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One x One ARMAGEDDON RAIN Character Sheets - Darth Oats x Lady

YEAR 4060


Heathraeux "Heath" Klein

Marianne Klein

Main Channel

Darth Oats Darth Oats
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Marianne (Mar) Klein


It’s a god awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling no
And her daddy has told her to go
But her friend is nowhere to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view
And she’s hooked to the silver screen

Height: 5’6

Weight: 142lb

Hair: Naturally curly, Black.

Eyes: Brown

Distinguishing Features: Freckles on her nose and cheeks.

Likes: Familiarity, walking her dog, snow, visiting art galleries, fluffy socks, lazy warm nights, beach days, watermelon, the colour blue and wearing sun hats.
Dislikes: Cooking, her neighbours, change, talkative people, jealousy, classical music, dinner parties and watching the news.

Mari has a calm temperament, she nevers gets angry over small things and tries not to become overly passionate about certain subjects. She is a light-hearted person but very susceptible to holding grudges on people that she’s misplaced her trust in. The woman is also very attentive to others, her empathy makes her an emotional, sweet soul. On the other hand, Mari is judgemental and close-minded a lot of the time, she doesn’t like trying new things and secretly dislikes a lot of whom she claims are her friends.

Growing up was a breeze with two lovely, caring parents and an older sister to keep her company.

Mari never did particularly well academically in high school but she always knew how to have a good time. Since Marianne was little, the teenager had her sights set on attending art school. She wanted to become a sculptor.
Being a hopeless romantic, Marianne had multiple flings and managed to charm boys during her time at school.
Everything changed at seventeen, when she was certain she had met ‘The one.’
Heath and Marianne were newly-weds by the time they both graduated. When at twenty, Mari discovered that she was pregnant with his child, she was elated.

Putting aside her pursuit of attending university, she prepared to become a mother. Time passed at the blink of an eye after giving birth to Delilah.
Marianne stayed at home to look after the baby, she cleaned the house and prepared the meals and became a housewife. She stopped making sculptures and painting.
She stopped feeling butterflies when going out on date nights with Heath, they fought a lot and like plenty of marriages, theirs fell apart.

Now that Delilah is getting ready to go to college, Mari can afford to do all the things she had missed out on during her earlier years; like going on holidays.
Marianne took it upon herself to sign up for the spaceship cruise, she figured a change of scenery would be nice and it would be a refreshing way to distract her thoughts from the divorce.

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Heathreaux "Heath" Klein

Full Name: Heathreaux Louis Klein
Nickname: Heath
Age: 35
Place of Birth: U.S.A.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Height: 6'3"
Weight: 195lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Coffee
Distinguishing Features:


Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality Type: Executive (ESTJ-A). Executives are aware of their surroundings and live in a world of clear, verifiable facts – the surety of their knowledge means that even against heavy resistance, they stick to their principles and push an unclouded vision of what is and is not acceptable. Their opinions aren’t just empty talk either, as Executives are more than willing to dive into the most challenging projects, improving action plans and sorting details along the way, making even the most complicated tasks seem easy and approachable.


There's nothing too traumatic about Heath's history. His father is a white Australian, his mother an African-American. They met having both been enlisted in the military and soon were divorced 2 years after he was born. Growing up with divorced parents comes with it's own challenges. Bouncing between the two for visits. Having to choose sides in arguments. Growing up, he swore to himself that he would never get divorced if he had a kid. No matter what, he would do whatever it took to keep his family together.

Once getting to High School, he never really feel like he fit in anywhere, causing an internal identity crisis. Being told he was too black to hang out too much with the white kids, yet too white to hang out too much with the black kids. That was until he met Marianne. In many ways she saved him from feeling lost in life. She was very caring for him and she very quickly became his priority in life. Soon after graduating, Heath wasn't planning on going to college. His grades weren't great. So he decided to follow his parents footsteps and enlist in the military. Joining the Air Force was the decision he made, not wanting to put himself in too much harm. He had a beautiful girl to come home to.

After completing basic training, Heath had made up his mind. Marianne would be the girl he wanted to spend his life with. At the airport, where she was waiting for him to fly home, he proposed to her. Their daughter was born soon after, they decided to name her Delilah after Marianne's grandmother.

All good things don't last. As the stresses from Heath's job in the Air Force caused their marriage to fall apart. Regretfully, it ended in a divorce and the weight of that decision has never left his mind. To the point of his work taking notice. For fear of losing him and his usually high quality of work, Heath's supervisor decided a break would do him some good. In an attempt to get his mind off of it, he was able to land a ticket for an intergalactic cruise line and gave the opportunity to Heath.

Taking the trip seriously, he decided he needed something to at least distract himself. Nothing too stressful ever happens on a cruise, right?


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Occupation: U.S. Liaison and English Translator
Spoken Languages: Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Korean.
Education and Training: 1N3X1 Cryptologic Language Analyst - Captain USAF




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