Arin "Player One" Genesis


The Not-So-Futuristic RolePlayer
 PlayerOne has signed on

"Oh hello PlayerOne, I'm so glad you came. Let's begin the interview. What's your real name? First and last please." 

"Usually the first question of every interview. Okay, my real name is Arin Genesis. But, I would like to be referred as Player One!"

"Ah, I see, okay how old are you?"

"How old I am? Easy, I'm 19 years old!"

"Hmm...This is more personal but what's your sexuality?"

"Of course it'll be personal. I'm a straight guy. A heterosexual."

"Are you a man or woman?"

"I'm pretty sure I addressed this earlier. But, I'll say it again, I'm a man."

"What do you look like? You can send a picture of describe yourself, though an image will help me more."

"Okay... I don't think I like where this is going. Hopefully, this is something really important. Here's my picture:

"What's your occupation?"

"I'm in my second year of college. A college of game development and design. Which I do both and kinda explains why I play video games.

Anyway, I don't know if this is a job or not. But, I post concept art and comics on a website where I get paid money.

I would like to make my own games in the future."

"How would you describe your personality?"

"No comment for my dream career? Not polite if you ask me. I'll give you a preview of my personality.

I'm a friendly guy, I like doing things by myself unless help is needed, and I get destructively angry. Usually have some rage quits when playing games."

"How tall are you? How much do you weigh?"

"Again, you don't comment or even ask me how destructive I get. Pretty sure you're a robot.

Anyway, I'm 6 feet and 4 inches. I weigh 183 pounds.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Easy question I must say. Typical for a bot. My favorite color is red.

"What type of person interests you romantically?"

"Hmm... I prefer a woman who has long hair of any color. A physique for that kind of woman would be at least be curvy.

For the personality, she would be either a calm person or a hothead that has similar interests I have."

"This question can be skipped, but it's most essential to my study so I'd prefer an honest answer. Know that you're in a safe place here with me, no one else will ever have to know. Do you have any physical/mental disabilities? Any traumas?"

"I rather not get on this subject. I don't trust you, yet."

"What gaming genre do you prefer to play when feeding your addiction?"

"I like playing RPGs the most. Mostly, free roaming to explore the games."

"Share some of your history with me."

"I always like to draw as a kid. I still draw now! Nothing else should be worth noting. As I don't like talking about my trauma.

"Your strengths?"

"I draw well, work the best I can, and play very well at games. I am physically strong, probably."

"Your fears and weaknesses?"

"Going to answer this honestly. I get scared of jumpscares and dark, ominous places. I tend to procrastinate and, as I said before, get frequent rage quits

if something goes as I wanted them to." 

"What role do you play in your games?"

"Don't really know what you mean by this. I assume you mean on how I play. Well, I usually go solo and compete with other players when it comes to group play.

I do play strategically, too!"

"What do you hope to gain by participating in my game?"

"I really have no idea. I guess something cool and fun while gaining experience for my brain."

"Is there anything I missed?"

"Yeah, but I don't think you need to know. Probably unnecessary." 

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