Arc 1: Ionia

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Zaun had been on high alert ever since there had been reports of void spawn swarming the Shuriman desert and spreading out from there. The city state was preparing weapons of all kinds to defend itself for when the voidlings eventually arrived. Twitch however, wasn’t all that concerned with the news of some invasion, he felt safe in his sewers where he was busy gathering materials for his experiments. On the way back from one of his searches he heard the sound of someone walking through the sewers.  “When will they learn!? These are MY sewers! And no one is allowed to freely enter MY domain!” Twitch angrily said to himself as he went invisible and tracked the source of the sound. After swiftly navigating the sewers Twitch came across a Zaun official guarded by two H.I.V.E soldiers. Twitch revealed himself from his invisibility and pointed his crossbow at the intruders. “Get out of my sewers!”  The two soldiers quickly pointed their firearms at the rat, but the official motioned for them to let their guard down. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Twitch, the city state of Zaun request that you relocate elsewhere in the city. The sewers have been deemed to be a potential area for the enemy to breach the city and they will be sealed off. So unless you like the idea of potentially having to fight alien insects with no way to escape then I suggest you leave soon” the official said as calmly as could to not anger the rat anymore than he already was.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Leave!? Why would I ever leave my precious sewers? This is my home! I’m not going to let any dumb bugs  take it from me!” Twitch yelled at the official.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Right, I thought you may be against leaving. Just thought I may inform you of the risk.” The official said as he reached into his pocket. “Oh and before I forget a letter arrived for you” He said as he handed the letter over. “Well I have other preparations to make, let’s go guys.” The official said as he and the soldiers began heading to the nearest manhole to leave the sewers. “Thank goodness he didn't kill us on sight” he said under his breath[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]With the intruders gone Twitch looked at the letter he had just received. He didn't often receive letters, in fact this had been one of the few he had ever gotten. Curious as to what someone may have written to him, Twitch tore open the envelope. The letter seemed to be from someone named Shen asking for his assistance in some kind of plan and that if he wished to help he would have travel to Ionia.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Ionia? That island place with those ninjas? Hmm...maybe I can get something out of this..ooh yes! If I defeat those void guys then everyone will have to give me tribute and help in my experiments, yes, yes!" [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Twitch quickly headed out of sewers and snuck onto a boat to Ionia, apparently quite a lot of scientist looking Zaunites were evacuating there. After a few hours the boat had docked in Ionia and Twitch began walking roughly north, he figured he would find this shrine thing eventually.[/SIZE]
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Demacia had seen better days. The city often regarded as a beacon of righteousness was currently in a state of panic and disarray. Can't really blame them even the most composed individuals can go into a frenzy when they believe there's lives are at stake and having giant interdimensional monstrosities clawing at your gates can have that kind of effect on people. 

However not all the citizens had lost there heads. In fact one man was enjoying the feeling of despair that was spreading like a wild fire engulfing every street corner. That person was the enigmatic Con Artist known as Twisted Fate. The reason for this out of place enthusiasm was that he knew where there was panic there was opportunity. Comfort was hard to come by now a days and so he thought he'd do his part to set the Demacian public at ease, for a small fee that is.

At one of the cities busiest intersections Twisted Fate had set up shop. A small rather rushed and hastily put together stand was packed with purple bottles only large enough to hold a pint of liquid, above was a sign reading "Fend off the nightmarish hell spawns with brand new Piltover approved Void Repellent!" 

Needless to say business had been booming. People were coming from all parts of the city to get there hands on this miraculous Void Repellent and Twisted Fate was loving every second of it. 

"And Thank you sir, have a lovely evening." Twisted Fate smiled and tipped his hat as his most recent customer set off with there own bottle. He snickered before sliding the gold into his pocket. The only felling better then making a profit was the feeling of reward that came with pulling off a successful Con to obtain it. 

The streets were quiet with everyone gathered in there homes cowering. But today a noise shattered that silence. The noise of a horse drawn carriage dragging itself down the road. Twisted Fates initial thoughts were that a wealthy noble was coming down the street seeking their own bottle of protection but that idea was shot down when he saw the carriage. It looked to be battered and broken down. Anyone with noble blood wouldn't be caught dead riding something like that, it looked more like a merchants cart. It pulled up in front of his stand but no one emerged from it. 

Twisted Fate tapped his fingers on the stand as he waited for whatever was suppose to happen when a weak voice emerged.

"I-Is it safe?" It asked barley higher then a whisper. The carriage door squeaked open just enough for a man to peek out of, examining the area. 

"Coasts all clear partner. So you gonna buy somethin' or just wanna hold up the line?" 

The man opened the door a stepped out. He was short, lanky and as Pale as a ghost.

"So your saying there's no void creatures in the city right?" He asked.

"Not yet." Twisted Fate replied. 

"Oh good." Relief came over him. "You don't know how hard it was getting here with all these monsters running around. But I have that delivery you ordered."

Twisted Fate perked up remembering he had order supplies. With everything that had happened he never expected to receive them.

"Well I'll be, let's have a look at the goods." Twisted Fate cheered before making his way to the back of the cart and pulling it open. The back was filled with stacks of rum. 

"I got all 24 cases." said the delivery man.

"Well done, mind packing these to the stand for me?" He asked. 

"Uh, ok but I have something else for you." The delivery man took a sealed letter from his pocket and handed it to him. Twisted Fate strolled over to read privately while his associate loaded the rum, with a relabeling and some dye added he'll have it on the shelves and ready to sell in no time.

Twisted Fate wasn't that interested in the letter, it was probably just another death threat but to his surprise it was much different. It was an invitation to Ionia.

"Well, isn't this interestin'." He smirked and carefully slid the letter into his coat pocket. "How's it coming partner?" He called over his shoulder. 

"F-Fine." He said while struggling to lift the rum case onto the stand. 

Twisted Fate smiled as he thought over the invitation. He never saw himself as the hero type actually far from it. But this void issue wasn't going to resolve itself and if there would be a grand reward for whoever stopped the voids invasion. Whether he actually wanted to join this group or not he didn't really know but perhaps he'd swing by and humor them in the near future, but not right now. Business was still strong and he wanted to milk it as long as he could. 


"Everybody Run!" 

People suddenly came rushing down the streets fast enough to trample anything in there way. 

"What's all the commotion about?" He asked. He looked down the road beyond the crowd to see what everyone was running from. Large insect like creatures were flying down and landing on the streets. They dived on top of people and began ripping them apart before devouring there insides.

"Hmm. "He muttered and decided he'd pay Ionia a little visit sooner then expected. He marched over to his stand and popped the cap off a rum bottle. He reached down under the stand and put a small sign on the desk.

"Closed. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"What do we do!?! Where gonna die!" Cried the delivery man.

"Hey partner." Twisted Fate grabbed his attention. "If you don't get viciously mauled I need you to pack all this rum up and take it to Noxus for me, I'll pay you double." He proclaimed.

"What?" Just then cards seemed to magically circle around Twisted Fate and inside a golden pillar of light shined up like a beacon. 

"I got faith in yah!" He said and gave the delivery man a thumbs up and took s big gulp of rum before vanished leaving no trace he was every there. Panicked and left option less the delivery man grabbed some bottles of the void  repellent and began dowsing himself with them.

The light pillar touched down in Ionia and Twisted Fate smiled as he brushed off his coat. He took a deep breath of the fresh air. It's nice to get out of the city every now and then. Sleeping under the stars and listening to the birds in the trees was something Twisted Fate enjoyed but rarely had the opportunity to appreciate while on business in the city-states. 

He took the letter from his pocket and read over the directions. He wasn't to far off from his destination but it was still quite the walk. 

"Well let's get started." He muttered and placed his hat on the ground. He reached inside and pulled out a lantern.

People knew Twisted Fate was protective of his hat but not many people knew why. The secret was he had used his enchanting powers to make it magically able to hold any sort of items he wishes. So he kept everything he needs inside. 

Using the lantern for guidance Twisted Fate navigated to dense Ionian jungles until finally arriving at an old broken down shrine. The light shining through the windows validated this spot as his destination. 

"Well let's make an entrance." He smirked. Twisted Fate pulled the door open so fast it banged when it hit the wall. "Howdy there!" He shouted and stepped inside.
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The Tale of the Nine-Tailed Fox

Chapter 1



It was clearly evident, Ahri was out of the ordinary, her animalistic features, and most especially, the nine fox tails that followed her were a clear testimony. A cross of woman and fox, Ahri disconnected herself from both. The nine-tailed fox's tale was a curious one. She aspired to be rid of her animal ancestry yet she found humans to be utterly confusing. Often times, she witnessed the conflicts between the humans, such complex creatures they were. One second, a human's blood boiled in rage on another. The next second, they shared each others' meals all the while belonging to different burrows. In the forest, when you're in a pack - you stick to that pack, any other creature that dared threaten your pack was deemed a threat, and must be eliminated. A part of her understood the difference and another part, disagreed. 


Such was the tale of the nine-tailed fox.



Did the landscape change under her unguarded state? No. That was not the case. Her animal instincts warned her so. And like any fauna, she knew better than not to follow. She took to the trees for an answer, perhaps the source of her uncertain agitation could be found from a higher view, and with her heightened senses, she hoped her moment of unrest to resolve upon her discovery. She rebounded from tree to tree, expertly climbing the nearest, and tallest oak in her vicinity. Her alluring, golden orbs scanned from the tree tops: nothing. Next, her sharp ears perked, thinking the whispers of the wind entailed something for her: still nothing. The situation was starting to irk her, and the fact that the reason was unclear to her furthered her agitation. 


There was something wrong. Ahri knew this and that's all she needed to know to get answers. Under the blistering heat of the sun, Ahri went against her nocturnal nature and darted deeper into the forest - her nine tails faithfully following her, just like they had her entire life.


to be continued...
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Mount Targon was usually a very serene and sedative place besides the roaring winds that accompany it daily along with the raging blizzards. To most that don't live or never seen it but once in their life might say the mountain is frightening or overwhelming at the very least, but to those who grew up around it and grew accustomed to the mountain's harsh environment would say it is quite the opposite. Those who lived at the base of the celestial mountain see it as so much more and are at awe with the mountain's shimmering celestial bodies. Some believe the power of Aspects sometimes come down the mountain within the lambent bodies of climbers found worthy. Such an occurrence is unimaginably rare and amazing tales of their exploits form around such individuals, who only ever appear once every few generations. One of these well known Aspects today would be the Celestial Aspect of the Moon, the Heretic, the Scorn of the Moon, the Lunari known as Diana.

Diana was currently destroying voidlings coming from who knows where suddenly when she was patrolling Mount Targon. Some blood was dripping from her arms where armor wasn't covering her forearm and shoulders as some voidlings were able to cut or bite through enough to leave punctured wounds but not break anything. Diana had made it a custom to go out at night to run off any creature that invaded the mountain for she saw it as her task, as an aspect of the moon, to defend Mount Targon no matter the cost. Though she did avoid anyone whom was a climber trying to get to the summit to keep herself hidden along with her base. The past couple of weeks, creatures from the void has been trying to invade the mountain with little success thanks to the Lunari and her powers although it seems their numbers would double every day even after killing them all off for the night with none left in sight. As the Lunari cut through another insect-like voidling, she exhaled deeply feeling slightly exhausted from the long fight and blood loss, but quickly shook away the feeling to continue her work. "The night's work is not done yet..." she said to herself as she found more voidlings starting to charge at her.

This time around there was more than five charging and Diana decided since this was the last wave of void creatures to deal with, hopefully, she'll use what magic she had stored tonight in case for a bigger attack and rushed at them all, swinging her mighty crescent sickle in a crescent arc and slaughtering them all to pieces triumphantly. "Now...the night' officially over." She said panting as she looked over the void creatures to make sure they were all dead. After confirming none got away, she looked to the moon, smiling at its glorious light since it was a full moon tonight and there were no clouds to shroud its magnificence. Though my work may be done for this night...there is always another night's work needed to be done. She thought to herself and finally departed from the area of the mountain ,seeing she needed to quickly wrap her wounds before they bleed more, to only climb down one of the cliffs to a cleft in the mountainside that lead her down into the forgotten ruins and chambers of the Lunari Temple.  

Ever since that faithful night, when she became the Celestial Aspect of the Moon, Diana had always been drawn back to this place and so she made it her official home to come back to if she were to ever travel away from the mountain. She knows she could never go back to the Solari Temple not after what she did, but even if she never did cause that massacre, she wouldn't consider it even close to home. Diana never really fitted in there and had no one to call a friend or family so she could never see it as a possible home. Since she has settled in this place, she has discovered some old furniture that must've belonged to the Lunari people whom lived here long ago and decided to use it to make the place feel more "cozy." 

More of the furniture was scratched up or had some rough edges but not completely broken. The "living room" area was quite large and the first to see when entering the cleft in the mountainside. To one side was a small, ancient dining table with chairs to go with it and accompanied with handmade kitchenware and pottery that sat on its surface. To the other side was her crafting area with her crafting table and tools scattered about. She decided to lay her sickle on the table to polish and sharpen after she heals herself. She had to admit the voidlings got clever when going for the parts of her body not covered completely by the silver armor but she quickly slaughtered them before they could make the wounds any deeper. Once Diana made it to her bedroom chamber, she took the armor off and placed it on an armor stand and quickly went to grab one of the many stolas she owned. They were nice to wear when she was in her own home, but she always felt bare in anything she wore that wasn't her armor. 

The stola she wore was made with white, cotten fabric and good thing it was thick enough to keep the cold of the mountain from causing her to freeze and if she were to begin feeling cold she'd wrap herself in the many fur blankets that laid in her bed. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she took the bandages that were always on the table beside it and started to wrap her arms up swiftly before anymore blood leaked out. Bandages aside and wounds patched up, Diana rose and walked back to where her crafting table was to finally notice a envelope was beside her sickle. Diana didn't even notice it there before or was it even there in the first place? She quickly grabbed her sickle before looking around frantically for any kind of intruder that may still be there. After looking around her chamber and the living room again she finally picked up the envelope and opened it up. "An Ionia?" She said surprised and concerned. Some part in her mind made her think this was some kind of trap but it clearly stated the need for her assistance in a plan they have. 

"Why me? Why need me for some kind of plan? Surely there are plenty of others whom would be better suited for them with whatever this plan is." She said with a groan and sighed before finally laying her sickle back down on the table. Is this plan something to do with the void activity lately? Most likely she thought. Diana thought over everything for hours while cleaning and sharpening her sword along with polishing her armor up. She finally concluded to accepting this invitation with hope that maybe this is about the voidlings and will help bring an end to the void creatures invading her home. 

Late in what was left of the night before dawn came, Diana had equipped her armor back on after changing her bandages, along with putting on an old, long black cloak to conceal herself and grabbed her sword before descending the mountain and heading to the nearest port to get to the jungle island. The sun was rising over the horizon when Diana finally made it to a port and carefully avoided any contact with anyone before finally finding a ship sailing to Ionia. Once she got on the ship, she hid herself away from anyone in a cabin. Once the ship started to set sail, Diana began to wonder what will become of Mount Targon with her absence. She hopes that something or maybe someone will keep them at bay until she can return to destroy them again. She got so lost in thought and worry that she eventually fell asleep, causing her to dream about the time she climbed the mountain as a child. 

