Art survival [Rp]


bliss walked out of the grocery store. " what do?" she says shaking her head in fustration. What should we do next?"
"Erm... I guess we should brushen up our skills, set up camp, hope monsters dont find our secret supply of paint again, and then kill monsters for the fun of it." Marie said happily. "Of course ill actully be getting revenge for the stuffed animal they stole from me." She muttered to herself. "So who wants to lead?" Marie asked, taking out a piece of paper checking off a few boxes.
" Well, i do have this magical sketch book. Everything i draw or write comes to life, Pretty cool right, and i'll lead if you guys don't want to." bliss says shouldering her bow, looking around for white creatures.
[QUOTE="Onyx Kaspin](I'm leaving this RP. Sorry.)

Well onyx, stop being such a baby . We al can't freaking wait for you hand and foot.
Hey ArtisticKwittyKat, thanks for joining but im already losing the plot for the rp ó.ò;; we could try and start a one rp]
Name: Callisto

age: 17

Gender: Female

Looks: (my avatar is her but her clothing is all white)

Race(can be anythin): half angel

Personality: open hearted, trustworthy, doesn't trust easy but once you get her to open up she is loyal and loving

type of "weapon": none

History: her father is an angel who got her mother pregnant then her mother was killed by one of the beasts who lived on the planet when she was 16. She has been on her own since wandering around.
[Accepted...Well then I guess we continue..~] "yeah, alright." Marie said. She held her paint brush close just in case.
" Okay" Bliss takes out her sketch book and hands it to marie. " You should try, draw what ever and it comes to life." she waits fro marie to take the sketch book.
Pearl! I am soo so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sory i haven't replied!!)) i'm here now!

Bliss looks at the fox. "How cute! all we need is right here. In my book. You should have something magical." she takes the book back and draw a blue and grey wolf with Gold grey eyes, and it has a saddle for riding. She watches it come to life. she jumps up in down, and hands the book back to Marie, " Here make one of you own. we could be wolf buddies."
(And im sorry I haven't replied either >_<;;! I've been all busy)

Marie drew a wolf like Bliss's wolf. "Wolf buddies it is!" Marie said stiffling a laugh so she wouldn't fall off the wolf.
( Yep.)

Bliss's eye glistens " Yay! wolf buddies!" she laughs a little bit before rubbing the wolfs head , she cocks her head slightly. " COme on we better find shelter." she kicks her wolfs side, making him jolt forward a little bit
"Yeah." Marie and her wolf fallow after Bliss. After awhile Marie and Bliss stop at a suitable place. "Today was very intresting, huh?" Marie said as she layed on her wolf.
Bliss stops at her 'new home' for well at the moment. she lays down on her wolf looking at the trees. She starts to eat a muffin she got from the store the raided. " Yep, Totally." She munches down on the muffins humming her favorite song.
She blushed, she hated when people heard her sing or hum." Uh just a song my mom sang to me before all of this." she moves her hands in a gesturing way. she looked up to the star." i can't remember the lyrics, so i just hum the melodie"

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