Apocalypse at the Fly Trap


Bane of Cheddar
Questions for your Character!

Note! You don't have to answer these in your CS! Just consider them as you write their story and personality, because they'll be important as the story progresses. Some major plot points will basically come to a vote, and whatever happens next will depend on our decisions. This happens from beginning to end, and the end we receive will depend on the plot we choose to follow.

Have you killed anyone since this started? Who? Why? How? Etc.

Would you kill anyone if it seemed like the most reasonable thing to do?

Would you steal if it meant your survival?

In a crisis, which is more important? Should you try to restore order or survive the chaos?

Would you stay loyal to the party before yourself?

Character Sheet


Appearance: (Picture or written. If a picture, can be realistic or drawn.)


Workplace: (Can be real or made up. If made up, feel free to describe uniform.)

Position: (Frontline, sandwhiches, crew manager, etc.)

Years Worked:

Personality: (Are you the guy who has a problem with authority? Child prodigy? Hopeless romantic? Always in a bad mood? Almost too good at hiding your dark side? Happy? Sad? Spit it out before I say someone's idea and make them feel cheap!)

Biography: (Make sure you include family and school life. Don't do anything too intricate, because it'll be harder to remember in the RP. I expect some amount of personability in the story, which means write like your character. Lace them words with personality! Never forget your story!)

Work Life: (Things to consider: relationship with colleagues, how did your boss like you? Try describing your workplace a little more. Good or bad reputation? Rat farm? Fly trap? How were you with customers, what jobs did you have to do a lot?)
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Name: Melvin Baldwin


Age: 24

Workplace: Wendy’s

Position: Sandwiches/ Front

Years Worked: Uhm….many?

Personality: Melvin has a slack personality, making him seem like the laziest pile of poo on the planet. Just being near him is enough to suck the energy out of you, and may God have mercy if you decide to hold a conversation with him. He’s basically your stereotypical college drop out. Smelly clothes, smelly attitude.

Biography: He actually had a good thing going in high school. He played saxophone in his school’s band, got A’s and B’s, and was able to pay for half of his college in scholarships. But when life at home started to heat up while he was away, he grew less and less motivated. One day he would come home to find his mother with a bruised cheek. His stepfather had started beating her. He’d never particularly liked the guy, but this was too much. He beat the old man’s butt and was arrested soon after. His mother was too afraid to tell the cops the truth.

When he got out, he found that what little was left for him was slipping away fast. Too worried about his mother to continue his studies, he dropped out and moved in with her and the butt-hole. He took on a series of fast food jobs, showing no loyalty as he hopped from one place to the next. His absent mind made him a less than valuable crew member, and he never held a job longer than a year. Still, he was able to get hired. Fast food is great in that it accepts everyone with working limbs.

Work Life: He was on good terms with one of his managers, Brittany. The two were close in age and had secretly taken on a bit of…after hour shifts. But after the incident with the backroom and the mayonnaise…the two have done their best not to make eye contact. It’s a wonder he wasn’t fired. Especially since the owner hated him so much. Not that he wasn’t punished for it. Brittany has since forced him to do the dirty work, and not like he did before. He’s always tasked with cleaning the nastiest things. He hated his job. And he made sure the costumers knew it. The customers, who he treated as one unified creature. The customers who were a monster, one he battled with every day. They were evil things bent on making his life a living hell.
Name: Erika Waters


Age: 16

Workplace: MacDonald's.

Position: Front Counter. (Register, presenting orders, drive through, drinks, ice-cream etc.)

Years Worked: 1 year and 6 months


Erika's been in and out of a lot of friendships frequently and she's over it. She's not here to be friendly anymore she just wants to survive at almost any cost and she's prepared to do anything to get through this hellish world. She's never liked being told what to do and generally does what she wants when she wants. On the more positive side she can be really sarcastic and antagonizing but it's also a good thing, the more she annoys you the more she likes you.


Erika has a couple close friends at school within her friendship group, she hangs out with them sometimes but generally doesn't enjoy gossiping like they do. Erika's mother frequently has to go overseas for her work and she hasn't contacted her estranged father in over a year, her mother was in a different country when all of this began and she has no siblings.