When the ship finally arrived after a few days, Diana felt relieved to be getting off this ship. It felt too cramp for her tastes and once the ship arrived at a port, Diana quickly rushed off before anyone else did and into the Ionian jungles. It felt nice to be by herself again though she did have her own cabin in the ship still she had to go get food and would bump into a lot of people. She stretched her arms as she walked in the dense jungle and finally arrived at the place that requested her. "I was expecting more of a...palace..." she said while looking at the big run down shrine. Shrugging since there's no point in judging the place for its looks, Diana went to the entrance and opened the shrine doors slowly while walking in cautiously. She took her cloak off, setting her sickle back into her hand and announced, not too loudly, but loud enough, "I am Diana, the celestial aspect of the moon, and I am obviously here because I accepted the invitation." 
[SIZE=19.5pt]:: [/SIZE] [SIZE=36pt]Leona[/SIZE] [SIZE=19.5pt]::[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=16pt]The Radiant Dawn[/SIZE][SIZE=16pt][/SIZE]

Beaten and bloodied, Leona continued to fight off the voidlings with the rest of the Ra-Horak and Rakkor. White hot flame imbued to the body of the creatures unknown, as Leona unleashed her mystical powers. People knew her as the Radiant Dawn, a title given to her as the chosen of the sun, infused with powers no one can explain and no one to explain to.

Many people had dreamed to climb the peak of the mountain yet only a few survive, for they cannot adapt themselves to the harsh climate of Targon, and some just wasn't fit for it. Leona has always lived in these rock formation for as long as she can remember, even if the mists fascinates her so; wondering whatever it was beyond the mountains of Targon. A former Rakkor, a deemed heretic of the said tribe, and now the very leader of the Solari. 

Auburn hair flowed in the midst of the battlefield as ember eyes flickered with the passion to protect; her sun kissed skin was blended with red blood, her shield near her body and sword ready to strike. Brace and thrust, block. She reminded herself the basics of the sword, not wanting to further gain injuries than she already has. "Leona!" A man could be heard calling out her name.

When she had found the source her eyes were wide in shock to find him in a critical state. He was bleeding, his body was filled with deep cuts, and a chunk of his flesh was even bitten off. Leona called for a medic and had him placed in the sickbay to have him healed. But before he left, he handed out a letter with the woman's name on it, written in an intricate way.

As time passes the voids become thinner and thinner until it finally ceased it's forthcoming. How weary were these soldiers from the fight that they had landed to the floor the moment no creatures could be found, breathless from hours of killing. Bodies ached and groans could even be heard.

Night has already come and every fighter went back to their own place. As for Leona, the temple was her home and her work place. The Solari Temple was gigantic and adorned in golden structure of a spire. Her room could be found somewhere around the top. She took it upon herself to treat the wounds on her partially scarred skin, after taking a bath. Minutes passed and she plopped herself to her bedstead and listened to the silence, thinking how in the world did this happen, where those creatures came from, what do they want form Mount Targon. I need to find a solution, to protect my birth place, my home.

She sat up and proceeded to clean her wounds and bandaged it with the use of a cloth. After the session healing of wounds, she wore her epiblema over her sand colored peplos with a pair of leather sandals. Though tired, her brain wasn't really ready for sleeping, and will keep her awake from sometime. A single peek at her table and she had remembered the man who gave her the letter atop of the wooden surface. He almost died just to give me this. She took the letter, Just what does this letter even hold?, and opened it, revealing it to be a letter from Ionia, to be specific it is from a man named Shen. She read its contents and packed her clothes and readied her armor.

The very next day, Leona looked for the High Elder of the Solari Council, Apollon, also a good friend during Leona's time as a Ra-Horak commander. "Apollon," the man turned around at the mention of his name. "I will make leave for Ionia today."

Apollon flinched at the auburn woman's words. "Why? You are needed here! Our warriors are more motivated when they fight with you." He explained dramatically.

"And yet I must go, if I do not those creatures will only continue to grow and destroy our home." Leona denied the other’s explanation, blaze filled her eyes showing determination in what she will be doing.

"If that is your decision, Leona." he bowed to show respect for the woman's judgment, and stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "May the Sun bless you on your journey."

Leona smiled and cloaked herself with her brown robe, hiding her armor and face. "The Sun has always given me his blessing." She declared to her friend before continuing the path to the world outside of her home.

It was harsh, the lands away from the mountains were filled with such mysteries that she only read from Solari's archives, and so very hot. The breeze wasn't cold as the one in Targon, it was the complete opposite. It took her days of walking and fighting the voidlings to be able to reach Zaun's port to go to Ionia. The ship was not large and was a ship for cargoes to Ionia, it didn't make her that excited to be traveling by boat because it made her a bit sea sick at some times. After a few days, the fields and mountains of Ionia could be seen.

Her body was sweating as she walked through the foreign jungle of Ionia, still haven't been able to adjust to the climate, since it varies for each place, but it is remarkably colder in Ionia than in Zaun. Aimlessly walking, while looking for an abandoned shrine. It was quiet aside from the rustling of leaves and the crunch of twigs; it was peacefully quiet at the moment. As time goes by, the silence felt deafening, she could hear the pounding of her heart and the cries of the cicada. That is until she saw a speck of light at the corner of her eye. She approached it slowly as it grew lighter and lighter forming a ruined building.

She readied herself to meet Shen and her would be companions, if ever. Standing at those old and worn doors made her feel quite nervous, a woman who for the first time has gone away from her birth place, here in Ionia to fight other worldly creatures. She shook the thought away and masked on a brave face, a step and a push on those double doors was all she did to get inside the temple. Whatever Leona would face, she is ready.


The bushes rustled as she dashed through the forest; her search for answers wasn't over, nor was it even close to. She took a moment to rest, and focused her senses as she catches her breath. Strange. The forest felt foreign to her: a product of disturbance? Perhaps so, but her animal instincts told her otherwise. Every part of her screamed of danger - they wanted her out of these forests. But she knew, she wouldn't - no, she couldn't. She relied on her fox half to survive these forests, on how to prey on the animals, what to do with the humans that invaded her domain, all that she needed, but, she only felt half satisfied on how she lived her life within these woods. Her human half, on the other hand, took control of her in ways she couldn't imagine, her aspirations, and everything that she desired


And her entire life, she knew what that desire was, to be human. To be with humans, but that didn't matter for now, her home was at stake. Even more than that, few surprising creatures, humans, from a small village just beneath the Tevasa Mountains, fascinated the fox. She would spend most of her nights watching these humans, learning from them. All that she needed to know about how to be a proper human, how to properly take act out half a part of who she was, she learned it all through observation. But, for every minute she spent studying the complex creatures, a change from inside her occurred.


She felt it all and she felt it true - in ways she never thought was possible. It came out in the form of the incomprehensible flutters her heart did when a mother cares for her newborns, when fathers teach their kids how to be a man, or when a husband comforts his wife after a day of tending to their children. It came all as a surprise to her, and it surprised her even more so when she felt warmth yet tears flowed through her cheeks, betraying what her heart describes.

She was jealous.


That jealousy was no evil one, she began to love the villagers, she began to yearn for things other than just survival. It was then that she swore, she would protect these people from harm, along with the danger her instincts warned her of. As for her, the day would come - she would be part of their home, just like how they were already part of hers. 


Not needing a further reminder of her goals, she continued making her way to the forest once more. 



It was the stars turn to take the skies by the time she arrived. The cold dim surroundings were enveloped with snowy mist - a convenience for her, she would need to remain undetected for what she planned. A tint of orange caught her eyes. She tucked her tails together before slowly approaching the source. She hid behind a tree when she reached the closest distance she could make without the danger of discovery. A campfire was set up, five men circled it, all wanting to catch a feel of the heat. 


These humans must be the source of the forest's displeasure, Ahri thought before giving the men a thorough look with her sharp eyes. 


Out of the five, the man with silver hair sitting at the center stood out, he must be the alpha, Ahri assumed. Ahri had no knowledge of the military but she was no stranger to groups of soldiers; they often became subject to Ahri's worries, they went too close to the village she considered home, and seeing how men like these slaughtered anything, and anyone they came across, they were clearly no good. But as of late, she could feel the presence of the soldiers thinned down - something that pleased her, she wanted them out of her forest, and away from her home. 


The silver haired man twiddled something between his fingers, Ahri recognized the piece of parchment - humans called them letters. If she learned anything about letters from watching the villagers, it's that they held valuable information inside. Ahri needed to get her hands on that letter, perhaps it contained the answers she sought. Either way, she would need to deal with these men, they were dangerous to begin with. She took a few quiet steps back, a twig snapped on her last step. 


This caught the alpha male's attention; he stood up quicker than the others, his sword already out of its scabbard. "Who's there?" He fearlessly shouted, "come out, this instant!"


Ahri slowly emerged from the brushes, a fierce look on her face, her ears twitching in alert. Her nine tails scattered out to different directions, making the four other men to jump to their feet. 


"Who are you!?" The leader demanded for answers, his sword pointed out to the fox in the distance. 


"I am the one who lives among these trees, you", Ahri's golden eyes locked a fierce glare at the man, "do not belong here."


The man scoffed at the fox, "a beast does not tell me where I belong." 


With a short command, the men were quick to draw their crossbows and take their shots, but Ahri was quicker, she tumbled to her left, an arrow nearly struck one of her tails. She snarled as she ducked to the forest for cover. 


"After her!" Quickly and without hesitation, the men followed Ahri in pursuit. 


The four soldiers grouped together as they hunted Ahri. It will be hard to detect her under the covers of the night and the mist's intervention only made it worse. Their nerves were tense; they weren't well trained to fight under these conditions, Ahri could see it - their bodies told her of their bottled up fear. She giggled as she circled around the men, making them turn from side to side in search of their target. 


A speck of white flame flew towards the group, completely engulfing one of them in flames. The rest watched in horror as their comrade burned to his death. The grips on their crossbows started to shake heavily, they were fearing for their lives. Ahri continued to toy with her preys, hopping from brush to brush, the sound of her giggling warned the remaining men of their fates. Another speck came towards them, its target rolled to the side, it failed to hit its mark. The man let out a chuckle in relief but his short moment of nonchalance proved to be his downfall, white flames swallowed him whole as they came from another direction. 


The two remaining survivors leaned against each others' back, their friends' screams drowning them further to despair. Ahri emerged from the darkness. The soldiers quickly took their aim in panic. Ahri expertly dashed in multiple directions with blinding speed. She evaded their arrows, till she got in between both of them. One foolishly loaded his weapon and thoughtlessly fired in Ahri's direction, hitting his own ally through the neck as Ahri ducked out of its path. 


His let his crossbow slip from his hands as he watched his friend's pleading for help, voice gurgling with blood. He was incapable of fighting now, fear was in complete control of his body. 


Ahri walked to the last soldier who was rooted to the ground. She reached for his ears and began to whisper words directly to them. The frightened look on his face eased into a look of daze.



His sword was stabbed on the forest floor. He eagerly awaited for his men to return with good news, or for the fox to confront him. The serious look on his face didn't deter when the brushes before him shook. A familiar face greeted him. Good, they hunted her down, he thought, a content smirk formed around his lips. 


"Good work, soldier." He complimented on his last subordinate, walking towards him before resting a hand on his shoulder, "rest, we have a lot to-"


The junior soldier interrupted him with a stab of a detached arrow head to his stomach, he fell to the floor as his blood slowly painted the forest dirt. 


"Wh...why?" He forced a question to the man who betrayed him. Every bit of him struggled with confusion and of pain. 


There was an eerie look of fulfillment on the traitor's face, a look of pleasure. 


"I told you." He heard a familiar voice of a woman from behind the traitor. Ahri came out from behind the tree where she watched the scenes unfold. She slowly walked towards the leader, her nine tails playfully swishing about. The man's confusion and horror grew with every distance Ahri closed between the two of them, her playful smile mocking him. "You don't belong here."


Ahri pointed a palm to her right, a lustrous orb began forming from the thin air around it. She slowly pressed the orb starting with his face. He screamed loudly in pain as his skin was slowly burned and his essence drained of him, his screams later tuned to silence, and Ahri revered in it.


Yet, the agitation never left. These men were not the cause of her unrest. Her eyes scanned for the piece of parchment she recalled earlier. If these men were not the cause, then perhaps the letter may tell what was. She found the letter lying on the forest floor, an inch away from the newest corpse. "Now," she turned to her subject, letter now in hand, "tell me the contents of this paper." She requested, her voice bound with bewitching power. 


The man took the letter from her claws and opened it without haste, slowly, he started reading aloud each and every word, revealing it to be an invitation to a temple somewhere in Ionia. Somehow, the words put into the invitation didn't ease her of her worries, but it was the only lead she had. Even if it failed to provide her the answers, she won't stray too far from home to get there. 


The answer was pretty clear to her. 


"I see," she concluded, a claw to her chin. "Curious, maybe they have the answer I seek." She looked at the only human left with a contented smile.


She pulled out her Orb from the air once more, and carefully inspected its corners, a touch of bright green tinted a majority of her orb. But she knew, it was not enough. If she were to leave home, it was best to do so well-prepared for the trip. 


Slowly, she approached her last prey as he stood, his eyes were closed in colorful anticipation. She gently reached out her orb to the man's exterior burning him similarly to his superior. "Sleep, human." she whispered, to which the man followed without question. 


"Yes, my love." The man responded, still in an entranced state.


The word humored her a mind for a second as she finished the task, her orb now fully lit with green hue. "My love is not for you." She said, despite no one around her was breathing to respond. 



The temple stood taller than most of the trees around its vicinity. Ahri eyed it carefuly from top to bottom, none of her senses alerted her of danger. She emerged from her hiding spot to slowly approach the structure. Carefully, she pushed against the great doors before her, it creaked as it gave her the space to squeeze herself into the inside. 


Her eyes hopped from wall to wall, her ears remained perked, and her nine tails coiled together in wait. 


She took the moment to wonder, it may be the time to reveal herself to the humans she grew to love once she settled with this ordeal she had within.

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Talon had found himself in an unusual circumstance, he had been contracted to bring back someone alive and while he had done this on occasion he wasn't enjoying this venture. 

While Talon searched for General Marcus Du Couteau's location he had begun to freelance once again, opening up his old contacts to his serves like in the days before he served the General. Lead after lead of Marcus' whereabouts had turned into dead end after dead end and the young assassin did not wish to diminish in skill due to being out of practice. Freelancing was the best way he could make sure to keep his edge as well as provide for himself. Not being a blood member of the Du Couteau's he didn't have a right to the noble families fortune so rather he earned his own money, even if Katarina disapproved. 

What made this contract so much worst then usual was the combined difficulties of keeping someone alive, the fact the individual in question had been captured by Demacian's on Demacia soil and he would be expected to save the rest of the ungrateful Noxians that were captured along with her. 

Someone might assume Talon would be more then willing to aid his fellow country men when that couldn't be further from the truth. Talon held no form of patriotism for Noxus and especially not Swain's Noxus. The soldiers he would be rescuing would likely be Swain loyalists considering the raven didn't  put up with disloyalty and if that's the case Talon would sooner enjoy the sight of their slaughter. But that wasn't to be, if he only rescued the women he was aiming to his own loyalty might be questioned and both he and Kat didn't need that right now. 

