Artificial Souls: Heart of the Unknown (Info/Sign-ups)

Name: "Inquisitor Valerion"

Age: ?

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Nationality: Silaran

Weight: 232 lbs.

Height: 6'1"


Personality: He is as cruel as the intentions of his masters realized in a man, and as relentless as a good warhound. He adheres to a strict code, and follows through on any order given to him, no matter the price, even if it means tarnishing his blade in the blood of a child heretic.

Biography: Valerion is a man bred for combat, another product of the Church of Repentance and its on-going war machine against the heretics that plague Daestraya. His past is mired in the inky darkness that lives under the City of Spires where child soldiers are made out of orphaned children and into the personal tools of the Ascendant Order, training them in the rigors of fighting as purists without the taint of alchemy.

He is no different, following the same path that so many before him had tread against their wills. During this journey, they would sink their claws into the boy and shape him into what they wanted. They erased their freedoms, their minds, their personalities, wiping them like chalk from a piece of slate. And they would instill Silaran righteousness into their hearts until it was the only flame that burned inside, the only spark of light in their eyes.

As he aged, they would show him the ways of fighting with the blade, and how to maneuver well within the confines of heavy armor. He would be taught that alchemy is a great evil, and that it must be purged from the lands. And to achieve this goal, he must listen to his superiors and follow their orders to the very dot at the end, which usually resulted in the signing of some unfortunate soul's death warrant.

A warrior spy and assassin, serving the Great Divine, taught to relish in the suffering of his enemies. Not for coin. Not for material wealth. But because it was the right thing to do. And do it he would, behind an emotionless mask. The mask of Inquisitor Valerion.


Claymore "Vindicator" - A silver blade that Valerion wields with deadly efficiency. It is simple, strong, and effective. Gaudiness is not necessary, just cold metal to cleave apart the unworthy.

Hooded Cloak - Valerion conceals his physical attributes in a leather cloak as dark as the armor that he bears, which is enhanced to resist the effects of fire and cold.

Metal Mask - To conceal his physical attributes as well as to protect his face in battle, he wears a steel mask with notches made for his eyes. It is spartan save for writings from scriptures of the Great Divines.


Valerion wears this pendant wherever he goes; it is a prototype from the labs of Silarus, negating direct attempts at close-combat alchemy, making him a very real threat to anyone that does not deal with him at range.
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Name: Caridin Atanno

Age: 28

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Nationality: Corvosinium

Weight: 160lbs

Height: 5'7




Caridin lives for speed. He always attempts to find the fastest way to finish any given task shoved onto him. As a consequence for his desire for speed, he usually ends up speaking faster than his brain could put forth ideas and thus making him say stupid things when he interacts with people. He fancies himself being quick to react to any situation but that's as far as he goes, he is able to react to the things around him but is generally oblivious the unfolding larger picture. It also makes him a very impulsive person more and often than not allowing his emotions to have influence on his actions.

He has recently made a conscious effort to slow down and take his time, but that inborn desire for speed in anything still surfaces often. He also grew up holding on to the naive belief of total equality for everyone. He possesses a large amount of tolerance for the other races and peoples, but when locked in an argument that he sees as one sided or perceives as "talking to a talking wall" his impulsiveness always kicks and further compounds the problem by severely shortening his capacity for patience and overall tolerance. He just wants to get it over with and people rarely seem to want to shut up after all, making him act rash.

The only concrete evidence that Caridin can slow down was when we he was studying to become a better alchemist. He always yearns for knowledge and learning also seems to keep his impulsive behavior in check for a short period of time. He never once decided to rush through learning something new, often dragging out the lecture and squeezing as much information out as he can. It was stated before that "If he could only keep a rein on his mouth and properly sort his thoughts, that boy can actually come up with unorthodox yet effective ways of dealing with things." However, further evidence shows that Caridin could embody this statement only when the whole of Deastraya gets completely obliterated....twice.


Caridin had a very normal childhood, it was only during the beginning of his teen aged years that he began exhibiting his current disposition and personality. Of course, normal in itself is very relative and subjective term. His mother died giving birth to him and his father was simply grief stricken for a while, hence why he was passed on to his uncle for a period of time before his father decided to man up and take charge of his responsibility and forge on. Caridin was born in the capital city of the Republic but was moved to a small town near the fringes of the Republic's territories and later moved back into Captial to live with his father.

