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Realistic or Modern Asad Sabir [slice of life / fantasy] (OPEN)


New Member

Hi everyone! 


Welcome to Lunchroom Asad Sabir. A place that has been there for a long time. To the normal people a place to lunch and relax..

But, the lunchroom holds it's secrets and strange costumers.


-Slice of Life

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Filled with plants, happy chatting costumers and the smell of coffee beans; This was Asad Sabir the only lunchroom in the street. It's owner was Sami, my good friend. Not only did he offer me a place to sleep he also made sure I could work a few times a week so I could live. My life was easy and didn't have too much commitments, just the way I liked it. My home was a small room with a bed, television and some other stuff I still had stuffed away in boxes. You could say I was someone who traveled and I had been that kind of person a while ago, yet now I had found a place to stay and start something. What that something was I didn't know, but I promised myself not to worry too much about what the future would hold. 

"Alvan! Are you still sleeping? Don't you dare!" my good friend, always yelling but in kind of a charming way, he never seemed angry, he was just loud. A soft groan and a sting in my head awoke me. I got up from the bed, leaving the warm and discolored blankets to start another day. Quickly I dressed myself and ran down the wooden stairs that led me into a small corridor and eventually into the lunchroom. I was surprised it was so crowded, it was a Monday and nothing big was going on in the city. "Get an apron and get to work!" Sami barked.  I did as I was told and started my day.
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