The girl he was after was the daughter of a noble. She had recently joined the military and was on a scouting mission near the border when her unit went to far. They met a Demacian group who quickly dispatched and captured the green soldiers. The girl's father offered the assassin a nice sum if she was returned alive, he would also pay for any assassinations he had to make in order to allow that to happen.

Talon had spent the last few days traveling to the boarder in a rush. He had gathered word the prisoners where being taken to Demacia proper and Talon wanted to intercept them on the way. A rescue in the heart of a enemy city would be a large risk that he wasn't sure was worth the reward. 

The assassin was now closing in on his targets, just outside a small village miles from the capital. The group seemed to be planning to rest, an action like that was all to welcome for the assassin. Talon sat perched on a tree branch just inside the forest that ran along side the town. He sat so motionless he doubted the animals noticed his presents much less the eyes of the people. His plan for the moment was to wait them out if the unit intended to rest they would likely separate, some going to relax at the pub while leaving some behind to guard. It would be during this split that he would make his move. Talon was much more equip for handling small groups silently then an entire unit in a frontline confrontation. 

There was a carriage that contained at least four Noxians prisoners, one being the girl he was after. That is, if the information he had received was accurate. Soon just like Talon had suspected the Demacian's began to spilt some heading into town with four, plus the driver, staying behind. 

Talon pulled his bladed arm closer to his face as he began to plan on how to dispatch the remaining guards. It turned out he didn't need a plan, before the departing solider's had the chance to enter the bar they were stopped. A man's voice was crying out from the direction of the Capital, hoof beats along with it. All the men turned to look and then started heading in that direction. Talon watched like a statue from his perch as a man riding his stead at full gallop struggled to stop the beast before crashing into the others pulling the carriage. The panicked man didn't even get off his horse before speaking. 

He cried a warning of an attack on its way to the capital. An attack from the void. They were requesting that the majority of the unit ride back to defend and only leave who they could spare to escort the prisoners. This was both a blessing and a curse, a week ago when Talon was in Noxus preparing for this contract the city state didn't seem to be taking the void seriously. Yes they had heard of more sighting in Shurima and that Demacia had been seeing more of them then usual but Noxus rarely cared about the plights of others. From the look on that Demacian courier's face it was something to be worried about. Talon needed to get back to Noxus and see if preparations had begun. 

If the void was getting ready for its own invasion it picked the worst time, Katarina must not be pleased. Talon watched as the majority left in a hurry to defend their home. Now the only obstacle between him and his own was two guards and a carriage driver. 

The place this unit had parked was in perfect assassination position, he assumed Demacian guards didn't worry about that sort of thing. What kind of assassin would wander this far into their territory? Well the answer was the best. Their parking spot was much to far away for the villagers to notice anything that wasn't loud and attention grabbing. 

One man stood near the forest, the carriage driver was facing forwards and the second guard on the other side of the carriage was out of view. Talon waited for the first to walk under his branch before dropping down on top of him, using the blade on his arm the assassin stabbed the man in the throat before he could scream. He then leapt back into the tree taking the dead mans body with him and hanging it from a higher branch out of view. 

He then leapt back to the ground using the carriage for cover before climbing silently on top of it. He looked over at the second guard for a moment before stabbing his blade through the mans throat and  simultaneously covering his targets mouth with his free hand dragging the dead man onto the carriage as silently as possible. 

Now that both guards had be dealt with he could easily manipulate the driver. Talon approached the front of the carriage dropping down behind the man while wrapping his bladed arm around the drivers throat holding so the blade dug into his flesh just enough for it to bleed. The guy seemed like he was going to yell at first but stopped at the feel of his blood running down his neck. 

"Drive" Talon ordered from behind the man and he whipped the horses into motion. 

They rode into the forest like this until Talon was comfortable with the distance before he finished the driver off, freeing the prisoners and finding his girl. Talon considered throwing the women over his shoulder and taking her off but she wouldn't have it and reluctantly agreed to inform her father that Talon indeed set her free if Talon let her go back herself. Talon agreed to those terms considering he didn't want to be weighed down by that responsibility or company on the ride home. He took one of the carriage horses and was off as soon as he could leave.

He really hated the road and horse back was not his favorite way to travel. He usually liked to move through the trees, staying invisible to others which made him feel in control of any situation. But this time he wanted to get back quickly, if not to help against the void, to aid in Riven's plan. She and Katrina had been planing for a while but if the void was close to invasion then now was not the time for revolution. He would need to confirm the situation and try to postpone other plans. While he didn't much care if Noxus was over run with the void there were a select few he didn't wish death on.

A few days passed as he traveled home, there was quite a distance between the city states for good reason. He stopped and let the horse free once reaching the outer slums, a rough part of the city that resides around the moat. If there was going to be an attack of any kind these poor people will be the first to go. 

Talon having grown up on the streets became distinguished in the art of parkour and used it to travel around cities quickly. He was an expert on the Noxian streets, memorizing every hiding spot, loose broad or broken window the city had to offer. It didn't take long for him to use the roof tops to travel past the moat through the lower districts and into the noble district with ease. Talon took unconventional paths for his comfort but it wasn't hard to move through the city using its roads. There was no need for the type of security people might find in other cities, mostly because Noxus didn't care. Only in this city could you be robbed in an alley and instead of going to jail the guards give the thief your job because they are stronger then you. Yeah, every life in Noxus was a struggle but  that's what made their breed strong. 

While any citizen could freely go into the noble district you never saw people who were not in the noble class. They new they might stand out and the last thing a person wanted to do was get negative attention from Noxus' most powerful families. This usually kept thieves at bay, some poor fool wouldn't want to accidentally break into, say Vladimir's estate and run into a man who could kill you with a look. No, the poor had their place and the strong theirs. Even those who were once poor and built a name for themselves in the Noxian fashion still had a hard time gaining the respect of most noble houses. Noxians did have a tendency to prefer fear over respect these days and Talon was no exception to this rule.

Talon had built a life for himself back on the streets and became so skilled the best family of assassin in Valoran wanted him among its ranks, most nobles were not pleased with this arrangement. Unlike Riven who became a war hero, Talon looked like a stray dog a family had to take in to raise his status. It was as if he required help when really he didn't have much other option. It was this thinking that made the Du Couteau's family servants dislike him, they did not treat him like the sisters though they did not mistreat him either. They were aware of his willingness to slay even them if it came down to it, rather they trusted Katarina to keep him in line when in reality it worked the other way around. 

Talon had made it to the roof of the house next to his home manner and made his way onto his own roof using a nearby tree to enter through a top story window into the upper halls. He now quietly made his way down stairs in hopes Katarina was here and not on a mission of her own. Even in the comfort of his home his foot steps made no sound as if still stalking a target, at this point in his life such things became unconscious. He was relieved to see her reading something over the table with her back facing him. 

He approached like a shadow and learned over her shoulder to take a look but she must have caught sight of him because she went on the offensive. Pulling a blade from her belt and swinging around with the intent to place it in his skull between his eyes. Talon had been ready pulling up his own so that they clashed together. 

"Talon," she said with a cocked smile and they both lowered their weapons. "Some mail came for us."

Talon seeming to ignore what she had said changed the subject to what it was he wanted, "How is void preparations?"

She paused a moment pushing some hair back over her shoulder before scowling.

"While you have been off playing assassin, the Raven started to take things a little more seriously," she looked annoyed but continued. "Our so called General might be planning to go about this the wrong way, not that it's surprising but that's what the mail is about," she began but again Talon was not concerned in the slightest about the mail. 

"What about your plan?"

He stopped again, "it's still going on as planned, but I need you to go to Ionia." He added. 

"No" Talon narrowed his eyes and started to walk way not wanting to here why it was she needed him in another country. He was not about to abandon her if they didn't plan to postpone the attack, he had to be here. 

"It's about stopping the void," she argued and went after him grabbing a piece of his cape to keep him from running off, "It's from the Eye of Twilight himself, he asked for both of us."

Talon stopped but didn't speak rather let the silence fester until Katarina wished to fill it. " He wants to stop the void but I'm staying to help Riven. Stopping to void will be helping us, we need it off our backs so I was hoping you would go."


"Come on it's what Marcus would want." He really didn't like her pulling the Marcus card on him but it was at that point he knew she would continue to pester him until he checked it out so he would agree but on his terms. He would never agree so easily for just anyone, she was lucky to be the one of only two people he currently cared anything about. 

"Fine, but if I don't like what he has to say I'm coming back," he stated his voice in its usual monotone. 

"That's fair," she handed him the letter and turned away without a thank you or goodbye but it was just their way.

Talon headed off to his extremely dull empty room and packed blades, poisons, bandages and as many other provisions that he could hold and hide on his person. He then set off to the Noxian docks, sneaking onto a ship bound for Ioina. 

Since the end of the war many Noxian ships still made port in Ionia taking their equipment that was left with little opposition from the Ionian citizens who seemed like they simply wished to stay out of confrontation. Talon stayed hidden for the duration of the trip not wishing to have anything to do with the solider's on board.  It was a quiet trip, his presents going completely unnoticed until they hit shore. 

He immediately left the port town and traveled to were the map had ordered. Choosing to keep to the forest and out of the way of the people. While the citizens didn't seem to want a rematch with all of Noxus he might run into some trouble on his own. Most still held a lot of animosity towards his people even if he never participated in the war himself they wouldn't care. He would rather not be forced to leave a bloody trail of dead citizens on his way to meet the head of a powerful ninja order. 

As he approached from the trees he believed he heard someone enter the shrine and decided to continue with caution. In honesty he didn't know what good that would do if the people watching him where ninja's they would be just as hard to spot and probably harder to fight. He reminded himself he was hear as the Eye of Twilights guest and that he was probably in no danger. Still his caution trained mind would not allow him to pass through the front doors. So he made she way through the trees and silently onto the roof choosing to enter from the top and hide in the shadows amongst the rafters to watch the commotion. He assured himself the ninja's would applaud his cation rather then think he had malicious intent for going in that way. So he stay there studying the small group below him who had managed to arrive first.

Two women in dazzling expensive looking armor with magnificent weapons, a man in a long coat with his face currently hidden under his large hat and a...a large human like rat? Talon wasn't really sure what he was seeing with that one but since the others didn't seem alarmed he assumed he was also a guest. The ninja had written this would be a group project and Talon hated group projects. 
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Atlas snorted loudly, his breaths heavy and rough as he ran, grunting through his exhaustion as his hooves pounded heavily on the Demacian soil. His body was rigid, taught with adrenaline, a layer of sweat so thick he shined under the bright sun. He strode with strength as he bounded down the dirt path leading to the capital city, exuding power and confidence despite his lowered head. He usually carried himself quite highly, reflecting the prestige of the would-be-king he carried, but it was now lowered from fatigue. His eyes were heavy, but filled with desperation. He kept his focus, bounding through the grasslands, a wildfire among the fields as his bright red visage passed through villages and empty meadows, a trail of mounted horses behind him. The platoon of men paid no attention to anything they passed as they plummeted forward towards their destination. Exhaustion was near overwhelming, overpowering all of his senses, but he kept his focus on the path before them, leading his fellow stallions as valiantly as the Prince he carried led his own men.

It hadn’t taken long for word of the attack to reach the soldiers, and Jarvan IV’s decision to return to the capital city immediately came without hesitation, which was entirely expected. There was no other option but to aid in the cities defense, and with the walls of the pristine capital in view, the soldiers only felt hardened in their resolve. They pressed on towards the gates of capital Demacia, and it was then they took in the full extent of the onslaught.

The horns were first, war horns loud enough to carry a far distance to warn all their citizens of the danger, commanding an evacuation for those who were able, and for those unable to seek shelter. Usually a blaring sound even from afar, as the soldiers approached it was overpowered by the roars of the monstrous beasts of the Void mingling with the screams of citizens. The shrieks seemed to carry much farther than the sounds of the battle, and they pierced the Princes soul much deeper than any blade ever could. The sky above the capital seemed benighted with smoke left in the wake of the monsters, fire bleeding a deep red and black into the sunny sky, the bright blue a mockery of the devastation they currently faced. The smoke was suffocating, dense enough that it choked through the helms of the soldiers, leaving them near disoriented. Eyes watered and throats burned as they pounded through the village streets, landing them just outside the city, its prestigious walls in full view.

The village they stood in had been left as nothing more than a remnant of itself, the massacre riding it of all its former glory. What buildings weren’t left in ruins were engulfed in flames leaking smoke into the sky, the once quite lively town desolated and littered with the bodies of those unable to flee. The creatures had taken no heed towards mercy, leaving many of the bodies ravaged, or simply in pieces. Many were missing limbs: heads, arms, and legs scattered across the pathways, blood running between the cobble stones and puddling among the grass and dirt. Some were treated with much less kindness, mutilated beyond recognition, left more blood and organs than person. Some were still twitching, mouths contorted in silent screams. None of any age were free of the torment. It was a painful sight to behold, one powerful enough to put a momentary stop to the Princes march as he took in the slaughter. It was a solemn, painful moment, but he knew he could not pause. The creatures that had caused such suffering were now just outside of the capitals walls. With a new fire ignited within them, they carried on, doing their best to avoid the bodies as they trampled through the town as fast as before.

As the village fell behind them, it was the first chance for the Prince and his men to see the horrific beasts that had laid siege to their land. They were a terrible sight to lay eyes on, large shelled beasts were scattered in the outer fields, surrounding the lowered portcullis, slamming into the walls and wood trying to break down their defenses. Archers lined the tops of the walls, and filled the upper towers, doing their best to fight them off, but their attention was focused more on the monsters climbing up the walls and those flying over them. Insect-like, they had large wings and armored shells as well, more eyes than a creature should have and incredibly large fangs and pincers. They were hard to look at for long, and terrifying, even to the man who had fought beasts more incredible than dragons. Bodies of the beasts lay scattered in the fields, mostly the flying creatures, and it made Jarvan IV proud so many had already been defeated. It was a noticeably small number of beasts that were attacking, but the damage they had done was immense and Jarvan IV would not underestimate them.

He carried forward, no hint of fear faltering his hardened expression as he flew towards the heart of the horde. They grabbed attention almost immediately, and two of the creatures scaling the wall turned to deal with the new threat. As they pushed way and flew towards the men they readied to fight, but were much too late. One of the soldiers was knocked from his horse, the creature following him to the ground, digging its large pincers into his body and rendering him motionless within seconds. The other was grabbed from his saddle completely, hoisted into the air too high for the others to help. Archers took fire, attempting to find purchase but unable to as it moved through the air, dropping the man of its own desire, letting him fall helplessly back to the ground a crumpled mess. With their attack the formation fell into near chaos, but Jarvan IV trusted his men would be able to hold their own.

Jarvan IV turned Atlas as though to flee, distancing himself for a safe dismount before sending the horse on its way. He turned his attention back to the beasts, gripping his lance tightly in his hand as he readied for the battle. Two of the larger beasts were bounding his way, turning their attention away from the portcullis, though Jarvan IV was more than ready for them. Gripping his lance, he swung powerfully, and though the tip of his blade was more than a few feet away from the creatures, the ground itself seemed to lift up underneath it, the shine of the sapphires embedded in the weapon commanding it to rise in large rocky shards, stabbing into the underbellies of the monsters. He turned his attention to the fight around him. Full onslaught had erupted at their arrival, beasts clawing through the horses of his men trying to reach the soldiers, the flying insects trying to fight past their shields to carry them off. The archers along the walls were doing their best to aid the platoon, and some of their fellow soldiers were finding their way safely out of the city to fight alongside them.