It was during his childhood with his uncle and aunt that he had shown signs of aptitude in Alchemy, though Caridin himself didn't seem that much amazed at the time. His uncle had found a mentor for him to hone his budding skill but it did not progress as much as they liked. A few years later, Caridin's father had come along to bring him back to the Capital but not before his uncle had pointed out the recent developments. It was agreed that Caridin should be found more formal instruction within the Capital.

He had found a private mentor and was part of a small class, it was here that he had finally began taking interest in honing his skill. Opting to study for the Electrical specialization, the theories that were taught to him were likely unorthodox in its nature. Caridin couldn't tell if what he was doing was part of the norm though, as he had not found any other Alchemists that weren't under his mentor, not that inconsequential details bothered him at all. It was all about acceleration when it came to being taught his specialization, more than manipulating objects via magnetic fields, it was utilizing those fields to accelerate things to exponential speeds. That was what drew him to that certain specialization "Speed" and "Acceleration." Even at a young age he always wanted to go fast and with this skill he can.

Alchemy: Mechanical Alchemist

Alchemical Field: Electricity

Extra Information:

*I'll just go ahead and ask if I can apply certain real world theories, laws and classifications on my Alchemist? Because I was wondering if it was permitted, I could apply certain theories of magnetism and electric currents, possibly make him a walking railgun(as an example. also to that extent I could add something else in the extra information on expand his biography) or something else entirely.

Did I do it right?
Inquisitor Valerion, I grant you the right of transcendence to the Daestrayan reality!

Caridin Atanno, I grant you the right of transcendence to the Daestrayan reality!
Name: Aidan Revixas (Alias- Eon)

Age: 16

Race: Human (Homunculus)

Gender: Male

Nationality: Alcain (Though says little else about it)

Weight: 115 Ibs

Height: 5'4

Appearance: Aidan has a thin appearance, even before the harsh rationing and treatment of the Fist he never ate much. His skin is slightly paled and he always wears a simple black robe, never taking it off even to sleep. His hair is choppy and uneven, since he cuts it himself and is a darker wheat shade. His eyes are a soft glacier blue and sometimes shift to a deeper oceanic color when he is emotional. He does have quite a bit of muscle despite his slightly small appearance and one of the many reasons he never changes clothes is to hide the scars that cross his skin like spiderwebs on nearly every conceivable place that would be visible, or reachable by a whip.

Personality: Cripplingly shy and reserved, in contrast to the usual violent ways of his 'art'. Aidan doesn't speak unless spoken to by a friend, or if he believes the situation absolutely demands it. Conditioned to never convey emotion or any show sort of feeling he will rarely even meet the eye of the person he's talking too. Though despite his quite and seemingly simple demeanor he thinks a lot and will often avoid groups in favor of sitting alone to think. When he's presented with an intense situation, or in some cases cornered into one, he shows many obsessive habits such as gripping his arm and shifting from foot to foot. Lastly, a slightly embarrassing fact, in his time with the Fist, Aidan had very little to no interaction with women. So he will often stare or blush uncontrollably when around one he thinks is attractive.

Bio: Born into the Alcanian Empire to a favored concubine of the Emperor, Aidan's life has been both one of hardship, and suffering. After his birth he was abandoned, dumped at an orphange in the lower district or 'Slums' of the Alcanian Capital. Eventually being adopted at the age of nine, but even this small amount of happiness was not to last. At the age of eleven he showed his first sign of Alchemy skill, by making a small golem out of rubble of his new home, that had mysteriously burnt down in the night, and his foster mother's soul. This drew the immediate attention of the Fist of Shadow causing them to conscript the young boy and treat him to extreme conditioning due to his unique skill. His questionable upbringing in the 'Slums' also led to an odd relationship between he and many of his instructors and peers in his early years. his instructors rarely cared if his training actually progressed unlike the other recruits, only however, if he failed was he shown any attention in the form of reduced rations or beatings. Leading to his stoic and evasive nature today. It took a whole year before he went even a week without punishment, after all, what ingrains discipline and precision better than fear of punishment upon failure? So finally, after two years of many forms of inflicted torture and training in near-equal amounts, he was assigned his first mission. To the surprise of many it was a complete success. To skip any unnecessary detail or rambling, he never failed a mission to the day he left. Earning him resentment from his peers and sterner expectations from those above him. Though in retrospect, him leaving was more of an eventuality than a question. Though naturally his Mortal Alchemy would have a negative effect on him, during his early years he saw the creations he made as his own version of created life. Every victim, every target, was another life he had taken away and having made his own, in his mind, made the acts haunt him more than it would a normal individual. So it came to pass that during a during a mission of... important nature, eliminating a supposedly treasonous noble, he fled. Leaving him with nothing but the clothes on his back and a desire to leave his old life behind.