Work Life

Erika didn't want to deal with people's shit. She hated working with the customers but if she really had to she would plaster a smile on her face and do it without question. Erika mainly presented customers with their orders or took them herself and rarely had to wipe tables or clean toilets. She got the job done and she did it quietly, she almost blended into the background and seemed like a totally separate person when she was at work, she suppressed who she was most of the time for the sake of earning money.
Name: Conner Campfield


Age: 15

Workplace: Taco Bell

Position: Back Window/Dishes

Years Worked: 1

Personality: Conner has a very unique humor, for which he has probably received countless beatings on the school yard. He likes to imitate mating calls with his clarinet and be generally irritating. One could assume he screams into the mic when playing COD. Despite this, Conner has a masked intelligence and profound love of classical literature, which he shares with a select few he considers his best of friends. He is still a child, really. Whether or not this is a good thing is yet to be decided.

Biography: It all began with three of his bestest darned friends in the whole world. Meg, Claire, and Kathryn. Disregard the fact that they are all girls. They started a club called the Kneeless Arrow. It was a video game club where they played...well, video games. The club became very popular. Conner would put posters all over the school. He duct-taped some to the chalkbaord. He glued one to a cafeteria table. The publicity earned them a healthy amount of members.

The four friends reveled in power. The club became the highlight of their life at school. Until Stacey joined. Stacy was a whore, to put it lightly. One day she showed up, gave Conner the equivalent of a lap dance, and left without saying much. The whole while, Claire shouted at the two, saying things such as, "How could you?" and "I thought what we had was special!" in order to relieve some of the awkward tension in the room. They would find that Stacey was not in fact named Stacey and that she was a foreign exchange student. Later they would find that it was actually Meg in disguise. Still, that didn't stop Conner from earning the title "Whore" for the rest of his club career.

After freshman year, the club dissipated. With no real place for the friends to meet anymore, their relationship dwindled. They kept in touch through Skype, but soon Conner would altogether abandon the chat. No goodbye, either. He took up a job in fast food, ready to move on with his life. It was there that he met Smat, a cute blonde register boy. "He probably plays saxophone." Conner thought as he scrubbed the lettuce cutter.

But Smat would not stay long. In fact, within a few months he'd switched to work at McDonald's. Conner has felt pretty darned sad ever since. He even sought the consolation of his former friends, who did the best they could. But Conner had been in love, and it was unfair that it was taken away from him like that. Now when he takes the money from customers through the back window, he has half a mind to throw it back into their face.

Work Life: He keeps on time and does his best. He has a decent relationship with his managers and colleagues. Holds no real grudge against customers.


GemShem said:
Name: Erika Waters

Age: 16

Workplace: MacDonald's.

Position: Front Counter. (Register, presenting orders, drive through, drinks, ice-cream etc.)

Years Worked: 1 year and 6 months


Erika's been in and out of a lot of friendships frequently and she's over it. She's not here to be friendly anymore she just wants to survive at almost any cost and she's prepared to do anything to get through this hellish world. She's never liked being told what to do and generally does what she wants when she wants. On the more positive side she can be really sarcastic and antagonizing but it's also a good thing, the more she annoys you the more she likes you.


Erika has a couple close friends at school within her friendship group, she hangs out with them sometimes but generally doesn't enjoy gossiping like they do. Erika's mother frequently has to go overseas for her work and she hasn't contacted her estranged father in over a year, her mother was in a different country when all of this began and she has no siblings.

Work Life

Erika didn't want to deal with people's shit. She hated working with the customers but if she really had to she would plaster a smile on her face and do it without question. Erika mainly presented customers with their orders or took them herself and rarely had to wipe tables or clean toilets. She got the job done and she did it quietly, she almost blended into the background and seemed like a totally separate person when she was at work, she suppressed who she was most of the time for the sake of earning money.
Name: Nathaniel Robins


Age: 17

Workplace: MacDonalds

Position: Back area flippin' burgers.

Years Worked: 2


Nate's a fun guy, he likes to make friends and generally tries to remain positive. He has a strong set of values and he will stick by those no matter what, he refuses to take a life and will most likely help anyone in need. He loves to remain positive in most situations but like any other person he can break down in a stressful situation, he's only human after all.