Jarvan IV carried forward toward the battle, throwing the point of his blade as he moved, commanding the earth to follow and fight against the creatures as best it could, towers and shards appearing scattered across the field with beasts impaled on their peaks. When in range he would extend his lance, piercing the hearts and stomachs of the flying monsters and bringing them to the ground in a quick strike. The battle carried on, the bodies of soldiers joining the increasing amount of the beasts’ corpses as the time passed. The soldiers were wearing down, the full Demacian military unable to join them without opening the portcullis, and fear of bringing the battle within the city weighing on those inside. Jarvan IV pressed on, confident they would easily defeat the creatures without bringing further harm to the innocent citizens within the walls, but that hope was almost shattered when a tremble erupted through the ground. It put a pause to all the soldiers, but it only lasted a short moment as the beasts continued their fighting. Jarvan IV impaled the creature bearing down on him, and threw its body from his lance as another tremor nearly shook him from his feet. He looked about, attempting to find the source of the disruption, and took note of some of the insects dislodging from the wall near the portcullis. It took only a moment for Jarvan IV to realize what was occurring, and in that moment he swung his lance, bringing a wall of rock from the ground as high as he was able to command it.

The wall crumbled as the Xer’Sai emerged, dust and rubble exploding around the creature as it plowed easily through the defense the Prince had made. It knocked Jarvan IV from his feet as it traveled towards the gate, slamming itself into the wall of the city, crumbling it as easily as it had the rock. Archers atop the wall flew as helplessly as the chunks of wood and stone, lost among the dust and debris. Other soldiers simply within range were taken out by flying wall fragments, and the Prince may have very well lost his own life if not for the walls he had made around himself. The Xer’Sai had already re-submerged when the disruption settled, but Jarvan IV took no time to wait. A soldier’s horse has headed his way during the fight, and he took the chance to mount it and race within the cities walls, his lance tight in his hand. Creatures landed to his side, beasts racing through the now open door only to be met with the waiting soldiers just inside. Jarvan IV raced past as he chased the creature, refusing to allow it to reach the heart of the capital.

The ground seemed to crack and shatter above the Xer’Sai, creating an easy path to see but a difficult one to follow. He coasted from side to side atop the horse, doing his best to avoid hitting any of the largest cracks so the two wouldn’t topple, and he kept on the Xer’Sai as best he could. He moved quickly despite the dense earth, but it didn’t seem to have a set destination. It barreled through buildings, paying no heed to what lay above it on the surface as it traveled underneath, forcing the Prince to detour through allies and roads to travel after it. As the two raced through the city Jarvan IV threw his lance, pieces of earth spiking up out of the ground in all directions as he tried to force the beast out to no avail. He saw the courtyard of the cities center coming into view, empty of all signs of life, and he pushed his horse forward, forcing it to run faster, hoping to gain some distance on the beast. He was able to pull ahead, and he continued to urge the animal on as he neared the courtyard. He moved to its center, and threw himself from the creatures back, letting the horse run away of its own choice and taking his stance to battle the Xer’Sai. He singled himself out as a target, and used his lance to throw up a large wall just behind him, encircling him halfway leaving him in what was reminiscent of an arena.

It was an incredible creature, emerging from the ground in a show of dust and stone, large with its fangs bared. Jarvan IV allowed himself a moment to look upon it with fear; though it wasn’t a formidable enough creature to compare to the legendary Rek’Sai, it was an intimidating and mesmerizing sight. He let the moment pass quickly, swallowing down his fear and readying himself to take on the waiting beast. He felt like it was giving him a moment to prepare as it watched, fangs bared and ready to strike. He could have believed it nodded at him when he was ready to face it, but within the same second it was baring down on him, launching its body forward to crash once again into the ground, attempting to take him underneath with it as it burrowed into the grass and dirt. He had rolled out of its way mere moments before it would have dragged him down, and he had only a short moment to back away as it emerged once again just a few feet from where it had dived down, its head shooting from the newly formed hole before its tail had even vanished into the other one.

It was a fast creature, burrowing and emerging from the ground in such an array of movement that Jarvan IV was only to dodge and defend himself, no openings left from him to attack the creature head on. He needed a moment to collect himself, to attempt to predict where the creature would come from for him to attack, but with its incredible speed he could never find the chance. He wouldn’t be able to clear his head, he needed to simply act, but using guess work could mean life or death in this moment. He gripped his lance as he made it to his feet, having just barreled out of the beasts’ way, and he let the sapphires light up once more. The quakes of the beasts’ arrival were powerful, almost enough to knock him from his feet, but he kept his balance as he threw his lance forward, the specialized weapon extending as he did so, and the magic of the sapphires embedded within it activating and pulling the earth with it. His lance pierced the beast as it came out of the ground, though it was only enough to crack a part of its armor. The earth did more damage than his lance ever could, piercing through the shell of the monster in a swift and powerful attack, traveling through and out of its back. It wasn’t enough to kill the creature, but it pulled it backwards and into the walls Jarvan IV had previously formed, pinning the Xer’Sai. It struggled against the rocks, enough to crack the wall behind it, but it held firmly as the wounds weakened the monster. Jarvan IV approached, readying his lance for a final attack, and as he came into range the Xer’Sai no longer kept its silence. It barred its fangs as it had before, letting out a piercing roar drowning out any other sounds within the area. Jarvan IV showed no reaction, but took the opportunity to throw his lance once more. It extended and went through the creature’s open mouth. It traveled through the beast’s head, the specialized lance spinning and drilling through the muscles, tissues, and armor of the beast until it found its way out the other side. It was a gruesome event, blood immediately pouring down the creature’s fangs and out of its mouth, splattering and pooling below it, the body contouring and twitching in its final moments as the lance came to a stop when it hit the earthen wall holding the beast in place. Jarvan IV watched as the life drained from the Xer’Sai, and when sure it was dead he brought his lance back to him, and let the walls he had built fall. The beast collapses in a pile of blood and dust as it hit the ground, but it didn’t move to attack.

He stood alone in the courtyard as he looked down at the incredible beast, taking it in before turning to its path behind him. Though the earthen spikes he had formed during his pursuit were partly to blame the creature had done an incredibly amount of damage. Buildings had fallen when the earth had cracked underneath them, its traveling make earthquakes strong enough to topple even some of the buildings away from its path. The breaks and ruptures in the roads left them impassable, and he could now even see bodies left in the beast’s wake, most likely those who had been inside the buildings it had demolished. He was lost in contemplation as he took in the sight, his being wrought with anger and guilt as he listened to the distant shouts of injured soldiers. He could hear that the battle had concluded, archers and mages were no longer firing from the walls, and there were no more roars, but there were many who had been hurt.

There were many who had been lost.

Atlas had somehow wondered into the courtyard while he stood waiting, the horse having been left to its own volition at the beginning of the battle, and he pushed his head against Jarvan IV’s shoulder altering him. Jarvan IV didn’t smile to his mount, but ran his hand along his neck in recognition. He then mounted him, and turned to head towards his home.


It wasn’t uncommon for Void creatures to make their way onto Demacian soil, they shared their borders with Shurima after all, but this wasn’t the first attack within the past few weeks, and it wasn’t the first sighting even within the past few days. They had not only reached the capital, but they had broken through its walls, and now they were left vulnerable. He worried over what this attack may mean for them.

He slammed through the doors of the castle, pushing past the guards and servants who approached him, worried about his well being. He was still covered in the blood of the Xer’Sai, and was wearing with exhaustion. He imagined he looked worse for wear, but there were much more pressing matters so he shouldered past and carried on to the war council. Throwing the doors open wide, the Prince entered into the council room, his father and the many aristocrats of Demacia waiting inside. He paid no heed to formalities as he approached, and though someone had been speaking when he arrived, he took to interrupting them without hesitation.

“We cannot ignore the Void any longer.” He said, pushing between two of the councilors to slam his hand on the table. Blood from his palm splattered out and left a large hand print between the two men when he lifted it back up, the room now silent and focus entirely on him. “While all of you were here discussing taxes, a Xer’Sai broke through our walls. These creatures should never have been able to get as close as they did, and now hundreds are dead; entire villages have been slaughtered. I ran past the bodies of dying children, even your own dying soldiers, to find you sitting up here in the castle.” His tone formed a growl as he spat the words towards the King, a hard expression set on his face. “I’m disappointed in you, father.”

His father didn’t flinch, “Be as disappointed as you wish, it hardly matters. What matters is a message we’ve received.” He motioned towards a figure standing over against one of the walls, Jarvan IV looked to see one of his guards, a man known as Credo, leaning against it. He looked back to his father, his expression angrier than it had been before. He opened his mouth to speak, but the King continued and the Prince did not interrupt, “You know it would have been pointless for me to join the fight, or there was a chance I would have joined the dead. It was ignorant of you to fight as well, though I realize I could not have stopped you had I made any attempts. Either way, you are correct that we need to find a way to handle our Void problem and the message we have received is relevant to that fact.” He motioned for Credo to come forward and the guard obeyed, walking up to the Prince before kneeling and offering the letter to him.

“I know the origin of the letter, and I took to reading over it before passing it to you. It comes a very reliable source; it was delivered by a messenger of the Kinkou,” Credo stood as the Prince took the note and read over it. His countenance became even more frustrated that it had been before, and he threw the letter to the ground.

“You want me to leave.” He stated, anger fought to leak into his tone but he fought to keep it even.

“I do, and you will. The Kinkou have called for you, and we know from the past we do not ignore their summons. I recognize your desire to stay, you are my son, and this is your kingdom to rule, but you should recognize your place as Prince and know you are not a necessity to us. The soldiers look up to you, and you do well to lead on the battlefield and to boost morale, but you rule by my side and as long as I am here to command Demacia will stand strong. You want to battle the Void threat, and you will do so, only not here.

“We are vulnerable, and as the sole heir to the throne it would be wise to distance you from the battle until we are confident in our victory. Demacia doesn’t need to lose both of us if we face a full assault from the Voidlings. Our closeness to Shurima, the heart of the Voids tie to Valoran, is right along our borders and we need to gain an advantage over them to guarantee our survival. The Kinkou are more than willing, it would seem, to help. They’ve taken it upon themselves to contact your directly, and we have no ire towards them or any within Ionia, we should at least see what they wish to offer us.” The King kept his eyes locked on his son, his own expression never faltering from its usually hardened and unemotional look. He looked almost smug in his correctness, and though he wished to fight, the Prince was forced to back down.

“I… You are right, father. I do not wish to leave, but it may be in Demacia’s best interest that I do.” He disliked stammering at the start of his response but he was wrecked with guilt and unable to control his tone as well as he’d like. Leaving his city with the state it was in was the last thing he wanted to do, but he had little option. Even if he could muster up a formidable argument he could not go against his father’s orders, and if the king commanded him to leave, he had to obey. He paused, looking out the large windows of the room, seeing only the outskirts of the battles carnage, before he re-made eye contact with his father. “I will gather a group of able men and I will head for Ionia at once.”

“Good,” the King said curtly as he stood and approached Jarvan IV, clapping a strong hand onto his shoulder, “travel safely my son. I expect you to represent your city well, and to do what you can to ensure our victory and happiness during this time of devastation.”

Jarvan IV nodded, “I will, my King, and I hope I will not have to return to a burning city.” His father half smiled before pulling him into a tight hug.


Jarvan IV had imagined leaving would be difficult given the current circumstances, but it was much rougher than he had expected. When one of his maids had caught word he was departing she had immediately confronted him with demanding he wait at least one night to allow him and his men time to rest and recuperate. There wasn’t much of an argument to be made against her demands so he did as she wished. After the time had passed and he was preparing Atlas to travel, he was met with the tax of convincing the Crownguards, Xin Zhao, and Shyvana that they did not need to travel with him, and that he would only take a group of the usual twelve soldiers and Credo with him to Ionia. The letter had asked he come alone, so the group would be disbanded at the ship they took to Ionia anyway, so there was little call for them to leave when they would be of more use to the city.

The group had a relatively safe travel to Ionia, only encountering a few highwaymen and a few beasts along their way. A few were injured, but none lost their lives, and they were able to depart when they procured a ship to take them to the island. The twelve had left, though Credo remained behind to follow and ensure his safety. Though he imagined the soldier wouldn’t get passed the trained ninjas of the Kinkou, he was skilled in stealth and espionage and would easily go unnoticed until the Prince had made it to the shrine. Which was how their travel there played out.

It had been hard to leave his city behind, passing through the streets he himself had destroyed during his pursuit of the Xer’Sai, the roads and buildings still in disarray from the creature, the front wall of the capital in shambles. The mark of the Void was left on the Demacian people, and as he stood within the forest of Ionia he felt overwhelmed by the thought of what was occurring at home. It had been weeks since he had left, but the time spent traveling and sailing had not cleared his mind, only polluted it further. He worried if they had already been attacked again, if something even stronger than the Xer’Sai had come while they were so open to attack. He knew word would never reach him in time if they were, he could not return to help his people no matter how much he wished to. They would be dead before he even got close. He had faith in the Demacian people, in their military, and in their King, but he still worried. He still longed to be back in the castle commanding by his father’s side.

No matter how strongly he desired it, he knew where his place was, and he needed to be here.

Despite the letter from the Kinkou asking him to come alone, his sole reason for disbanding his platoon and ordering his men to leave him, it seemed he wasn’t the only one to be called. As he approached the designated shrine he heard someone moving ahead of him, and assumed someone had just entered. If there was to be a gathering so be it, though he was suspicious of the ninjas desire to create an alliance with multiple nations. If any more Demacians had been summoned he was sure their paths would have crossed by now, so who else had been summoned to meet alongside him?

He imagined battling against the Void would take the strength of more nations than one, or even two, but the thought of potential alliances with Noxus or Zaun was a thought maddening enough to convince him to leave. He knew Zaun didn’t have a representative strong enough to form any alliances with, so their involvement was less likely, but Noxus had Swain to negotiate with, and if there was even a chance the Tactician was present…

He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and went to enter the shrine. He was here now, and he refused to turn back on the speculation of meeting his enemies. If anything, now would be a good opportunity to deal with them directly, and as civilly as Swain would allow. He smirked at the thought of getting such an opportunity, but he doubted the General would heed the call of the Ionian order. It would be near hypocrisy to ally with them now. Jarvan IV felt himself smirking at the thought, of a Swain so desperate to survive the onslaught of the void he would overcome past differences to ensure he’d live. It was a happy enough thought that he almost didn’t miss his home anymore.

He pushed that thought from his mind as well as he approached the door to the shrine and took to entering, eager to see who awaited him.
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How much time had pass since the Dead Pool had fallen?It doesn't matter for the self proclaim King. After leaving Illaoi once for all in her temple,his sorrow and sadness finally left him as his boldness surface once more,his cupidity fading away.He was not the same Men as before,he know that he was feeling invincible at Bilgewater. He always though that nobody could stop him,that he was the true pillar of Bilgewater and the most feared corsair of Runeterra. Having a new ship at his disposal with a new crew,his quest had dramatically change,but still. His anger was more present then before,and his old memories of his childhood were now coming back as a flashback, along with the day that his title was taken away, the name of the three people who stole his city deeply graved into his mind.

