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Realistic or Modern Assimilation of Rings


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


The Integration of the Wealthy and the Poor

Be sure to read the @Nateorious

Katrina Lovett Audric @Kingly27

Killian Araceli @Fivn



Room 3}Guinevere Knightley @Kingly27[/size]

Killian Araceli @Nateorious

Katrina Lovett Audric @Fivn

Anastasia Thorolund @Huntrey

James Monty @CaraTheMeow


Aspen Newmont @The Suspicious Eye

Augustus Valan @Semblance

Adriana Belle @Karma200

Caspar Newmont @The Suspicious Eye{/slide}[/accordion][/bg][/centerblock]

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The sun was blazing high in the sky, shining a warm yellow light on everything the heat touched, when a large red and gold horse-drawn carriage traveled through the dirty streets of the outer ring. The elegant, decorated transport stood out ostensibly in the midst of the brown, soiled area. Soon, the vehicle stopped in front of a large wooden dwelling with a roof covered in thick golden hay. In front of the old, unoccupied house stood eight teenagers with angry scowls on their faces as they watched the pretentious carriage pull up. Their ragged outer appearances blended well with the shabby background of the outer ring.

August stifled a groan as his narrowed green hazel eyes peered out of the window from the horse-drawn carriage, still not able to wrap his mind around the fact that some outer ring peasants were going to be teaching
him. He could already feel the glowers of the eight grimy teenagers who waited impatiently in front of the sorry excuse for a house. He finally let out a loud groan as he realized that this wooden homestead was where he would be living for god-knows-how-long. There was a stark contrast between the dirty house before him and his previous extravagant home in the inner ring. To make things worse, the new King Rylan had provided them with peasant clothing to wear when they were relocated to the outer ring as well as their rooming assignments. The brown-hair boy sighed as he looked down at the ugly ragged pieces of fabric that currently clung to his soft pale skin. It was going to take a while until he got used to this poor style of living.

He looked around at the other seven teenagers inside the carriage with him, all of whom had the same hostile frowns on their faces as they locked eyes with the peasant teenagers outside. The Storming had occurred not too long ago, and many of them still had the images of their parents getting slaughtered burned into their heads. And the murderers of these parents were none other than the parents of the very kids who stood outside, waiting tensely for them. August clenched his fists as he reflected back on that fateful night, when his father had sacrificed his own life to save his mother, only for his mother to be killed soon after. A smirk appeared on the boy's face as he recalled the feeling of his dagger piercing the murderous rebel's heart as he avenged his parents' deaths.

The coachman slowed the majestic white horses to a stop in front of the stark house, stepping off of his seat to open the door for the aristocratic teenagers. The lavish golden carriage practically sparkled under the sunlight, grabbing the attention of almost all the nearby peasants. Those who resided in the outer ring had rarely seen such an expensive piece.

With a heavy sigh, August grabbed his small pack of leftover possessions from the floor and slowly stepped out of the shining white carriage. There wasn't much he could bring as his house had been ransacked during the Storming, and they were forbidden from bringing weapons. He covered his face as the bright sunlight penetrated his eyes and he raised his skeptical face to examine his new home. The brown-haired boy carried himself with an air of importance as he haughtily locked eyes with one of the rough-looking peasant boys, giving him a disdainful look.

After the other seven teenagers had exited the ornate vehicle, the coachman waved a goodbye to the children before riding off into the sun. August's piercing hazel eyes followed the fading carriage with jealousy as the man returned to the grand inner ring.

@Nateorious @Fivn
@Siren001 @Colt Voltage @Karma200 @CaraTheMeow @JustSmile @Shadow
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Katrina sat in the large, oranated carriage, beside the cut out window. She felt out of place, Sitting on velvet plushed cushions in a ragged piece of cloth with a string of lace ironically holding the fabric in a halter neckline. She also had a head piece of weeds tied to her now ratty and u brushed locks of hair. The king himself had demanded that the lace be cut from her dead mothers dress, and be sewn to the princesses dress. After all, her family were the reason the storming had started.

Images of her father getting his neck sliced filled her mind, as her mothers peircing scream filled her ears. She let out a small sigh, clutching the tough fabric that was clinging to her thin figure as the images burned through her mind. Her crystal eyes however, kept their focus on the small hut in which they would be living. Katrina gasped, as the eight rough looking teenagers stood before the house. They wanted revenge. And Katrina knew it.

She clutched her pouch of possessions close to her chest. It was filled with a journal and quill, a jewel necklace, a silver hairbrush and a bottle of liquid. As the coachman helped the fragile girl from the carrier, she let a humble, friendly smile play on her pink lips, but a pleading look in her eyes. She wanted to return home. Home into the large castle, where her mother would calm her, and help her stitch another blanket for her father.

Her father, the old fool. She always knew he was hiding something from her and her mother. Strict rules applied for anything they did, and they were confined to the castle unless escorted by two guards. Even then, they weren't allowed in the top floor of the castle that overlooked the wall. He deserved everything he got. But how could the rebels kill her mother?

Her blemish free face still had a friendly smile playing on her lips. Her blonde locks swung loosely around her shoulders, and her perfect posture made her seem taller than she actually was. She was intrigued on what was going to happen, and maybe even a little scared.

The carriage eventually faded into the horizon. And she was stuck here. Not too long ago, was she wearing a huge ball gown, with her tiara sitting perfectly on her head. Now, she had eight teenagers staring at her, looking like they were about to run up, and murder her, there and then.



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Anticipation filled the rink. People chanted a name that was well known throughout the outer ring as bets were placed and alcohol was shared. Bash... Bash... Bash... Bash... Sebastian could hear his name being called, his heart beating in sync. Lub dub... Bash... Lub dub... Bash... He stood in the center of the dirt clearing that was surrounded by a wooden barrier, fists calmly at his sides. The crowd could be seen above him, watching intently as his eyes turned from a passionate, hazel green into a sinister, deathly color.