Nate's parents went interstate for their anniversary leaving him alone for the week when this all began, he doesn't know where they are and if they're okay and his main goal at this point in time is finding them and saving anyone else he finds along the way. He had many friends before the solar flares and was pretty social, he wishes things could go back to the way they were before all of this began.

Work Life:

Nate had a lot of friends at work too, he was a hard worker and liked to socialize as he did his job, he goofed around a lot where the customers couldn't see.


loves nicknames, it doesn't matter if you don't like it, it'll still gonna happen and there's no stopping it. It's easier to accept it and move on.
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Name: Kevin Maclure


Age: 21

Workplace: Starbucks

Position: Barista

Years Worked: 5 years

Personality: Kevin's a very spiteful guy with a ton of personal vendettas. He can act happy and cheery and knows how to get that tip, but will do and say things just to see how far he can push people. He can usually make himself behave, but if he's emotionally compromised, he's gonna go for the lowest blows.

Biography: Kevin was an only child, and never had a deep bond with his parents, moving out as soon as he could. He does, however, have a surprisingly large mass of people who would say they were his friends. It's nice to know he has people willing to help him out, even if he does only have a couple of that group he would really count as his friends, as well as an upperclass boyfriend he cares quite a bit about, and will probably want to check on the idiot if the world is ending. He grew up in a middle class family, and is currently attending college after getting some pretty decent grades in highschool, if he does say so himself. Part of the reason he's actually working at Starbucks is because they pay for tuition (sure, he kinda did it to show some people he didn't need their charity, but so what?). Seriously, though, his boyfriend offered to help him pay for college and he said no, screw you and went to work at Starbucks.

Work Life: Kevin gets along quite well with the people at work, boss and customers included, even if he can't stand half the people there. He makes sure to be on time, and will stay after work, no matter how much he laments it.
GemShem said:
Name: Nathaniel Robins

Age: 17

Workplace: MacDonalds

Position: Back area flippin' burgers.

Years Worked: 2


Nate's a fun guy, he likes to make friends and generally tries to remain positive. He has a strong set of values and he will stick by those no matter what, he refuses to take a life and will most likely help anyone in need. He loves to remain positive in most situations but like any other person he can break down in a stressful situation, he's only human after all.


Nate's parents went interstate for their anniversary leaving him alone for the week when this all began, he doesn't know where they are and if they're okay and his main goal at this point in time is finding them and saving anyone else he finds along the way. He had many friends before the solar flares and was pretty social, he wishes things could go back to the way they were before all of this began.

Work Life:

Nate had a lot of friends at work too, he was a hard worker and liked to socialize as he did his job, he goofed around a lot where the customers couldn't see.


loves nicknames, it doesn't matter if you don't like it, it'll still gonna happen and there's no stopping it. It's easier to accept it and move on.


mikaluvkitties said:
Name: Kevin Maclure

Age: 21

Workplace: Starbucks

Position: Barista

Years Worked: 5 years

Personality: Kevin's a very spiteful guy with a ton of personal vendettas. He can act happy and cheery and knows how to get that tip, but will do and say things just to see how far he can push people. He can usually make himself behave, but if he's emotionally compromised, he's gonna go for the lowest blows.

Biography: Kevin was an only child, and never had a deep bond with his parents, moving out as soon as he could. He does, however, have a surprisingly large mass of people who would say they were his friends. It's nice to know he has people willing to help him out, even if he does only have a couple of that group he would really count as his friends, as well as an upperclass boyfriend he cares quite a bit about, and will probably want to check on the idiot if the world is ending. He grew up in a middle class family, and is currently attending college after getting some pretty decent grades in highschool, if he does say so himself. Part of the reason he's actually working at Starbucks is because they pay for tuition (sure, he kinda did it to show some people he didn't need their charity, but so what?). Seriously, though, his boyfriend offered to help him pay for college and he said no, screw you and went to work at Starbucks.

Work Life: Kevin gets along quite well with the people at work, boss and customers included, even if he can't stand half the people there. He makes sure to be on time, and will stay after work, no matter how much he laments it.
A C C E P T E D!

