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Ara - Fate Core

In the world of Ara, a darkness is rising on the continent of Lu'Arla, it's up to a group of adventurers to find it and stop it in it's tracks.

Well, at least when they find out about it.

Right now there's a mage named Marcus Vizara is making a big deal and putting on a show to present a new magic he's invented to the world.

Though... only two of them are offically there for that. The others just hopped along for the wagon ride and brought a harlot, ahem "Maid", along.

This is a Fate Core game with a small group and is at the moment invite only as it's moving away from being a scheduled affair on Skype to being Play by Post.

The Fate Core SRD can be found here: http://fate-srd.com/fate-core/basics

The Google Docs sheet previously used for managing this game can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pUbJLkK5GtjYYbYH1VwKS8gABAwAm4pWE3f2neo3m3E/edit?usp=sharing
Session Episode 3 Start

(Experimenting with how to throw out roll difficulties and stuff)

The big event starts around noon, though everyone going there is busy getting ready and seated inside of the Karus Court-an all purpose area with seating used from everything to jousting tournaments, plays, and now this-before the event starts.

The group makes their way to find a seat they can see Marcus Vizara directing some guards as they drag a large cart with a large covered cage in through the main entrance as some of the guards clear a path through the crowd. The cage comes close to your group and everyone can hear very loud breathing as if a giant beast was slumbering inside the cage, which with that they knew so far, probably was it. Vizara gives a nod to Headsman as he follows the cage in.

Right now would be an excellent time to get a few words in with him, though they with a

Notice roll of at least 2

they'll notice that people are looking at the group because of Vizara's nod.
In all there are people of just about every race here, all in small to medium sized groups. If Naya looks she'll see that some people from the Mage College of Lindin Caredelle as well as some people from some of the moderately important Krynn houses are here as well.

Notice roll of 3

to see that there is a small group of Luandis (white) Wolven with well worn and somewhat piece meal armor surrounding a bigger one with rugged steel armor with dragon motifs in it. Lore roll of 2

To pick them out as being part of the whole Warlord situation going on down in Luandis

Do a roll according to this formula: 4d3-8+skill/etc bonuses, the RPNation roller can go into the negatives. So with a Great (+4) skill you'd roll 4d3-4, Fair would be 4d3-6. There's almost going to be a large negative modifier to the roll, but it'll work just like Fudge/Fate dice in the end. I'll see about getting a Rolls tab for this RP, but just put the rolls/results in the OOC for now.
Kai yawned and stretched as he tailed Gawaine around, carrying some supplies for her as she went through the local markets here in town.

"When we gonna get somethin' to drink for the road? I still thinks' i remembers yah throwing one of our wine bottles out the wagon at some point, and i Ain't sure if Miss Naya really cared' or not considerin most o' the garbage on that wagon's hers... least i think's it is...."

Kai Shrugs in thought.

Either way Miss Naya' prolly didn't care too much anyhow, from the time Kai's known her she was either really darn laid back or just reluctant to let Him and Gaddock do whatever since they trailed her everywhere since they had not much else to really do besides get drunk and visit nearby brothels and gentlemans clubs and couldn't do a thing to stop either of them...

"Hopes we can getcha to yur' destination safely once whatever theys doin over in the plaza gets done with, I certainly' still ain't likin' thems' Luandis Boys lookin at everyone suspiciously, specially if they's part o' some warlords or somthin', yah know?"

He said to Gawaine as He Kept his pace up with her, his hat just barely keeping him half asleep as it covered his eyes from the sun above, they had quite the time last night, but she hadn't learned everything just yet from Kai, specially' her facin' fears like a real cowboy/cowgirl... if she was gonna REALLY get anythin' her way any time soon... Kai was certain they needed to spend a loooooot more time togethor if she was gonna be getting anywhere alone, as proven yesterday at the Bar, she couldn't just charm her way outa' every situation as Far as Kai knew, hell, he'd lasso her back to Wagon if he needed to....
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Naya shrugs as the cage rolls on by. "I do hope that the creature within the confines of that cage stays within it. Would be a shame if it had to be disposed of during a public event." She scans the crowd and sees some familiar people from the Lindin Caredelle Mage College. Continuing to look around, she spies some rather interesting people from a few Krynn houses.

Naya looks over at Headsman. "I suppose I should probably ask, but what were you doing last night? Hopefully not getting yourself, or our group, into trouble."
Headsman looks at Naya, then shakes his head. "Of course not. I'm not trying to sabotage us or anything!"