Alchemy: Primary-Elemental, Secondary-Mortal

Alchemy Field: Lightning, Soul Manipulation

Extra Info: Having had next to nothing that he cherished, Aidan is extremely protective of things he holds dear. Also, he is more terrified of disappointing or letting people down than he is of something like fighting or nearly anything else, and reflexively flinches at raised tones of voice. The first golem he created he still keeps tucked away on his person as a sort of heirloom or companion. And since his departure from the Fist of Shadow, he's continued to practice swordsmanship, something he sees as more practical and will allow him to fit in easier with the world around him. Though in his short time outside of the Fist, he has also taking a liking to music. Finally, he will often times sit outside during storms, admiring the lightning and thunder for being so brave as to light the whole world and roar their defiance, which led to his eventual skill in it's manipulation and desire to, like Lightning and Thunder, effect the world.
Aidan Revixas, I grant you the right of transcendence to the Daestrayan reality! (He contacted me via PM before RP closing.)

Updated List:

Transcended Souls:

Callixtus Caine (Bard) [Mechanical Alchemist, Human Homunculi] {Silara}

Dren Zerole (PyroWarriorZ) [Elemental Alchemist, Human Homunculi] {Formerly Alcain}

Reggi Malcome (Murfemra) [Mechanical Alchemist, Eranin] {Xerith}

Aeris Fallborne (EliCarter) [Non-Alchemist, Human] {Silara}

Narathzul Amateas (Ineffectivd) [Elemental/Mortal Alchemist, Human] {Alcain}

Farah Velan (Ninbinz) [Elemental Alchemist, Human Homunculi] {Corvosinium}

Raiza Xerxes (Don Valence) [Elemental Alchemist, Human Homunculi] {Corvosinium}

Selyf Magali (Rafi) [biological Alchemist, Eranin] {Formerly Xerith}

Dove Graceheart (CharChar45) [biological Alchemist, Human Homunculi] {Silara}

Paola Bahari (Sire Souriez) [biological Alchemist, Dirvah Homunculi] {Corvosinium}

Petri Jarkko (Heartsteal22) [Non-Alchemist, Human] {Metenos}

Imra Jarkko (Heartsteal22) [universal Alchemist, Human] {Metenos}

Inquisitor Valerion (Bard) [Non-Alchemist, Human] {Silara}

Caridin Atanno (Sol The Hastag) [Mechanical Alchemist, Human] {Corvosinium}

Aidan Revixas (Mad Prince of Sanity) [Elemental/Mortal Alchemist, Human] {Alcain}

(More to be added as CS's are accepted.)
Name: Eunice Schneider

Age: 35

Race: Eranin

Gender: Female

Nationality: Corovosiniumite, Xerithian (previously)

Weight: 94

Height: 5'0"

Appearance: Eunice has orange hair that reaches her mid back and a widow's peak. She has thin lips and large eyes with turquoise irises and has long eyelashes. She often wears nature-colored tunics with white tights underneath (Think of how Link dresses) and wears brown boots with golden buckles. She has a black hairband she uses to pull her hair back whenever she is in nature (which is often) and she has pierced ears and wears seafoam pearls.

Personality: Eunice has an adventurous spirit. She loves exploring the forest in Xerith and enjoys befriending the animals there. She has a temper especially if you mess with nature or speak badly of it. She feels very strongly about nature and despises the Irbalan who care nothing about nature. She has several animals wandering around her house, because she simply cannot get enough of them. It is hard for her to resist animals and loves all things that are cute.

Biography: Eunice lived a very boring life in Xerith. Every day was the same. Wake up, eat her oatmeal, go to school, go back home, eat her stew, do her homework, go to bed. She thought this was extremely motonous. She was ecstatic when her parents allowed her to go out and explore the forest. She stayed in the forest from the time she got out of school from when she had to go to bed. It was difficult to get her out of the forest, because there was just so much to do. She discovered all sorts of hidden caves and made all sorts of different hideouts.