The news about his come back was certainly spreading all around Runeterra as a myth, but some people know that he wasn't killed, and that one day he will strike back to reclaim what he deeply wanted. Now travelling the Sea and devastating each island and village that was against him, Gangplank was building his strength back. Now living in a short island on a cave on the sea of Runeterra , Gangplank was storing his treasures freshly stolen by others here. Gangplank was now more informed about his own crew, and he will not be betrayed again by a perverted plan. His crew was composed with some skills guys, and even some survivors from Bilgewater. Gangplank was not hesitating by killing some members who he found suspicious, taking more precaution was now a new mindset inside him.

Gangplank,sitting down on his bone throne with his treasures behind,had been informed about the news about the attack around Demacia by one of his officer entering into the throne room. After a conversation between the two,Gangplank greatly thanks the officer by handshaking him,happily to heard this news. The time to claim back his town have maybe finally come, and taking advantage from the fear of the Void was a good occasion to strike back. But ...It was apparently a dangerous thread and they were ravaging everything in sight.Their names : Voidlings. Gangplank mind it after hearing more about them, his smile slowly fading away showing his serious face once more.

The discussion between the two keep going.Meanwhile,some people enter into the Island with their ship, asking at the Pirate in the front of the entrance of the throne room of Gangplank to enter with some information. A young pirate quickly ran into the front of Gangplank,interrupting the conversation between the two. Gangplank stare at the young pirate who spoke bowing at him "My lord ! It seems like some members of the cult of Illaoi want to give you and important message ! " The young pirate said "Then,i will be on my way to see them." Gangplank said,clenching his fist.

Walking down the hallways and finally reaching the outside, Gangplank cross his arms, frowning at the cult. One of them spoke looking at Gangplank "A letter have been deserved to you.Before you ask it, it was preferable to hand it directly at you since we know nobody would have the courage to come directly at you." Gangplank smirk before taking the letter, reading it with the crew looking at the scene. Gangplank laugh looking at the letter before looking back at the cult "Are you kidding me?Are they really asking me,Gangplank,a killer,a thief,a man fear far and wide to help them against the void?" another cult member respond back "Yes,they are. You should already know that you are a though men with and extremely powerful artillery. Plus,Illaoi ask you directly to follow the order of this letter." Gangplank sigh "Then let's say it's a debt for Illaoi." he said before walking at his ship. It's true, Gangplank can't deny that Okao's gank save him before. Gangplank raised up his voice after the conversation as the Illaoi cult left the island "Everybody ! During my absence, i want you to raised up the defense of this island and defend it with all of your might. If somebody run away from the Voidlings,i can assure you that your death is already planned and will be extremely painful." 

With the word spoken,Gangplank during the day recruit the most skills member he could found all around the island and stack up some resources to prepare the voyage. After the orders from Gangplank was said to all members of the crew for this mission, they were cheered up by Gangplank voice as they finally walk at the ship of Gangplank,determined. Taking the helm of his ship,the captain start to ride once more into the sea in the direction of Ionia. After the voyage,Gangplank look around him,putting the letter in his left hand. It's have been a long time since he made his way here, and he know that the Order of Shadow weren't friendly with him at all. Walking down the path alone following the instructions inside the letter , Gangplank finally walk at the door reaching the final destination, where was Shen with the others....Oh god. Twisted Fate was there.
Twitch was used to navigating his sewers with ease after memorizing where each and every tunnel led to. The map provided in the letter was proving to be slightly difficult for Twitch to interpret, but after a while of wandering he had eventually come across the shrine. "Dumb map! Whoever made this had no idea what they were doing!  I'll have to make it better later." Twitch said as he balled up the map and shoved it in a pocket on his coat and entered the shrine. "It's me!" Twitch screamed, but he quickly realized that he was the only one there. "What? the letter said there would be more! ugh..." Twitch groaned as he walked over to a wall and sat down against it.  "At least I have my perfectly prepared snacks." Twitch pulled out a piece of moldy cheese from a pocket on the inside of his coat and took a bite out of it. 
Despite the fact that the voidlings pouring from the desert sands had yet to breach the industrious cities walls, Piltover was still a mess of chaotic activity. The normal citizens panicked in the streets as news of the invasion reaching ever north continued to break, while the Piltover Patrol did their best to keep the chaos manageable with what little resources they had. The sky above the towering city, usually golden and blue, was blackened by the zeppelins coming and going from the city from the refugees of Demacia and panicked citizens fleeing the city to go who knows where. Yet despite all the chaos outside, it could not be compared to the commotion going on inside a certain residence deep in the heart of the City of Progress.

Ezreal cursed as he threw yet another book over his shoulder to join the mess behind him, quickly picking up another from the stacks on his desk. The prodigal explorer’s home was a wreck-books lay scattered in piles on the floor, some of them without pages as the young man had ripped them out in a frenzy. The maps that had once decorated his walls had several of them pulled off or torn to pieces, while others simply had markings in not yet dried ink scrawled across particular points- some of it was legible, most of it were simply punctuation marks and x’s. Several of his discovered artifacts had been tossed into a large brown rucksack, enchanted to hold more than its appearance would allow. In fact, the only thing that seemed to survive the whirlwind that was the blond man’s hysterics was a letter, crumpled at the edges yet still taken care of from its perch on the corner of the large oaken desk that the man was near.

After several more minutes of  Ezreal tossing aside books he deemed useless, shoving the ones left into the bag along with a collection of rolled up parchment and clipped together papers, the explorer pulled the now full bag over his shoulder and surveyed his abode, his face a mixture of apprehension and annoyance.

“This could be the last time I ever even see this place…I always complained about what a dump it was, but look at it now.” Ez laughed to himself as he turned away and opened the door to leave. “Still, it felt nice having a place to come back to. Hope it’s still in one piece if I get back to it.”

As soon as the explorer opened the door, he was besieged by a horde of frenzied people; flashes assaulted his eyes as cameras took pictures around him, and some of the more angry citizens attempted to shove the prodigy as he tried to make his way through the crowd with his non gauntleted arm covering his eyes.  One particularly hounding reporter shoved a microphone into Ezreal’s face and pushed herself close to the man to be heard over the noise of the crowd. “We’re here LIVE with the Grandmaster Explorer himself, Ezreal, as he’s finally left the safety of his home to join the rest of us in Piltover. Ezreal, do you have any comment regarding the invasion of those monsters attacking Demacia? Do the elected officials of Piltover have a plan to protect its citizens? Our city needs answers!”

Ezreal stammered as the crowds assaulted him, his eyes seeing spots from the flashes coming his way. “I…I’m going to head to Ionia, we have a plan to stop the creatures, I’m sure Jayce-“ But before he could finish his words, the crowd only grew louder in response and pressed further inward, the young man’s body actually pressing against the mob, before a loud whistle pierced the air, members of the Piltover Patrol appearing to escort Ezreal away from the angry mob and to his destination, the landing pad for the blimps heading to Ionia. A part of Ezreal felt guilty about this- he knew that the people were just scared, and needed answers, but he knew that he had to do this, even if all the logical parts of his mind were screaming at him to head into the field and blast those creepy crawlies with his magic.


The flight to Ionia was mercifully uneventful for the explorer, and when he landed he immediately pulled open his map of the wild jungles to locate where his destination lied. As he set off into the overgrowth, he sighed to himself. “You know, you gotta stop getting yourself into situations, Ez.” The youth chastised himself, using his gauntlet to shoot a blast of yellow arcane energy to tear a hole in a fallen trunk that impeded his progress. “Always poking your nose where it don’t belong, and now BAM! everyone and their moms are lining at your door to fix the problems someone else caused, and now I have to sort through this mess acting like I know what I’m doing!” Before he could continue, the boy seemed to blink from one place to several feet in front of him as he noticed a long, decidedly hungry snake attempt to lunge at him, and he launched another volley of light that blasted the creature back.

“I just wanted to explore and find cool stuff! Was that so wrong?! Uggh!” He yelled to the jungle, arms raised to heavens, and gave a final huff before he stomped forward. He fumed all the way to the ancient shrine, shoving at the double doors with righteous fury, and gave a clipped yell of “Hey everyone, how’re you doing?! I’m just dandy! By the way, Shen, you might wanna let the rest of the city know that you’ve got a real bad snake problem!”
Viktor walked through the dark halls of his hidden laboratory. It was located on Zaun and so the creatures that people said coming from the void, haven't attacked yet. However, that didn't make Viktor confortable. They could come any moment now and so he needed to get out of here. It hurted him leaving this place, since all of his work was there.

He entered the main room of his laboratory seeing his books piled up, his mechanical creations spreaded on the ground. "I need to bring my most useful creations" he says walking towards his table. He grabbed his scepter, checked if everything was alright and gave it to his extra robotic arm, that came from his back grabbing the object so Viktor could use his hands. He looked around and found his cyborg rat. He called it the "Battlecast Prototype". The rat wasn't a full machine yet, having his still real animal brain as the only organic part. However, Viktor was closed to full perfection of the animal. Unfortunetely he didn't have the time to finish his work.

He grabbed the rat and the creatured climbed to his left shouled staying there. Viktor grabbed two big bags and a metal suitcase that were on the side of the table. He started putting all the stuff he needed to continue his work. But where could he go?

That question was answered when he suddently found a piece of paper, a letter, next to one of his books. He grabbed it scanning it for any traps. Nothing was found and so he decided to open it and read it.

"Interesting" he says smiling under his mask "That is... convenient" he finishes. So Ionia was still up and not as in danger as Zaun. That was good. Viktor destroyed the latter by grabbing his scepter and shooting a lazer on the piece of paper. He then packed the rest of his stuff. He looked at his closet, with all of his trophies in it. He sighed as he decided to leave them there. He was not that human scum full of envy and wrath. So it was logical that he would leave the remnants of thet being behind.

However, for some reason, he decided to grab a book, that he loved to read when he was little. Finally he went for his gadgets. He would make the ones he couldn't take explode so no one could still his work again.

He opened the suitcase and grabbed his new Hex Core that he was working on, that would power up his gear and his armor. He then went for his guns and though he didn't like using those, he figured a gun would help him. He grabbed one and put it on the suitcase. Finally he went for his computer with all of his research and work and closed the suitcase, after putting it in there.

He left his laboratory with a wave and a sigh. Turning around, he clicked a button, and the place exploded, leaving no trace of him or of his work.

He made his way to Ionia using a flying vehicle he himself developed with the help of one his old co-workers. That guy was dead now, found in the streets, with marks on his back revealing he was shot.

( @Sniper Good enough? )
The rain outside was falling gently, though "outside" was rather subjective. Veigar had lashed together a quick shelter a couple hours ago at the edge of a forest, sealing the roof with magic. His map had an unfortunate run-in with a voidling's claws earlier, and his mood reflected the soft gray clouds above as he sat hunched over, arms around his knees. Several voidlings lied motionless, slick with rain in the grassy field before him. The oversized staff he carried around with him was at arm's length, ready to be picked up at any moment to blast another purple bug. When the voidlings first showed up, he was ecstatic, but after a few dozen, he realized that they were A) not stopping, and B) completely idiotic and just not actually that fun to fight. A tertiary revelation was that people weren't exactly keen on traveling right now, which threw a wrench into why he'd even set up this stupid little shack.

His stomach quickly reminded him of this yet another failure. There wasn't anyone coming by, and there wasn't anything out in the field but more voidlings, so into the forest it was. He picked up his staff and headed into the dense growth, cursing his stature as he went. Veigar knew a little bit about how to prepare game, if only from necessity, so this wasn't the absolute worst idea he'd had recently. The trees above were filtering out a decent amount of rain, which was about the only good thing about today so far. Getting a bit further in, his ears twitched under his hat as he heard the snapping of twigs ahead. 

Hunger overpowering any sort of intelligence he might have once possessed, Veigar sprinted forwards towards the source of the noise, entirely confident in his ability to catch whatever it was before it had time to run away. Breaking through to a small clearing, he noticed a deer, quietly munching on foliage, and completely unphased by the yordle's presence. Raising his staff, the air around the deer shimmered, alerting it, but not in time for it to bound away. The air quickly solidified into pillars connected by screens of energy. Veigar cackled as he called dark matter down; at least something good happened today. His excitement quickly turned into pure rage however, as he'd completely forgotten that deer can jump really freakin' high. The startled animal cleared the edge of event horizon completely, avoiding the meteor of dark matter and running further into the forest.

Veigar simply stood and watched as the event horizon dissipated and dark matter left a smoking crater on the forest floor. He took a deep breath, and roared to the best of his ability, "Blasted, four-legged, leaf-eating beast!" as he shot a baleful strike into a tree in the direction the deer went. This was followed by another baleful strike into another tree, a dark matter on top of a bush, and even a primordial burst flung straight into a particularly sturdy oak. Suddenly, he heard something behind him break that somehow wasn't hit fault, causing him to spin around with his staff pointed in front of him. 

An extremely timid-looking human peered from behind a tree, carrying a drawn sword in one hand and something Veigar couldn't quite make out in his other. Another human stepped out from behind the same tree, arms raised in a non-hostile gesture. The one cowering behind the tree whispered, "Oh, thank the gods. Though, are you sure that's him? I didn't expect him to be so-" at which point he was abruptly cut off by the other human slapping a hand to his mouth.

Head tilted and eyes narrowed, Veigar asked, "So what?"

The second human nervously laughed and replied, "Uh, intimidating. Yes, intimidating. We didn't expect to be so humbled by your mere presence. Yes, right, yep."

He lowered his staff, and huffed, "That's what I thought. Now, tell me what it is you want and I'll destroy you!"

The timid human paused for a quick second and asked, "...Don't you mean or?"

With the heaviest groan he could muster, Veigar said, "Fine, or. Tell me what you want, or I'll destroy you."

The more confident human replied, "Right, so, okay, uh, here you go," as he stepped forward, knelt down, and handed Veigar a letter.

With uncharacteristically gentle movements, he quickly opened it and scanned through it. He looked almost disappointed, as if he were actually something from someone. He sighed and said, "It's about time someone recognized my talents."


The weather on the boat ride was idyllic and serene, much contrasting with the state of the world elsewhere, but Veigar very quickly found out that boats were the absolute worst, especially because there was a pod of dolphins that dared to act all happy and jovial, breaching playfully as the boat sailed. Said dolphins were very quickly met with a blast of dark matter.


Veigar had never been to Ionia, but the directions were clear enough. Go up a bunch of stairs, find a shrine, etcetera etcetera. Upon reaching the top, a winded Veigar pointed his staff at the doors, releasing a baleful strike. The dark energy blew a hole just big for him to duck through, hoping that that was a flashy enough entrance to catch everyone's attention.
The lands of the Freljord were harsh and unforgiving to any lone person who was dumb enough to stray into them. Funny enough it was these exact lands that the people of the Freljord thrived from having been more into the lands and used to how the ice north worked. They knew how to quickly make shelters that could survive blizzards, trolls, angry spirits, you name it the Freljordians have found ways to combat it. Their King was no exception to these expectations and while for a long time of his life he was no more then a lone wonderer, he has now settled down in the capital with his Queen. That didn’t mean that he didn’t get the call to go off on his loner ways every now and then so it wasn’t unusual for the barbarian to disappear with only a note stating where he was heading too.

