Arc the Argonite??? Or Not


Creator of Eclectic Mayhem


This is my very last character for this entire RP thread. She will act as my Villain, less someone converts her with some good rp. Otherwise she is a villain just for the sake of a desire for vengeance. On scale of villainy though she is on par with Amethyst and Steven. Weaker than Pearl and Garnet. This can of course change with Fusion;but, that would be more rp as well it'll take a gem with common idles to fuse with this one.
"Im coming for you Crystal Jerks!" Arc growls under bared fangs with her eyes piercing into the very structure of any gem that see's her. "I know your names.... I know your abilities... I am your Harbinger!"

@CelestialBunny @Kotori @xkeyxx @Enmyira @Fem the Huffling Riceball

"If there are more of you Crystal Germs out there.... or thinking of becoming one... you'll get yours as well! I comm'in for ya /RoSe qUArtZ/!!!!"

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