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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~



Mentions: ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Kuro ( Lolory Lolory )

The ball flew. It hit the buddy. The sprite glowed, before being absorbed into the ball.

The ball gave a chime.

"...Hah!" It had worked! Finally, he had captured an ice buddy! It had taken... quite a while, but his first catch was right there before his vision. Walking forward, Glacier grabbed the now-occupied ball and stuffed it in a different portion of his satchel. Then, Glacier turned to Kuro, with an apologetic smile. "I must apologize... if my recent struggles have held up your own progress. I understand that the cold is... not as pleasant to me as it is for some others."

Glacier then grabbed another empty ball from his satchel. "I shall continue my search for more ice buddies... I assume you plan to continue in this zone as well, Kuro?"

Action: Searching for Buddies [Ice Zone]

Balls: 8/10
Bait: 1/1

[Ice Buddy]

Designer (7).png
Kuro clapped her hands a bit tiredly as Glacier had finally managed to catch a Buddy. The scenery around here was slowly becoming dull to her, however, and she desperately wanted to move on. She'd only caught one Buddy and there was no doubt in her mind that the others had a full team of 10 already while she had dallied here. "We should probably head further into the Tundra! Who knows, maybe we'll find cooler Buddy's along the way? I only have this Thunder Buddy, and it's alright...for now!" She also wanted to try her hand at exploring the other area's while she could, before her time here was up.

The Mesa zone had seemed just as big as the Tundra, and with all of those wide awning canyons, there could be all sorts of creatures inside just waiting to be caught. Watching Glacier had taught her that catching Buddy's was a lot harder than it seemed, and that perhaps she really had just lucked out on catching her first one with only one ball. If a Buddy runs from me, I probably shouldn't waste time just chasing after it...I want a wide variety of Buddy's! It would be best to move on and try to get as wide a range as possible. I could cover more ground that way too, and save on some Bait.

Her best odds were doing what she'd done already. And besides, chucking rocks and baiting the poor little Buddy's seemed a bit too mean spirited for her tastes! She walked further into the Tundra area.

Voider Voider Moonberry Moonberry
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Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Moonberry Moonberry


The Fates can be fickle. But Marcus had long known that as a result of the adversities he'd faced. The creature had escaped the ball and thus it was time for another attempt. Wind was an element he would want. To capture wind, water and lightning was the goal. But he could only do his part.

The warrior throws the ball at the wind-creature again, attempting to catch his quarry once more.

Action: Capture Buddy

Buddy Ball - 8/10
Bait - 1/1
♫ Buddy Center ♫


The professor hummed and nodded taking the buddies from the armored man. He turned around and began to place them into the respective chambers, flipping a few switches and turning some knobs. The machine began to whir and glow, until a loud zapping noise happened. And the two were combined. He pulled the creature out of the middle chamber and turned around to hand the fluffy turtle dragon to the armored man. "There you are! Go have share experiences together!"

Wheatley Wheatley
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Glacier celebrated his first capture, and Kuro began to look again, the two of them were beset by the bothersome thunder clouds. Only this time it was quite a few of them. Four or five of the little rumbling electric zapping creatures hovered near the two of them, buzzing with energy. They were growing closer by the second.

(It's a swarm! Throw a ball or bait, or rock. Or throw BallS if you want! to catch multiple if you'd like.)
Voider Voider
Lolory Lolory
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As John searched through the terrible heat of the volcano he found a small monkey skipping from floating igneous rocks to another. It spotted him and turned around to wave its behind at him and titter.

(Throw a ball, or bait. Throw a rock and it might fall in the lava >_> Don't forget the 1d10)
LightningJay LightningJay
Location: Beach

"Finally, that lunatic is gone." Eeriel peeked over a sand mound and look at the surrounding. For a few minutes there the armored guy had been shouting nonsense like he had lost his mind. So Eeriel took her time to hide for a bit as to not get thrown with sand or something worse. Unfortunately for her even after the armored man left there's still another thing that keep relentlessly stalking her. The wind buddy jumped over her, and Eeriel reeld back while throwing another buddy ball at it!

Trying to capture buddy

7/10 ball
1/1 bait
1/1 rock

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Moonberry Moonberry



It was his first capture. He was thankful as to not be unfortunate thus far. It could have taken many more tries. And some of what comes ahead may yet still take more tries. After all, he yet had goals.

While the other man had departed off in the distance, Marcus wasn't quite done with this area yet. Indeed, he wished to use up much of his resources before returning. For now, however, he wished to try to obtain a water type, which appeared to be exclusive to this area. His helmet clad form looked off to the waves. If not for his armor and the pains he had to go through to remove it, he might have gone for a swim to find such creatures.

The waves gently caressed the shore. He backed away from it tentatively, not wishing for the salty water to eat away at his already damaged and war-torn armor with rust. However...he did walk near it as he searched for a water type -- listening to the song of the sea as he scanned the shoreline to see what might wash up.

A deep breath in. And a deep breath out. He liked the salty air more than he'd like to admit.