This was one of this particular times where he’d grabbed his gear, left a note, and disappeared into the Ironspike mountains to try and make more maps of areas he’d yet to explore. HIs trip was going well and he’d gotten en quite a few notes and drawings when he stopped for a rest. It was then that he heard a rather loud growl and before he’d turned a huge weight had knocked him down. Struggling in the snow was hard but he managed to turn on his back, hist bag only suffering a few tears, to see the large mammal raising a claw to strike down at him. Tryndamere was able to turn on his side to avoid the bear hitting his head but he did suffer some damage to the back of his shoulder causing him to hiss a curse in his native language out. He saw the bear rearing up and took his chance to push himself off from under the bear just in time to miss being stomped.

The King quickly reached into his boot trying to get his hunting knife out of it’s holster, he regretted not bringing a larger weapon with him but he didn’t think that he’d be running into bears this high up. Right as he got it out the animal had taken another swipe at him and actually connected causing the barbarian to to go flying and knocking the knife from his hands. Now angry, the man dropped the bag from his shoulders as he stood at his full height to match the bear. The bear gave a roar that he matched before he ran towards the animal a fiery rage in his eyes. As the bear reared up again to try and attack Tryndamere, the man kept going and tackled the bear around its middle causing the bear to stumble some but stay upright. It harshly brought its claws down upon the barbarians back but he didn’t let that deter him as he kept shoving. With a great roar, the man managed to wrestle the bear down to the ground where they struggled against each other in the snow. The King saw the flash of metal and threw out a hand to grasp at the knife which he managed to grab just in time as the bear got the upper hand and rolled them over. Just when the bear raised its paw to take out the male, he stuck out shoving the knife deep into where the bear’s hear was. The bear struggled and fought with him but the barbarian just kept shoving harder and holding on until the animal finally stopped moving.

The front of his body now soaked in blood, Tryndamere heaved the giant beast off himself and too the side. Panting, he slowly stood and took stock of his wounds and outfit. He had quite a few gashes, nothing too bad, but his outfit was ruined. The King sighed as this meant he’d have to head back in earlier then he’d wanted to meaning he wouldn’t have much to work off when making new maps. He guessed that was something he’d just have to deal with, that was better then staying out longer and possible succumbing to the ice. Cracking his neck and stretching some, Tryndamere made his way over to where he’d tossed his bag and bent over to pick it up. He checked to see if the cut in it was too bad, thankfully it would hold together until he made it back down the mountain. Slinging it over his shoulder, he walked over to the bear and yanked the knife from its spot. Wiping the blood off, he put it back in its holster in his boot before grabbing the animal’s foot. Sighing again, Tryndamere began the long trip back down the mountain and towards the city he’d help build for his people. They could use the bear as he didn’t really feel like trying to persevere the animal so it’d survive the longer trip back to Rakelstake. 

As he drew closer to the village the guards where concerned as they saw the blood but then saw the bear behind him an thought nothing of it as they opened the gates for him. They asked if he wanted one of them to take the animal to which he nodded and dropped the leg before continuing his way to his house. He needed to bathe and change, he’d probably have to burn the clothing which really was a waste but there wasn’t much he could do to get the dried blood out of the fabric. Tryndamere just kept walking till he hit his door, opening it slowly as he walked in and dropped his bag on the closest table. The tired man trudged through his home up to the bedroom where he started shedding his clothes, tossing them straight into the lit fireplace before continuing on to the bathroom. He reemerged about half an hour later clean of blood and his wounds bandaged, no reason to let them get infected. He walked over to his wardrobe to pull out a clean pair of sleep pants and a shirt as he was tried and planned to rest the rest of the day.

Sadly life would not allow that as he heard a knock on his door right after finishing putting his clothing on. Groaning, Tryndamere made his way to the bedroom door already know who it was as only Sif would walk straight into his house and bang on his bedroom door. Grumpily he opened the door to glare at the scout as she stood there looking smug. He didn’t say anything but simply crossed his arms and waited for her to report to him what ever it was she had.

“Man you don’t look too happy.” She said shifting her weight to stand on a different foot.

He rolled his eyes before replying. “Wrestled and killed a bear. Planned on sleeping so if you could just hurry up or plan the report on my desk in the office.”

“Not so much a report but rather a letter I was told you need to read immediately.” Sif handed him the letter before giving a small wave and walking away.

He raised an eyebrow but took the letter and just watched her walk away. Shrugging the barbarian shut the door and walked over to his bed while opening the letter to read. Huh it was only addressed to him not to him and Ashe which he found a bit strange but the letter did have a pressing point. While even though they were at war within themselves, the Freljordians would have been stupid to ignore the threat that the Void was presenting. He had no idea who this Eye of Twilight was or why they were even writing to him as he had enough on his plate. The King didn’t even think he could spare anyone of his warriors or himself to go and help aid in the issue. He’d most defiantly have to show the letter to Ashe and see what her whole opinion was on the matter but he was fairly certain that she’d probably see it his way. While they wanted to help they really couldn’t afford to spare anyone to go and help with the issue. He believed that they would have to deal with the issue when it got to them. The King laid the letter down on the bedside table then laid down himself and decided he’d worry more about it after a nights rest and journey back to his home in Rakelstake. 

After the night’s rest, the King got up and dressed before making his way out and to the large mess hall they had for everyone. He waved as people greeted him and went and grabbed breakfast then sat down at a table more by himself. Sif came over sat down , obviously curious about the letter he thought but didn’t say anything rather waiting for her to speak.

“That letter was it anything we need to be filled in on?” She asked as she sat.

“Its of something of importance but its more to deal with me rather then anyone else. I’m not sure how to respond yet which is why I’ll be heading back to Rakelstake sooner then expected.”

“Well that sucks, I know some of the guys where excited for you all to go out hunting like usual.”

“I know venn but this unfortunately is an issue I have to discuss with the Queen.” Tryndamere replied after he’d taken a few bites.

“Ah I understand. If you need me to help you know where to find me.” With this said, the woman got up from the table and walked back to where her husband was seated.

Tryndamere shook his head, she was very good at her job but sometimes just a bit too curious. He wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d read the letter but it seemed as if she hadn’t from how she was acting. Sighing, the barbarian finished up his meal and exited the building to head to the barn. Walking down the stalls he stopped in front of a large stag and patted his friend. “Come on sleepy head time to head home.” He told the stag which just gave him an unhappy look but stood up from the ground anyway. Tryndamere opened the gate and set about putting all the her on him before heading out to the sled and hooking the stag up. Checking to make sure he had everything, the barbarian on in and took off for the trip back to his home to discuss the matters of the letter with Ashe.

After the long journey he finally made his way into the city thankful to finally be back as a blizzard as just started to roll in the area he had to cross to get there. Pulling in front of the stables he got down and started to unhook everything when stable hands came out and started helping him. Though a bit annoyed because he preferred to do things himself, the King just sighed and let them as he grabbed his back and made his truck back to the castle. Only stopping briefly at a small building, that was his woodworking workshop, and dropped off some orders he’d gotten. Pushing open the large doors, he walked into the home and smiled as he could smell one of his favorite meals being prepared, probably by the cooks as stars know we don’t let Ashe cook..not after the last incident, which caused him to smile at the memory. Walking further in he figured she’d be up in her study and set to walking upstairs so that they could talk.

As he made it to her door he could hear her talking with someone and decided to go drop his bag off in his office next door. He hoped they’d be done by then if not well he could always work on some of his maps. Tryndamere stepped into the room and smiled as it was nice to be back. He walked over to his desk and plopped the bag onto it before shedding his jacket and tossing it on his chair. He heard the door open and close so he took that as his cue that she was free to talk to. Exiting his office, the King made his way over and knocked on the door to which he received a sharp enter, well she didn’t seem to be in a good mood…this might not make things better. Standing up a bit straighter, the barbarian opened the door and entered to see that she look a bit surprised to see him back so soon.

“I though you said that you were going to be gone longer.” She asked narrowing her eyes at him. . . Great she probably thought he did something wrong.

“Came down from the mountains early because of a bear attack. Originally planned on going back up but got a letter.” Tryndamere paused as he shifted to get the paper out of his pocket to hand to her. “Figured you might want to see it as it’s kind of important.”

She pressed her lips into a thin line but accepted the letter while he sat down in one of the chairs in front of her desk. The King sat and waited as Ashe’s eyes scanned the letter before sitting it down and sighing.

“I don’t know what this person is expecting me to do.” He spoke up before she got a chance to say anything. “I mean I realize this is quite an issue but I don’t believe they know exactly how bad things are here. We have our own war to worry about along with the threat of the Watchers possibly returning.

She held up a hand to stop him to which he wasn’t super pleased about. “This is as much of an issue as both of those. You’ll go and see what you can do to stop it.”

Tryndamere gave her a look of disbelief, “With all that going on here you think that Im just going to leave. There are attacks just about everyday now! Ranging from Winters Claw to Trolls to restless spirits! We can’t afford to send anyone  and sure in the hell not me.” By the time he’d finished his rant he was sitting straighter up in the chair and his voice was starting to raise out of anger.

Ashe stared him down, “I am not weak and neither are our people. While I like this no more then you do, you have to understand that the Void is a threat growing ever larger. Soon its not going to matter who we’re fighting as we’re all going to be fighting those creatures to stay alive. Its obvious that who ever this person is they are trying to gather some of the strongest people in Valron. You happen to be one of those people. They knew that you’d probably show me this so that is more then likely why they did not send me one, that and they probably do recognize the issues going on in the Freljord another reason they did not ask for both. You’re going to Ionian so you better start packing for warm weather.”

Tryndamere stared at her during her whole talk and just got angrier not because he had to leave but because she was right. It annoyed him to no end that she was just demanding him to go to this unknown place. The King stood up and stomped from the room not even gracing her with a reply as he need to go and cool down. He knew she was right, she always was but that didn’t mean he wasn’t angry about it. The barbarian made his way out of the castle and to the training grounds where he picked up the first weapon, which happened to be an axe, and flung it at the target hitting the center. This continued on for a bit before he finally just left the axe in the target as he’d calmed down. Sighing he made his way back inside where he was surprised to see Ashe standing there with a plate of food, looking like she was about to come out. She huffed and turned her head away but held the plate out. The whole thing caused a smile to come to his face, even though she knew he was upset with her (and she probably was with him too) she had went out of her way to make sure he ate.

“…Have you ate yet?” He asked quietly taking the plate to which she shook her head. “Then would you be opposed to eating together?” Tryndamere hoped that she’d say yes and thankfully she did and the pair made their way into the dining room where they sat next to each other. After a bit of a awkward silence they started talking about how they time away went and soon things were back to normal as they finished up eating.

“You’re right you know….I let my head be clouded out of worry and anger.” He finally spoke up about what had happened earlier.

“I know. . .It done with lets just enjoy a nice night together before you have to leave.” She replied getting up from the table and holding a hand out. Tryndamere nodded and took her hand as he got up from his chair. The pair ended up taking a walk though the town, taking their time in the starlight as they spent their last night together just enjoying each others company. Eventually they headed back home to get ready for bed and sleep until the morning came.

When he woke up that morning the King didn’t want to get out of the bed as that meant that he would have to leave even sooner. He couldn’t fake being asleep long as Ashe woke up and was calling for him to get up as well. With a groan Tryndamere got up from the bed and stretched before starting to go about his morning workout routine to which Ashe rolled her eyes at. Once finished he grabbed a bag and started packing clothing though he realized all his clothing was made for the Freljord’s harsh weather he didn’t really have anything for Ionia which meant he probably needed to take some gold so he could buy some proper clothing. None the less he put some his own clothing in the bag before heading downstairs where he was met with Ashe and breakfast to which he smiled. Dropping the bag on the ground he walked over to the table to eat breakfast with her.

“Don’t forget your gear.” She gently reminded him as she finished up.

Tryndamere nodded, “Right thank you for reminding me. I forgot to stop by the office and grab it.” Done with his meal the King stood and made his way back upstairs to his office. He grabbed his armor and sword before making his way back downstairs. Ashe laughed at him somewhat ash he had his helmet on and sword strapped to his back but the rest of it was just piled in his arms. Smiling she walked over to his bag and opened it so he could fit what he could in it. Turns out he’d have to wear the helmet and gauntlet as they wouldn’t fit in the bag. Honestly he was surprised that the bag managed to hold the other parts but wasn’t going to complain. He sighed and looked at her, it seemed neither of them could put off any longer as they’d already sent out to make one of the ships aware of him needing to set out soon. So hand in hand the couple made their way down to where the stable hands already had the sled set up. Tryndamere placed his bag in the back along with his sword and helmet before turning to Ashe. He knew that she wouldn’t be making the trip with him to the harbor so this was good bye for the two of them.

The King turned around to face her and was saddened to see the look on her face. Sighing he stepped closer and placed a hand under her chin to raise her her face up to look at him. He leaned in and gave her a gentle and sweet kiss.

“Min preious snøfnugg jeg love deg at jeg kommer tilbake i god behold til deg. Du har ingen grunn til bekymring.” He smiled at the light blush that dusted her cheeks.

“Du må hellere vende tilbage til mig min kærlighed.” She muttered before hugging him.

Tryndamere wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, “For evig og alltid jeg kommer tilbake til deg.” They broke apart and he got on the sled and with a final wave took off out of Rakelstake. It took a couple days to make it to the harbor but thankfully their letter did get there before him so when he arrived they were waiting for him. The scout who’d brought the letter was there to take the sled back to the capital for him. So with a heavy heart the King grabbed his things out of the back and made his way onto the ship. He greeted the Captain and made sure that he knew where they were heading before making his way into the ship. The captain tried to give his room to the barbarian but he refused stating that he wasn’t anything special and he’d be fine staying with the rest of the crew. Relenting the captain showed him to one of the empty hammocks and Tryndamere thanked him as he sat his stuff down near it.

The journey was a long rough one, one that honestly the King hated with just every fiber of his being. They encountered fearsome creatures, violent storms, endless sick sickness (on his part anyway)  before they finally arrived on Ionian shores. Tryndamere had never been more happy to see dry land and got off the boat as quick as he could. He thanked the fearless captain and crew before they left and he began his journey. The King pulled out the letter and used it as a guide around the island. He managed to make his way to one of the villages and was able to buy more fitting clothing for the area as he was starting to seriously sweat in all his furs. The people were kind enough to allow him to use a room so that he could change into the new clothing. He thanked them greatly and asked for directions just to make sure he was still going on the right track. Once they informed him Tryndamere thanked them again and went off on his way.

Most of the journey through the island was filled with him complaining about how they couldn’t meet in a more easily accessible area and not some random abandoned shrine. He did manage to get lost once or twice but generally managed to find people who were able to help the large man get back on track. He was now currently lost in a forest and he didn’t see himself getting help this time. Sighing, the King readjusted the bag on his shoulder and continued on his way hoping that he’d exit the forest or run into someone. What he wasn’t expecting was to actually make it to where he was supposed to be going. But he saw a building in the distance that upon him moving closed appeared as if there were people there. Not really wanting to be social but still technically be there the barbarian made his way over and stopped by a tree outside. Tryndamere dropped his gear and sat down to lean against the tree as he rested. He thought he dissevered a break and being this close meant that if they needed him he was with reach.
A dimly lit street shrouded in the heavy malevolent fog that so readily crept over the coastline was hardly something to fear. From the damp stone paths to the condition of the surrounding crude buildings, from the rugged inhabitants drenched in the odors of alcohol, fornication and the after-stench of battle brawls, no sane local would feel out of place here in the dead of night. The state of Rat Town was every bit as reminiscent to its well placed name as one would expect. Bilgewater itself was a place known for piracy and nomad eccentrics who only meant to make a decent living. An ideal enough place for a wanderer with no ties to restrain her and a desire for profit and personal conquest. The Slaughter Docks in particular here were especially inviting for one of the best and most expensive murderers for hire in all of Runeterra, and it was a title well deserved, as with her other more official alias.

