*Approved* Desnielle DeLeon


The Kitty Soldier

Desnielle ‘Des’ DeLeon






[SIZE=14pt]First Field: Basic Intro. Begin…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The date is the 28th of August 2016 at 1715 hours. We are recording…please speak clearly into the camera and pause when you need to.[/SIZE]

[So I sit down in their cushioned wood chair, situate myself, and fold my hands into my lap. Clearing my throat. I nod to let her know I’m ready.]

[SIZE=9pt]What is your name?  [/SIZE]Uhm, my name is Desnielle DeLeon, but my friends and family called me Des, for short. I’d still like to be called that.

[Eyes are always shifting from the camera…it’s so odd.]

[SIZE=9pt]How old are you? [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]Seventeen, just turned seventeen two months ago.

[SIZE=9pt]Now this may sound odd, but can you clearly tell us your height and weight; and how you identify yourself?  [/SIZE]Oh, you mean if I like men or women? [SIZE=9pt]Yes and then some…[/SIZE]Right, well, I’m 5’3” and I weighed in at 135 pounds. I’m Latina and Dutch, more so Latina, I suppose. I’m attracted to men, probably always will be.

[I can’t help but quirk a smile. I ‘probably always will be’?]

[SIZE=9pt]How would you describe yourself? Your body and what you look like?  [/SIZE]I think a lot of people mistake my eye color to be very dark brown but it’s actually a warm chestnut color. I’m olive skin tone and speckled about my body are beauty marks; I have dark lashes, dark brown hair – it’s usually wavy and tied in a pony.  I think I could get more muscle; otherwise I’m short and thin. Um…well, I’m not too fancy. The clothing I usually wear is jeans, t-shirts, button-ups, tennis shoes or anything flat. Now, I guess, I like to cover my arms and hands; so anything long sleeve, and gloves paired with suit me every day.

[SIZE=9pt]Now can you describe five traits that best explain yourself?[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]  [/SIZE]Wow, okay. I’m adventurous; passionate; passive – mostly, though it depends on the subject; risk-taker; and…oddly enough despite how I look, resilient.

[SIZE=9pt]Alright, thank you. One moment while I adjust the camera.[/SIZE]

[She was panning the view out…so they – whoever would watch – could see them…the very things that branded me for eternity.]

[SIZE=14pt]Second Field: Prosthetic Data. Begin…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Let’s go back to the beginning…of how and why you needed those in the first place. Tell us the how and why.  [/SIZE] Well, I was in a car with a few of my friends. One of the guys were driving and I was in the back right passenger’s seat. It was rainy but he was driving the speed limit. It was a bit later, maybe ten o’clock - on a Thursday. We were headed home after having dinner. The road was two lane, one for each direction, but it was straight and long, and allowed for passing. However, the rain picked up hard and it was very dark and foggy. Sight distance was very blocked by all the rain and fog so the driver slowed down a lot. All of a sudden a car came up so quick, as if in a flash, and veered to avoid hitting us from the back, trying to pass us. But another truck was coming from the other way and that car had to avoid hitting the truck, so it veered back and slammed us off the incline of the road. We went down and rolled for a while…it felt like forever. I barely woke up, seeing medics everywhere and my friends being laid down beside me on the leafy soggy ground. The rain still came down but it was softer…it felt like it was crying but it hid the fact I was…

Two of my friends died that day – I don’t want to say how but myself and the driver survived. He was paralyzed waist down and suffered severe brain damage but he, uh – a few weeks later he killed himself. [SIZE=9pt]And you? What happened to you?[/SIZE]

[I looked at the woman, narrowing my eyes a bit. She knew it was obvious but had to ask.]

I came out the best, suffering from major scraps and gashes but only losing from just below my elbows and down. Some parts of my arms were still there but they were crushed and torn up a lot. I don’t remember feeling anything at that time.

[SIZE=9pt]And now what do you have?  [/SIZE]…I have two fully equipped and prosthetic arms and hands. They were able to attach them to my surviving joints…somehow. I can’t feel like I used to but I can move them as if they weren’t metal. They feel like they’ve always been a part of me. They don’t squeak, or creak, or rust but just, move like normal. It’s still all metal but it’s “special”, though I prefer to cover them fully.