Actions: Search for Buddy

Buddy Balls - 8/10
Bait - 1/1
Wind Buddy - 1
Location: Beach

The buddy once again got away and splashed Eeriel with some sands. The cat let out a shriek as she dodged the sand while throwing another ball!

Trying to capture buddy

6/10 ball
1/1 bait
1/1 rock


Buddy Event.png

Behold: Pixelized, buddy-catcher Glacier!

As the swarm of lightning buddies closed in on Kuro & himself, Glacier quickly reached into his satchel, frantically grabbing & throwing two balls with his jaws; he wasn't truly sure how powerful or dangerous buddies were yet, but he didn't want to find out while facing a swarm!

Action: Throwing Two Balls at [Lightning Buddies]

Balls: 6/10
Bait: 1/1

[Ice Buddy]
Location: Beach

"Seriously!!" Eeriel looked at disbelief as the buddy once again escaped the ball. now she had suspicion that the balls given to her might be defect. Beause these things didn't work!

The buddy wiggled its butt in front of Eeriel to celebrate its victory before running away from the beach, leaving the frustrated Eeriel alone. The cat let out a deep growl before she continue her search for this buddy. The next one wouldn't be so lucky as this first one.

Searching for buddy
6/10 ball
1/1 bait
Moonberry Moonberry
Location: Lab
Journal Entry 40

I don’t have adoptive parents, but more-so a crew of welcoming adults. The East Empire’s population is growing fast but I can see that comes with its downsides. There’s too many of us in one place. Since they always defeat enemies with overwhelming numbers we never get a chance to actually experience any struggle in combat. Many of the adults here have stagnated in training because they never had the chance to face a foe stronger than their numbers. Tactically that is soundful, a hundred Otenza citizens with spears is a lot more threatening than a squad of guardsmen. But what if they were against a fae see general or a dragon? How many stagnated men in Otenza would run into the fire until they realize their skills that they obtained as a teen haven't grown at all?


Annellanus Gilgramfried rose to the occasion. "Heed my words, demon!" With heart and soul he devoted this fight in honor of its creator. "The underworld awaits us both!"
"For Blanchaaard!"
A generous amount of strength shoveled his feet into the dirt as he made a charge.

"For the sand kingdom!" Becoming a symbol on the battlefield as he stained the frontlines as the pointman. Faster and stronger than anyone around him he'd meet the wind turtle dragon head on. Burning speed grows in his tendons as their elasticity reaches their limit. Evoking every bone, muscle and blood cell in his core, shoulder and tricep muscles. Knuckles purchased into shell of the overshadowing monster, fist bled. Red Like Roses

The warriors punch eclipsed the first sign of damage. Removing his fist he saw that it's armor had been scraped. "Weakling!"
"Become stronger!"
At the monsters current stats it was no match for Annellanus, he'd have to force out it's true potential.

A madden burst of air. Annellanus blurred into momentum cratering the land below. Electric Wind God Fist! The world acknowledged the change of space-time, caving in as the warriors mighty uppercut ripped through sound. The blue wind beast's jaw was met with such force that it's own weight obediently tripped backwards.

Water/Wind Buddy
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Designer (7).png
Kuro decided to immediately act on the plan, and threw out a Buddy Ball. Since I already have a Lightning Buddy, it'd be better to not waste multiple trying to get another...

Having two Lightning Buddy's would mean she'd at least not leave completely empty handed.

If this fails, i'll move on and search for more Buddy's. If I find more Lightning Buddy's after this, I shouldn't waste my time trying to get a second one.

Moonberry Moonberry

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Sadly enough, it seemed the creature wasn't willing to join just yet. That said, it was still heading straight for Ceylan, so he figured he'd quickly try again.

Actions: – 3. Catching a Buddy: Attempt to catch a buddy using the provided items.
Balls: 6/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)

Michael was very pleased. The metal Buddy was fairly rare as far as what he overheard at base. He had plans for it. With what he came for in his coat pocket, Michael about faced and started marching back to base, pleased with his efforts.

actions: leave the Mesa and travel back to base.

8/10 balls
0/1 bait
5 wind buddies
1 metal buddy

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Failing to catch the creature yet again, it'd hit him in the stomach and causing him to go “ooohmphh” as he got the air knocked out of him. This was some tough friendship. Yet now he was only more determined. “Third time's the charm.” He'd throw another ball at it.

Actions: – 3. Catching a Buddy: Attempt to catch a buddy using the provided items.
Balls: 5/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)

Michael finished restocking his balls and bait and then left again with some consideration. He headed to the grassy fields in the south.

actions: head back to grassy fields

10/10 balls
1/1 bait
5 wind buddies
1 metal buddy

Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Sadly enough, three times wasn't the charm. Perhaps four times was? He figured he might as well try again, for as long as it'd take or until it'd either fail or succeed... or until he ran out of balls.

Actions: – 3. Catching a Buddy: Attempt to catch a buddy using the provided items.
Balls: 4/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)
Location: Beach

Again without any result, if she didn't find anything soon she would probably try her luck in the other area. Damn beach didn't want to give her what she wants!

Searching for buddy
6/10 ball
1/1 bait

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