The Widowmaker was not named so in jest, for she was indeed the cause of many forlorn female hearts being left to whither alone. Men, like tamed beasts, were an easy enough hunt that only served to pass time when excitement had become stagnant in the life of one who easily grew bored with each uneventful day. Though days of relaxation were welcomed when deserved, being idle for too long was not in the way of the blue skinned seductress. When she was without contract, which was often considering how very valuable she labeled her services, she would often victimize the males of the humanoid species for sport or for alternate means of finances. And what better place to have luck in her very nature and trade than the multicultural land of trade itself? And more specifically, the area of the island dedicated to the merciless annihilation and marketing of marine beasts and creatures? Such a place could only attract a specific type and that was the kind that was most fun to toy with. A woman of her particular interests stood out in any instance, so the docks below Butcher's Bridge were no exception. They merely provided her with access to the slums, and every other downtrodden soul that called the oceanfront hell Home. 

The Slaughter fleets had already set sail for the night, meaning that no doubt The Brazen Hydra, the most prestigious of pubs this side of the Dead Pool, would be filled with seasoned warriors and hunters who had taken a night off and would no doubt be awaiting news of the success of the night's hunt. They also boasted of having the nation's finest rum, so there was really no reason to avoid allowing the night to carry her there. Any woman was welcome in a pub and the dainty ones were usually very sought after, but she was another story. Scantily clad in black and red-violet hues that brought out the intensity of her wild hair, Evelynn was not shy of her womanly form that still showed the capabilities of a deadly assassin. Cool blue skin the color of a milky ocean stone or not, men would never miss an opportunity to admire a woman in spike lined heels. She turned heads on purpose but she looked like she could possibly be the very embodiment of a seaman's dreams, which was why she took her pick of the men when she entered the Brazen Hydra. 

The young yet experienced male was one who had been excused from the hunts for the night, and so was left to drink to his heart's content in a booth in the rear section of the drinking establishment. The lighting was dim, for those who had been overtaken by the poison elixirs sold by the barkeep. Such pain and suffering was worth the liquid courage provided for a short time apparently, though Evelynn scarcely entertained even the thought of strong liquor more than a few sparse drinks on occasion or perhaps in order to celebrate the more notable accomplishments. It was not to say that she did not enjoy good rum, it was an excellent burning sensation fit to accompany the thrill of a man hunt. Not to mention more than often it was an irreplaceable lure to the more feeble minded of the male populace. In fact, it was how she had acquired her current target's attention.

Her foot wear was little more than a sole heel that was made into the fabric of her black and shadowed magenta stockings laced up the length of her legs until her mid thigh with spikes decorating he sides, the balls of her feet free to feel the earth as well as provide a more efficient means of movement. It took skill and effort after all to do what she did in heels. Now any man might be drawn in by just this aspect, but she knew that there was no partial seduction. You either put forth your best effort or you didn't deserve to succeed. So she would wear her leather shorts that did not quite meet the qualifications to be referred to as such, as well as her top of the same color scheme which only covered anything in her immediate chest area with her assets on display for her willing prey. Bare skin didn't make the allure however. The simple addition of elegant bicep covers with streams of fabric adorning the silver clasps provided cover but still added to the appeal. Her clawed hands may have repulsed most men and women certainly were, but she had the ability to entrance. The rest of her form was nothing but attractive and no claws, blue skin, red eyes, pointed ears or glimmering fangs could take away from that charm she so naturally wielded. Those things were rarely given a second glance and tonight they were once again overlooked. 

Long blonde hair tied back from his face, the tan and scarred young man had no problem leering at the daunting seductress as she cast him teasing glance, long lashes fluttering in feigned innocence that was satirical on her fierce features. His pale blue gaze was more than enough invitation for her to spring her trap, the hunt over before it had even begun. She sashayed over to his lone booth away from prying eyes with unmistakable confidence that made her as dangerous as she was beautiful, only intensified by the provocative stance she took before him.

"Care for company?" she coos in a smooth silken tone. The young fighter was obviously a long time local if the scent of sea salt and blood was any indication, and if not the seasoned scruff and worn poet shirt definitely were. He was a handsome young lad, näive and eager just the way she preferred. She didn't care for the experienced and wise, they were boring and often didn't have the ambition of youth. The young were enduring and had stamina, which was convenient for a number of reasons. The youthful were tricky though, they either demanded to be in charge or were much too subservient. Only one man had ever possessed both the youth she craved and the gall to challenge her at her own game...

The blonde male lit up significantly at her inquiry and moved instinctively to allow her room to sit, the answer apparent before he had even given it. "I'd be delighted sweetheart." Without missing a beat she was beside him, her lure having been snatched and her trap sprung. The point of no return was nigh. The following moments were a blur to the man, merging into one singular event as he was enraptured in beauty and charm, lustful eyes glazed over with each stroke of his chest and cheek with a gentle palm. He was unaware of her movement to his lap or when it had gotten so warm in the chilled corner. Her form straddling his was regarded as nothing more than another taboo act that would eventually migrate from the pub by the other patrons watching, some even encouraged the activities in their drunken stupors. 

They were such näive humans. So easily fooled by appearances and dependent on what they knew. None of them would ever have survived her early years in the Shadow Isles, especially if they did not recognize a silent murder when they saw it. It was over, there was no escape for her prey as she cradled his face in false gentleness and smiled down at him with perfect fangs. "Time to feed..." she purrs. She lowered her lips to his as a claw was drug along the border of his jawline and up and under his chin to tilt it upwards. It would appear to be a simple kiss and in technicality it was. A kiss of death. His seizing form beneath hers was the first sign, followed by his widening eyes and straining veins in his neck and face. A smirk could not be suppressed in the midst of the lip contact, only ceasing when she parted from him enough to break the physical touch. The effect was still consistent however, for a soft glow reminiscent of a moonstone made a mist-like escape from his separated lips, ghosting from his maw to hers in a single coordinated breath. His very life was slowly being drained from him. The unnatural phenomenon was similar to being bled to death, if halted early enough then recovery was easy enough and the sustenance would replenish itself over time. Left to be drained however and death was imminent. And like blood this was also similar to a transfusion, for every ounce that entered her body served to extend her life. Not a sound made but his life surely leaving his very being.

He left the realm of living with little more than a gasp and relaxed as if asleep with his eyes open, his flesh becoming cold as Evelynn released him and slowly slid from his lap into the seat at his side. With a pleased purr she rolled her neck and took his unfinished beverage for herself, cleaning out the mug as quickly and efficiently as any man. "I love men who treat a lady to a meal..." Being sure to swipe his currency from his pockets first, she stood and sauntered out of the establishment, hips swaying dangerously and shoulders squared. 

The first steps out onto the wet street were cold against her feet at first but she adjusted quickly and laughed softly to herself. Even in the dim moonlight there was blackness all around in the shade of the structures that were responsible for the eerie ambiance. Warf Rats were abundant here and even here they dared not stir because these shadows belonged to her. They were her veil, the thing that erased her presence and made her nonexistent to the world. No one saw her coming and that was what made her a predator, even as she passed the occasional docked pirate they never knew she was there. 

The inn where she was taking shelter for the duration of her stay in Bilgewater was the smallest and cheapest of the area but still of decent quality because she personally saw to her arrangements. There was no argument in the matter once a dagger had been embedded in the wall by the owner's head, it was a 'point' he couldn't counter. She didn't have much on her to be spending carelessly so it wasn't as if she had a choice but to bargain for her lodging. Nevertheless her relationship with the old man was strained by the encounter, so upon her arrival she expected a cold silence from him, and to be honest that was preferred. When she reached her destination she was surprised to be ushered in rather kindly by said man, his balding head glinting in the lantern light the first sight she had to behold when entering. Something was different... Then she took notice of his hands holding a piece of parchment.

"Miss," he offers, holding out the paper he had obviously removed from an envelope. He cringed visibly when she took it between her fingers and allowed her red eyes to settle over him in an accusatory manner. "M-ma'am! It arrived shortly after you left!" She gives him a cold stare. Reading through that which was meant for her? Pathetic. It was rude beyond words to read a lady's mail. "My apologies! I only meant to see if it were of urgency. It seems it is of some degree." Then of course that wasn't the main concern was it? She waved him off dismissively, walking to her room in silence as she stared absentmindedly at the paper. Her movements as of late had been sporadic with no clear pattern to them. For someone to have found her specifically and have known she would be there for an extended period enough for a letter to reach her was impressive. Finally starting to read she understood why. The Eye of Twilight himself had the gall to call upon her for help? Obviously it wasn't her that he needed especially since a group was said to be being assembled, but that only made it more bizarre. Evelynn the Widowmaker fighting alongside others for the sake of what, the safety of the world? The thought made her laugh wholeheartedly. She worked and lived in solace of solitude and shadow, did he think her some sort of hero that would risk her life to put an end to the Void's advances? She was loyal to no land nor any person for that matter. So long as she lived why should she care what became of others? 

If there were a pay off that would be a different tale. She doubted there was some grand treasure for her if she accepted the invitation. Of course it wasn't stated that there wasn't one. 

She smirked.

Perhaps she could milk the situation for what it was worth and who knows, have fun killing in the process...

Evelynn dropped the letter where she stood, hands flinging to her head as she winced in pain. Splitting headaches, more intense every time they came. It was as if her mind gargled nails and swallowed them after the fact. Each image was as fuzzy as a dream, a distant thought... 

Black hair. Pale skin. Laughter....

She inhaled deeply and seated herself for a moment to gather her bearings, hands kneading her temples soothingly. It was all so vaguely familiar but so foreign all the same. She forced it away, sealed deep within, but every so often it reared its head and hit her full force.

She would accept the invitation... But only to further her own greed...


The voyage across the sea was a long one but entertaining nonetheless. She had no quarrel gaining passage because her boarding went undetected. Only after it was too late to turn back did she make her presence known to the other passengers. It was pleasant enough having defeated many men and claimed their wages in multiple gamblings, having learned from the best herself just some years before. When she wasn't occupying herself with that she was toying with the crewmen, but eventually she ended the pursuit in order to keep from the trip being delayed any more than necessary. She wasn't much for sailing honestly and it was only pleasant for a short time before it became a nuisance being away from natural land. Luckily there was no turbulence upon the sea and the trip progressed well. They managed to dock within a week and she was glad to touch the earth once more in a land where the killers thought much like she did, at least when it came to nullifying a threat. She decided against attracting too much attention in Ionia, lest someone decide to make things difficult for her. She stayed undetected in shadow until she came upon the specified shrine and circled the structure, eyeing it up before she made any move to enter. Even then she did not go inside openly, she entered through the roof where a person could fit snugly and stayed in shadows, dropping to the floor without a sound and remaining in the far corner in darkness. She wasn't really hiding now but she wasn't putting herself forward just yet. She took notice that there was a man still in the rafters and the rest on the floor with her weren't of much interest apart from the occasional slab of man that was worth a glance. She wouldn't have cared to stay, in fact she contemplated leaving then and there after seeing nothing of interest, but a pounding in her head and her staying in place. She could count on one hand the number of men she had met who wore such a hat and only one with such a love for the flair that came with being capable of molding people to his desires so much like she. 

Though the images of pale skin and ebony hair were prevalent and her head ached, she couldn't help the saucy smirk that spread over her lips as she eyed the man she recognized instinctively. What a shame it would be to miss out on a chance to play with her old favorite toy... Her rational side told her not to repeat history but her inner Shadow Isles self reminded her of how much fun she used to have... 

Leaning against the wall she reclined back and smiled. Misery loves company.

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The shrine was filling up fast much to Talon's dismay. The letter said it was a team affair but he hadn't expected so many and was becoming uncomfortable even from his safely hidden spot on the rafter. As he scanned the people he quickly noted he was the only Noxian...typical. If that was the case what was to keep them from attacking him as soon as he reviled himself. His people were not exactly the most popular group in Valoran. 

He narrowed his eyes ever so slightly at the form of Prince Jarvan IV of Demacia as he entered the shrine. The prince himself came out for this? The attack on his people must have been more cataclysmic then Talon had thought. The prince was one of the very few people in the room he recognized. He imagined most knew the prince and he wondered what kind of effect that might have on the people. Talon became aware of his awkward position and hoped he wasn't noticed since any Demacian supporters might assume he was attempting to kill the eventual King. Hopefully Jarvan himself wouldn't feel that way, they where here for the same purpose and they had worked together before. Still this was a complication he couldn't have prepared for. 

Besides the prince their had been several other arrivals, a fox women who had so many tails she was hard to miss. Her clothing defiantly told him she was a Ionian native and for some reason half animal women seemed appropriate for a place like this. 

Another was a pirate meaning Bilgwater, some people wore their nationally all over them. He got the impression he was a high ranking pirate in the area. His clothing seemed more like captains garb and much more expensive then the average pirate. With pirates involved one had to be carful you can never trust them. He hoped the Ninja clan leader had some plans to keep people like him under control.

The next person to visit was some really young blonde man. He came in carrying more bags then Talon felt he needed and screaming about snakes. He hadn't had snake problems on the way, but animals usually didn't bother him so maybe that was why. He tended to blend in to the environment so the wildlife let him be.

Not long after a metal man came in or at least that was the best way to describe this person. He had a third arm coming off his back and was an imposing figure in the way he carried himself. After studying him for a moment Talon recognized him. While he had never met him in person, Zaun was a good friend to Noxus so news spread of events among them from time to time. This was Viktor the man that was in a lab accident years ago and rebuilt himself, he was also the man behind the tech that saved Urgot and was involved in a controversy over who designed a machine called Blitzcrank. Yes, news of this man was common in Noxus, he guessed a lot of big names were coming to help fight off the void. 

Soon after that a small explosion sounded from one of the shrine walls and Talon couldn't help but wonder whoo was already attacking who even if no words had been passed. But it wasn't caused by someone already present, a small black yordle came through the hole holding a staff much to large for the little caster. Talon assumed he wished to show his power even as he entered. The assassin found that foolish considering the power posed by some of the people already present and that's just who he knew about. The yordle hadn't taken the time to study people yet, if he came into confrontation now people will be aware of some of his powers. He hoped the guy could maintain some peace with the others once communicating. He hoped that for them all.

Talon's comfort levels waned again as more entered. Though this time he wasn't sure if it was new arrivals or ninja's keeping an eye on them. In his peripheral vision he saw another person enter the way he had only on the other side. He allowed his eyes to dart that way but stayed in his consistent resting position as the figure dropped into the shadows. It was women of that much he could tell. He would note they were there but would currently not act upon it.

He hopped the eye of twilight would arrive soon. He was ready to get underway but wasn't sure about the others. Lots of people where here at the place and time requested but the silence had become pregnant. No one speaking just staring around and if this was to be the team they would all be relying on this would not do. He wondered if they were all doing what he was and sizing each other up.

