
Rumble Fish

The Paradise Hunter


(Real name unknown)


God knows... looks roughly 21 in age








Nymph Form:


Apples' mortal form appears to be one that of an elf or a nymph. She has long and wild brown hair that reaches just below her waist, with leaf-green streaks all through it. Her ears are hardly visible through her hair. She has a few notches on her right ear and she has a number of scars all around her body due to her life in the forest. She has long nails on her fingers and toes almost in a claw like manner. Along her arms are what looks like tattoos of ivy, though they are somewhat faded and are only noticeable when she purposely makes them clearer or when hungry or angry. She also has small leaves which seem to grow on her ankles. Her eyes are a bright green colour, but her pupils are pure white, causing her blindness.



True Form:


Body Type: 

In her 'nymph' form, Apples is a tall female with a very skinny build. Her muscles on her arms and legs are somewhat rough and defined due to her daily tree climbing.  In her 'True' form, she's very much like a moving tree. Huge, bulky and quite a force to be reckoned with. Though Apples rarely shifts to this form though so you're mostly safe.


'Nymph' Form: 67 lbs

True Form:  250 lbs


'Nymph' Form: 5'6 ft

True Form: 10 ft

Eye Color: 

Apples' eyes are green but her pupils are white, causing blindness. In her True form, her eyes are brown, but is still blind.

Hair Color: 

Her hair is long, tangled and reaches just below her waist. It's brown with green streaks through it.


Apples' history is a long and confusing one. She doesn't remember when or how she was born. If anything, she hardly remembers anything about herself. That happens when you are ageless. All she knows is that she came from a family of deities which were considered to be guardians of the forests and wilderness of the world. But things became dangerous as the wilderness was slowly destroyed to make way for towns, roads, bridges and much more. As this weakened them, the deities started taking on the form of elves or nymphs in an attempt to stop themselves from becoming weak. While Apples can vaguely remember being with her family, all she can recall nowadays is... she doesn't know! All she could remember was waking up and... that was it. She couldn't remember her name, her family and what happened. All she knew was that many, many years had passed and everything had changed. Angry at the destruction of nature for "progress" Apples took refuge in a forest, which is where she has been for quite some time now. After some time, she gave up on trying to figure out her past and decided to simply live her life in solitude and trying to protect the forest she now resides in.


Apples is a strange individual. She prefers solitude to interacting with others and in turn has become somewhat xenophobic to the world outside the forest and its creatures, blaming them for what happened to her in the past. She is quiet and doesn't like loud noises. Being blind, she can be anxious and jumpy, especially when confronted with something she has not encountered before. While she can seem aloof and un-approachable, Apples is a somewhat sensitive soul. She can be easily scared when taken surprise.  She cares very deeply for nature, given her instinct to protect it due to her heritage and she is easily shaken or angered if it is destroyed. She would not be able to cope with the idea of failing what is basically her life's meaning.  While she would probably refuse to help others at first, she will co-operate, but only after being pushed and it will be reluctant. 


Despite her blindness, Apples' other senses are very strong and she can detect the presence of a threat. While she doesn't have many powers in her Elf form, her True form is far more powerful. Being almost a towering 3 meters tall, she is extremely strong. Though despite her strength, she is much slower in this form, which could easily leave her vulnerable. The way she can morph into this form is by cutting her hand and touching the trunk of an oak tree.

Apples does not know much about her other powers, either she doesn't know about them or she has forgotten them. 


Much like a plant, Apples becomes weak and listless if trapped in darkness for a long period of time due to the leaves on her legs. 

Apples' only constant companion is a stag she named Zevi who she had freed from a snare when he was a fawn. He acts as her eyes and is protective of her, in dept for her freeing him from the trap. 


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