After a few years she had discovered everything that there was to discover about the forest. Luckily, she had all of the animals in the forest and being an Eranin she was able to talk to them. She had become close friends with one rabbit that had called himself Claus. The two had started to go on adventures together through the forest and soon Eunice took Claus as a pet. She had even made a cute little Bowtie for Claus. Eunice's adventures with Claus made her want to move somewhere with plenty of adventure. She and Claus decided that Corovosinium would be a perfect place to move. When she was old enough she and Claus moved to Corovosinium. She opened a pet shop, because she loved animals and felt she should share her passion. She likes to talk to the animals and never feels lonely with them.

Alchemy: Biological

Alchemical Field: Fauna

Extra Information: Despite liking animals, Eunice is terrified of insects, large dogs, and bears. She is also a vegetarian.
Sorry, Cressy; Toastey's spot was reserved a while back. However, if Merfemra does not post soon, I can give you his spot :)

Eunice Schneider, I grant you the right of transcendence to the Daestrayan reality!

Nerissa is a very slender girl. Her eyes are more of a light green/blue and her hair a bit more brown. She wears the clothing showed here but without the arm warmers, due to her gauntlet. She also has a black cloak rimmed with red thread. There is a slit in the back of her cloak for her crossbow bolts.

Name: Nerissa Dalavesta

Age: 30

Race: Human Homunculi

Gender: Female

Nationality: Alcain

Weight: 127

Height: 5' 5"

Personality: Nerissa can come off as dark and demented but is far from it. This woman is lighthearted and fun to be around. She likes to joke about most things when the moment is right. She can be stubborn when it comes down to 'taking the lead'. Nerissa likes to keep things simple and tries to get along with everyone she can. That never goes right. She is very blunt and will tell you straight up. She never lies and can be cocky as well as a bad-mouth.

Biography: A baby was born 30 years ago. Her mother passed away in child birth and her father gave her up to a random man. This man went by the name of Emerson. He raised this child, naming her after his daughter who was killed long ago. The tiny girl grew, learning everything she could from this man. He trained her because he knew what she was going to have to do later on in life, or so he thought.

When she became of her teen years Nerissa begin to study and practice Alchemy. She soared through it and was ahead of Emerson before he could go on to the next thing to teach her. It didn't take long for her to realize and find out she was Homunculi. This only added to her excitement. She learned more of her power and what she was. Biological Alchemist:Medical. The time came when she said goodbye to the man she calls her father. With the words and tears traded she left her home, going off to learn everything she can.

Traveling, Nerissa stayed away from most people, fearing they were bandits or some of the bad people she had learned about in story's. She'd become one of those bad people herself, having that longing to join the military and fight for her nation.

Alchemy: Biological Alchemy

Alchemical Field: Medical

Extra Information: vvv


--> Her Crossbow: This weapon is ordinary. Its used for protection and fighting in longer distances. It looks nothing special. Just red oak with leveled red oak bolts. This weapon slows her down due to slow reloading time. This weapon is also heavy making her hold it with both hands most of the time.

--> Her Dagger: The dagger is also ordinary. The handle of the dagger is black with a string of red ruby's swirling around it. The blade its self is 10 inches long and is made of steel. The holster for the dagger is also black and has a line of ruby's along the middle of it from top to bottom.

--> Her Gauntlet: The fingertips of her gauntlet are an inch long and are claw like. Its black with small detailed etching on all sides. The top outer area have large spikes running down it. Although the Gauntlet look dangerous it look it is almost never used for battle. This gauntlet does have her alchemy symbol etched in it for alchemy use.
Don Valence just a quick question, will the medical person be an NPC or an actual character? Wanted to ask before posting, so I have a general idea of what I'm posting.
Char, that is up to you. I had the intention of playing as the medical Alchemist, but you can have it in NPC form if you want.
Name: Bellus Garath

Age: 130

Race: Eranin

Gender: Male

Nationality: Alcain

Weight: 85 kg's

Height: 5'6"



He is nuts, insane, loco. He doesn't hear voices so much as he has conversations with the people who have made the most impact on his life. He see's events long past overlapped with his present. He doesn't speak so much as utter inane phrases that have no pertinent relation to anything. Some might say that within that madness is a wise and venerable old Eranin but there is not, their is a soul marred by the cruelty and hatred of others. Nature is no longer his friend so much as a distant memory. His only reason to clasp to life like the walking specter he is, is revenge. Revenge for what? He doesn't know but his withered soul does.