One hit against the opponent.

One hit against Bash.

The movements continued until finally... "ANNNND... SEBASTIAN BERINGAR WINS!" Roars echoed throughout the rink and most likely could be heard from miles. The announcer grabbed Sebastian's bloodied fist and raised it to the skies, spouting about how Sebastian has remained undefeated for almost two years now. A grin grew on the young man's face when he saw Marcus, owner of the rink, walk in his direction.

"My son," the older man said as he brought the boy into a manly embrace. "You win all the time and yet I'm always amazed." Marcus released the beaten teen and ushered him to follow as he exited the place. "Come, I must speak with you. Don't worry about the rink. Caesar will watch over it."

Sebastian remained silent as he followed his father to his small office. He sat on a small, wooden stool in front of a ragged desk with papers scattered on it. "Is something the matter father?" He asked as he removed his worn gloves that were stained with blood from previous matches. Marcus gave his son a solemn expression before he began talking. A few minutes later...

"Are you mad? Like
HELL I'm going to watch over some inner ring brats!" Sebastian growled as he abruptly stood up, knocking over merchandise in the process.

"Sebastian!" His father exclaimed in equal fury. "I understand how upset you must be but-"

"Upset? UPSET? Father, I'm absolutely furious! How can you-"

"BUT THIS WILL BE GOOD FOR EVERYONE." Marcus took a deep breath before continuing. "They need to understand what it's like for us outer ring folks. This is all about peace, okay?"

Clenching both fists and jaw, Sebastian told his father he understood. He then stomped out of the cluttered office, slamming the door to further show his distress.


He stood the farthest from everyone else, leaning his back against his new "home" with his arms crossed. A scowl was on his lips and he had a look of pure disgust as a red and gold carriage came into view. He had no idea why the new King Rylan would choose him to teach the damned orphans. Yes, he understood the hardships of the outer ring more than most, but there were plenty of others to choose from and picking a blood lusting fighter was not the best choice. Hell, Sebastian thought as he let his hair cover his hate-burning eyes, I trained some of the rebels myself.

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The slowly approaching ornate carriage nearly made Sophronia choke on her own breaths, were these kids serious? Was such an obnoxious form of transportation really that necessary? If it moved, it moved, gold and beautiful paint jobs wouldn't make it more efficient. Though admittedly, most people didn't think the way she did, especially those from the inner ring, Soph looked for efficiency and ease of operation in all things, that's what came with being a blacksmith apprentice. hell, minutes before standing before this idiotic thing, Soph had been working with her father on parts for a trade caravan though none looked anything like that, they looked durable.

Moving her hand up to block the sun from her dark chocolate brown eyes, Soph smeared the soot from her palm against her ivory skin, a black mark lining across her already dirty face. The rest of her body matched, her bare arms covered in spots of dirt and ash as well as the ragged clothes that hung off her thin frame. Her tangled mass of red hair was yanked up and off her shoulders with a ripped strip of burlap and her feet were completely bare. Nothing about Soph was lavish or traditionally beautiful, she was the personification of her mindset; efficient.

Once the sun was blocked she was finally able to get a clear look of the first two that had exited from the cushy seating of the carridge, one was strictly angry looking, male and riddled with tension while the other was a mildly familiar looking girl with fear flashing across her seemingly polite face. While Soph personally had no beef with the inner circle, she enjoyed her life very much, she also hadn't ever had much contact with them. Yes, she was aware that most had a horrid attitude and sense of entitlement, but that wasn't her problem, at least not up until now... However, Soph was rather excited about it, but for a cynical way. She wasn't happy to help them slide into a new society, she was happy to whip them into shape and give them a hard time along the way. That was the whole point of this right? Plus she got to be a part of it with two of her best friends, Killian and Farah, and there was the obvious involvement of Rylan, though ever since the Storming she hadn't seen him once, hell even before then she hadn't seen him in a long while.

Pushing her tongue into her cheek, Soph finally dropped her arms from her forehead and crossed them across her chest, in return her eyes slanted into dangerous looking slits as she ran them once again over the eight orphaned children as their last piece of comfort was pulled away by a set of beautiful horses. "Staring won't bring it back. It's gone. Get over it." Soph's alto toned voice rang out from the otherwise silent group, a small scoff leaving her full lips as it did, "And it's never coming back either."

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Sitting in the ornate carriage Aspen held her breath she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She tried to quell her anger, her hatred, her pain. Nearly everything and everyone she knew and loved was gone. Gone thanks to two things. The first the monsters of the outer wall, those barbaric beasts who slaughtered her family in hate. The second, herself, this was all her fault, her parents, the revolt, everything. She clutched her hands together in attempts to keep them shaking with fear. Suddenly she felt a warm hand was on top of her's and she looked over at the man who held it. She smiled sadly and whispered, "thank you..."

Her brother Caspar smiled at her, his eyes full of worry. Ever since the events, Caspar watched as her happy sister turn into a shell of herself and it worried him. He wished he could do more for her, but was lost in what he could do. He swore he would protect her and he had failed. They lost everything and now were to be placed in the outer realm. He held her hand tightly and looked at her, "don't worry, everything will be fine." He would do everything in his power to make sure that his sister could feel comfortable here. He knew it was a big change, but was hopeful that it would work out.

