Art survival [Rp]


New Member
In the world of Emblents, weird, completely white, monsters were all that inhabbited the world. That was before unlucky people(and/or beasts) got tansported to the world without knowing why. Now dessperatly trying to survive in a world possibly crueler then they're own. These people(and/or beast)'s only deffences were paint supplies.


Sorry if the intro was bad or there wasn't enough information ^^;. Before joining character skellys should be in order ò^ó! Oh yeah... Rules!:

No godmodding

No oocness (unless there's a good reason)

Please keep everything Pg-13ish.

Have an epic time- NO BULLYING AND/OR TEASING! (unless in rp and it dosent bother other person)






Race(can be anythin):


type of "weapon":





My skelly(im kinda lazy xD ;):

Name: Marie trill

Age: 15

Gender: female

Looks: 5'2, long dark brown hair, bright brown eyes. Wearing a pink hoody,jeans,and black sneakers.

Race: human

Personality: Kind, stubborn, dense in love, energetic, fast to deffend a friend

Type of "weapon": paint brush

History: Ran away from her abusive parents at age 9. She somehow managed to live, doing many odd jobs. She suddenly got transported to the strange world and has been there for a month.

Strengths: being small(ish) means its easier to hide in small places, she can sing pretty well(but thats more of a skill), is fast, can withtand most heat.

Weaknesses: not the strongest person ever, can only run for a few minutes, cant really deal with the cold.
Name: Onyx Tavilla Kaspin

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks: Black hair with white streaks and pale blue eyes. Has a thin tall build and pale skin. Dark circles are always around his eyes.

Race(can be anything): Half Vampire / Half Human

Personality: Quiet and secretive. But likes to have fun like any other guy. He loves his own sword but doesn't like others bragging about their weapons.

type of "weapon": Known as the "Hell Blade" is a sword that was recovered from hell itself. The details of said day are blurred what not. The blade is black with red "lava" trailing along the misshapen blade.

History: Onyx lost his parents and brother when he was just boy. Besides this there is nothing special to say about his past.

Strengths: Speed and Agility.

Weaknesses: Bloodlust.


This is my first time on this site though I am not new to roleplay. I have skimmed through some forums and saw them posting paragraphs which I am not used to doing nor am capable of. I could post one paragraph average and maybe you'd get lucky and have me posting two..
[bwahaha why thank you xD but we'll have to wait till at least one more person joins, then we can start.]
I'll join!

Name Bliss marea gemy

Age 17

gender female

Looks curly middle of back Colorful hair dark blue decending to baby blue decending to lilac purple to a pale pink ( ^^ i love all those colors.) scar on left cheek thumb ring and gauges. snake butes on lip. lean figure. scars on her wrist golden wolf ears on head sharp fangs i'll add more it i have to.

Race Half werewolf half vampire half human ^^

personality Out going when around friends, when not shes shy nose always suck in her magical skecth book and pencial in hand. friendly nice whens he wants to be.

type of weapon Bow and arrow small rainbow dagger filled posion paint.

history. Ran away from her home when she was 12. be on her own ever since. she got bullied every day for being different and her mom was a druggy and her step father would touch her.. She would cut for what they would say. Cry herself to sleep but she could never kill her self so she just decided to run away from it all and start over. she lived int he woods for years in till she was 15 and adopted to a really nice home. she didn't really like it at first but she got use to it.

strengths art, being alone.

weaknesses. can't really love. tust issues.

I hope you like it ^^
Yay!!! (: i worked hard on it and i'm really lazy. i loove art (:
[QUOTE="Onyx Kaspin](Yo stranger, welcome.)

Hii! (:
[Alright!] Marie sat up from where she was sleeping looking around franticlty. She could tell something was near her, so she got out her paint brush just in case.
"It's just me" bliss says in giggles " put down your paint brush"
" heyy, i'm sorry gosh" she puts her hand difensivly. "so what are we doing? de shouldering her paint bow.
Okay!" bliss looks around. and says sadly, " what has this world come too?" and takes out a arrow nocthing it ready to shoot.
Onyx sat a ways away from the girls, out of sight but still able to hear their conversation. He often followed them around secretly, but had never let them see him sense the first day they arrived here. Anyone would have just figured he died off on day one.
bliss walks besides marie. "hey what do you think is out there?" she says till ready to shoot.

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