Apocalypse High


New Member
Okay. So, seriously, with this rp, there is no limit to how many characters you can make or how many people are in it, but I will be very strict about your sign up sheet. You have to be interesting and you have to be flawed. Also, the school is very diverse, so, go ahead and make a character who is a black, overweight, jewish lesbian. She'd be the best character, tbh.

And tell your friends because THE MORE THE MERRIER!!

First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:



Grade (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior):


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Hey, just a tip from a more seasoned role player. You'll want to make a basic character skeleton asking for the information you think is necessary for the role play. Here's an example;







And then any other categories you think are important.
KapugenWolf said:
Hey, just a tip from a more seasoned role player. You'll want to make a basic character skeleton asking for the information you think is necessary for the role play. Here's an example;






And then any other categories you think are important.
Thanks!! I had already kinda known that, I just forgot.. WHOOPS. :P
Name: Teiko



appearance: kinda tall, blonde with red highlights, big breasts, gold/brown eyes


Biography:Teiko is a shy, yet mean person. She never had many friends, and her family died in a house fire when she was ten. Ever since then, she's been living with her crazy abusive godmother who abuses her.
[QUOTE="Teiko Reed]Name: Teiko


appearance: kinda tall, blonde with red highlights, big breasts, gold/brown eyes


Biography:Teiko is a shy, yet mean person. She never had many friends, and her family died in a house fire when she was ten. Ever since then, she's been living with her crazy abusive godmother who abuses her.

DUUDE MY LAST NAME IS REED!!!! That's crazy!! Welcome!! I'll probs add my character(s?) once there are more characters!
First Name: Richard

Middle Name:Mack

Last Name:Johnson


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-4_22-25-52.jpeg.597362d4ae7030c909e94cd063870563.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-4_22-25-52.jpeg.597362d4ae7030c909e94cd063870563.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Grade (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior): Senior

Personality: extremely charismatic, but with schizophrenia

Bio: after the onset of schizophrenia, Richard began a slow decent from sanity, now his only goal is world domination...

(yes.. the faceclaim is light yagami of DEATH NOTE.. it's so pretty.. isn't it?)



  • upload_2014-6-4_22-25-52.jpeg
    6.3 KB · Views: 28
Roger Greyson]First Name: Richard Middle Name:Mack Last Name:Johnson Appearance: [ATTACH=full]56380[/ATTACH] Age:18 Grade ([URL="http://www.rpnation.com/# said:
freshman[/URL], sophomore, junior, senior): Senior

Personality: extremely charismatic, but with schizophrenia

Bio: after the onset of schizophrenia, Richard began a slow decent from sanity, now his only goal is world domination...

(yes.. the faceclaim is light yagami of DEATH NOTE.. it's so pretty.. isn't it?)
ACCEPTED!! Sounds interestinggg!! 
Yay murder!!! :smile 2: 
Probs when we get a few more members.. About 8 or10 members in total, I guess.. It's a small school, and a lot of kids left the building, so only a few remain and they can't leave because the kids/teachers that did leave didn't make it to their destination..
First Name:Cody

Middle Name:(no middle name)

Last Name:Williams

Appearance:5'5 Blue eyes, Dark Brown hair

Age: 16

Grade (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior):sophomore

Personality:Shy, Very nice, and even-tempered but has a short temper for anybody who bull

Bio:Cody had a easy life, got good grades, had no friends, minded his own business and helped anybody in need even if he had something better to do
ICanUseThisUsername said:
First Name:Cody
Middle Name:(no middle name)

Last Name:Williams

Appearance:5'5 Blue eyes, Dark Brown hair

Age: 16

Grade (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior):sophomore

Personality:Shy, Very nice, and even-tempered but has a short temper for anybody who bull

Bio:Cody had a easy life, got good grades, had no friends, minded his own business and helped anybody in need even if he had something better to do
I love your username. Accepted. I totally hope he loses his shit when the rp starts. :)  
First: Myrta

Middle: Adiona

Last: Detra

Appearance: wild, brown hair, green eyes. Not exactly 'skinny'.

Age: 16

Grade: Junior.

Personality: extremely sarcastic, weird sense of humor, will not hesitate to correct you on anything. Just doesn't really care.

Bio: Myrta's family was never abusive. They were just.. Absent. One word to describe her family would be silent. One day, her father got drunk and started screaming at her, telling her she was a good for nothing waste of space. Myrta then knew everything was her fault. So, she started acting terribly to everyone because she felt like she didn't deserve friends. She stopped wearing things that matched and never brushed her hair. All and all, she just stopped caring. If she was good for nothing, why would she try to be any better? Still, to this day, no one likes her.

Other things: the name 'Myrta' means 'one who wears a crown with thorns' COOL, RIGHT?!? Adiona means 'the night reveals the angels beauty' and her initials spell MAD. Jus thought that was worth mentioning..

First: Robyn

Middle: June

Last: Melbourne

Age: 24


Personality: Quiet, Smart, serious in all situations.

Bio: at the age of 22, Robyn started teaching at this school, enthusiastic and ready to change lives and shape the future, as she has wanted to do since she was a little girl. Now, 2 years later, she realizes that she is not cut out for the job. Kids disrespect her and she can never take control of the classroom. On the day she was going to quit, just her luck, the apocalypse breaks out, and she realizes quickly that they cannot leave. So, she gathers up a few kids and puts them all in one classroom, to make sure they don't get away. Teaching a classroom of kids? Terrible at it. Taking care of a handful of kids during the zombie apocalypse? Well...

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