Welcome to the RP


Patricia 'Patti' Simpson


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/4ee1fc71d9dc148f14dea54a73cdb749.jpg.9d5a96a9aa97f50bf11ae31a271f5ea0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/4ee1fc71d9dc148f14dea54a73cdb749.jpg.9d5a96a9aa97f50bf11ae31a271f5ea0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Patti is a quite tall one since she stands on 5'8. She's quite thin built, but not anorexicly thin. She wears little to no mak-up, only where it would be needed. Her whole style is quite simple, yet classy. She often wears suits or pant-suits, but she wouldn't hesitate to put on a pair of joggers and a hoodie once at home. Her hair is as black as it can be, may be because she dyes it regularily, and her eyes have an icy blue shade to them.




River Island



Years Worked

4 years


Ever since day one, Patti has been one creative soul. She spent most of her life drawing or painting, which later led to her job. She is certainly not a boring person, but her thoughts seem to be stuck in her head. You see, she is not the smooth-talker. In fact, she is pretty silent. She doesn't like overcrowded spaces and therefore keeps on her own. You might ask why, and it's simple, she's just afraid of getting hurt. Her trust-issues are quite serious and she avoids letting people in. There often comes those moments when she decides to push people away, that's when she'll get seriously mean. But as said, it's just to keep people from coming too close.

However, if you do manage to get close to her, she may turn out to be a lovely one. Despite the fact that she may not show it, she still cares a lot for others. She would never actually tell anyone how much she cares, but she'll give hints about it.

As I said before, she hides her emotions to keep herself safe from heartbrakes. But her only wish is for someone to look past that shell.


Patti grew up as the middle of three children. She was treated like the black sheep in the family, mostly because of her way of acting. While her siblings were bubbly and cheerful, she was sort of gloomy. While her siblings were dancing and playing, she was sitting in her room painting. But she never bothered about that. Even in school, she was often the lonely one. Not that she was bullied or anything, she just liked to keep to herself. There was this one boy, in her freshman year of highschool, to whom she dared to open up to. His name was Silas, a just as lonely one as she was. They were just the same, just as hateful towards the world. They spent their highschool years like siblings. This time though, siblings who understood one another. But in senior year, that boy met another girl, one that he considered more important than Patti. So, Silas left the once again lonely girl for some cheerleader. That was when her shell hardened. From that day on, no one had come close enough for her to completely open up. Some tried, but they left as it got too hard.

Once Patti graduated, she left her hometown to work with her dream. After years of struggling, she finally got a job as a designer at River Island. She's still the same loner, but she has grown apart from the pity she felt for herself. She has grown to be a strong and independant young woman who, despite her issues, just happens to hate quite a lot of things in this filthy world.

Even to this day, Patti's still subconciously searching for someone to stumble across her path and find their way into her life.

Work Life

Patricia didn't really work with customers directly, so I guess you could skip that part. But the very few times that some customer actually walked into her office, she would usually act a little kinder than she would've been. She never really bothered to get strong relationships with anyone at the workplace, but neither did anyone else. Most of her colleagues were much like her, they focused more on their work than their social lives. Her boss didn't particularily hate her, but he didn't think the was the prodigy either. She was simply somehwhere inbetween. The office was, as many design studios would be, a complete mess. With fabrics laying around and stuff went missing quite a lot.



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Name: Adam Thomason

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Adam.jpg.29257ef1c3760bc52f02b34901132c23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42187" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Adam.jpg.29257ef1c3760bc52f02b34901132c23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 22

Workplace: Plaza

Position: Custodian/repairman

Years Worked: 4

Personality: A gentle man, Adam has no real aggressive spirit. He also is far from the smartest individual out there, a trait he's well aware of and, as such, tries to account for when he makes decisions. Adam often doesn't see the far-reaching consequences of his decisions and operates off of impulse more often than not.

Biography: Born to two loving parents, Adam had two older sisters- much older sisters- who loved and coddled him dearly. He never had to fend for himself until he left home after graduating high school (with a 2.0 GPA, a number higher than most people predicted). He quickly discovered a skill with tools and cleaning supplies, earning him a "lofty" position as a custodian at the local mall area, which essentially means he cleans the place and fixes the broken stuff.

Work Life: Mostly left alone; doesn't work with others much. Exchanges polite conversation with customers and employees at other stores, but mostly keeps to himself.



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