Aspen merely smiled at her brother, he didn't understand. How could he? Casper was always a kind optimistic soul always wanting to see the good in life.
I can't let that disappear, I won't let them take the last thing I care about in this world. She was determined to keep her brother close, but also knew that giving away her last weakness so obviously would ruin any chance she had of revenge. She gave a sad look at her brother and smiled, "I know." She said the words half heartedly, knowing that as soon as they stepped out of this carriage she would have to distance herself from him. The mere thought of this gave a sharp pain in her chest. She slowly moved her harness away from his and put them to her heart.

Caspar looked at her with panic, he feared she was having a attack. He put his hand on her shoulder. "Aspen are you alright?" Ever since the revolt, she hadn't been feeling well. He, rightly, feared that her heart condition had resurfaced. The last time the doctors told her that in the event of stress or extreme emotional situations might bring her condition back. The death of their parents, her beloved per and destruction of the entire regime which they lived by, certainly fit the criteria. He didn't want her to have a attack let alone die.

Aspen looked at him and nodded, "I'm fine brother, there's no need to worry. I'm not as delicate as you assume." She knew the words were a bit harsh, but true. She could tell her brother feared she may have a attack, but she has learned to steel her heart. She wouldn't fall so easily. All she needed was time, time to create a plan to return the people who deserve to be on the throne. She looked at the princess full of worry. She was a kind and sweet soul, so much different from Aspen.
I must do whatever I can to protect her.

Caspar felt the sting of her words, he knew that he was coddling her.
From now on I will try harder not to pester her. He saw her look at the princess and smiled a little, glad that the others were there with them. He glanced around the cart and saw all the other sullen faces. The princess's smile was a pleasant contrast. He rubbed Aspen's shoulder "everything will work out, who knows we may find a way to make peace." He wished for that greatly, the chance for peace and understanding. His parents may have been killed, but he was still alive, out of mercy, kindness or necessity he didn't know. However, he knew that they new King had the ability to forgive and to be merciful, even if his subordinates did not.

A fire lit in Aspen's core at Caspar's words.
Make peace? Never! I will not let the filth who murdered my family go unpunished. Deep in her heart she knew that every single one of the people from the outer ring are monsters. They are merciless beasts, that have no intelligence whatsoever. She wanted to kill every last one of them, for her parents, for Winter, and for herself. She wished that she would have been killed instead of her parents, they were blind to everything, innocent in their crimes. The one to have written all the ideas for the outer ring was her, and no one else. At first she did good, establishing orphanages, distributing food, but as time passed and more conflicts arose, heavier measures had to be taken. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself, quietly locking the truth away in her heart.

Casper looked at his sister, her eyes closed in meditation, as the cart stopped. A few of the others left a head of them, but Caspar waited for his sister. He stood up slowly and extended his open palm to his sister. "Aspen, we have arrived." He looked at her, his twin, the only other person in the world who is exactly like him. Well for the most part, he always believed that they were two halves of one whole. Separating the original into two parts, he receiving the brawn while her receiving the brains. Of course his parents told them, that they grew as two separate individuals it was still a nice thought.

Aspen slowly opened her eyes and looked from the hand to her brother as she took it. The two walked out of the cart and stepped on the ground. Aspen already despised the situation, she held a glare as she looked at the children of the filth who had destroyed her life.
The people who murdered hundreds, my parents. How dare they get to live while hundreds have died at their hands. For what? Their idea that they could do better. She slid her hand from her brother's and held it to her side, I will show them that they were wrong. She scanned the group, isolating the facial cues that she read in a book, she took mental notes on each person to use against them later.

Caspar didn't know how to feel as he stepped out. There they were the people of the outer ring. He should hate them, he should want to kill them, but all he saw were people just like him. He saw no difference in them, they were around his age and each held a emotion similar to their own. Caspar knew that he couldn't hate these people, even after all that had happened. He took a deep breath and gave a slight smile, hoping that it wouldn't anger them. He wanted to make the most of this situation, for him and for his sister.



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Glancing down at the worn out rags he adorned, Cal found himself gently pulling on them to try to gain some room for him to breath. His muscles constricted against the tight fabric uncomfortably, unlike his old clothes which were more...well, form fitting? It would definitely take some time to get used to. He had more than enough time to get used to it though, it wasn't like he had a home or a family to go home to after this was all over. The thought caused a pain to shoot through his chest one more, a large hand gently rubbing his chest. His family and him didn't see eye to eye much, very rarely actually, but still...He spent 18 years with them. They raised him, seen him everyday, and in a blink of an eye they were gone. Blood stained the cobblestone floor of their manor, the pearl walls splattered with the backlash from the knives of the rebels.


Stop thinking like that. It's done, it's over. Forcing his golden eyes to look out the window his strong features tensed, his white teeth gnawing at the thin bottom lip that graced his handsome features. Dark brows furrowed as his hand pushed back the messy dark brown mane. His mind racked itself as it searched for something to take his mind off of the scene going through his head play by play. The scenery was different from his upscale home. More nature was everywhere, not taken down yet to make room for more homes. The homes were more...simple. Not flashy like the carriage full of young adults were used to. Everything here seemed like it focused on efficiency rather than impressions. It was like the clothes. The thought made him shift uncomfortably in his cushioned seat near the window. What were the insides of the homes like, if these clothes were so uncomfortable?

Peering through long lashes he glanced at the others, the carriage stopping as he did so. His eyes fell upon the siblings across the way, a small smile tugging at the corner of his stoic lips. He had met everyone once or twice, but Aspen and Casper were people he'd like to call his friends. They weren't awful, like most of the inner circle was. Well...were.

Cal was one of the firsts to step out of the golden carriage, the sun instantly hitting the tanned skin on his face. On his shoulder hung a small bag filled with a couple items, not wanting to bring much from his old home. Too many memories he didn't want to remember. Letting out a small sigh, he stepped off to the side to wait for everyone to exit. Gold eyes scanned the crowd. These were them, the children of the outer circle. Who's people caused the rebellion. Who's people murdered almost all of his associates and all of his family. One would assume he would have been angry, and a tiny bit of him was, but most of all he felt embarrassed...hurt. Ashamed. Remorse?