While he grew tired of waiting he would not be the first to speak. Odds were the vast majority didn't see him and he didn't want to just appear with the prince this close. He hated crowds and hated being the center of attention. No, he would not speak first if they wished to sit in silence then Talon would allow it no matter how long it took. 
After a short snack, Twitch pulled out the crumpled up map and an old green crayon from his coat and begun to edit it. "Take a left here, avoid that, don't go there...yes, yes, now this is a proper map!"  Twitch said excitedly. As he was admiring his newly edited map individuals started arriving at the shrine one by one. A few that entered the shrine were startled by the presence of a giant rat, others seemed to dislike his smell. Soon enough the shrine went from being empty to full of individuals of all kinds.

There was a guy with a hat and a coat who apparently liked cards as he did tricks with them to pass the time, there were two female warriors one of which was apparently called Diana, a weird looking female human that looked part animal with numerous tails, a male warrior with a crown which Twitch figured meant he was must have been important, a pirate with a weird looking arm, Piltover's very own explorer, there was Viktor who was known as the machine herald in Zaun, and the last to arrive was a mage looking person who decided to make a grand entrance by blowing  a hole in the wall. So far everyone that had arrived  had been keeping to them self, but Twitch figured maybe he could figure out who this Shen guy is.

Getting up from his spot Twitch put the map and crayon back in the pockets where they previously were and walked up to Viktor, he figured if he was going to talk to anyone here it may as well have been a fellow Zaunite.  "Hey! You know who this Shen guy is? He must have some amazing scheme if he needs this much help."

Viktor lowered his head looking at the giant rat who just talked to him like they knew each other since they were kids. What does this weakling want? Since I still have my nose I can smell him... disgusting creature He thinks as he simply stares at the rat man "No I do not know who he is Rat." he says while looking around "I look around me and this looks like a circus. Or worst, a freak show" he says with a tone of someone who was disgusted "A giant rat, a girl with white fox tails and a guy who is going to fight with cards? Tch give me a minute" he says

He sighs. He should be nice, for now. "My name is Viktor. The best scientist of Zaun and probably of the entire world. What could be your name rat?" he asks, not really interested in his answer. He looks aroubd, waiting for Twitch to answer and for more people to come. He was starting to get bored and he was waisting his time. He should be in a new laboratory developing his "Battlecast Plan". It was close to perfection and the rat that was hidden in his armor could show it. However he figured he shouldn't show the cyborg animal to this giant animal, as he would probably not like what he would see, since someone from his species got turned into a machine. Viktor didn't see any problem with that, but even so he kept it hidden.

Twitch was disappointed that the so called best scientist didn't know the answer to his question, he figured someone as smart as him would know the answer. Now it seemed he would have to ask someone else in the room, but first he had to introduce himself. "I'm Twitch, the ruler of Zaun's precious sewers." he said proudly.

Diana had been expecting for someone to be greeting her once entering the shrine, the Ionian leader them self in particular, but she came across only two arrivals before her that she didn't expect were the leader. One was an anthropomorphic rat whom seemed pretty...crazy and was currently dining on something yellow with greenish bits on it but she didn't further her investigating on what said food was. She turned to see the other guest who was a man with a long coat, big hat and currently entertaining himself with a deck of cards. What a strange duo to meet upon first but she knew there must be more to come arriving a little later than she. To be honest she was expecting that of all people she would be meeting, it would be diplomats, royals, or some high ranked person that represented some faction or nation of Valoran. Diana only saw herself as the leader of the Lunari, though being the only one left, so maybe she was here to mostly represent Mount Targon as a high ranked individual because she was no diplomat and anything but royalty. 

The celestial aspect took to throwing her cloak over to the corner of the shrine to put it out of the way from the shrine's doorway. Making sure it didn't get trampled or stepped on by the other supposed guests to arrive later. Diana walked slowly into the shrine taking in the space it held and also any escape routes she may need to take. Sometimes its best to know a way out if something were to happen no matter where you go. She settled to leaning against one of the shrine's pillars that was surprisingly sturdy. While leaning against it she had stretched her arms out in front of her, her sickle resting on the arch of it on the ground as her hands held it down from the top of the crescent weapon. It seems that no one was really interested in speaking so Diana decided to stay quiet plus she really wasn't that good with striking up conversations with anyone. In the past as a child and teenager she had never fit in nor had anyone to talk to personally in the Solari Temple. Even when she did speak and mostly spoke her mind about things she would come across when the Solari elders were teaching she felt was missing something, she was punished for her "misconduct" or irritating the elders with pressing questions about something that she believe they hid away and never spoke of. How foolish they were to hide everything for she who was determined to find what was missing and did so. So since no one was of interest to her to talk to she might end up just staying quiet until the rest of the arrivals come up; if that's the way its gonna be so be it. Oh was she very wrong about that.

The next arrival to show them self through the shrine doors made Diana's eyes widen and herself fill with shock, severe confusion, and bubbling rage she hadn't felt but long ago. Not once did she believe she would meet her here, of all places and yet there she stood in the entrance way; the Celestial Aspect of the sun, the one who persecuted her, the Solari's precious commander, The Radiant Dawn, Leona. Diana quickly and defensively stood straight and tall with her weapon's handle gripped tightly in her fist as she glared at the Solari. What is SHE doing here!? Why of all places is she invited HERE to this plan!? Of all the things I have to see today, it just had to be her. The very LAST thing I wanted of all, for the rest of my life, is to see her! Diana screamed in her head as many other thoughts ran through her as her mind was racing with what exactly to do and at the moment she could start a fight or simply try to take one of the escape routes and leave immediately but a more rational part of her, though it very small, told her she needed to calm her anger before it got out of control and also that the Ionian leader sent for her so she can't leave. 

Giving one last glare she turned swiftly and walk quickly to the other side of the shrine, as far from her as she can get. Settling on standing straight up against the farthest wall with weapon gripped tightly and all her attention focused on the Solari. What she was here for seemed obvious since she must've been invited for the plan or there might be another reason and she could be here to extract revenge for those dead Solari elders. I was so frustrated...enraged...I didn't mean to go that far but them rejecting what was so patently true and came from THE very summit of the holy mountain!? Their own willful blindness caused them their demise...She said in her mind as she felt the guilt of what she did long ago come back on her but it quickly was smothered out by her growing rage. Who cares what doesn't matter now! For all I know shes here for the plan and never expected me like I didn't expect her. She thought quietly as her gaze never left Leona. "Well now that she knows I'm here she probably thinks that once I let my guard down she'll be able to strike but.....Ooooh how wrong she is." She said in more of a quiet whisper to herself.

A couple of new arrivals came in, Diana still stayed as far as she could from Leona, not letting her mind wonder to anyone else in the room and Diana's eyes staying right on her. It wouldn't surprise the Lunari if somehow Leona got word of Diana traveling down the mountain and merely followed her here to get her revenge. It has happened before when Diana left the massacre she caused, fleeing to Mount Targon where she was able to lose Leona off her trail. Diana had hoped that the mountain would've claimed her like its many other victims who had dared to climb it but sadly Diana did witness Leona when she finally descended from the mountain and she herself disappeared into the cleft in the mountainside. A few instances after that happened whenever Diana would travel out away from the mountain when it wasn't having invasions from the void, Leona somehow had heard she was out somewhere or found her to where Diana put all her energy to getting away as fast as possible, making sure Leona could never fully follow her trail. She is the reason why Diana only travels so rarely besides the Voidlings and wears a cloak to hide her identity. 

It seems that more arrivals came in and this was causing Diana to get more angered and irritated now instead of calming down like she was trying to do. Some of the new arrivals were quiet and not announcing themselves so loudly and there are others who just show no kind of decency what so ever. Though she was still keeping herself occupied with watching Leona and any sudden movements she still could hear what was going on. One boy walked in talking about a snake problem which confused Diana and then a small mage just blew the damn shrines doors apart which made her even more confused and slightly irritated. Being around this many people made her very uncomfortable and her rage, frustration, and irritation finally surfaced as she let out a loud yell, finally having enough with the quiet game and stomped over to Leona but stopped a couple feet away, pointing her crescent sickle at her with a death grip on the handle, her glare dark. "Why are YOU here, Solari!? Because I honestly have a hard time believing you're only here for the plan. This honestly feels like too much of a coincidence if you ask me!! Did you somehow find out where I was going and decided that now be your chance to kill me so you followed me all the way here to take vengeance!?" She shouted the questions with her anger boiling even more than before. Her mouth set in a snarling frown and her eyes ablaze. That's more running away. "If you're THAT desperate to have me dead then fine! But know this Solari..." Her glare turned to a icy and murderous one, making it like she could shoot daggers through your heart with her pale blue eyes and her grip on her sword tightened even more to where if she wasn't wearing glows her knuckles would be white. Diana didn't plan on dying since she still has goals to accomplish and things to uncover. "I WILL fight back and I will make it to where I'll be the HARDEST THING YOU EVER TRIED TO KILL IN YOUR LIFE." 
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The Rune Mage 

“For a ninja, he sure isn’t subtle.”  Ryze remarked.

Strewn amongst a variety of scrawling scrolls and crudely drawn accounts of potential cataclysms was the Rune Mage attempting to locate the more elusive world runes.  His deliberations halted at the arrival of a spartan sheet of parchment signed by the one and only Eye of Twilight himself. It’s truly not the easiest thing to contact this mage. Of course the most common route is his address at the college but he only teaches there once every 30 or so years. Only Shen and a few others with access to teleportation could reach Ryze and only then with explicit permission in some runic form or another given by the mage himself.

As such, Shen had easily teleported a simple piece information his way, leaving only the telltale sound of a sheathing blade the ninja’s technique emitted.

The contents were straightforward and easily extinguished with the lightest touch of runic energy, burning it to ash.

“Stay one step ahead of the cataclysm!” Ryze muttered bitterly. Despite his warnings to the various powers that controlled the nations of runeterra  none heeded his or Kassadin’s warnings; Malzahar’s prophecies either apoarently. Now here he sat, in the middle of somewhere once important reclaimed by the magics of nature, stopped in his search for literal world shaping runes to deal with another world trying to change this one to their own desires.

Really no point in complaining, Ryze thought to himself. Having no direction never stopped Ryze, however, so he continued to mutter, curse, and complain until eventually he gathered his camp and materials and sent them off to his suite at the college.

“I’m trying to save the world here!” he stated to its enemies despite their absence. Of course, Ryze knew there was no saving the world, only prolonging its end. An end brought by the void wasn’t one he was too interested in having.

With a quiet and practiced cast, Ryze opened a Realm Warp portal directed close enough to the destination Shen mentioned in his letter. The delay in teleportation always bothered him, took too long and allowed for others to take a ride if they stepped in within range and always seemed to catch hi--   
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When no one seemed to acknowledge Ezreal’s outburst, the young explorer coughed into his hand to hide his flushed face from the other gathered…warriors? Mages?  ‘Gotta a lot of weirdo’s coming along for this party, huh Shen?’  He thought to himself, before he stepped hesitantly further into the shrine, trying to be inconspicuous in his staring. He was pretty embarrassed over his silly outrage-he just wasn't having a good day, alright!- so instead of schmoozing into the crowd like he normally would try to do, he kept to himself as he surveyed the rest of the crowd that Shen had no doubt invited, to get a feel for their personalities since he was sure he was going to have to work with them. Ezreal didn;t do well in group activites, really-parties he could do, but missions? Not his thing

His eyes widened as he caught sight of both the mechanized scientist of Zaun and the cities infamous mutated sewer rat chatting it up, and he bit his tongue in order to avoid an unnecessary confrontation-he didn’t like Zaunites, and Zaunites had a reputation for not liking him, so the more he kept his distance, the better it would be for everybody.  Before he could take stock of everyone else he jumped back as he heard a loud explosion nearby, and after a few glances around he saw a very…very short blob of purple and silver, with a staff that seemed to be bigger than it was. He wasn’t sure exactly what the creature was, though he had heard tales of a small mage wreaking havoc around Valoran with no real rhyme or reason. ‘Maybe it’s a friend of Jinx?’ He laughed to himself as he wandered further into the shrine, hoping to find the ninja that had invited him in the first place.

“So, anyone bring any snacks? Cuz I gotta tell you, I just flew in from Piltover, and man are my arms…tired…” Ezreal trailed off his joke as he realized that ‘warming up’ this ragtag group of crazy peope was gonna be tough. He stopped in his tracks when he recognized Prince Jarven IV in the shrine as well- the Crown Prince of Demacia himself was here? That was…reassuring for the sake of their mission, but Ezreal couldn’t help but feel intimidated by the man’s regal presence. Sure, Piltover and Demacia were allies so he didn’t have to be wary of the man’s spear at his back, but he just didn’t feel important enough to share the room with the guy, though he put on a smile and a friendly wave to his direction. Fake it till you make it right?

He also caught sight of the infamous pirate of Bilgewater, a woman with breathtaking beauty and some rather fluffy extra appendages, and a man in a way too large hat with an extravagant suit, but before he could pay attention to anyof them, he heard screaming. Very loud yelling, really- and it was coming from a woman that he knew right away he shoudn’t mess with- from her black armor to her oversized sickle to her glowing white eyes, he didn’t want to mess with any of that, and the woman she was yelling at was probably no slouch either- she looked like some gilded queen out a storybook, or a divine hero from a book he had read once…. “Well, everyone, I think we should let these ladies have some space. Let them air out their dirty laundry in private, save them from the gossip.” He laughed breathlessly as he turned on his heel and started back to the entrance of the shrine, but as he did so, he couldn’t help but feel a chill down his spine-it felt like eyes were boring into him.
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Viktor looked down at the rat man who said that his name was Twitch "How can you proudly say you are a ruler? Being a ruler of the sewers is... useless. No one will take ou seriously" he says with a sigh. "Though it does have some advantages" He thinks out loud putting a hand on his chin "But still.. It's not something you can say proudly. However you must know the underground  better than anyone then... You might be useful in the future" he says, somewhat of a compliment.

He then heard a boy saying something about Piltover. He slowly moves his head towards the kid. "You are from Piltover?" he asks but then shakes his head. That wasn't his real question. "Do you know Jayce?" he asks now, his voice serious and anyone could understand by the way he said the name, that he hated that guy. Viktor opened his bag and grabbed a computer. He leaned against the shrine and started working on it. His two hands would hold the machine while the third one that was on his back would press the buttons. He was waorking on something but the others couldn't see what it was. He was still waiting for the rat's response.

His left eye would look at the computer and work on it, while the right one would check everyone. He saw Jarvan IV. He is here? Is this reunion that important? And do I have to work with these lower creatures?

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"Useless!? It isn't useless! The sewers are very important. Humans are always down there trying to take MY stuff!" Twitch said angrily, the sewers were his home and this man was calling it useless. "In fact I bet some are there right now! hmm...good thing I left traps though." Twitch said as he looked over to see what Piltover's explorer was calling attention to, apparently the two warrior woman were having an argument, Twitch would be sure to keep away from them just in case a fight started.  "Of course I know the underground, I've had to memorize nearly every tunnel to defend my home. Those thieving humans never stand a chance when they enter my domain!" He said as he brought his attention back to Viktor who was now working on something. "What are you doing there?" He asked, curious as to what the man could be working on.


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