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Realistic or Modern Armageddon: Soldiers


The Antagonist of All

"Extraction of survivors has been a complete failure..."



"Survival count..."


"...One too many."

And that was the last broadcast from four months ago that came from Dubai, where the 66th was stationed. No one ever knew what disaster happened that day. There were so many questions that remained in the air of what happened to the mission. What happened to the 66th. What happened to the Colonel that day. Were there any survivors of the war of the Middle East. Were the 66th even alive?

There were no answers to that.

Until the Hell Hounds were sent.

And they would never be prepared of what dark secrets hide in the UAE, and what's become of the 66th.

A group of four soldiers were sent to investigate the entire war-torn UAE, The UAE, was brought down by conflict between Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries during a time of economic struggle. Their main objective were to search for any signs of survivors, find some and extract them out into a refugee camp. For miles they walked around the desert, poking a dead guy with a stick in hopes of finding survivors as soon as possible. Hell Hound made their way first into the borders of former Abu Dhabi, one of the major cities closer to Dubai and operated by the lost 66th. On the highway, nothing but old corpses and scavenged cars. Their only hope now was to look into the city in hopes of finding live people.

Their hope didn't have to wait so long when they do find survivors out on the high way, and they were in for no warn welcoming. And upon discovery of hostile and armed survivors, there they also picked up a live transmission of U.S Soldiers. Choices had to be made. Whether to turn around and radio a mission failure, or dig deeper into the UAE and find horrible secrets, and make the hardest decisions of their life.

(Sorry, it was rushed completely. Didn't want to take too much time making this up)

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