The inner circle should have treated these people better. No, they weren't these people. They were normal kids his age, with names, families, hopes, and dreams. He supposed he was the odd one out here. No dreams, or family. All he had was a name, and a small hope that one day there wouldn't be such a difference between everyone. It was an ignorant hope, yet at the same time, what's the saying?

Ignorance is bliss, and he'd hold on to that small bit of bliss he had...it was the only thing he had left.​



Nhatalia kept her eyes closed the entire ride, her long straight blonde hair swayed with the movement of the carriage. Usually the sound of horse hooves gently clicking against the earth would calm her down but it just brought back the memories during the war. When her father had awoken Nhat, shaking her shoulders and constantly looking out the window. As if anticipating something. At the time, Nhatalia hadn't even thought of a war between the inner and the outer ring. To be honest, she never truly thought much about the people in the outer ring because they weren't apart of her everyday life. Now? Now she was supposed to be living with the people who were apart of murdering her father. Oh god... all that blood she'd seen when her father had attempted to get her to leave.

These thoughts weren't good.

Nhatalia carefully opened her pale blue eyes and bit her bottom lip at the sight before her. It wasn't beautiful. It looked run down, dirty and disgusting but because Nhat had manners she wouldn't voice it out loud. Instead she put on a neutral expression and kept calm. This was her fate. They'd treat them like slaves, would they not? Its the only possible answer seeing as how those in the inner ring and outer ring truly hate each other. Did they believe this attack would fix things? That was only going to make things worse. Make those who were alive angry at the enemy for killing their beloveds. Especially Nhatalia... even she could feel the hatred slowly growing within her.

Naturally Nhat wanted to cry. To grieve for the man who had been lost because there were far to many differences between the inner and outer circle. Each with their own beliefs and because the inner circle had taken themselves to far... this was a punishment. Ah, yes... a punishment from the heavens. Though Nhatalia wasn't sure what she had done wrong, this was probably her purgatory.

When the carriage stopped Nhatalia climbed out just like the others, almost falling the process from her legs falling asleep. The fabrics of the dress she had on hugged her torso but flowed down. Ugly colors, itchy texture and nothing like the silk she had been raised in. A new life... that she wanted nothing to do with. Since there was no choice all she could do was adapt to her environment; trying to not think of what happened her night came crumbling down.

(I hope this is ok x] I'll try and get my other post up soon)​
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Rylan walked silently to the meeting point of the assigned group to the orphanage, a silent indignation in the tone of his face. He was dressed in a basic tunic and pants with his trusty woodsman's axe, a constant feature in his dress since the Storming, strapped like sword on his side. He would not go to the orphanage without it, he didnt trust those noble brats with him or his friends without it. It will also give the brats something to fear, the good old axe carved through their parents and soldiers back to the Storming. If you couldnt get rid of them he would certainly going to beat them to submission.

He remembered the conversation with his father, they had argued about his involvement in the project for what felt like hours. He smirked at the memory remembering what his mother said after them: "It was like to stags butting horns one as pig headed and stubborn as the other. You two i definitely father and son. "She was the one who really convinced him afterwards to go in her motherly way that he always hated that he often fell for. Though it was only afterward he really found a real reason to go.

Arriving to the meeting point he couldn't help give a wide smile at his friends gathered around, some, like Sophronia, he hadnt seen for a while and some, like Farah,which were friends he couldnt do without. Sophronia was a particular happy surprise, the hadnt seen each other from even before the Storming and he always had a little thing for her though didnt seem mutual then. Maybe with hero status and a new scar it might be different. "Hey!" He called out to them as he approached, waving at them before seeing the carriage. "Ow eh... Talk about disputatious."



Adriana dodged when the fist was coming towards her and while she wasn't shocked that the boy standing in front of her had snapped; Adri knew he had no skills in fighting. It would be her win. Adrenaline rushed through her veins with each hit she dodged before Nini wasn't able to hold herself back. She rushed forward, bending down and tackling him to the floor by the waist. They rolled around in the dirt for a bit before Adri managed to pin him under her, earning a solid elbow to collar bone before her success. Nini knew that pain was strong from her bone being hit but the adrenaline seemed to stop her from acknowledging it. Her fist rose into the air before crashing down onto the side of his face; her fist slid a bit and knocked into his nose, earning what sounded like a crunch. Which only seemed to spur her on. Punches rained down on the man who was bucking wildly underneath her, trying to throw her off but Adriana had positioned herself to sit on his stomach. It only helped with giving her fist more momentum.

"Adriana Belle! Young lady, get off of Rusco!" The sound of Adriana's aunt yelling caused Nini's fist to freeze mid air and her baby blue eye to twitch a bit. Always being interrupted when it came to a fight. Though it wasn't a challenging one, Adriana needed to take her anger out on something and the dummies in the training field her uncle built for her... well, she got tired of hitting things that didn't move.

"He hit me first!" Adri huffed and squealed a bit when Rusco shoved her off of him. He stood up as his hand rubbed the blood that dropped from his nose and busted lip.

"She told me that the only thing important about me is that I clean up after the cows and that no one else wants to do it," Rusco tried to explain himself on why he had gotten so angry with Adriana.

"Its true," Nini mumbled but didn't say anything else as her aunt shot a glare at her.

The two of them weren't truly related but aunt Jasmine had been close to Adriana's mother and when news that Adri's father had fallen; Jasmine had taken Adriana in. Not that it was much of a burden, she always wanted a daughter. Though... Adriana might've been a bit more then she had asked for.