Headsman fingers his rifle apprehensively. "Nope, just crippled those guards from earlier. No murders whatsoever."
Naya shifts in her seat to glare at Headsman. She then slowly sinks her head into her palm, lightly shaking her head. "I thought I told you to leave them be." Slowly rising her head from her palm, she continues to glare at him. "Did they find out it was you?"
Headsman seems a bit put off by Naya's glare. "No, they didn't even see my face. They didn't know it was me..."

Headsman pauses. "I should have killed them, I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking..."
Naya seems quite irritated with Headsman. "No, you should have left them alone. You don't just go around and shoot people, even if you just cripple them. In addition to it being morally wrong, there is still that small chance that they figure out it was you who did it and end up coming after us in the long run. You got to think about these things."

She sighs. "Is there anything else you did last night that I must know about?"
Headsman looks a bit disturbed. "Morally... Uh, well, anyhow, I met the man in charge of all this. Apparently he's been having some trouble with a former colleague..."

He thinks for a moment. "Besides, the guards'll be okay. They worked for him, and he has healers."
"A former colleague huh? Sounds potentially interesting. Did he specify a name?" Naya seems quite interested in finding out about this, as she normally does with new information about others.
Headsman thinks for a moment. "I think it was Poon Poon or something like that? Sorry, not always the best at remembering that sort of thing. Apparently those wolves we ran into were his work though."
Naya pulls out a book and pen from inside her purse and begins writing down information. "Poon Poon, responsible for drugged out road wolves." She puts the book and pen away again. "Excellent. Former colleague is interesting, I want to find out what happened there. Might wish to find him and question him in detail."
Naya nods. "Of course. What I'm thinking, is that we go and visit the man behind this event after the show ends and ask him some questions. There, you'll be more of a protector in case anything goes wrong rather than an intimidator. If we get sufficient knowledge of Mr. Poon, then we will gather the entire group again and see if we can't find him. Sounds good?"
Kai & Gawaine

Gawaine shamelessly lets Kai carry as much of the supplies she's buying as possible. She's currently looking over a selection of lockets, decorated with different basic Arcana symbols for Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, and Magic. "Warlords, you say... Ah, so that's what you were going on about back in the bar. You're really sore about them huh?" She comments as she lifts up each of the lockets in turn, each made of a different metal.

Karus Court Exterior

A voice comes up from behind the group, "You're going to be meeting with Marcus Vizara after? Think you guys could drag me along with?" Turning around they can see that it's an older teenage Krynn, he's wearing simple clothes used for mages in training with a tabard of the Jun house on it (just an average house that produces more or less average mages at the College of Magic), "Oh excuse me Miss Hearn," he takes a step back as he bows, "I am Cyrin Jun, I only noticed that Sir Vizara seems to have an interest in your group and I've just been dying to learn his new magic and perhaps you could find it in your heart to help me out."
Naya smiles and nods. "Well, you can count yourself lucky. I am Naya Hearn and I might just be willing to allow you to tag along. The only thing you must do for me is allowing me to learn a bit about you and your house." She extends her hand to shake his.
"Yeah, you could say that."

Kai responded to the dragoness he currently tailed around, as she went through the market like it was some sorta museum that you could buy things in Kai thought... Least she Got most of the food and water supplies first before looking at pretty lockets, Miss Naya would prolly' be happy about that one they got back to the wagon.

"Yah see, them warlords are the ones who drove my Ma and Pa out into the Borderlands before I was born. Nasty sons of bitches Ma always said, doin' awful things like killin' their own people and being more lawless then the Borderlands ina' sense theys were more like a buncha Wulfheim boys without their politics or military things, and I'm pretty certain o' what I heard last night, and thems dumbass boys just weren't willin' to talk it out either. I don't like it one bit whatever's goin on here between them wolves on the trail and them wolves all around here..."

Kai distastefully Sneered as he talked, thinking about the two Luandis guards last night, esepecially remembering their demeanor towards Miss Gawaine.

"Plus, they decided to get all mad at cha' for no reason and you had to pay for some run down table and chairs. Ain't no way to treat a fine lil' lady, that's for sure, and I'll be damned if my Ma hadn't taught me that."

Kai said, a strong tone of displeasure in his voice as he watched Gawaine examine the lockets, keeping his eyes on the merchant in front of them, and possibly any "loose" cash laying around.

(Burglary roll of +2)
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Headsman looks over at the Krynn, glaring a bit. He had no idea who this newcomer was, and to put it bluntly he was 99% certain this dude was up to no good. But then, he got that impression about everyone who wasn't in the Order...
Gaddock shrugs as he looks at the now empty bottle and tosses into a nearby barrel. With a sniff, he glares out to the horizon, scanning for anyone he knew among... The market? Being half-cocked, he didn't rightly have much sense what time of day it was aside from the sun being above him. What he did know however, was that he had been sleeping longer than he planned to. Barely ever happens, but when it does... It really does.

