arcanaque murmura


(crush me)



Cloaked in the reds of blood and sunsets, hiding a millennia of secrets under

a hood of satin and whispers, she gazed up at the full moon with a branch of

decaying leaves in her hand, relishing in the distant sound of off-key howling.




Name: Cerise Luna Hood

Nickname: with a short same such as hers, there really isn't much of a point

in having a nickname but some people will often call her Reese without

asking and, while it aggravates her slightly, she never corrects them. Some

people have also been known to adopt the nickname of  "Hood" in a more

casual setting when greeting her.

Age: 22

Birthday: 12/08

Year: 2

Gender: female

Sexuality: homosexual

Parents: she is the illegitimate daughter of both Red Riding Hood and the Big

Bad Wolf from the same story although the identity of her father is a mystery

to anyone other than the three of them.

Theme: x

Major: Environmental Studies - minoring in Earth Sciences.


Height: 5'3"

Weight: 51kg

Hair Colour: dark brown

Eye Colour: dark brown

Clothing Style: a, b, c, d

Distinguishing Features: she has a distinct scar down the left side of her

abdomen that she received after falling down a hillside and cutting herself

on a sharp rock as a child.

Face Claim: Crystal Reed


Vices: is known to be a tad bit awkward in most social situations; is often

fairly hesitant when someone asks her to do something she's either never

tried before, is unsure of doing, or might get her into trouble; pretty short-

tempered, especially with people who rub her up the wrong way, which also

ties into her impatience; can be pretty quarrelsome, especially if she's

adamant that someone is doing/saying the wrong thing.

Virtues: literally as loyal as a dog, even if she's only known you for a short

while - she's a good judge of character and can tell when someone is worth

defending or sticking beside; very brave, and will often take plenty of risks or

do dangerous things to save other people from having to do them; she's

generally pretty cheerful and friendly, although she doesn't always talk too

much because she prefers listening and observing most of the time; very

understanding and forgiving - she likes comforting people and is very good

at giving helpful advice.

Quirks: holding her hood down over her ears when either annoyed, scared or

worried; talking abnormally fast when excited and nervous; counting stars;

has an unhealthy obsession with cheeseburgers; curls up on her bed before

sleeping; always stretches in a rather dog-like fashion right after waking up;

will either scratch her left ear or brush her hair back behind her right ear when

she's lying.


Fears: having her father's identity being exposed as she's afraid of both she

and her family being cast out by the community; having her red hood

forcibly removed; the full moon and the possibility of any sort of change 

occurring during it.

Goals: to diminish the amount of damage done to the environment by

humans; slow down, or completely stop, global warming; save animals from

being/becoming endangered; promote recycling, or at least find ways of

lowering the amount of garbage left piled up in the wild.

Skills: any athleticism, although her three stronger areas would likely be

running, jumping and climbing; tracking, animals and people alike although

she finds people to be much easier; baking, which isn't much of a surprise

considering who her mother is; navigation; evading capture/hiding;

convincing people of things/lying.


Biography: in the middle of the forest, in a clearing outlined by mossy

rocks, the sound of rushing water and singing birds filling the silence of the

world, Scarlet Hood and Cedric Wolfe no longer had to hide their undying

affections for one another. He gave her his own new original recipes for pies

and cakes and she taught him how to sew up the holes left in his clothes by

his painful transformations. In the midst of nature there was no one around to

prevent them from being together. 


Yet their secret almost became too much to hide when Cerise came around.

By the time her parents realised she was on her way it was too late for them

to take the easy way out, fuelled by panic and despair. Yet as the days

counted down to her birth they grew to love her and vowed by the waterfall

that despite their forbidden affair they would raise her together and give her

as normal a life as possible. They named her after the colour of the flowers in

the clearing they'd fell in love in, enchanted by her button nose and tufts of

oaken hair. She was excitable and curious and constantly hungry and they

both loved her more than they loved each other.


For the first year of her life, Cerise only saw her father during rendezvous in

the middle of the forest, rolling around in tall grass and chewing on flowers.

She took her first steps in the shallows of a brooke where tadpoles tickled her

little toes, and said her first words with a butterfly on the tip of her nose. The

hours in the forest were precious to all three of them - they were times where

there were no responsibilities and no pressures, where the three of them

could be a family untouched by society's judgements. When her mother died,

Scarlet inherited the cottage she'd spent her childhood in and Cedric's visits

no longer existed as he became a permanent part of Cerise's life. Days were

spent learning to haphazardly bake apple pies and cookies, getting flour all

over the kitchen and batter on the ceiling, and sitting in the lounge making

indescribable structures out of little wooden building blocks her father had

carved just for her.


It wasn't until she was due to start school that confusion started to seep in,

and then perhaps worry. Her parents sat her down the evening before her first

day of school, and sadly explained to her that she could never talk about her

father to anyone. It wasn't a case of not mentioning his nighttime

disappearances, it was a case of not mentioning him at all.


"If anyone asks you about your dad, you have to tell them you don't have one,

okay sweetheart?"


So when children asked her about him, she claimed she didn't know him.

When her art teacher asked her to make a card on father's day she sadly told

her she couldn't. And when her mother was asked about her daughter's father

at school functions, Cerise would just look away and wonder why she had to

act like he didn't exist. The secrecy drew the entire family closer but she

would always withdraw after quietly asking her father why nobody was

allowed to know about him and getting the same answer: "You'll understand

when you're older."


She didn't find out until after her 14th birthday when she asked again after

three years of never questioning her parents. She hadn't wanted to upset

them but the older she got the more desperate she was to know. And so they

told her. Cerise knew all about her mother's story, aware of every last

detail about every last character, but she'd never questioned her father's lack of a

 fairytale so to speak. And when her mother tearfully told her the truth, the absence of

his own narrative finally made sense. They'd expected her to be angry. Or

confused and hurt at any rate. Needless to say they were surprised when she

simply smiled and asked when their dinner would be done, seemingly

unfazed by the news she'd been given. 


She didn't blame them for hiding the truth, she blamed society and she

blamed their story. She loved her father, werewolf or not, and she

wouldn't have given him up for the world. 
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