♕ aria evelynn

c h i h o




 Aria Evelynn   

♞ B A S I C S

 a g e | twenty-three  august 8 ♦ ♌

 g e n d e r | female 

 r o l e | first mate of bloody trail

flirty  passionate  warm-heart

♞ P E R S O N A L I T Y

"Darlin', honey, sweets; I'm not that easy to tame."

 Aria Regina Evelynn, the fearless First Mate of the Bloody  Trail, and Sitri's closet friend. She gives off the impression of  a mature, responsible young lady, which she is, but nobody  would really expect her to be a stable leader who knows how  work and lead a ship. She knows how to stand up for herself,  ready to kick ass if she needs too. Aria is very blunt with her  words, never really sugar-coats it or anything, and that often  leaves with her millions of misunderstandings and comes off  a tad bit rude to others. What could she do about it? She is  very straight-forward with her answers and suggestions.  Despite her blunt answers, she will try and do anything to  help anyone feel better. Oh, just a small thing: Aria is a bit  (read: really) flirty and will flirt with anyone and everyone.  Trivia time! When drunk, she'll kiss anyone, anyone, in sight. 
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♞ B A C K G R O U N D

 Born in a poor family, Aria has never really experienced  the luxury of being, well, rich. Ever since she was young, she  was taught to get a job and work her ass off in order to help  pay family bills otherwise they'd be left in the cold to starve  and die. Yet, despite the poor environments she grew in, she  was raised with love and care, getting along swell with her  family. She was the youngest out of four children, and notably  the smartest. Aria and her siblings managed to go to a poor    public school, where they were taught the basics of the  universe and everything about it. Here, at school, is where  she heard about the amazing space ships that explore the  cold, dark space out in hopes of finding new treasures. Her  favorite tales has always been space pirates, where people  would take down government ships and for some reason,  Aria was enchanted by that. But, that was just a chapter in  her life. Ignoring her fantasies, Aria continued to grow as a  fair, young lady. She was mature, responsible and realistic. Of  course, Aria had her fair share of  events that had contributed  to the person she is now.

 It wasn't until she was twelve when she got interested in  knives (as sadistic as that sounds). She enjoyed craving  names into woods with the use of knives and of course,  throwing knives. Aria had begged her parents for a good year  for just a pair of throwing knives so she can practice, and  finally after getting sick and tired with her whining, they  decided to give her what she oh-so dearly wished for  Christmas. And, there began Aria's little obsessions with  knives or anything sharp and shiny. As she grew older, she  began collecting useless knives to sharpen up and any knives  that she just found captivating.

 By the age of nineteen, she had moved out by herself,  somehow managing to find herself a one-bedroom apartment  where she worked two part-times jobs and online schooling.  In her free time, however, she often worked out in the gym to  keep herself in fit, or finished whatever papers needed to be  finished.

 One of her part-time jobs was working as a bartender during  the night. That's where she met one of her closet friends: Sitri  Dament. It was one night. A normal night, really. Aria was  tending her customers as always, Sitri being no exception,  when suddenly she heard a loud shatter of glass smashing  against a hard surface. When she turned around, she found  Sitri standing above an elder man with nothing but pure  anger in his eyes, holding a shattered beer bottle. Of course,  being apart of the staff of the bar, Aria was quick to stop  before it got any worse. I mean, the man on the floor was  already bleeding and she was pretty sure he had  lost conscious. She had called the police and ambulances to  help tend the attacked male, while she tried to figure out what  to do with an angry drunk. Instead of fueling his anger (she  doesn't want to be sent to the hospital either), she attempted    to take the guy home. After what feels like light years of trying  to figure out his address by the angry grumbling she received,  Aria managed to haul him home and throw him into his bed.  Somehow. It certainly took her a lot of effort, but she  managed.

 Well, that wasn't the end of their story. When you're in the  same room with a drunk, hot piece of meat, Aria couldn't help  herself when she "accidentally" (read: purposely) threw  herself onto him. For the rest of the night, they had some fun  in bed before they both passed out.

 Usually, when one-night-stands happens, the first to wake up  would leave immediately and bury the experience deep in  their minds. That's usually what Aria did, but for some reason,  she felt a tug on heart to help Sitri when he awoken. She  knew for a fact, he would have a horrible hangover when he  awoke. Deciding to play nice, Aria cooked him a hot breakfast  meal, along with a cold drink and some pills to help him get  over his hangover. Unfortunately for her, Sitri had awoken  while she was still there, and Aria was left to explain  everything that happened (excluding the last part, but she  was sure he was smart enough to look around the room). Aria  made sure Sitri was alright before leaving, unbeknownst to  her that their path would entwine once more.

 During her nights as a bartender, Sitri would often come to  the bar (sober, thank god. She learned he could hold  his liquor pretty well) and they would chat aimlessly while Aria  worked. As time flew by, they came closer to the point Sitri  was comfortable with Aria to share his past and invite her to  relive it once more. It took a few days of convincing, but in the  end, Aria managed to heave out a heavy "yes" before being  appointed as First Mate.
♞ O T H E R

 w e a p o n | knives, often throwing knives

 t r i v i a |

  • mentioned previously, but when drunk, aria is a drunk who will kiss anyone with lips
  • hates children
  • can't really hold her liquor (can manage 3-4 glasses before she's off to la-la land)
  • doesn't have any close friends aside from sitri
  • was often alone in her childhood days
  • before sitri, her closet friends was her family
  • sitri and her are not a thing
  • though she isn't afraid to admit that she has a small crush on such a sexy being
  • her hair goes down to mid-back and is often in a braid when on board

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