He was captured nine days ago, he knew it was nine because Silera spent wasted no time in reminding him every hour on the hour how long he had spent in captivity. The Great Bellus Garath, Master of body and soul has been trapped for 6 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 10 seconds. What would you master say? What would he think of his student if he could see you now? She was right, he was a disgrace but there was his master, his face stern as usual. The look in his eyes told him that he would be subject to more punishment later. Silera looked from him to his master and cackled evilly.

A quick and thunderous blow to his face bought his attention back to his predicament. There standing before him was soldier in uniform, not armour but a matching set of clothes that must have had some means of discerning his rank. Bellus however had no intention of learning anything about the lickspittle of a man that judged him. He was a typical human, crude, arrogant and stupid, the man might have an idea of who Bellus was but he did not know the extent of his powers, if only he could bring them to bare, he'd whip the boy's smug smirk from his face with his own pasty white hand.

To think, my prized students sits here before me, cowed like some mangy curr! WHERE IS YOUR PRIDE!?!?? You are my former apprentice, you were taught at the hands of Maglus the Skin Stealer! Maglus the Mind Flayer! Maglus the Blade of Terror!!

Bellus flinched as his former master stood over him, his hand poised to strike. Anger welled up in soul, an anger so old and twisted he had almost forgotten it. Yet there it was, like a rash beneath the pit of his arm, returned. DO NOT JUDGE ME FOOL!! You are DEAD!! I shall rip and tear you asunder!! Be forewarned, your life is MINE!! Spittle dripped from his frothing mouth, his entire face frozen in the very picture of rage. Another sharp and painful blow, where before it had brought him to his senses, this time it sent him swirling into a dark abyss and with all his heart he hoped he had died.

Alas to his never ending torment he was not, instead he lay on his back, his head pounding like a Scaled Behemoth had trampled across his temple several time and the proceeded to bark in his ear. He turned to his side and looked at the familiar wall, he remembered those scratchings he had made as a child. He was in his old cell, he knew because he remembered the days he watched his mother waste away, he mind ravaged by Maglus along with her body. She nursed him while he was a baby and fed him when he was older.

She died before he turned 10, the stains of her death still evident on the stone floor, he last word were Kill him son, kill him. Another ten years later and he did. Maglus the King of Worms was dead at his feet, the man should have known better than to teach him how to use the forbidden science.

Alchemy: Mortal Alchemy

Alchemy: Biological

Alchemical Field: Chimera

Extra Information:
Name: Leina Arakos or “Red”

Age: 16

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Nationality: Silara

Weight: 100

Height: 5’0



Personality: Leina likes to separate herself in 2 personas, Red and Leina. Leina being a bit of a hot headed and stubborn girl that is used to being picked on but ends up not caring, she is at times kind to people but can’t help being a bit mischievous at times but they aren’t really meant to harm anyone, just good ol’ pranking, The next being Red. Red appears when she puts the hood on and is unknown by someone, a bit of a silent but wicked persona, she usually turns into “Red” when she is fighting or needs to do something important. They are still the same person so she can’t help but notice common pet peeves in both of them. (Such as being called Little Red Riding Hood, or being called adorable and cute, being looked upon as harmless but she usually uses that to her advantage) She only tells you her name when she truly trusts you.

Biography: (Note she will be known as Red)

Origins of Red:

Red started as a blessed child in her early years, she was smarter than most children and skipped some grades. She was a bit physically frail which is why her father was so protective but her mother didn’t want to limit her potential so when Red was 7 she started learning alchemy from her mother, at first she wasn’t very sure of what to do and ended up with mysterious cuts and burns but over time she adapted and learned her mothers technique of “Fire Alchemy” it being a sort of rare type of Attack element. But her father was strictly set against it, being a man of the law he thought alchemy was delving a bit too deep in science and should be left alone, “Too dangerous and reckless” he said, being glad his wife “Retired” from that nonsense and how her daughter would become a city judge like himself, but Red would tune him out and secretly study his mothers notebook. At the age of 8 her mother gifted her a red scarf, a Red hooded cloak and white gloves. She knew her mother meant good in an alchemical sense, and she liked the outfit, until that damn name her father called her began to spread “Red”

Red’s Studies:

When Red turned 9 she started using her mother’s gift at a true potential. The robe seemed to grow with her pretty well (Not that she grew a lot). She noticed the pattern of the gloves and cloth, they were both VERY easy to write on, the inside of the robe and some edges on the outside became sort of notebooks, He scarfe held several ways to escape with fire such as using smoke and some other notes and tips, her gloves became her all around weapon and her Robe became her secret weapon and Identity hider really. As she studied away with her mother in their basement, her father kept becoming more and more curious on what they did, instead of regular studies, since Red was usually home schooled, they would do that but also have an alchemy subject longer than others, which would help with math, science, and art all in one. It was a secret subject, until her father found out.


