[Ash and Moonlight] Kaleido

Doctor Calgori

Minister of Science, Shhh.....

[insert character symbol here]


Name: Kaleido

Archetype - Errant Glassmaker

Homeland - The Glassy Coast

Motivation - Acceptance

Gear - Wanderer's glassmaking kit

History - Rejected by her home village and every subsequent Glassy town, Kaleido has been cursed to a life of wandering, forced from the safety of quiet Glassy life into the chaotic rush of a greater existence. As a Glassy, naturally see-through people, she is further ostracized by her own nature: glossed over by friend and foe alike, who simply find better things to do. Forsaken by her people, the only ones who would give her any particular thought, she seeks only to rejoin them in their villages, by whatever means necessary. Due to the stubborn nature of her people, this will require a grand feat indeed.

Failing - Bitter

Integrity - Mostly Sane

  • Further relevant information in appropriately titled tabs


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