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One x One Armstong Academy of Space Science and Exploration


idgaf honestly

Rixiyan "Murphy" Kalix



Murphy is an extraterrestrial from the Delta Herculis star system. Citizens of this area of space have a characteristic grey complexion ranging anywhere from light-grey blue to a light blackish green. They have striped hair, sometimes ranging in color from black and white to dark blue and grey. The younger these aliens are, the lighter in color their complexion is, however cases where young ones are born with dark colors aren't unheard of. As these particular species of aliens age, their skin coloring grows warmer and more exotic and mature looking facial features erode away the greenhorn appearance of those such as Murphy. Eventually, Murphy will look similar to this stock photo, but knowing him, he'll probably keep his hair styled like a mohawk.
Of course, Murphy is a combination of good genes; he's considered handsome in his homespace. Additionally, Murphy's eyes are that of two different colors -- he's heterochromatic. One eye is a pale grey while the other is a deep ruby. This is common in his homespace as well. Traditionally, each of the colors of an offspring's eyes is the same colors as each of their parents, as so on. However, which color it will be is a complete random scenario. His fingers are fused together when not in battle to form four fingers instead of five, thus making him slighty more clumsy than humans his age. Probably the most outstanding feature on Murphy's body is his outer shell that he carries on his arms. This is not native to his homespace. This shell can separate from him in battle and act as a extra set of limbs. These limbs contain his metalloid bending ability, though, and without them he's a regular alien punk. The outer shell is actually a combination of dead skin, pollutants, and other miscellaneous dirt particles and fragments. While it doesn't stink horribly, it does emit a slightly foul odor that embarrasses him.


The Armstrong Academy Personality Placement exam (AAPP) placed Murphy as a 'Rational'-- those that think with their scientific mind. Rationals are surprisingly very scarce, comprising as little as 7 to 10 percent of the population. But because of his drive to unlock the secrets of nature, and to develop new technologies, he was selected to hopefully improve and further the studies of those that need him. All Rationals are of the problem solving temperament, particularly if the problem has to do with the many complex systems that make up the world beyond Earth. Rationals might tackle problems in inorganic systems such as computers, or in social systems such as families or realtionships. But regardless of whatever systems fire his curiosity, Murphy will analyze them to understand how they work, so he can figure out how to make them work better.

He tries to find solutions that have application in the real world, but he's even more interested in the abstract concepts involved, the fundamental principles or natural laws that underlie the particular case. He doesn't care about being politically correct. He's interested in the most efficient solutions possible, and will listen to anyone who has something useful to teach him, while disregarding any authority or customary procedure that wastes his time and resources.

On the flip side of Murphy, 'clever', 'pragmatic', and maybe even 'fiery' are good words to describe his underlying personality. He's verbally quick, and he generally loves to argue--both for its own sake, and to show off his debating skills. He nurses a perverse sense of humor as well, and enjoys playing devil's advocate for the fun of it. This sometimes confuses, even angers, those who don't understand or accept the concept of argument as a sport. In terms of his relationships with others, Murphy is capable of bonding very closely and suddenly with his loved ones of either gender or species. He can and does sometimes appear deceptively offhand with their nearest and dearest but this is the ultimate expression of fondness from those of his homespace.

Traditions and History of the Delta Herculis Inhabitants

Many of the traditions of the Delta Herculis people are strikingly similar to those of Earth, which might be why humans and Chuosyk get along relatively well. This band of nomads, the Chuosyk, are more akin to a native and spiritual outlook on the universe as opposed to the war-mongering neighbors the Bruogaks.
Due to their peace-loving nature, some universe dwellers refer to them as 'The Hippies of Delta Sector' but there are other tribes like them. The reason they're known for this is because of a treaty the Bruogaks and Chuosyk brokered in 2086 dealing with trade relations between them. While a pacifist nation, Chuosyk excel in diplomacy and international relations. In fact, a Chuosyk is a member of the Intergalactic Treaty Council based on Saturn for this reason exactly. Anyway, the treaty unfortunately didn't take with the mongrel faction and a majority of the Chuosyk armed fleet was compromised before a neighboring star system came to their aid.

Besides being pacifists, Chuosyk generally dress in tribal attire: body paint, dreadlocks, robes, and melee weapons. They are a proud, prideful spiritual people and believe the universe was created by many beings working together. Because of this shared belief, they highly value teamwork and productivity, but they also hold private time and humbleness to a high level. Chuosyk pray to an array of gods that they believe in, however ever since Murphy arrived at Armstrong, he has favored more secular views. Such views would be severely frowned upon in the nation and maybe even punished.

They are ruled democratically by a council of loyal spiritual leaders that are elected every twenty years.
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Sylvia Mizone






A rather slender person, Sylvia stands at a towering 5' 11'' and is often seen as abnormally tall to her peers. She has pale skin with a smattering of freckles over her nose and dark brown eyes.

Her hair is dark black and falls in waves past her shoulders though it is usually seen put up in a bun.


Sylvia appears to be a rather stiff individual, refusing to break the rules for any cause. She takes comfort in rules and regulations because they dictate what is accessible and to an extent, what is right and wrong. When it comes to long-held traditions and beliefs, however, Sylvia is willing to stand by the ones she deems are correct and face down against even the majority when it comes to defending what she stands for. An over-all kind person, Sylvia has a slight mother-hen attitude due to the fact that she raised her younger sister.


She has a younger sister named Juliet Mizone at age 18. She is studying to go into law enforcement as a policewoman.

Her mother and father gave them both up for adoption when they could not afford to raise and house them anymore. Neither sister has met their parents since then.


Sylvia joined the Academy simply because it was affordable to her. She is intent on going into the field of diplomacy in order to aid in strengthening relations between aliens and mankind, but has realized that the Academy might be her best bet in getting any experience at all with extraterrestrials, given her social standing.​
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