So being grumpy from that, he confidently stumbled through the streets, scanning for his allies while holding his greataxe just above the ground.
Kai & Gawaine

Gawaine starts to reply as she starts looking over some other jewelry, "I get the feeling you don't really like wolves all that much... strange isn't it to hate one's own kind?" she says glancing over to Kai.

Kai meanwhile spots someone to steal from, a young human couple looking over jewelry practically right next to him. As he contemplates the best way to steal the man's coin, the shapeliness, beauty, and fine rear end of the man's partner catches his eye. While starting to reach out to steal the man's coin, he feels such a strong urge to pinch that lady's fine ass (all in good play of course) that the fact that doing so will almost definitely get him caught and might hurt his relationship with Gawaine are pushed to the far edges of his mind...

(Compelling Kai's "Troublemaking Hedonist" Aspect. Either don't resist and in doing so earn a Fate Point by pinching the lady's butt and deal with the fallout from that action OR spend a Fate Point to resist doing that action.)


Wandering around he remembers something about an event and follows the crowd of people. A human man in armor, like the ones of the two white wolven from yesterday but with a bit of gold inlay around the visor on the helmet, steps in his way as he gets closer, "Hey you! How good are you with that axe?"

Karus Court Exterior

The Krynn smiles widely before immediately getting his emotions under control as he deeply bows with his right arm over his waist, "You are most gracious Miss Naya Hearn. I am an Arcana mage in my third year of study at the College of Magic, as for my house, we make up a large amount of the low to mid level teachers at the College as well as being one of it's financial backers."
"Of course, I support anyone who tries to help the young, aspiring students gain their magical training. Sir Cyrin Jun, it is a pleasure to meet you. When the public showing ends, we will be heading to meet and converse with Vizara. You may attend as well." Naya smiles, recording a little about Cyrin and his House in her book.

"I sure hope the show gets on the proverbial road soon. Oh, where are my manners?" She gestures towards Headsman. "This is Headsman, my personal protector and fuzzy friend."
Headsman tries to hide a grimace when she refers to him as "fuzzy". "I'm not fuzzy..." he mutters. He may have ridiculously fuzzy fur, but he doesn't like it when it's called attention to. "Hello." Headsman glares at Cyrin. He still doesn't like this Krynn, and he wants it to be well known.
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"It ain't a matter of race... It's a matter of who's a bloody dictator or a slave to those kinda people, killin' their own for no real good reason...." Kai says coldly as he spots some "spare change" almost right next to him...

However, what catches his eye even more is a rather lovely and fine round Ass next to the spare change...

It was not unlike Miss Gawaine's fine bosom that was with him.

An Extremely strong urge began to come over Kai as his hand began to reach towards the fine Booty next tot he change.....

Damn it no no noooo.....

Kai Seized his hand with his other hand, after laying some of the things he was carrying for Gawaine...

His eyes began to dart back and forth between Gawaine and the other booty nearby, literal sweat starting to drip down Kai's fuzzy forehead as one of his hands literally shook as it urged him to cop a feel of the other booty..

Damn damn damn no... must... think... about.... Long term... BOOTY...

Kai's eyes keep darting from booty to booty, the urge for the immediate booty is strong, but the smart thinking of long term booty is almost a must if Kai wants (Almost) free access to it all the time.

Damnit damn it DAMN IT. He Almost shouts in his head as sweat begins to drip from him (metaphorically of course)

I should just take that cash and get on with Miss Gawaine... yess.. That's what someone smart like Naya would do!

But... are people even noticing me or looking...?

Kai's eyes dart up from the booty's to see if anybody was actually watching him, listening around for anyone muttering or talking about Kai....

(notice roll of +5)
Kai & Gawaine

Look around around, noticing that the shopkeep of the jewerly stand is completely wrapped up in trying to sell a whole set of jewerly to the couple, although he catches an avian dressed in the colors of the Grafton town guard (which is different from the plain, albeit polished, armor that Vizara's guards have) looking at him. They lock eyes for a moment before the guard gives a subtle shake of his head. It seems Kai's taken too long to pickpocket that guy and now he's got an eye on him.

He also hears Gawaine trying to get his attention, "Kai, which one of these do you think would look best on me?" she motions to the case of arcana symbol lockets again. Kai gets the feeling that she wants him to pick out one of them.

Karus Court Exterior

Cyrin gives Headsman a polite downwards nod, "Greetings," before turning his attention back to Naya, "I do believe I know of a good place for us to sit, I've reserved a prime spot early this morning."
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