"The two of you always fighting each other... the next time I see this happen... no supper!" A frown formed on Adriana's face at this; though she wanted to hit someone really, really badly... suffering a night without food wasn't worth it. Well, almost. No, no... it wasn't worth it. With that decided Adriana huffed and spun around.

"Whatever. I have to go meet those wretched brats," Nini muttered, throwing an icy glare at her cousin Rusco before leaving to make her toward the awkward looking teenagers who stood beside a carriage. Well, a carriage that didn't bother to stay long. Adriana couldn't blame the driver, this place wasn't beautiful, extravagant or shining gold and diamonds but it was home. Comfortable, a bit smelly, warm and a place Adriana had grown up in. Looking at those who had previously been living in the castle, she recognized some of them but they weren't considered friends of hers seeing as how she didn't exactly know how to speak with the enemy. Or at least they were supposed to be the enemy but instead they were sent here to learn how to survive. Adriana would rather spend a week hunting then deal with this. There were no choices or other roads to take... this was going to be horrible.

"Wow, you all have pretty faces... good luck keeping them that way while you're here," Adri laughed when she reached the group. Then Adriana thought about it, most of the people in the outer ring had a deep hatred for those in the inner walls. Most of them had the guts to try and get a few good punches in on them and Adriana wondered if she would get in trouble for letting them. Especially seeing as how she was only supposed to be their teacher while they were here.​
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"Our inner-district presents a veneer of opulence, but the aristocracy are committed to a system of social one-upmanship we call the Great Game. Sprawling receptions delight friend and foe, while bards strike from the shadow with insinuation, larceny, and assassination, often to the strange delight of their targets. Control of these auteur agents is yet another layer of the game my dear; one must wield them all with finesse and tact to win it beautifully. This is our craft; and you will someday become its mistress, Mary."

The promised words of her father. They were given to Marian long ago when she first danced her steps in the infamous High Courts of society. She knew that one day she would be a skilled savant of the Great Game that would transform her into the formidable, stoic, and the deadly nightshade she is known today in the great halls of power; all inevitable, but now it seemed everything was in vain. It was mere moments ago Marian knew the moment she entered the lavished carriage, she will no longer hold the title of Lady De'Fer. The once mighty lineage that forged an empire in its own right, now crumbled down to mere whispers of its former glory. The undoing of the inner-circle itself and the death of her parents perished along with everything the De'Fer family had wrought for the past century or so. She was the last of her kin she thought. A surviver of a grand massacre that wiped order from the face of the earth. Many believed this was the end of the great struggle that pervaded the old but somewhere, deep, deep inside her, this was only just the beginning. "The Game does not end even when all players concede defeat. It is a living being that has kept this kingdom alive and will continue to do so even if a new ruler comes to power. Like a caterpillar, it will only transform into something far more beautiful; but equally as deadly. And thus you must do the same my sweet." The words of her father echoed out before her yet again. She knew what needed to be done so she smiled carrying a light hearted look when compared to the others around her who still carried the dark countenance of that night. She knew she was unlike the rest, she had her faults, yes, but she knew she was strong enough to never succumb to them. She suffered like the rest but crying over it now will serve her no good. A display of strength was what she needed and so she gave it in full, almost as if her very name was never stricken from her in the first place. This was the result of playing the Great Game and she was reaping it hungrily.

And so she waited, looking outside to think and asses.

The rising heat blazed over the brazen carriage as it made its way through the juxtaposing setting of the rural outer district, forcing the young maiden to observe. The peasants that made this place there home stared in awe whilst a majority sneered and snickered at the fallen mighty. Like a pack of wolves, Mary could have sworn she saw some salivated at the sight while others pitied from afar, all draped in the same attire as she was. She looked away, disgusted by the thought that she would become a toiler like them and grunted slightly as a result. She sinked her head low while her eyes scanned her neighbors around her. She looked over at the former princess who wreathed naivety and the Newport twins who never seemed to be separated. The others as well looked frightened but she paid no heed knowing many remained ignorant of what transpired outside the wall prior The Storming.

"Fools..." She thought.

The makeshift of a vehicle slowly shifted from a faster pace into a precarious teeter tatter as it neared its destination. The image outside shifted into people that resembled closely to her age. Some were clade in clothes no better than hers but she thought little of it since she'll now start working under them. The thought. She stepped out and as her last foot landed on the uneven ground under her, the carriage left as fast as it came; slow but steady then disappeared. It was almost hard to see it go, it seemed to have served a purpose of mockery for the young orphans showing forth one last time of their old way of living. It was like a symbol, a symbol of affluence itself, no longer bound to serve or address, now free to roam in its own accord leaving its children to finally fend for themselves.

Mary's eyes remained glued to it but shortly looked over to see her new caretakers. Some were dashingly handsome while others were... well civilians of the outer district. She looked down at her small handbag that held little. She dusted it a bit from the dust that danced around her. She did not like it here.
Chance Calahaster Assigned

Chance leaned against the hut's wall, not too far from Sebastian. He yawned boredly and looked up from the ground as the insanely fancy carriage rolled up. He had to admit the horses were beautiful, but they certainly wouldn't be able to do much work other than pulling the carriage. Much like the teens he would have to help teach. He doubted they knew how to do the simplest things that he had to do every day. He sighed as they all got out of the carriage. Despite being dressed in rags, almost all of them were walking with their heads held high as if they were still royalty. He noticed some of the teens were having a glaring stand-off. He personally didn't care, he just wanted it to be over already. He kept his face blank, not wanting to scare them, but not wanting to show weakness either.

