be quiet, you loud pig?" August spat at him, his hazel eyes glaring at the new man as he took some bread from the cabinet.

He began to eat the stale bread, cringing at its terrible flavor, when he saw one of the assigned females quickly rushing out of the house. A little while later, she came back with an armful of food and August's eyes lit me. "You, my lady, are the most beautiful woman in this house," he told her, his eyes focused on the fresh fruit, giving her a slight bow. If there was one thing he learned from growing up in the inner ring, it was that you always treated a lady with respect, no matter where they were from. The contrast between his attitude towards females and males was apparent as his glare returned when he looked at the other two assigned males in the room. He reached to take out a crispy apple from Nhatalia's grocery bag, biting into it and reveling in its sweet flavor as the juices overwhelmed his mouth.

@Fivn @Kingly27 @Karma200
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Katrina awoke to loud noises, shouting, telling her to wake up immediently and adjust her Ill-fitting clothing and slowly dying make-shift crown. She was startled, almost like a lost puppy, as Rolo intruded her room. She had wondered why there was an empty bed. And he was practically her worst nightmare.

Although she was rather enthusiastic, or some may say, excited to start the day, she rubbed her eyes with tiredness. It was true. Some really did need their
beauty sleep. Katrina made her bed, and pulled on her worn 'sack'. She then attended to her long blonde locks, running the precious silver hairbrush down her locks a few times, and then pinning the crown to her head.

She turned to greet her fellow roomates, bowing to the new prince, before a sweet smile played on her lips.
"Good morrow, Lady D'Feur and Prince Arcalli. Isint it just wonderful out here!" She said, throwing her eyes towards the window. She had the perfect view of the sun rising over the fields and bay. It brought warmth to her heart, until she heard Rolo once again.

She made her way to the kitchen, taking her seat at the table.

"Good morning, everyone."

She said, her soothing voice filling the room as she tapped her manicured nails against the wooden table. She looked around, unsure on what she should do. She had never cooked before, and didn't quite know how to start a fire. She was practically useless, but was open to help.



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"Yes m'lady." said a servant girl as she bowed respectfully whilst retrieving the ornate chalice that dangled aimlessly on Mary's fine fingers. It was midday in the D'Feur household and it was known throughout as the busiest time of the day there. Her father was away so it was her sole duty to represent her family in one of the daily meetings prevalent in her society. Today she was to converse with a high-standing man, a man notorious for his skills in the Great Game; a duke of some sort that held sway in the high courts. Other servants began to flock around her, providing food of different varieties as she sat comfortably on a red satin chair. She had her eyes closed as she exhaled softly for the meeting to commence. She gazed over to the grandfather clock adjacent to the dark ebony table; he was late. The servant girl from earlier arrived with both a full chalice, and dreadful news. She beckoned for the Lady to come closer whispering "Up whores! WAKE UUUUP!"

Mary's anger-fueled eyes immediately opened as she rose vampirically from her rough hardened bed. She turned her head slowly but roughly like an un-oiled machine and glared venomously at the large man before her as he screamed profanities and anything related to it. She watched him leave and then traversed her eyes towards the princess as she greeted Mary with a warm smile. These are my roommates. She thought, groaning from her rough awakening. Her fingers traced the contrasting feeling of her sheets on its own. It didn't feel like the silks at home, nor did it feel warm as she remembered fondly in the middle of the night hugging herself as she fought off the cold. She sighed heavily and got up gracefully, patting herself dry, checking if the bed bugs that someone told her the day before were real. As Katrina left, Marian made use of her absence and began to ready herself as well for the new day. She glared at the "new" prince as if silently telling him to look away. When she finished, she coughed to him, signaling it was fine to look now. She maneuvered her way to the vanity, the only thing that made this room an actual room, and began to brush her midnight locks and braided it like the maidens she saw at the market. She was never use to brushing it on her own but theres a first for everything, she thought. She loathed what the day had in stores for her and her lot. She checked her face for blemishes and as she finished, she elegantly got up to walk out of the room. She walked as if she never left her home; head held high and eyes shooting out like piercing daggers. Before she excited, she stumbled on something hard and wooden. "Ugh." She grunted, lifting her brown skirt to peer down on an axe. Her anger-fueled eyes returned and in one sweeping motion, she picked up the axe with her newly summoned strength and headed for the window. With one thrust, she opened it with ease and threw the damn thing out like a useless cloth no longer fit for any further utilization.

"Hmph. Call me a whore." She whispered.

She made her way to the kitchen and a disgusted groan came out of the lass as she eyed the loud monstrosity. "Do you even know how to be quiet, you loud pig?" she heard Augustus spat as he fetched for a piece of bread. "It's Ape darling, Ape. And no they can't. I read it somewhere that they are incapable to learn any form of civility." She corrected. What a great way to start a new day.

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