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Realistic or Modern Assassination Squad

Character Sheet! Please fill it out! @Jacob Berry

Appearance: (pic. anime/real life)


Assassin Name: (and one sentence telling how they got their name)



Weapon(s): (remember, this is a realistic setting. no mythical or magical weapons are permitted)

Sexual Orientation: (optional)

Personality: (one short paragraph)

Body Count: (how many people have they killed? must be at least over 10 kills, no more than 100)

And sorry I didn't space it out, it look so sloppy Dx

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/girl-w-brown-hair.jpg.62d5920328431f1f31b9df78dcde8f2a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/girl-w-brown-hair.jpg.62d5920328431f1f31b9df78dcde8f2a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Amy Parsons

Assassin Name: Bloodtears. On her first kill, her target's blood spattered onto her face, forming small droplets that resembled tears.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Weapon(s): Twin Sai, dual pistols, and a small spike on a light chain, acting as a whip-like mace.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Amy is not your typical average girl. She's not fond of cute things, makeup, "girly" matters and she's nothing like what you'd expect. She's always been a little cocky, often making her come off as brutal and heartless. She could be called a tomboy, yet she's not a stereotype: she can be sweet and gentle, when someone's on her good side. Amy is a tough cookie, and she will defend her tough tomboy nature like nobody's business. If you look past her tough exterior (which is kind of hidden by her clothing choices) you'll know she is down to Earth, real, and cares for the well-being of those around her. She's clever and witty, and may or may not have an opinion on things...positive or negative! She's extremely cocky, has a bit of an anger issue and, as a side note, accidentally broke her older brother's nose when he called her "fat" during her...well, monthly Hell session.

Body Count: 57. For an assassin so young, this is a very high number.

(I originally had two history tabs for us. But then, I removed the history sections on the CS because the assassins don't discuss or share their history. Any backstory is completely secret.)



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Name:Saru Masa

Assassin Name: The Samuri. Uses a Katana and Samuri swordplay.

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Weapon(s): Katana, dual Glock G22 extended magazines, Thompson Machine gun in certain situation. His fists in hand to hand scenarios. They are very deadly

Sexual Orientation: Straight(Heterosexual)

Personality: He seems cold and heartless at first but is very kind and caring to his comrades and friends. He is very intelligent, calm and collected. He can be witty, sarcastic and funny at times. He excels under pressure. He is very quiet until you get to know him. For an assassin he can show alot of remorse for certain targets. He likes to procrastinate and is sometimes called lazy but when it comes to assassinating he is very determined

Body Count: 88
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[QUOTE="Jacob Berry]Appearance

Name:Saru Masa

Assassin Name: The Samuri. Uses a Katana and Samuri swordplay.

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Weapon(s): Katana, dual Glock G22 extended magazines, Thompson Machine gun in certain situation.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: He seems cold and heartless at first but is very kind and caring to his comrades and friends. He is very intelligent, calm and collected. He can be witty, sarcastic and funny at times. He excels under pressure. He is very quiet until you get to know him.

Brief Personal History: He was born into a Yakuza family as an only child. When he was young he had a gift for gymnastics and martial arts. He learned various martial arts and fighting styles at a young age on orders of his father. He also trained in Kendo and various sword styles, as well as handgun training. When he was ten his mother was killed by his father, he said "She made you too weak." At the age of seventeen he killed his mother and took over his Yakuza family, he continued to train and eventually began to kill people. When he was 22 he got married and had a child, they were both soon killed by a rival Yakuza boss. He disbanded his yakuza family and began a personal vendetta against the Rival gang. That is how he found the underground world of assassins.

Brief Assassin History: He started his assassin career at the age of 22 after killing a local Yakuza leader in Tokyo. He soon found a hub of assassin contractors and assassins and began to take on various contracts. From killing local warlords in Africa to political figures. He even assassinated Princess Diana for reasons. He is well known for using the sword against most odds. His calling card is decapitating his targets head and leaving a cherry blossom there.

Body Count: 71

I'm so sorry I took out the history bits! I guess I editted it as you made your character...I'm sorry! His history may not be relevant. I'm so sorry, I explained in my own CS
xD I can't wait to see how they play out. Now for Blaze, Vip and Jaw to make theirs xD
Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/TOM-WELLING-tom-welling-32498060-397-450.jpg.2b239dca7dd6e5c5b16d31354e7529bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/TOM-WELLING-tom-welling-32498060-397-450.jpg.2b239dca7dd6e5c5b16d31354e7529bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: William Blevins

Assassin Name: Cold. When he started as an assassin, he would dump his victims into freezers....a calling card he soon dropped.

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Weapon(s): His fists. A set of steel nunchucks. A crossbow. On occasion, a bo staff made of solid titanium.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Personality: William is one to seem like a grumpy hot-head. But In fact he's rarely over the top angry, he might be very annoyed though. He often acts like he doesn't care about anything at all, but he's just secretly afraid of showing it. To avoid falling back to a weak child he hides most of his emotion, making him come off as a quite cold and ruthless one. Not to mention that he can't talk about them either. He has a really hard time when it comes to describing what he's thinking, it often comes out the wrong way.

Body Count: 50



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Name: Dimitri Hathaway

Assassin Name: Mystique. This name came from the X-men character since both can change their appearance at will and infiltrate almost any place given enough time.

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Weapon(s): Poisons (premade or using whatever is available), hidden blades, a small pistol, his words and makeup.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Personality: Dimitri is highly adaptable, which includes people and situations which can apply to his everyday life as well as work. His default personality tends to be sarcastic and flirty with a touch of mystery, flattery will roll off of his tongue without him even thinking about it. If you ever manage to catch him alone and off his guard he will appear like a statue, blank and void of all emotion, but if he notices you that golden smile with snap back into place. He tends to be quite the liar and it is hard to get a straight answer out of him unless it has to do with the current mission. He is willing to endure anything to complete his mission for however long is needed, prison, torture, and even the ugliest of mankind in the most intimate of situations included.

Body Count: Only 32 since his skills are suitable for specific types of assassinations.
Nice, guys! I'm going to bed now, but I'll begin the RP tomorrow. See you all then!

but @Jacob Berry I look forward to this RP with you guys! The characters all seem very interesting, and I love them already! I'll post in the morning and tag you all in it!! See you then!!!!
Okay @PenBlade1326 I also like all these characters! I might not be able to reply tell tomorrow afternoon. Going on a short trip with my Grandma. >_> Can't wait though! I'm the old guy here! xD

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