Ashton Marina


My member has a title haha jk
Basics: Ashton Marina

Age: 18 

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight , bi-curious

Grade: 12 - Senior.

Eyes: dark brown

Hair color: Light brown

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 160

Body type: thin arms and legs, working on gaining muscle and weight.


Bad at math. He switches the numbers in his head. It gives him a headache and gets irritable.

Wont accept help. But he knows he has too. If he could he'd do it all alone.

Will not look you in the eye. He's too shy for that, and does not make friends easily. 



Enjoys laughing. Talking. He idolizes the friends he makes and everyone is on a pedestal to him.

Try his best not to make you feel bad.

Will never fight. No matter what.

Relationships: None. 

Crushes: None. 


History: Coming from Canada just before he turned 18 he didn't get to enjoy the benefits of buying his first drink and enjoying the nightlife with his friends. 

His parents wanted him to see more than their small town. And hold off on drinking for another 3 years. 


Terrible humor, not bad or mean, he just laughs hysterically at puns. And will shut up once he recieves weird looks.

He likes exercise and tries his best.



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