On August 3rd. Her father sneaked into the home and opened the basement, revealing a chalk board with several Alchemical equations on it and her mother showing her. Red froze, her father came down enraged and grabbed the small Red and threw her out of the basement into the kitchen, she slammed against the table but he didn’t seem to care. He slammed the doors shut, staying with Red’s mother. Red could hear her father screaming at her mother, Lydia (Her mother)’s voice was barely audible, her shouts muffled by her Johnathan’s (Her father) constant screaming. After 2 hours of the basement thrashing, screaming, her mother pleading him not to destroy it. He came out of the basement and slapped the small Red. She looked up to her father with a new emotion. Hatred.


Her mother had gotten licensed to teach and Red had a student’s pass luckily, so her father could not report them really but he did have some influences. As she grew her mother became more and more silent. Now that her mother was being beaten she slowly lost her will to teach her daughter alchemy, so Lydia decided to give her daughter one Final gift. Her daughter had been made to swear she would leave the home at 14 due to her betrayal to her father, he said 14 was an okay age to be alone and he should thank her for not kicking her out at the age of 9. Her father became extremelyy distant to her and cold. But the feeling was the same from Red. Red’s mother gave Red a book on her 14th birthday and an orange amulet with a Alchemical circle inside of it, she said she loved her and hugged her, they both stayed like that until the day was over. That was the day Red had to leave the house.


After she left the home Red was quickly found and put into an orphanage, at the orphanage life was alright, they taught the kids basic subjects below the Average grade level. They would have guards come in and introduce themselves to the students, how they work for The Great Divine. Red would simply study her book. She found out that the book showed her some partial Mortal Alchemy. She was surprised her mother knew this, it was forbidden. But she simply hid the book and would secretly read the few hidden pages when she was alone. When she turned 18 she left the orphanage to find a job. (Can you PM me the Details for Mortal Alchemy and all dat? I can delete it if there are too many users)

Other: She can at times use the fire in a way that it touches her (Such as blowing it out of her mouth or having it engulf her hand) but it requires assistance from an Alchemical Circle Equation or a different equation. She doesn’t have those Horns

Alchemy: Elemental, Mortal

Alchemical Element: Fire, VERY little wind knowledge, mostly uses it to enhance her Fire alchemy with oxygen.

Alchemical Field: Mortal would be Biological I believe

Extra Information: She knows general alchemy but doesn’t know alot, and is completely clueless with mechanical alchemy
Alright, the changes to Aeris' profile I said I was going to make have been made, darling~ Feel free to go check them out~
Cressy, once your OC has been accepted, Val will post "Leina Arakos, I grant you the right of transcendence to the Daestrayan reality!" :)
Name: Claus Fluffington (As named by Eunice)

Age: 21

Race: Rabbit

Gender: Male

Nationality: Corvosiniumite, Xerithian ( previously)

Weight: 6 lbs

Height: 16 inches

Appearance: Claus is a rabbit with snowy white fur. He has large blue eyes and long ears. He has several different bowties that Eunice had bought for him. He stands on two feet and walks on all fours when he needs to get somewhere quickly.

Personality: Claus is very sensitive about his height like Eunice, but gets very upset if you make fun of it. He likes to feel like he is in authority so he bosses people around. He wishes that he were taller and more powerful so he enjoys the things Eunice does to him to make him powerful and turns quite viscous when he has DNA grafted to him. He's a neat freak and makes sure that everything is always clean and in tip-top condition! He is strict about rules and needs all rules to be enforced.

Biography: Claus was born to a two lovely white rabbits, but was unfortunately born to several other messy siblings in his litter. He always cleaned up after everyone and it sort of became something he made a daily routine. His other siblings liked to make fun of him for his habit and this made Claus very insecure of himself. One day he went to show his siblings that he could go out to the Xerithian forest and explore. This was the fateful day that he met the beautiful Eranin Eunice. He and her started to go on several adventures through the forest. He always felt special around here and liked the DNA that he grafted to her. Soon when Eunice was old enough to move out he and her moved out to Corvosinium and opened a nice pet shop there.

Extra: Claus has a British accent! owo

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