He frowned slightly and looked down as he remembered back to the day he had been told about having to help these teens. Since he didn't have parents anymore, some random guy had been the one to tell him. The man hadn't explained it very well, simply saying that he had to help them adjust to living here. He still wasn't sure what all that would entitle. At the very least, they would probably have to be taught how to work hard. He crossed his arms as he eyed the teens. They were all perfectly groomed and he was starting to get a bad feeling about having to live with them. Hopefully most of them wouldn't complain about the living quarters. Then again, they were used to the best and this definitely wasn't the best of anything. Even his previous home was bigger than this. That was probably the point though. If they were going to get used to roughing it, why not give them the worst of the worst.

He listened to a couple of the outer ring girls mocking the strangers. The corner of his mouth tilted up ever so slightly in a smirk. He just wanted to be somewhere else, but it wasn't like he had anywhere else to go. And perhaps this could turn out to be a bit of fun. He frowned as he realized he actually had quite a bit in common with the orphans. He sighed quietly and looked up at the sky. He watched a couple birds fly by and wished he could grow wings and fly away. It seemed like there should be an easier way to deal with the whole situation, but there wasn't much he could do about it. He let his mind wander back into the past, when everything was normal.
Guinevere Knightly


Guinevere could hardly breathe. All she could think about was that night. Her icy blues stared straight ahead as her thoughts ran rampant in her mind. She wasn't wearing one of the dresses that the public normally saw her in. She wore leather armor stained with the blood of her father.

The night that the outer ring rebels infiltrated the inner ring, Guinevere was having her nightly training session with her father. She could recall vividly hearing her stepmother's bloodcurdling scream and being ambushed by the outsiders. When they were attacked, Vera and her father instantly turned their swords from each other and fought off the rebels. In the end there were too many of them and Guinevere watched in horror as a sword pierced her father in the abdomen. She fought her way to him as he lay dying on the ground and without hesitation, she threw her body on top of his begging him to live. She could still remember his last words to her.

Guinevere, learn from your father's mistakes. Do not stand idly by while other people suffer. Do not hate those of the outer ring, but learn to live in harmony with them. Hatred and revenge will do you no good in this life."

The rebels had to tear her away from her father's body and she kicked and screamed and fought until one of them knocked her out with the hilt of his weapon. And now she found herself in a carriage with 7 other teenagers of the inner ring. They were to learn to live like the people of the outer ring. While Guinevere didn't mind learning to take care of herself, she found it particularly hard to obey her father's wishes. She didn't want to hate the group of 8 that stood scowling at them as they exited the carriage, but she didn't yet understand how to move past her grief. She looked around at the people who exited the carriage with her. At least some of them were her friends. She wouldn't go through this ordeal completely alone. Facing the group before her, she found herself half hiding behind Augustus. She prefered not to deal with others when they were being friendly. Saying that she didn't want to deal with the teens in front of her was an understatement their expressions of displeasure caused her anxiety to spike. Her eyes focused on a redhead girl as she snapped something at them, but she didn't hear what it was. Her mind couldn't focus on anything except her grief for her father.
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Killian Jace Morgan


Killian quickly finished helping his neighbor patch up the thatch roof of his home, jumping down to the muddy ground the minute it was done, not bothering with the ladder that leaned against the small shack sized home. "I'll see you around sir." Killian bowed his head in respect before making his way off to the house that he would spend most of his time in for days to come. He was skeptical of the arrangement, it didn't seem like a very good idea to him in any way. Why teach these kids how to blend into outer ring culture and lifestyle? Why not just leave them to suffer as their parents did to the outer ring?

You can't think like that. This is an honor, in it's own twisted way.

Jogging through the town, Killian politely smiled and waved to plenty of his community, people he'd worked for or helped in some way or another, children that he had given up his own belongings for. Killian would do most anything for these people, he was a strong believer in strong community and philanthropy, even if he didn't have much to give himself.

Rounding the corner to the new quote unquote home... Killian saw that the most of the other's were already there and the horse drawn carridge was pulling up to the small group. "Hell." He sighed, sliding into a space next to Soph and looking around the assigned group a bit. Most of them he at least recognized if not friends with them.

As the newly found orphans exited their cushy form of travel, Killian found himself looking at them with raised eyebrows. How were they going to blend in here? They all looked so polished, even in their ragged clothing. Years of harsh conditions and hard work had made him and his peers look so much different than the others, so how could they make these inner ring kids like them in such little time. His steel gray eyes looked down at his own body, tunic was covered in soot and mud, hanging from his lithely toned body like a billowed sheet. His pants were covered in holes and the same blemishes that littered the tunic. His short waved ash brown hair was mostly neat save for a few stray pieces of thatch from the roof he had just left. Even his face was blemished with dirt. These kids had the clothes but besides that...

"Oi, Soph." Killian frowned at his friend, elbowing her in the rib cage and giving her a harsh glare, "She doesn't mean to be horribly rude she just came out like that."
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Farah Gytha


A week ago Farah had been pulled out of her house by a officer who had know her well, since all the trouble she gets into. He had a love hate relationship with he knew very little about her, but looked at her like a daughter. She never let him get to close, but had became close. He pulled her out, after knocking. She was taken by surprised, and pushed him to the floor. She could help it, being a fighter you have to be on your toes 24/7. After he got up, and scolded her seriously. You shouldnt do that, your going to get hurt one of these days, you should do something less dangerous for money. She has heard it millions of times, now all it sounded like was BLAH BLAH BLAH. After he stop ranting at her, she allowed him into her tiny TINY house. He told her that he had signed her up to help inner orphans. She got up, and threw her tantrums, throwing things. She hated Fucking wealthy Snobs, mainly cause they caused the death of her mom. She ran out of her house, but decided after lots of yelling at her friend the officer that she would do it ONLY cause she wanted to watch the damn snobs worlds crash. She was positive that the hadnt thrown a punch, or held a shovel. This was going to be lots of fun for her.

