Aragor the Orgirim


Follower of Sigmar's Holy Path
Name: Aragor, specifically Orsigic

Age: 231, rather young in for such a high ranking figure among the Orgirim


Starting Location: The tribal capital of the Blood Hands, tucked away in a massive Dwarf stronghold in the far, far north.

Short Bio: Hailing from the rough lands in the east, Aragor rose to fame among the Orgirim due to his brutality, strength, and his superior intelligence. He smashed his way to the top of his tribe, leading his people to the legendary dwarf-holds in the harsh mountains of the north. After a bloody battle, he seized control of the largest of the dwarf-holds, and became the self-proclaimed Warlord of the Chasm. Equipped with a deadly stolen Dwarf sword and a thick steel shield, the heavily armored Lord of the North will unite the Orgirim in a grand war against the South, and then, none shall remain.

Personality: He can be a cruel leader, ruthless and brutal. He sees himself as superior to all other creatures, leading him to treat almost all his underlings with great disrespect and hatred.


Species: Orgirim

Species Description: The term "Orgirim" is the name of the three subspecies that make up the Orgirim. The largest of the subspecies are the Orsigic. Stronger, smarter, and more feared than their distant Orc kin, they made up the bulk of the Orgirim that ascended from the tainted caves deep below the surface of the earth, hacking and slashing their way through Dwarf miners and human tribes. They are fearsome warriors, towering above most, and are stronger than most as well. The second largest are the Grobic. Agile and devious, they are the engineers and workers of the Orgirim. However, they are cowards by nature, though less cowardly than their goblin counter parts. Lastly are the massive Gargoics, the powerful, towering creatures that act as the commanders and warchiefs of the many Orgirim tribes in the world. Unbreakable and savage in battle, they are the strongest but dumbest of the Orgirim. Among the Orgirim, certain members are granted magical abilities or can tap into the inner warlord that is in every member of the Orgirim. These members are called Shamans and War-Masters, and serve important tasks in the everyday life of the Orgirim. (If needed, I'll go into more depth regarding the everyday life, the history, roles of Shamans, etc)

Species Appearance: 

Orsigic Warriors Assaulting a Human Settlement: 

Gargonic Champions In Battle against a Host of Elven Warriors: 

Grobic Warriors in an underground fortress: 
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Name: Aragor, specifically Orsigic

Age: 231, rather young in for such a high ranking figure among the Orgirim


Starting Location: The tribal capital of the Blood Hands, tucked away in a massive Dwarf stronghold in the far, far north.

Short Bio: Hailing from the rough lands in the east, Aragor rose to fame among the Orgirim due to his brutality, strength, and his superior intelligence. He smashed his way to the top of his tribe, leading his people to the legendary dwarf-holds in the harsh mountains of the north. After a bloody battle, he seized control of the largest of the dwarf-holds, and became the self-proclaimed Warlord of the Chasm. Equipped with a deadly stolen Dwarf sword and a thick steel shield, the heavily armored Lord of the North will unite the Orgirim in a grand war against the South, and then, none shall remain.

Personality: He can be a cruel leader, ruthless and brutal. He sees himself as superior to all other creatures, leading him to treat almost all his underlings with great disrespect and hatred.


Species: Orgirim

Species Description: The term "Orgirim" is the name of the three subspecies that make up the Orgirim. The largest of the subspecies are the Orsigic. Stronger, smarter, and more feared than their distant Orc kin, they made up the bulk of the Orgirim that ascended from the tainted caves deep below the surface of the earth, hacking and slashing their way through Dwarf miners and human tribes. They are fearsome warriors, towering above most, and are stronger than most as well. The second largest are the Grobic. Agile and devious, they are the engineers and workers of the Orgirim. However, they are cowards by nature, though less cowardly than their goblin counter parts. Lastly are the massive Gargoics, the powerful, towering creatures that act as the commanders and warchiefs of the many Orgirim tribes in the world. Unbreakable and savage in battle, they are the strongest but dumbest of the Orgirim. Among the Orgirim, certain members are granted magical abilities or can tap into the inner warlord that is in every member of the Orgirim. These members are called Shamans and War-Masters, and serve important tasks in the everyday life of the Orgirim. (If needed, I'll go into more depth regarding the everyday life, the history, roles of Shamans, etc)

Species Appearance: 

Orsigic Warriors Assaulting a Human Settlement: 

Gargonic Champions In Battle against a Host of Elven Warriors: 

Grobic Warriors in an underground fortress: 


@MorgathosTheRussian alright, sorry for taking too long

Your character is too strong. Not in the sense of Jefferson's ancient-dinosaur individual strength, but in that he commanded an entire army of semi-intelligent race. There is no point in your character meeting us in the first place, I might just rather have an alliance of intelligent being fight against your character's army (the dwarves and allies attempting to retake the fortress could be a nice plot point)

Anyway while I can envision doing something like that later on after everyone join up or get stronger, it's not the point of this roleplay for now. I mean it would be cheating when you start with an entire battallion while Gorjaw, at most, only have 5 men with him. Start smaller.

Yes, DaWaagh's Skaven has a high number too, but the Skaven did not manage to win against an entire race like Dwarf. They're living underground in unclaimed land. If the intelligent races move to eliminate them, it won't be war, but pest extermination.

By the way the bestowed "intelligence" didn't come from birth. Your character is just a typical Orsigic until the intelligence suddenly come. It come within same time frame for all of our characters, give or take two weeks.

Hmm so my recommendation is either

  1. Go with this species, but start your character BEFORE he become the warlord. Join up with us first, like maybe your character is still considered a greenhorn among the Orsigic, not strong enough to usurp the leadership of the clans, so you left the land and met up with us. That put us in a more even ground, and open the path to your character's eventual rise to domination. Or,
  2. Go with this background (conquering clans within two weeks time is possible), but tweak the species to be less big. Your species feels like they can make an entire kingdom. Kingdom-creation is reserved for intelligent races. If a species can manage to do that, they're considered intelligent already. And we're not supposed to play intelligent race in this campaign. Or,
  3. Create a new species...? Which is too much work so kinda not recommended

Well just discuss it here. I might've missed something.
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