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Fantasy Assassin's League

Assassin's league is a tournament where hired killers from around the world compete for the title of the best! Any weapon can be used, any skill, but you MUST be stealthy in order to compete.. This is the 30th annual assassin's league, You have been invited to join, You find a note on your last target, telling you to meet at the infamous Drygyt Hideout. There you will be assigned your targets..Good luck. Also, I forgot to mention..You can kill other assassins..


1. Romance is allowed and encouraged, it will add depth to the story.

2.Do not over use blood or gore

3. Do not use one line descriptions, Give me Paragraphs of what happened.

4.No Instant killing, Attacks to other peoples characters must be like this "He attempted to slam his blade into his back."

5.If things are getting..Funky between characters, PLease use Fade to black..

6.No swears, as i am trying to keep this more appropriate for teens.

7.Have fun.
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