Farah smiled evilly as she waited for the snobs to come. She had seen some friends, some enemies, some strangers, but all of them were going to be her partners, but that doesnt mean the are going to be her friends. She was going to be herself, and many many people told her that she scared people off. Which is completely what she wanted. She saw the carriages coming. They were huge! She had never actually ridden in a carriage, so she was somewhat curious about them. She saw all the people come out of the carriage. She saw there depressed faces, she had no regard to the past anymore. All that mattered now was that she whipped them into shape. She now had a cold angry face on hopefully intimidating them. She was told not to fight, but she will if anyone challenges her for dominance. They all just better watch there backs.

Rylan waited and watched the orphans step out the carriages, seeing whether he could recognize them or not through their features they might have shared. He wouldnt lie and say their depressed or downtrodden face of the orphans didnt give him a small amount of pleasure. Also with it came a small amount of pity which he tried desperately to suppress, trying to maintain his stoic done. He started to walk next to Farah and whispered in her ear. "What a sorry lot, we got a lot of work ahead of us. Think you can play taskmaster?" He asked wiith a small smirk.

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James was walking along the uneven ground, towards the house that would now serve as his home. As he neared the other assigned teenagers, he noted that they all seemed to be there already; making him feel a bit embarrassed for coming so late. James stood with them and waited for the carriages to arrive out of the blinding glare of sun that beat down upon them. While he waited, his mind was drawn to the argument he and his mother had before he came here..

James had waken up like usual, standing up and getting dressed, and had walked to his mother; where she would give him a tib-bit of bread to keep him going through the day and tell him what they would be doing in the fields today. "James." His mother had said while James had been eating his bread. "I have something important for you to do." To which he had replied:

"Yes, what is it, Mom?"

"You are to go to a cottage and teach orphaned inner circle children what it is like to be in the outer circle." She had replied, looking slightly sympathetic; at what he had to do, maybe.

"But why me? The inner circle has only harmed our family; why should I do something for them?!" James had told his mother, his voice slightly louder than before.

"I do not know why, but what I do know is that you must go and help them by choice or be forced to go." His mother had calmly stated, looking at him with a serious face; like she would herself dole out punishments to him. "And anyway." She said, "You be able to teach them in our ways, and maybe even see them being kind to us; because they did not take your father's medicine away, their parents did." His mother had explained.

"I guess so, I'll go then." James had sullenly replied, knowing that what his mother had said was right but not wanting to think that.

His reminiscence of what had happened disappeared as a carriage trundled along the path; it's ornate design shining in the light. James watched as the door to it opened, revealing the inner circle teenagers walking out; heavy luggage following them. The carriage quickly sped away, a small trail of dust following the wheels as it went. James looked at the teenagers, trying not to scowl at them as they stood looking uncomfortable. He reminded himself that their parents had just been killed and to show a little compassion for what they had been through.



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Katrina instantly tore her eyes from the golden carraige as the red haired, dragged up, girl spat "Staring won't bring it back. It's gone. Get over it. And it will never be coming back."

Katrina stared at her, her blue eyes scanning the girl. Had she ever learned how to use a hairbrush? She patted the thought down, before biting on her plump lip, scanning each one at at a time.

She looked towards the outer men, muscular arms tense and defensieve. Their faces with a smirk slapped across them, and their knees filthy dirty, muck caked into them.

"Wow, you all have pretty faces, good luck keeping them while your here."

Katrinas eyes narrowed, but she kept a sweet, polite smile on her face as the girl neared the assigned group.

The girl with the angry, cold face was indeed intimidating, but Katrina kept her head high, her lips now pursing into an even sweeter smile,
killing them with kindness.

"She doesn't mean to be horribly rude. She came out like that."

Another guy, who was standing by the red haired girl had muttered.

Katrina let out a sigh, running her fingers through her soft, yet unbrushed hair. She figured, as former princess, that maybe she should be the one to actually break the silence of the orphaned teens.

Katrina stepped forward, an air of elegance and politeness surrounding her. Although she was a little hurt that they were angry at her and the rest, she still figured that they were going to be stuck together for a while. Might as well get used to it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. Katrina Lovett."

Katrina decided not to use her birth second name, the royal family of Audric, but instead use her mothers second name, Lovett. After the storming, she refused to even think of her father, and stomped his name from her mind.

The girl twisted a lock of blonde hair between her nimble fingers, her white teeth again biting into her lip as she glanced behind her for some cooperation and support from the other seven orphans.



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Rylan saw the princess step forward and introduce herself, noting the attempt to cover her identity. He though it was time to make the introduction, they sooner they start the sooner they can finish. Things were already getting tense and as much as much as he wanted to give them a piece of his mind with his axe, the piece must be mentained. He stepped forward. " I, Rylan the secon,d welcome the former princess Katrina and the other chosen for this programme of re-education to living in dumps you sent us once."


James carefully watched as the princess, 'ex' princess now, step closer to the assigned with all of the elegance and grace of the princess she had been. He wondered what she was going to say to them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. Katrina Lovett" She said.

James saw her get uncomfortable soon after saying that, biting her lip and glancing behind her for support. He decided that he wouldn't introduce himself just yet; he wanted to see what the others were going to say. James tried to smile at her, thinking that it might make her feel less uncomfortable then before; remembering from his father to show compassion and kindness to others. This lead him to think about his father; his death and the memories they had shared, before mentally shoving the thoughts away, not wanting to think about him when people from the inner circle were so near to him right now. James knew the teenagers from the inner circle would not be especially loved by them, but it paid to be kind to the people he was now going to be living with.