[SIZE=9pt]Before I ask you about how the project approached you, can you briefly explain what those arms and hands allow you to do?  [/SIZE]Sure, they, uh, well for one thing they have impressive strength, able to lift at least one thousand pounds – however, I have not practiced that weight. That’s what they say. I have gone up to seven hundred. It’s taken several months but the practice has helped my body adjust to these new arms and hands. The hands themselves have similar power but are also equipped to tamper with or alter various types of technology. Whatever they uploaded into my hands and fingertips, makes it so I can unlock, read, or destroy something computer based. I don’t know the full limits but I was told they have no effect on fellow prosthetics if they are computer based. An example can be hacking into computers by touching my fingertips to the hard drive of a computer. I can also gather information and upload it to another computer or database. I’m still learning all the abilities but I’m basically a hacker with super-strength.

[SIZE=9pt]Thank you. Now please share how you were approached by the project, and your thoughts.  [/SIZE]I was in the hospital for a couple days before the doctor told me I was recommended to a new facility and moved without further explanation. I didn’t even consent to it but the new facility made me very comfortable. They numbed my body so I did not feel any of the loss, and wrapped the stub of my arms in soft gauze and kept them lifted for blood flow. A female scientist said the doctor worked closely with her group. She promised me that she was going to help bring back my arms and make me useful once again. The whole explanation of what she was going to do is kind of a blur but I remember her saying that I could go back out in the world and live out my life regularly after I help her group. She just needed to repair my arms. It felt right and I wanted to be mobile once again, so I agreed. I was rather tired that day she came to me, and I barely can remember what she looked like.

[My eyes blinked frantically, shaking my head a bit, and clearing my throat, again.]

They said my operation took a day and a half of connecting and testing my new arms and hands; another couple days to recuperate and slowly adjust; and from then until now, training to adapt to my new abilities and learn my limits. I saw that same lady and her team ever since the operation completed – I still see her, as she says a familiar face can help me cope with everything. Just a few days ago her team said I will be put to good use, and that I was not given special arms and hands just for looks but for a specific purpose. I guessed this meant “the help” I needed to provide. And supposedly there are more people like me. The scientists said, that same day, they will gather us all together soon to “send us out.” Whatever that means.

[There was a good long pause and I situated myself again in the chair, looking down at my shiny hands and turning them slowly. I still couldn’t fathom it.]

[SIZE=14pt]Third & Final Field: Background. Begin…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]I would like to know more about you. Information that is unrelated to your new body. Do you have any family still alive?[/SIZE]

Yes, I have my mother and father, though they seem to avoid communicating with me ever since I was in that car crash. [SIZE=9pt]What are their names? [/SIZE] Famke and Enrique DeLeon.  Any other family members?  I don’t have any siblings but I was close with my cousins, though now they live several states away and some in Canada. I don’t hear much from them. My closest of cousins were Ana Lucia and Romario; we were all the same age and I nearly grew up with them but now they are far from here and we haven’t spoken for a long time.

[SIZE=9pt]Almost finished…what are some of your likes and dislikes?  [/SIZE]I like:
- Chocolate

- Warm nights in open fields or in a yard
- Water sports
- Hiking
- Traveling
- Greek food, and
- Various shades of blue

And I dislike:
- Pasta

- Plain vegetables
- Boredom
- Overly loud environments
- Rodents
- The color orange, and
- Taking pills or other medications

[SIZE=9pt]What are some of your hobbies, when you were still living at home?  [/SIZE]I liked to sketch a lot, especially when I was traveling with my family and going on all our adventures. I loved to sketch the mountains, villages, trees, people, and animals. I also love volleyball and jet skiing. Though, I don’t think I can do much sports anymore.

[SIZE=9pt]Now, this may seem silly but what are some of your habits or quirks?[/SIZE]

[I had to chuckle at this…just thinking about mine made me laugh.]

I used to dig under my nails whenever they were long. I liked to make sure they were clean and straight. I would file them all the time. But now, I guess, [I chuckle and lift up my hands] I don’t have that problem anymore. Though, when I am in conversation with anyone, I often turn my head a little to the side as I listen, and my eyes squint with a worried look to pair. I remember my family mentioning that is how I concentrate on the words I hear. Also, I had the occasional hair pulling, but I’ve lessened that due to fear of snagging it out with my metal fingers.

[SIZE=9pt]This is all very pertinent information for our database, Ms. DeLeon. Thank you for your time. Please, exit out this way and we will call you in for further time if needed.[/SIZE]

[The oddest of questions yet they must need a profile. Can I ask the same things of the scientists? What am I and the others like me getting ourselves into?]

[SIZE=9pt]This concludes our session with Ms. DeLeon. We will contact her if in need of further information. We have gathered enough for a detailed report on her person as the project ensues. Although project start date is unknown, we are continuing to gather similar information of all our patients. Closing out session #PSP-1605DDL at 1830 hours.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Fields Completed by DN. Ready for Review by SYE.[/SIZE]



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