[Asakura High] Out of Character

I've just realised something that really confuses and bugs me. Why set the RP in Tokyo when most of the characters aren't even Japanese? <_< The very young principal isn't even Japanese.
@Solitaire he is actually ^^" And seiyuu originate from japan so that's why ^^

@IllusiveShade yep of course!!!!

Also guys I have exams for the next few days so I might not be able to start till a couple of days... I wanted to start yesterday but ^^"
*blinks* oh gosh! I have been so caught up with other things!

Well... We have less members now cause a bunch of people that used to be on this site have left so unless you have some people you can beg to join.... We can start now~
Wow already? It has only been a week :(

I can try later to see if I can get a couple of my palls to join, but I can't promise anything :/
*nods head* I can always check to see if any of thm will still be on here but I think most of them have left ^^"

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