James simply waited for the reaction of the orphans, wondering what they would do now Katrina had made the first move and introduced herself. He watched as a guy from his group spoke up.

"I, Rylan the second, welcome the former princess Katrina and the other chosen for this programme of re-education to living in dumps you sent us once." Rylan said, quite sarcastically. James couldn't help smiling a bit at the statement and chose to introduce himself as well.

"I'm James Monty." He said, choosing to keep his introduction simple.


Adriana tried really hard not pay attention to any of the orphaned who would remind her of the problems that had occurred over the past few days. The light wind lightly blew her blonde hair and her blue eyes couldn't help but look around at the orphaned group. The outer ring area was far more dirty the the marble floored halls of the castle and Adri knew that it would take the orphaned a while to get use to this place.

Katrina, a beautiful blonde ex-princess, was the first to step forward. Nini wasn't going to be the first one to catch attention to herself. She didn't want to much attention on herself. Better to get her introduction over before the attention landed on her last so Adriana calmly stepped forward and looked each of the orphaned in the eyes before letting a small sigh escape her pink lips.

"Adriana Belle. You can call me Adri," Only those closest to her called her Nini and these people were far from close to her. Adriana stepped back after her intro and stood beside one of the assigned. Adri put her hand on her hand when the wind blew a bit more and strands of her hair began to block her vision of the orphaned group. This wasn't going to go to well, was it?
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Guinevere Knightly



Guinievere was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of the princess' voice. She listened to Katrina's introduction and her icy eyes rested on each person that introduced themselves taking note of their names and faces. Guinevere noted the look that Katrina gave her an the other orphans knowing that she wanted them all to introduce themselves. She didn't particularly feel like speaking, but she knew that she should follow suit. With the attitude that she may as well introduce herself sooner rather than later, she stepped out from behind Augustus and looked straight ahead her voice was flat and mechanical, "
I am Guinevere Knightly. I also respond to Gwen or Vera." She averted her gaze as she stepped back waiting for the next person to introduce themselves.


August's piercing hazel eyes glared at a few of the assigned group who had made snide comments at them. Who did they think they were? He was Lord Augustus Valan, and these kids were just some scrawny poor teenagers who had never even seen a lavish carriage before, based on their reactions. His face was filled with arrogance as he stood their with an air of importance and looked at the dirty group with a haughty look. His gaze shifted over to the few kids who had stepped forward to introduce himself, and he rolled his eyes. He watched his ex-fiance and former princess, Katrina, take the lead in these introductions, not surprising him at all. August knew that Katrina was always a peacemaker and tried to avoid conflicts at all costs.

He could feel one of his close friends, Gwen, half-hiding behind him and he felt an instinctive nature to protect her. He knew that she was rather timid and mild. Based on the faces of the assigned group in front of him, she was going to have a hard time adjusting to their rude personalities. August's glare only strengthened at the thought of any of these grimy people hurting his friends.

He made no move to introduce himself as he had absolutely no intention of trying to get along with the other group. Only when he saw Gwen step forward did he sigh and shift his pompous gaze over to them. "My name is Lord Augustus Valan," he introduced his full name with an arrogant smirk, not bothering to add his nickname. His entire being and tone oozed his elitist mentality as he stared down the other group with his piercing gaze.
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Farah Gytha


The former princess had gotten out and Attempted to be nice to people. The people here werent being nice back. She was one of them, but the only way to get her angry is to be mean which she saw nothing like that coming from her. Her being nice was surprising, from what happened to her. She had experienced more in a month then some people experience in their entire life. She nodded, and smiled kindly at the princess. "Hello, Katrina." She wasnt a princess at the moment, but since she had been through alot, and seemed respectful Farah decided not to get angry... yet. The Former Princess was beautiful, she had long blonde hair, which she was jealous. of She had not one scar! Everyone on the outer ring usually at least have one. Farah had at least 30, fighting hasnt been good for her looks. She cut off all her hair so noone could grab it. She had scars, and bruises! She had a broken nose, that had been popped back in place by herself.​


The next person got out, glared at them....Snap.... She quickly walked over to this man, with a big name who thought he was all that. She glared sharp daggers at him. "Do you have a reason to be glaring? Do you have an enemy here? You dont know any of us, so you cant be glaring at us! Or maybe you do have an enemy here? Who is it? If you are glaring you better fix yourself, pissing off strangers can get you in trouble here. Trust me." She spat, he was somewhat taller, but that never intimidated her. She has fought men like him before, she lost alot at first, but know she can do it. She still was glaring at Augustus, he wasnt a lord anymore. He was just a commoner now. Time to knock him off his high horse.

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"I, Rylan the second, want to welcome the former princess, and the others chosen for this programme of education to living in the dumps you once sent us to."

Katrina bowed her head enough for it to be recognised as a part of respect. So this was the man that would be replacing her seat in the castle. Impressive.

"It's an honour to finally meet you, Prince Rylan."

She said slowly, noticing his sarcastic tone of voice. She was greeting him with absolute manners, and he was greeting her with blunt sarcasm. Maybe the kingdom will never be in harmony.

She smiled at the guy who went by James Morty, reassuring herself that she was doing the right thing. One by one, her fellow Orphans inteoduced themselves politely. Until they reached her Ex Fiancé. The man who was so far up himself, to the point of no return. His arrogance made Katrinas smile fade, just as Farah stepped in.

Katrinas eyes widened as the young woman decided to threaten him, she didn't know the word
glaring could be used so much in the one sentence. She did however, shoot August a hurt look. All of her peacemaking work had just fallen apart, as the trust was lost.

"Do excuse Augustus.. He's not the friendly type.."

She almost whispered, as she saw the look on the assigned kids faces.

What had he done?



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